So, Who told you that the word Damn Is bad when connected to God?
2010-09-25 14:21:01 UTC
[dam] Show IPA
–verb (used with object)
to declare (something) to be bad, unfit, invalid, or illegal.
to condemn as a failure: to damn a play.
to bring condemnation upon; ruin.
to doom to eternal punishment or condemn to hell.
to swear at or curse, using the word “damn”: Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!
–verb (used without object)
to use the word “damn”; swear.
(used as an expletive to express anger, annoyance, disgust, etc.)
the utterance of “damn” in swearing or for emphasis.
something of negligible value: not worth a damn.
damned ( defs. 2, 3 ) .
damn well, Informal . damned ( def. 7 ) .
damn with faint praise, to praise so moderately as, in effect, to condemn: The critic damned the opera with faint praise when he termed the production adequate.
give a damn, Informal . to care; be concerned; consider as important: You shouldn't give a damn about their opinions. Also, give a darn.
Use Damn in a Sentence
1250–1300; ME dam ( p ) nen < OF dam ( p ) ner < L damnāre to condemn, deriv. of damnum damage, fine, harm

—Related forms
damner, noun
pre·damn, verb (used with object)

2. berate, censure, denounce, disparage, blast. Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2010.
Cite This Source | Link To Damn ..................... So If I say nay God ,damn the devil, you would find this extremely offensive in fact calling it blasphemy? I say it is not blasphemy to ask God to damn something that needs to be damned.
Eight answers:
2010-09-25 14:27:03 UTC
It's usually said in anger. The Bible says we should cease from anger and forsake wrath. Also, it's often used as a curse, as in hoping someone goes to hell. Instead of cursing them, we are supposed to be praying for them. I suppose in certain situations, as you stated above, it is acceptable.
2010-09-25 14:39:56 UTC
It would be taken from the word damnation which means:

1. Condemnation to future punishment or perdition.

2. The act of damning or the state of the damned.

3. Ruinous adverse criticism or public disapproval, as of a book or play.

4. Cause or occasion of eternal punishment; a mortal sin

But when people use it in connection with God it is considered using profanity. What is interesting though, God the Almighty has a name (Jehovah). We are told not to take his name up in a worthless way. Exodus 20:7 This is why the name was taken out of the scriptures. Instead people say God. Yet, people still want to say derogatory remarks.
2016-06-02 02:24:44 UTC
I have always respected peoples beliefs, however as you have asked. I think the problem is that Christians will try evangelism at any opportunity. I DON'T WANT TO BE SAVED AND I'M NOT A BLEEDING SINNER. Phew... rant over. Only Christians seem to be the worst especially the catholic lot. I live in a Christian country and like it or nit non believers are affected by your faith which is irritating. If only they new what a pain they are on here it borders on intimidation. We also see that the christians are certainly the biggest trouble makers on the globe, responsible for untold misery and cruelty and slaughter. So do you expect anyone to join your quest. Personally I could count on one hand christians that act in a christian manner. I never talk about it because im not interested in it. I have no interest in peoples belief as I see it as a private matter. However if someone wants to talk about I'll join in, but it is almost impossible to discuss it as faith doesn't need logic or science. At that point its time to move on. E mail me if you need anymore of my thoughts.
2010-09-25 14:33:12 UTC
I use DAMN in my vocabulary all the time and I love God. I am not perfect, but I don't get into hurting people for no good reason. My biggest fault is revenge against wicked slobs too. No one's perfect and I wrestle with my hate for evil slobs daily.

2010-09-25 14:34:27 UTC
A curse offends God because you are demanding (or telling) him what to do. To condemn a building as unfit for human use is not invoking God.
2010-09-25 14:29:24 UTC
Because you are asking God to condemn someone to Hell, and God don't work like that. It's a complicated process. And you shouldn't swear at God, or tell him to curse someone.
Sexy Nurse
2010-09-25 14:24:42 UTC
God's last name is not 'damn'. Who told you that?
2010-09-25 14:22:00 UTC
GOD DID....BIBLE SAYS AVOID vulgarities...

way too long noone is reading all that...get a life

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