Can an atheist ever become a christian?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Can an atheist ever become a christian?
67 answers:
Jim S
2008-06-04 07:54:55 UTC
"...Because there is no direct evidence or proof behind the system of Christianity...." Hmmm, this is a very broad and unsubstantiated assertion. What do you define as evidence?

"Reason alone cannot prove the existence of God. Faith is reason plus revelation, and the revelation part requires one to think with the spirit as well as with the mind. You have to hear the music, not just read the notes on the page." - (Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D. is the Director of the Human Genome Project - the consortium of scientists that mapped out the 3.1 billion letters of the human genome - and a former Atheist.)

"I now believe that the universe was brought into existence by an infinite Intelligence. I believe that this universe's intricate laws manifest what scientists have called the Mind of God. I believe that life and reproduction originate in a divine Source." - (Oxford Philosopher Antony Flew, who was a pioneer for modern atheism and one of the most widely published atheistic philosophers of the last 50 years)
2008-06-04 08:45:13 UTC
There are many who think they are Christians, and then there are those who really belong to Christ.

You should know that becoming a real Christian has nothing to do with your decisions or any other thing within your power to do. It’s not a matter of weighing the evidence and making an informed choice. Jesus taught that he was the way, the truth, and the life, and that he was the only way to have eternal life. Then he said two times in John chapter 6 that no one has the ability to come to him unless the Father draws him.

Allow that to sink in for a moment.

Every man, woman, and child born into this world is a sinner. We are spiritually dead, and every single one of us deserves to go to Hell. But the Gospel or the good news is that God chose to save some. Every single person who has come to Christ has first had an actual encounter with God. It doesn’t matter if you are an agnostic or an atheist, in that one moment when God makes your spirit come alive you will believe, and you will “know” that Jesus is everything he said he was. The work is entirely up to God. He makes your spirit come alive, He draws you to his Son, he gives you the faith to believe, and He also keeps you. Isn't that wonderful news?
Mr. Taco
2008-06-04 07:51:30 UTC
It happens all the time. Essentially, they find proof in the form of a religious or conversion experience. Conversely, a Christian can become an atheist if they cease to have religious experiences and lose their faith. In any case, I have been a church-goer for two decades, and if I had a dollar for every Christian I have met that used to be an atheist, I would be a rich man. But you are right. It is very difficult to convince someone. They have to experience God for themselves to believe, or have a bad experience to cease believing.

As far as hell is concerned, I am a Christian, and I don't personally believe in hell. It seems to me that hell is just a metaphor for the consequences of life. You make bad decisions, and bad things happen to you. Common sense. So there is no dilemma there from my point-of-view. For that matter, from my perspective, to NOT believe in God would be like you trying to convince me that the sun does not exist. I experience it every day. In the end, though, I freely admit that it is a matter of perspective and experience. You can't make someone believe or disbelieve. If God exists, it is between the individual and God. If God does not exist, it is just between the individual and the self.

Great question!
2008-06-04 07:53:05 UTC
It would probably be hard for an athiest to become a christian because everything they were once against they have to put their faith in. To become a christian again you have to forget the facts and trust. Most athiests believe that the afterlife is like being unconscious. You don't think, you don't feel pain, you don't feel emotions, and most of all you don't love. I feel that would ALMOST be worse than hell. In hell you feel the pain, you know you did wrong, you know theres no turning back now. But in heaven, it'll be wonderful! I can't say but i know- because I put my trust in him, my faith, my life. Besides that what is the point of being athiest? Being a no it all- " HA I know your god isn't real because there isn't proof!". Once your dead are you going to remember saying that to people or even caring? And one more thing don't convince yourself your an atheist because if you really want to go to heaven then you could turn christian and saying your an atheist would be like just throwing youself to hell. Don't go down without a fight-it's your life.
Crystal R
2008-06-04 08:12:22 UTC
All humans have an inborn sense that there is a God. They may deny it and suppress it, but it is there. I believe that you feel this and that is why you are asking (whether you think of it that way or not).

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" (Gen. 1:1). The Bible is not a textbook that attempts to prove the existence of God - the Bible opens with a positive fact that God does exist. It did not occur to any other writer of the Bible to prove this fact.

As for people who used to be Christians then became atheist. No they were not. They simply deceived themselves for awhile then they realized they were not.

If you would like to talk further on this subject you can email me.
2016-05-24 05:28:16 UTC
It happens all the time. The more the clergy actually learn about their religions, the more they realize that they are false. But, by that time, they have devoted their lives to it and cannot do much else. Besides, they are only telling people what they want to hear and being paid for it. And, of course, let's not forget all those who specifically choose to become clergy in order to deceive, manipulate, and exploit others - they can be atheists, too. I understand the arguments for Christianity as presented by apologists. I also understand why their reasoning is fallacious - and, I suspect they do, too, as it has been explained to them countless times.
2008-06-04 07:50:34 UTC
My experience has been the same. It's like in the Wizard of Oz. Once Dorothy and the others have seen the man behind the curtain pulling the levers and speaking into the microphone (just as the Oracle at Delphi and other ancient temples used to speak into pipes) they can never go back to being awed by the illusion.
2008-06-04 07:50:14 UTC
There is plenty of proof, for instance the bible, but an atheist can become a Christian again, most Christians who become atheists are like that because they have had something bad happen to them, also I think that religion is something to lean upon, that in the grand scheme of things everything will be okay. I find comfort in religion all the time, for instance, when my friend died of cancer, I was sad for a while until I realized that she is living in eternal paradise, and does not have cancer while she is in heaven.
2008-06-04 07:55:46 UTC
God created us all because he wanted some thing that he could love. Lucifer got the big head and wanted to be as great as God. When he rose up and tried to take over he influenced one third of the angels to follow him. The devil was his new name and he is here to tempt us. The reason God had such a creature descend to earth is fairly simple. If you an inheritance to give away who would you give it to? Someone who is loyal to you or someone who bucks against your every rule? Look at the process as weeding out the weak.

God tests our faith and satan temps us. If that had not happened in the Garden of Eden we would not have free will. If we did not have free will we would not be able to make choices in life. God loves us so much that he allowed Eve to "eat us out of house and home" and give us our freedom. Where you spend eternity is based upon our choices in life.

God cannot lie, fail or eliminate your free will. It is up to you to believe in God and if you don't he will not force the issue. If you can find a bible read Psalm 53:1. Have you ever heard of the atheist holiday???

tuyet n
2008-06-04 07:48:40 UTC
Actually I've met several atheists who I call future theists because they based their lack of belief on as little as theists base their belief on.

While many atheists base their lack of belief on the fact that there is zero evidence for any deity there is nothing about being an atheist that implies someone 'must' think about the reason they don't believe.

in fact a good argument can be made that we're all born without theistic belief and are therefore all born atheists.
2008-06-04 07:53:23 UTC
My situation is similar to yours and I agree it is extremely to believe in somthing and believe thats the only way then realize all you believed in was false...then later down the line try to believe in that SAME thing again.

I don't consider myself agnostic and definitely not atheist.. I am spiritual..I believe in God but not necassarily the "Christian God" I believe God may be the universe or a omnipresent energy or being..Im just not quite sure and though their are times I wonder if christianity is really true and I try to convert back in fear that Im making a mistake and will be sent to hell its just to difficult to convert back because down inside I believe its false or at least manipulated...and I dont want to put faith in a false or manipulated religion
2008-06-04 08:41:32 UTC
if you are athiest you most obviously dont have the same beliefs as christians, therefore just dont worry about it. maybe you are actually more of a believer in the jewish religion or another religion. i personally was raised christian, but my parents let me decide what i wanted when i was about 12 or 13. since then i havent attended church and i am agnostic. there are too many contraditions in the christian bible for me and its indeed hard to believe all the stories... i believe the bible was written by old men back in the day who skewed the beliefs of jesus christ with their own so that people would follow what THEY wanted.


and p.s. hypochristians

you arent supposed to judge others ;)
2008-06-04 07:51:18 UTC
yes an atheist can become a christian. you shouldn't have to convice yourself of anything. if you dont believe it right off the bat, then obviously you dont believe it at all. god is real, you just have to have faith. alot of the christians that turn atheist and dont go back to being christians do that for their own personal reason. it's unfortunate, but it happens. you shouldn't have to have evidence that god is real, that is why its called faith. and the millions of poeple that go to hell 'weather they like it or not' are only going to hell because they didn't have faith. they were subjected to the word of god and given chances to believe in him, but they ignored it. the bible says "But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven." think about it... i hope you make the right decision.
jeanette n
2008-06-04 08:11:29 UTC
I became a Christian when I was five, but stepped away from my relationship from God as I got older. The bible says "I will never leave you or forsake you" and the spirit of God convicted my heart. In anger I spake out to God "If your real prove yourself."I was sixteen.That night I had a horrable nightmare about the secound coming of Jesus and being left behind. I cammited my life to Christ once more. I'm 33 now and my life has had its up and downs. I've notised through default that when I walk away from God "It all falls apart" and when I sammit to His will my life is blessed. I challenge you this-Ask God to prove Himself to you.
Chicago Hosting
2008-06-04 07:59:54 UTC
First off, peace be with you.

God is real. I think the thought that there is no God is a stronghold (thought sent to you) of Satan. Satan fires these darts into peoples thoughts making them think it is YOUR thought...but it is NOT your thought, otherwise, you would not be questioning it.

Here is what you need to do.

Pray earnestly. Get on your knees and ask for God's revelation on this subject. You will find that God will begin to show you things. But you have to ask first.

Now, since you are asking...God's Holy Spirit is speaking to you. Listen to it.

For me, I believe in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

Please give God an opportunity as much as you are giving Satan an opportunity.

I wonder what Madeline Murray Ohare was thinking the moment she knew she was going to be murdered.

Start looking through your bible. Read the whole thing.

Begin to listen to what God is saying to us.

It says "Faith cometh by hearing" not by speaking, not by watching, not by reading...but by hearing! So you need to do all these things. It also says to question everything.

You have 2 choices. Heaven or Hell. God or Satan. Right or Wrong. It is your choice, and the thing is, when you die, and you will, would you rather be in heaven or in hell?

Would you rather be with God...if there is one, or be without God...if there is one?

Ask and ye shall receive. Ask God and Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit.

Remember...God said "we have dominion over this earth". Satan has the power of the earth, but you have dominion over the earth and satan...through Jesus coming here and dying for you.
2008-06-04 07:49:02 UTC
Yeah, people change their minds all the time, either way. Not just Christians and atheists, Pagans and Hindus and Buddhists and Muslims, all can change from one to the other....

An atheist usually becomes religious after having a spiritual experience.
2008-06-05 08:59:49 UTC
An atheist can become a christian if he or she dosn't want to be an atheist anymore and truly believe in God. Atheism requires faith too, you cannot disprove God
2008-06-04 08:33:01 UTC
If you even want to believe and have the faith the size of a mustard seed, you can become a Christian. Ask God to reveal Himself to you. If you are sincere, God will do it. He loves you and desires a relationship with you.
2008-06-04 07:49:43 UTC
no, some people do. one of my college roommates was an atheist who became a hardcore christian overnight. he is not the norm though. it seems relatively few people convert to a religion after becoming a legitimate atheist.

by legitimate atheist, i mean someone who has taken an in-depth examination of reasons why gods do not exist, rather than religious people who are angry over a traumatic experience (i.e. death of a loved one) and claim to be atheists before going back to their previous beliefs.
2008-06-04 07:49:41 UTC
If you do want to regain your faith, just force yourself to spend a few minutes per day praying and talking to God, even if you just begin rambling and pretending you are talking to a friend. Eventually you can find this relaxing and then pray for others around you and soon you should start to feel a connection and your faith can grow from there.
2008-06-04 07:52:35 UTC
well, you can ask God to reveal Himself to you, and those that became an atheist and didn't return to Christianity, are they still living because there is always a chance to be redeemed as long as there is breath in their body, I am persuaded that their are some that has to walk in your shoes because God gonna have to reach the atheist and it would be better if he would use people like u an unbeliever, but I pray that the Lord will draw you and reveal Himself to you and that you will go get those athiest that you know and tell them what you know to be true.
Fearfully & wonderfully made
2008-06-04 09:13:03 UTC
It *is* possible. Only because each and every one of us humans have, lets say, a "built in radio" that picks up on spiritual channels. By nature, we have a connection to our creator, even when/if we deny it or don’t understand it. Everyone, atheists and believers, eventually get to a point in life where they question the built in connection with Jesus that they don’t know how or what to label. Some atheist search and search, and others just give up and say "forget it, God is fake"....but as for the ones who really in their hearts, yearn for the truth, God reveals Himself to them. Hence, they become a believer. But in order for that to happen, you really have to be the type of atheist that "wants" God to be real. You can't be the type who just focuses solely on attempting to prove other people wrong, or always closing your mind because you are losing His interest when you do that. There are other people who are open to at least learning and humbling themselves in order to do so. But either way, He doesn't have to prove Himself to anyone- not even to Christians, but it is when He knows how hard you try to find Him, that His attention is caught and He will show you things right in front of your face that are in fact, undeniable. He takes you far out of that questioning state and enters you into a new state of pure and factual truth. God is real- that is a fact. Its not just faith with God, its FACTS. Atheists/ Scientist can try their whole lives to prove He is nonexistent, but they’re eventually going to come to a dead end where they have no choice but to at least acknowledge the possibility of His existence. This is Gods design and He’s not stupid. In order for Him to stay fair and righteous, He must let them continue..........until they call on Him.

I really hope my answer has helped you. Feel free to email me at anytime if you want to talk more about this. I won't "force my beliefs on you" lol we can just have discussions.

Great question!
2008-06-04 07:50:41 UTC
ok first of all if you believe that god is real you are neither athiest or agnostic and what is so wrong with you being a christian? There are also many things that prove there is a god so, what then? You need to accept that there is a god and he is real and he belives in you, one day you may discover all of this and you will need him. my suggestion atheist, agnostic or what ever lable you want to call yourself....pray about it.
2008-06-04 07:48:46 UTC
Here is the thing though....most people really aren't that smart or deep.

If you are on this message board, you are obviously thinking about it and analyzing it.

But there have been atheists who have decided to hug and cuddle the baby Jesus because of a great sermon or infomercial they saw after coming off of a bender. Or they'll cuddle him after their favorite singer writes a book.

I'm an atheist, but I just don't see a lot of people around me in the regular world that really think much about anything.
2008-06-04 07:52:04 UTC
ANYBODY can return back to being a christian. No matter what faith (or non-faith) a person has... No you cant see God but you can feel him. And thats what FAITH is all about... believing in what is not seen.
2008-06-04 07:49:12 UTC
I have known several Atheists to find their faith again in God, usually after a life-altering event (ex: miraculous healing of a deathly ill child). Surely you've heard the saying "There are no Atheists in fox holes." Well it's true!

And I've known several Christians to lose their faith in God, usually after a catastrophic event (ex: death of a child).

Please try to remember that Atheists do not believe in God and Heaven or Satan and Hell. So when they die, there is no more for these people. They simply rot in the ground or are cremated. There is no salvation of their soul as they do not believe in this. You cannot apply Christian beliefs to Athiests.
2008-06-04 07:55:10 UTC
Of course but I believe that there must be a bit of faith flickering around their minds for Christianity to grab hold of.
2008-06-04 07:52:52 UTC
In two ways:

1. A bang on the head resulting in permanent brain damage.

2. They were never atheists to begin with. (agnostic at best)
William K
2008-06-04 08:05:38 UTC
The Bible is G-d's word to us. If you feel you are atheist, try reading it -- start with the book of John. It will help you to "Hear" the word of G-d. Then faith will start to develop, for the Bible says, "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of G-d" see the book of James for this reference
2008-06-04 07:52:03 UTC
Kirk Cameron from the show "the growing pains" use to be a atheist, and he turned Christian
James L
2008-06-04 07:49:38 UTC
Atheism is also based upon belief, no-one has proved that God doesn't exist, which means that you believe there is no God, if that is true, then if religion seems right to you, it is possible to change your beliefs.....
Umbrella and Top Hat
2008-06-04 07:49:29 UTC
Well it sure is possible- quite a lot of things are nowadays. Is it likely, though? Not really. Those that convert to atheism are much quicker then those that convert to Christianity.
2008-06-04 07:49:15 UTC
An Atheist can become a Christian, then become an Agnostic. =D
Free Thinker A.R.T. †††
2008-06-04 07:47:12 UTC

An atheist is someone who does not believe in God. If something happens which would make that person believe in God, he would no longer be an atheist.
2008-06-04 07:49:24 UTC
"Religion is based upon faith, and atheism off fact and proof."

That's the dumbest thing I have probably ever heard in my life. Everyone is born and chooses what to believe. Athiesm is a belief.
2008-06-04 08:00:15 UTC
Anyone can become anything - it all depends on the information they accumulate in life and how they relate to the religious beliefs or spirituality of their societies, communities and families.
2008-06-04 07:51:40 UTC
atheist have become christian,

it's not a matter of convincing your self or someone else convincing you,

it's God who will call you and when you hear with your heart and really listen you will believe.

but if you keep pushing him away time after time he will stop calling.
2008-06-04 07:51:01 UTC
It is very common to meet people these days that don't buy the bible as the religious leaders would have you believe it .That being said, EVERYONE, if they have the opportunity , finds god on their death safe than sorry...
Double Dachshunds Owner
2008-06-04 07:47:57 UTC
Of course they can. Look at the conversion of Saul on the road to Damascus. He was as non-believing as could be.

If you are quesitoning the reality of God, then perhaps you are not Atheist, but rather, Agnositic.
2008-06-04 07:55:39 UTC
he IS real. if your Christian you dont question that. I dnt care wt other ppl want to believe. Bt remember, God accepts every1, if u went back 2 him, he wouldn't turn u away. :)
2008-06-04 07:46:46 UTC
Well yes,its according to the will of an atheist
Jay Z
2008-06-04 07:52:57 UTC
I did.

Knowledge without a foundation of faith is speculation of fools.

If you have questions, go to
Chris K
2008-06-04 07:48:40 UTC
What if you were in a car crash etc, and saw the light and heard the voice?

What if you just had a religious experience?

Belief is belief and proof is proof. Neither is the other. (Does that sound philosophical? lol)
2008-06-04 07:47:51 UTC
Yes, they can. Many non-believers have turned to a faith.
El Duderino
2008-06-04 07:47:24 UTC
i've seen people go both ways. Mostly christian to atheism, but a few in the other direction.
2008-06-04 09:36:30 UTC
No! ahteist can not become a christian; because atheist don't believe in God.
Fallen Angel
2008-06-04 07:47:32 UTC
there are lots of people who "find religion" personally for me my faith is lost and i won't get it back, but i'm sure it's possible for others
2008-06-04 07:49:37 UTC
Can you prove to me that God doesn't exist?

Pray to God tonight for him to enter your life, then watch out!

There's a price to pay.
2008-06-04 07:46:31 UTC
Yes, CS Lewis started out as an atheist.
Peter N
2008-06-04 07:47:56 UTC
Atheisim=no God Christians= God NO!!!
2008-06-04 07:48:14 UTC
Why do christians concern themselves so much with atheists?
2008-06-04 07:48:21 UTC
No, casue atheists dont want to be a christian. Join the beware of Dogma campagn...
2008-06-04 07:47:20 UTC
of course, faith can arise in non-believers; but not as easily as doubt arises in belivers.
2008-06-04 07:46:25 UTC
Yes, an atheist can become a Christian. Everything is possible with God.
2008-06-04 07:47:47 UTC
2008-06-04 07:47:46 UTC
It's possible. C.S. Lewis did
2008-06-04 07:46:55 UTC
christianity seems more illogical once you've lost faith, and have looked back at what it really is.
2008-06-04 07:47:42 UTC
Thank God im an atheist!
Greg M
2008-06-04 07:46:25 UTC
yes , you can become christain just look at what christians use as evidence
2008-06-04 07:48:18 UTC
Yes - they can
2008-06-06 08:55:42 UTC
By his/her own choice.
2008-06-04 07:48:18 UTC
Go watch The daVinci code. This will answer your question.
2008-06-04 07:47:55 UTC
why would they want to? maybe they're happy without someone trying to change their views
Ender Delphiki
2008-06-04 07:47:02 UTC
2008-06-04 07:47:15 UTC
by beliving in what every you belive in...?
2008-06-04 07:47:34 UTC
Sadly, yes...
2008-06-04 07:47:16 UTC
Im an atheist, always will be.

Watch these, people who believe in God:

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.