First off, peace be with you.
God is real. I think the thought that there is no God is a stronghold (thought sent to you) of Satan. Satan fires these darts into peoples thoughts making them think it is YOUR thought...but it is NOT your thought, otherwise, you would not be questioning it.
Here is what you need to do.
Pray earnestly. Get on your knees and ask for God's revelation on this subject. You will find that God will begin to show you things. But you have to ask first.
Now, since you are asking...God's Holy Spirit is speaking to you. Listen to it.
For me, I believe in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
Please give God an opportunity as much as you are giving Satan an opportunity.
I wonder what Madeline Murray Ohare was thinking the moment she knew she was going to be murdered.
Start looking through your bible. Read the whole thing.
Begin to listen to what God is saying to us.
It says "Faith cometh by hearing" not by speaking, not by watching, not by reading...but by hearing! So you need to do all these things. It also says to question everything.
You have 2 choices. Heaven or Hell. God or Satan. Right or Wrong. It is your choice, and the thing is, when you die, and you will, would you rather be in heaven or in hell?
Would you rather be with God...if there is one, or be without God...if there is one?
Ask and ye shall receive. Ask God and Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit.
Remember...God said "we have dominion over this earth". Satan has the power of the earth, but you have dominion over the earth and satan...through Jesus coming here and dying for you.