I was born to a 'media Christian' family... that is, "if you're good, you go to Heaven; if you're bad, you go to Hell; here's a Bible to stick in your drawer, and a cross to hang on the wall; and that's it". Before I was a teen, I began looking into other beliefs. I had been an atheist, agnostic, wiccan, general pagan, new ager, satanist (both of the atheistic and black magic sorts), buddhist, scientologist (that didn't last long, though), among others, and a whole slew of various Christian denominations, such as baptist, mormon, Jehovah's witness, episcopalian, and others.
Truth be told, prior to becoming a Christian, I was an atheist, and still having the mentality of a Satanist... 'do what thou wilt is the whole of the law'. I hated Christians with a passion at the time, and would probably put some of the worst trolls here to shame. I had the attitude of 'been there, done that' to other religions, and they all offered the same nonsense: be good, and get rewarded; be bad, and get punished; here's your book to put in the drawer, and the symbol to show off, and that's it. Except Satanism, which taught me that every belief that permits harm and selfishness is really no different than it, but with all the additional trappings of self-righteousness, which Satanism casts off. When that occurred to me, I stopped believing in anything, and became an atheist.
One day, however, I met the man who would eventually become my husband, and he showed me that living by the Bible alone, and not living by man's words, was different. The Bible showed the causes and effects of what happens when we harm others, when we are selfish, and when we make ourselves or things to be as gods of our own lives. And then he proved it to me by teaching me about the prophecies in the Bible.
I mean, it's hard to argue against "The Bible said Jerusalem will be destroyed, and then in the end-times, Israel will be reinhabited by the Israelites, under the condition that the nation will be brought about in one day, becoming a nation first and then war following it", when anyone with any sense of history knows that Jerusalem was sacked in 70AD by the Romans and soon after was made desolate, and then Israel was reestablished in 1948 under a UN directive that made it a nation on May 14th 1948 (at midnight), and then, on that same day, followed the 1948 War. History followed just as the Bible said it would. And that wasn't the only thing he showed me... and it is hard to argue against facts I have beheld right in front of my eyes, written about 2000 years ago.
Making the lifestyle changes from hate-filled Satanist, to love-embracing Christian wasn't exactly the easiest transition, and even now, a great many years later, I still struggle with the nature I had embraced. But life has definitely been better for me. I am certain that if I had not realized the gravity of my errors... my sins.. then repented of them, changed my ways, and accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and accepted His sacrifice on the cross as payment for all the evil I had done in my life... I guarantee I would not be alive today to talk about it.
As for my denomination... I do not adhere to one. 1 Cor 1:12-13 says "What I mean is this: One of you says, "I follow Paul"; another, "I follow Apollos"; another, "I follow Cephas"; still another, "I follow Christ." Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Were you baptized into the name of Paul?". I follow Jesus' example as stated in the Bible. At best, I am 'a little of this, and a little of that', but solely for the sake that 'this' is in the Bible, and so is 'that'. Each denomination has its own rules and regulations about what is right and wrong, some of which are wholly unbiblical (such as a dress code for church). Some churches judge based on what a person looks like... some judge for past sins... some judge for this, or for that... and none, in the end, are perfect. What is, though, is the Bible itself. I would rather base my beliefs off the Bible alone, than be in error by mindlessly following a denomination that has a grain of falsehood amongst a sea of truth.