Why doesn't the bible talk about dinosaurs???
2006-04-18 20:37:23 UTC
Where do dinosaurs fit in "on the 6 days of creation" ???
29 answers:
2006-04-18 20:49:41 UTC
The bible's description of "the six days" is not intended to imply 24 hour earth days but instead 6 epoch of times in which fundamentally significant elements were created. It is interesting to note that when the six "days" are reflected against the generally well accepted theories on evolution of the universe and ultimately earth, the six epochs relate quite well to the process of "first there was light" (perhaps big bag), ..., "firmament" (as in the early life on earth), ..., to eventually human creation. Disosaurs, I believe, are grouped in to the "day" in which floura, fauna and animals were created. I hope this helped in some way.
2006-04-19 03:43:18 UTC
Actually the Bible does talk about dinosaurs. It does not come out with the word Dinosaur, but if you read in Job 40:15-24 it talks about a behemoth, which is translated into brachiosaurus. The creation of all the animals in the world took place on the sixth day (Genesis 1:26-31). Any more questions, please feel free to

I must add some more things to my answer.....It looks like everyone who has answered so far does not believe in the Bible, my question to them is What do you place your belief in? Someone mentioned that the Bible was too new, and evolution runs in existence with the Bible, but you need to remember when the theory of evolution was put out into the open was in 1859. Now the Bible has been around forever, couldn't it be possible that Darwin used the Bible to help his belief make more sense? You see evolution did not make the creation story, whatever that includes, but the Bible was their first, and people used it to add sense to their belief. People say that evolution is the answer....I have one question for them Why haven't we evolved into a higher being yet? Is mankind too dumb and stupid to adapt? As far as the believers go, in the end people everywhere will realize all the lies that they have believed, and wish that they would have accepted Jesus Christ as their own Personal Lord and Savior.
2006-04-19 04:14:57 UTC
The writer didn't know anything about dinosaurs. Bible was written by human (although some says that the words come from God). So they only write what they know, but the bible was written more than a thousand years ago, and we just know about the existence of dinosaurs one or two hundred years ago. If you asking about creation, there are many other miss, like how about the stars, moons, and other planets?
2006-04-19 11:26:14 UTC
The bible does mention "Leviathan" which was a dragon-like sea serpent that supposedly existed during the time of early biblical man. Also, during the days of Creation prior to the creation of Adam and Eve, God did create all the animals and "beasts" of the earth. If one considers that "6 days" are not literally six 24-hour time periods as we see them today, then it is possible that millions or billions of years might have passed before the creation of Adam and Eve. Remember, that God's "days" are probably not based on our calendar. in fact, God probably doesn't use a calendar at all, since if He created all things, then he also invented our timeline. Therefore, as men attempted to relay the story of Creation in the book of Genesis, it would have been logical to use the term "day" to describe any amount of time that passed between one creation and the next. Notice that our concept of "day" and "night" with the Sun and the Moon wasn't created until the 4th day anyway, which means that for days 1 through 3 it was impossible for those to have been "days" by our modern definition. It is also interesting to point out that, if viewed from an evolutionary standpoint, the order that God created things according to Genesis is not too far off from the order that things were created according to modern scientific theory. (the universe, heavenly bodies, then oceans, then fish, then birds and animals, then humans).
2006-04-19 03:48:54 UTC
The bible account in the first chapter of Genesis simply states the general order of creation.It allows for possibly thousands of millions of years for the formation of the earth and many millenniums in six creative eras,or "days"to prepare the earth for human habitation.

Some dinosaurs(and pterosaurs)may indeed have been created in the fifth era listed in Genesis,when the bible says that God made"flying creatures" and "great sea monsters"

Perhaps other types of dinosaurs were created in the sixth epoch.The vast array of dinosaurs with their huge appetites would have been appropriate considering the abundant vegetation that evidently existed in their time.Gen.1:20-24

When the dinosaurs had filled their purpose,God ended their life.But the bible is silent on how he did this and when.We can be sure that dinosaurs were created for a purpose by Jehovah,even if we do not understand that purpose at this time.
2006-04-19 03:44:16 UTC
I think many christians take the flood into account for killing them off, and also the explanation for them being buried in all these layers that are "3 billion years old." Why the didn't get in the ark... I also have heard that many christians believe the dinosaurs where a result of genetic expirementation by the pre-flood civilizations. Some think they where more intelligent than we are today, and dinosaurs where not actually "created." Honestly though, it's a tough, legit question where I don't think many answers are going to be found. Additionally, one might specualate to Satan's role in these sorts of things to question the validity of scripture and creation. Of course it is an easy explanation, but I would go as far as to say it is possible the Satan placed these sorts of things around, that they never actually existed, and there purpose is to be a stumbling block for the scientific world to trip on... and question scripture and God. Now I am not educated on this stuff, and I don't have one particular belief... however, any of these options, corrosponding with my biblical beliefs regarding the power and deceit of Satan, are possible in my opinion.
2006-04-19 03:40:08 UTC
The leviathan common referenced in the Bible has been interpreted as a dinosaur. I recommend that you go to and do a search of the bible for Leviathan. The references I'm thinking of are in Job.

Six days is a very literal view of creation. However, the bible clearly states that Gods concept of time is very different than our own. This would make room for a figurative interpreation with creation happening over a broader time span. If you reject that and go with a literal interp, I would assume dinosaurs were created with the rest of the animals.
~Mrs. D~
2006-04-19 03:48:13 UTC
It is irrelevant! Why does it matter? I personally feel that the 6 days were not actually days but just written that way to give us a better comprehension of how things progressed. Dinosaurs probably came about on the 5th and 6th day, remember Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden, who knows what was outside the garden! On the 5th day things living in the waters and air were created and on the 6th day things living on the land were created. The bible never mentions how long Adam and Eve were in the Garden before they sinned and came to know aging and death.
2006-04-19 03:41:08 UTC
The creationist answer is:

Dinosaurs are still alive today. Did you know that reptiles never stop growing? Well, before the flood, all creatures lived for hundreds of years before they died. Even reptiles. So lizards grew to the size of buildings. they must start laying eggs at some point in their life cycle and start standing on their hind legs too.

The leviathan and Behemoth are mythical creatures that made their way into christian folklore.

My answer... The story was written by men in an attempt to explain the unexplainable - the origin of the earth. The story is riddled with religious symbolism. Since dinosaurs were extinct before man walked the earth, they didn't know anything about them so, they didn't mention them because they didn't have archaeologists and carbon dating like they do now.
2006-04-19 04:27:06 UTC
the dinosaurs were around 65 million years ago, and man has only been around about 3 million, so they were a long time before the creation of man.

To put it on a time line...

The earth is about 4.5 billion years old and the universe is about 13.5 billion years old.

According to the Quran, the earth was created in 2 days (4.5 billion yrs), and was made from the 4 days (9 billion yrs) of this creation.

That makes a 'day' about 2.25 billion years.
2006-04-19 03:44:13 UTC
That the scientific view not the religious view.The bible is not an animal book,is the word of God,if you want to hear about dinosaurs consult a veterinarian or a history book.
2006-04-19 03:41:10 UTC
Because IT IS NOT REAL, it was made up by man to control MAN. But religious IDIOTS dont realize it. Politicians use religion and have used religion throughout history to control people. This is why Dinosaurs are not mentioned. Because the bible is FAKE and so is GOD.
2006-04-19 03:41:14 UTC
GOOD QUESTION! I asked about this in Sunday school one time and the 'teacher' said that God put fossils on the earth to test our faith in him. If we believed in Dinosaurs and evolutionary theory, we'd go to hell. But, if we believed the BIBLE (which does not mention dinosaurs and therefore means there never WERE any) and we trust that God was just tempting us, then we'd go to Heaven.

2006-04-19 04:01:20 UTC
Well, what does it really matter?

Dinosaurs were real, while the bible is made up, mostly.

The dinos will have the last laugh .. some day the "believers" will be just where they are, and we will all be smart and logical, I hope!
Me again
2006-04-19 03:39:45 UTC
The Bible doesn't talk about MOST animals. There is also the fact that the Bible says there were angels gaurding the Garden of Eden. So it stands to reason that there would have been no killer animals in the garden or it wouldn't have been much of a paradise.
2006-04-19 03:39:53 UTC
There are 3 earth ages (II Pet.3:5-7), same earth but different ages. We are now in the 2nd earth age. Between Gen.1:1 and Gen.1:2 is a vast amount of time, if time existed. Between these 2 verses is Satan’s rebellion (Rev.12:3-4) and “his tail” drew 1/3 of God’s children. Between these 2 verses also belongs all fossils and remains, such as Dinosaurs.

In Gen.1:2 we have the of the end of the 1st earth age and the beginning of the 2nd. For clarity Gen.1:2 needs to be divided (see below).

(A) Gen.1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.

(B) Gen.1:2 And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

In (A) Gen.1:2 the first occurrence of the word “was” has been corrupted and is “became”. It reads “And the earth became without form, and void”. The end of the 1st earth age.

In (B) Gen.1:2 we have the beginning of 2nd earth age, the one we live in now. Man did not exist in flesh till this earth age.

Between (A & B) Gen.1:2 is also a vast amount of time, if time existed. Between (A & B) Gen.1:2 is; a global flood (not Noah’s which was a local flood), the destruction of Atlantis, the breakup of Gondwana Land, and the Ice Age.

Time means nothing to our Father. He is very patient and loves His children. Instead of destroying Satan and 1/3 of His children, He destroyed that first earth age. Now in this 2nd earth age we all are born innocent in the flesh. Father came in the flesh Himself, Jesus Christ, and paid the price for all. Father defeated Satin, that is death, legally. So now His children have a decision, to choose life or to choose death. It’s your decision. Choose life!!
2006-04-19 03:40:00 UTC
some people think that the "days" were actually long periods of time, allowing for the dinosaurs to have lived.
~Lovin' Life~
2006-04-19 04:55:49 UTC
Dinosaurs were made by men cross breading animals together. God did not creat them.
Umm Ali
2006-04-19 03:39:39 UTC
I don't think any of the religious books mention them, but they don't mention the majority of other animals either. Every seen an anteater or a kangaroo mentioned in any of them. What about a platypus, that's a pretty different kind of animal and he is not mentioned once.
2006-04-19 03:41:19 UTC
the bible took place long after dinosoars died. dinosoars died 65 million years ago the bible is no more that 3000 years old so the writer of the bibble would have no clue about this.
2006-04-19 03:50:46 UTC
In my personal opinion (not religious in any way) I think that the dinos where test subjects made to double check that the earth could maintain life.
2006-04-19 03:39:51 UTC
Metaphors, dear. It's like a finger pointing to the moon. If you keep looking at the finger and only think about it, you'll miss all that celestial beauty.
2006-04-19 03:40:55 UTC
it does in job 40:15-18 it speaks figuratively about a brontosaurus

"Look now at the behemoth, which I made along with you; He eats grass like an ox.

See now, his strength is in his hips, And his power is in his stomach muscles.

He moves his tail like a cedar; The sinews of his thighs are tightly knit.

His bones are like beams of bronze, His ribs like bars of iron.
2006-04-19 03:41:23 UTC
Because who ever wrote the bible (i could care less for who it was) didnt have any respect for what came b4 all of us...
2006-04-19 03:40:39 UTC
the bible doesn't talk about a lot of animals.
Donald Shaw
2006-04-19 03:41:41 UTC
The same reason that it doesn't mention duck-billed platypusses, because they aren't important.

um...don't tell and platypusses I said that tho...
Martin S
2006-04-19 03:52:08 UTC
Dragons in the Bible

For the Bible-believing creationist, of course, no time or evolutionary problems exist, and the facts of ancient literature and prehistoric art square very nicely with the Scriptural account. According to Genesis 1:21-23, water animals were created on the fifth day; according to Genesis 1:24-25, land animals, as well as man and woman, were created on the sixth day. Thus, according to the Bible all animals were created at approximately the same time. There were no long ages when man was not present and when dinosaurs ruled the earth. The Authorized Version utilizes the word "dragon" sixteen times, all in the Old Testament, rendering two Hebrew words which mean "sea or land monster."

But perhaps even more graphic are some Biblical references which use other names for the creatures but which clearly describe dinosaurs. In Job 40:15ff, for example, Behemoth is described: "Is strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly" (40:'16). Behemoth was a huge creature, and reading of it, one schooled in early literature can scarcely help but think of Fafnir, the dragon of early Danish fame. Behemoth, we read, moved his tail like a cedar. A tail as huge and powerful as a cedar tree? What animal can that possibly describe but a dinosaur? "His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron" we read (40:18), perhaps recalling Sigurd, trembling because of the strength of the dragon Fafnir. When the author of Job writes "he that made him can make his sword to approach unto him," can the writer mean that only God is normally able to bring about the death of such a powerful creature? Again, I mentally envision Sigurd hiding in the pit, waiting for just the right moment to strike at one of the few places the dragon was vulnerable. Behemoth is a water creature, for "he lieth under the shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens...the willows of the brook compass him about" (40:22). This creature has a huge thirst, for "he drinketh up a river" (40:23). What animal other than a dinosaur can be described like this?

In the next chapter of Job, we read of another great creature, Leviathan. As with Behemoth, the record tells of God describing these creatures, and implies that Job was familiar with them. God is reminding Job of the great difficulty in catching a creature like Leviathan. God had created Leviathan, for He declares, "whatsoever is under the whole heaven is mine" (41:11). Leviathan has terrible teeth and scales or a strong, protective covering, typical of many dinosaurs. Do you see Sigurd trembling before Fafnir when you read, "When he (Leviathan) raiseth himself up, the mighty are afraid" (41:25)? Job is usually considered to be one of the oldest of the Bible books, possibly written when ice covered large parts of Europe and North America shortly after the Great Flood. Many Bible scholars feel that some dinosaurs may have survived the Flood, being water creatures, but that due to severe climactic changes, they died out within a few generations after the Flood. If these small-brained creatures were experiencing hardships to which they were unaccustomed and ill-adapted, one can easily understand why a tradition of monstrous, fearsome dragons is recorded in virtually all early western cultures, which would have developed during or shortly following the time of Job.

The Bible presents this time in history as a time of dispersion (Gen 10,11). People groups were moving out away from Ararat, where their fathers had landed after the Flood, out away from Babel, where they had congregated. They were venturing into the new lands that were to become their homes. The whole earth was unknown to them. At the same time, great climatic changes may have caused the dinosaurs to have been uncharacteristically hostile.

It is true that eastern traditions have not viewed the dragon as fearsome and evil, as have western cultures. We can only speculate as to the reason, but it is possible that the eastward migrating people groups simply did not have the gruesome encounters that their western contemporaries must have experienced. If so, these eastern peoples may have told their children stories of dinosaurs as they were handed down from before the Flood, when life was ideally adapted to their existence, food was plentiful, and perhaps animals and humans did not kill one another for food (Gen. 9:3).


I propose that early humanity did encounter dragons, or dinosaurs. This means that humanity did not evolve millions of years after the dinosaurs became extinct, but that the two co-existed. Each piece of evidence by itself may perhaps be explained away, as those who accept evolutionary concepts are prone to do. But the evolutionary model of history which separates humanity and dinosaurs by millions of years leaves too many unanswered questions. How could a people draw pictures of dinosaurs on ancient cave walls, if none were around to serve as models? How is it that so many ancient cultures wrote about dinosaurs (dragons), if they were unknown to early humanity? How do the early literary accounts of dragons end up being so realistic, down to the smallest details?

The evidence for the co-existence of humanity with dinosaurs is overwhelming. I have often heard it said that if evidence can be adduced from a number of different disciplines, it is strong indication to the veracity of a hypothesis. I have shown evidence from archaeology, prehistoric art, ancient literature, legend and mythology, and the Bible. This evidence leads me to the conclusion that human beings shortly after the dispersal from Babel did indeed encounter dinosaurs in the early earth, and that they drew them, wrote of them and passed on tales of them to their children. The dragons of ancient art and literature, I conclude, were in fact dinosaurs.

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2006-04-19 03:42:17 UTC
makes ya wonder huh, and what about cavemen eh?
2006-04-19 03:39:09 UTC

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