How did God come into being?
2006-09-03 21:08:18 UTC
I have heard arguments arguing in favor of creationism that ask, "If God didn't create the universe, how did all matter come into existance? After all, the Big Bang allegedly started with already-existant matter concentrated into a small space before an explosion."

I want to hear responses to the reverse question: If God created the universe, who created God and where did he come from?
32 answers:
2006-09-03 21:15:56 UTC
That is probably one of the greatest theological questions I've heard.

You can't just say his infinite, cause then you have to ask what he's been doing for the rest of infinity, did he just create us on a whim or maybe a drunken bet to another all powerful being somewhere.

Personally, I think that god and all other gods for all religions, if they exist, they exist as beings normative of their kind on another realm of existence beyond our direct perception and that they perhaps evolved from something else, or maybe view time and creation in completely different way than we do because they can see so much more.

In essence you need to have faith that the big invisible man or woman upstairs knows his or her beginnings better than we know ours. We really don't need a god who believes an invisible man who lives in the clouds created him.
2006-09-03 21:40:22 UTC
That's a good question and one that I have brought up when I am talking with young earth creationist when they make the proposition, where did the earth come from. I usually respond with is question, asking where God came from.

I honestly think that both questions are unanswerable. Where did God come from, if he did indeed create the universe? I don't know. Where did the matter come from if he didn't create the universe? I don't know that either.

Anytime that infinity to involved in an equation, the answer is almost always infinity. Where did God come from? If I assume God is infinite, then God's origin is God himself. He is what he is a priori. The same holds true if matter has always existed. Matter is what it is a priori.

One thing I think that the Theist worldview has over the naturalistic worldview is that the physical world was begat by the metaphysical world. In other words, that which is bound by nature came from that which is outside nature. This seems to have a lot more explanatory power than random chance and cosmic accidents.
Felix Q
2006-09-03 22:59:16 UTC
That which has a beginning and an end must have a creator, that which is eternal does not. I believe that because energies that consist of everthing and anything possible have alway and will always be in existence, that God is the manifestation of that in some way. Time as we know it was created along with the earth. Before the earth there was no concept of time. We can not think beyond these confines because we are just human.

So there's the difference, for me at least. There is no scientifical explanation for where the matter from before the big bang came from, but there is an explanation of sorts for God (if you choose to believe it, which not everyone has to. It's up to each person, and no one belief is right or wrong, in my opinion) and if you didn't believe in God before, then this is in no way going to convince you, as much as any arguement thrown my way is not going to convince me that there is no God. Once again, all down to personal opinion, as it should be.
2006-09-03 21:19:38 UTC
Both questions require no answer, as there is no logical requirement for something that exists to have a beginning. It can easily be that the universe, God, and any other theoretical existence could simply have always existed, just as they will always exist.

This is evident in the fact that, to our knowledge, matter/energy can never be destroyed, nor created, but rather mutated.

We cannot determine absolute destruction, nor absolute creation, thus we can only assume neither exists.
2006-09-03 21:17:34 UTC
Nobody could ever hope to answer that in our lifetime here on earth but I have often wondered myself.

Now youre going to get 500 people saying "HES THE ALPHA AND OMEGA DUUHHHH." God says he is the beginning and end (of us) not himself.

Obviously if you consider everything that exists had a beginning, was caused, and had design IE: a designer, then God is no different. Your only other option is to believe that God himself evolved like Mormons believe. But that still wouldnt explain the root of all things? If you follow the line of thinking it leads to logical contradictions because the root of all things had to have been created itself.

There must be more truth to the Heavenly realms where God dwells where our reasoning and linear sense of time and physics cant penetrate or understand. Hey but if you follow God, you will get to ask him one day!!!!!!! Goto hell and you may never know!
©2007 answers by missy
2006-09-03 21:12:09 UTC
My theory is He didn't. He always has been. (I know, I know. Now stretch your mind a little further... a little further...)

He also created TIME. We are so trapped by time we think of it as more of an undefiable (is that a word?) law than gravity or anything else, but GOD created time. He isn't constrained by it: He is outside of it. Wrap your mind around that.

Therefore, He did not "come into being." He ALWAYS is.

Additional, in ref. to your addition: No, I don't think this is a cop-out, to say God isn't bound by time because I don't understand it. As Christians, that is how we believe our God is. All-powerful, and all-wise. He created everything, even things we are used to seeing as simple laws of nature like gravity and such. Gravity was no accident for God. Neither was time. You can't imagine a universe without time ticking, because our brains just won't stretch to see that. But verbally, we can describe it, and perhaps begin to imagine it. To me, this doesn't feel like grasping at all (and I feel when I'm grasping). This is how powerful my God is. Bigger than time, not the other way around.
2006-09-03 21:16:56 UTC
No one created God, and He did not "come from" anywhere. He IS and always has been and always will be. He is the only true Being, in the sense that He has life in and of Himself, and His life is not caused by anything nor is it dependent on anything, whereas every created thing is dependent on His will to create it and to sustain it.

God is outside of time, space and existence, transcending all those things and every concept of anything created.

Once you understand this, you can being to open your mind and heart and understand many more things about God's creation and its meaning and purpose, etc.
My name is MJ Beatch!
2006-09-03 21:17:02 UTC
How did u or the first man come into being? God came from triple darkness. He created himself. If you don't believe that , then you can't even believe the big bang theory, because who or what created this so called "already existing matter" for your big bang theory? Itself?...then God created himself. He is like engergy that never dies(energy always exists), but can transform and create. Therfore this formless, timeless, entity (God) created 1#. Himself, then separed #2) light from #3) dark, (let there be light!) Hence He came from Triple darkness! And He created everything, their for everything is created in his image, not just man, even time, even numbers! But man is favored by him because he gave us a brain to choose to believe and love him or not. Believers believe that when you die, your body goes to dust but your spirit (energy) moves on. (That new thing that they are teaching in school whatever it's called doesn't explain the begining either.)
2016-10-01 11:01:52 UTC
there grew to become into an atheist and a muslim who have been to talk to a minimum of one yet another, and the muslim had to substantiate that there grew to become right into a god. So on the day of their assembly, the muslim occurs to stay farther faraway from the assembly place. The atheist had to attend patiently, and gotten indignant while the muslim confirmed up very overdue on the time. The muslim have been given to the assembly, and apologised for him being overdue. His excuse grew to become into that there grew to become right into a river that seperated him from the assembly abode. there have been no boats to take him, and as he waited, he considered that a tree has decrease out its self and fell into the river, and because it fell on the banks of the river, it decrease itself into smaller peices, and shaped a boat for him to take and get suitable right here. The Atheist grew to become into unimaginably corrupted after listening to this, he reported that this could be a valueless excuse and a stupid one certainly, using fact there's no way a tree could desire to diminish out itself and make itself right into a boat. Then The Muslim mentioned : it is precisely the way you at the instant are not beliving in a author. you're saying that the universe has only been made, yet once you for sure belive that, then you certainly could belive the tree being decrease via itself. The atheist grew to become into astounded, and couldnt utter a observe. For he knew that there could desire to have been a author to make and create this universe we live in. He then mentioned to the Muslim: you have proved your factor, and you gained the communicate. Ashahuda Ana l. a. ilaha illa allah wa ashahuda ana muhamed rasul allah.
David S
2006-09-03 21:13:04 UTC
God lives outside of time, so it doesn't really make any sense to ask who created God. God created time and he's not limited by time like you and I are. He is a timeless being who has always existed. I know it's hard for our finite minds to grasp this concept, but it does make sense to me.
Brenda's World
2006-09-03 21:11:05 UTC
God is just another fake creation by man.

Humanity has created many Gods, for example – Gods of Olympus, Ancient Egypt, Babylon and so on. Most of us are atheists about most Gods humanity has created, except the latest craze, the current God in the Bible. Learned atheists have also rejected this version of a God, but some hard-core believers still hang on, presumably until a better image of God is created by man.

Faith in God seems to be nothing more than humans attempting to run away from reality, an excuse to avoid thinking and evaluating evidence. Faith is just an emotional escape and really just a substitute for opening your eyes to reason.

Believers talk about God creating man in his own image. It’s in the Bible so it’s fact – get a grip, get real. The facts suggest the exact opposite. Man created God in his own image. I’m sure humanity will disregard this God, as they have disregarded all previous Gods, it’s just a matter of time before humanity creates another God that better serves their emotions and image.
Stand-up Philosopher
2006-09-03 21:21:41 UTC
nobody knows how God came into being. But we do know that He is beyond time. we dont really know for sure how many universes He has made by causing singularities to explode, watched them grow, mature, and eventually die. The only things we know about God is what He has told us. He may be an entity that just "is".
2006-09-03 21:16:07 UTC
God wasn't created. He always existed and always will. He doesn't experience time like we do here. Yeah I know that sounds weird and no I can't quite comprehend it, but I believe it's true.
2006-09-03 21:16:13 UTC
Man created God to explain the unexplainable. i.e. why did my child have to die? It's far more comforting to think there is a higher purpose or God has a plan for her in heaven, than she just died in her sleep.
Joe H
2006-09-03 21:11:02 UTC
As part of the defination of God is that God always existed. Your question has no answer.
2006-09-03 21:14:53 UTC
with mans limited mental capabilities it is hard to process how something can be here before everything and still be around long after everything is gone.

heres one for you, if the big bang is true, where did the bangee come from.
2006-09-03 21:13:41 UTC
1) Nothing comes from nothing.

2) Something is

3) Therefore something has always existed -- that is, it is outside of time and space. It is GOD.

4) That Something, God, is the cause of everything else that is.
2006-09-03 21:21:28 UTC
God just is! He has always been! You could analize this to death but you still wont have the answers you are looking for. You just need to have faith and accept what the bible tells us.
2006-09-03 21:15:30 UTC
God was created by men's imagination.

God came from men's fears.
2006-09-03 21:14:55 UTC
"I am the Alpha and the O·mega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end." -- Revelation 22:13
2006-09-03 21:12:51 UTC
The GOD always was and always will be.

First q and a in the primary Sunday school catechism.
2006-09-03 21:12:18 UTC
Who created God? Hmmmmm thinking hmmmmm stretching hmmmmm hmmmmm God, who created You? Oh, yeah? WOW I don't think they'll believe me, so You'd better tell them. Thanks! Later.

You'll have to ask yourself. He likes direct contact.
2006-09-03 21:15:37 UTC
to tell you the truth i think that the world made it up i think we all was brought to this world for a reason and i don't think that god was the first person on earth i think its all fiction.
stick man
2006-09-03 21:10:50 UTC
HE always existed. He put a longing for himself in our souls.
2006-09-03 21:10:03 UTC
Ancient primitive man created god to explain storms, fire, floods, and death.
2006-09-03 21:21:34 UTC
God is.

He always was, is, and always will be.

He is not constrained to our linear time.

Before (our) time began, He was.
2006-09-03 21:15:00 UTC
If you get to heaven, you'll have to ask Him. Noone here can answer that.
2006-09-03 21:13:11 UTC
If I knew that then I would be God.
2006-09-03 21:11:01 UTC
Try and wrap your brain around this one - he always existed - no beginning, no end.

How's your head...?
2006-09-03 21:10:14 UTC
He didnt hes always been... just accept it...youll feel better
2006-09-03 21:11:16 UTC
NO ONE CREATED ANYTHING.................... everything just is!!! stop asking silly questions:)
ibn adam
2006-09-03 23:41:07 UTC
[The answer to your question is very long, but if you really need to know the answer read patiently]


The One, who created the attributes of creativity and the process of creation before Beginning is rightfully, deserves to be called as God of all creatures.

The One, who ordained the steps and stages of the Process of Creation, including the organic order & composition of the creatures and___ made the energy as an energy and formed the matter with energy and___ demonstrated the Will in such a way that the Will has become a universe of rules and regulations___ doubtlessly___ has every right to be called and accepted as the Real and the Absolute Living GOD.

To know that who is the creator of God___ a simple way it this___ that we should try to know at first, that who is the creator of creativity?

Whosoever has created and ordained creativity, is the Real Creator. And now, when God, has already told that there is no creator except God and God alone, is the Creator of everything and Ordainer of every order. Then, we have no alternative but to accept and believe God as the Absolute Creator in terms of the preachings of Prophets.

Who is the creator of God? Perfect answer to this question, is given in the following compound sentence, in the form of another question___ a magnificent question:

If God is the Creator of creativity and the process of creation, the both, then how can be there any possibility of God’s creator?

And____ the same sentence is the most convincing, and the most rational argument, of the God-hood of God. The sentence penetrates in our minds and hearts, and we become positively convinced, that God is really existing as the One Alone God, and the One Alone Creator.

The real belief in the One Alone Lord is like that:-

•God must be believed as the One Alone Lord. By and by, firm refusal of the people-made unreal gods, is essential.

•No person or thing should be treated as a “likeness” or a “similitude” of God, the One Alone Lord.

•We should submit ourselves unconditionally to every Commandment of God, and the life should be managed, exactly, in accordance with God’s Will and God’s Commandments to avail God’s blessings.

•The Day of Judgement should be believed, which is ordained by God for the judgement of human deeds and which is, certainly, not too far to approach.

•To ensure the acceptance of God, we must adopt those ways, which have been prescribed by God and God’s Prophets. And___ this temporary life should be lead as a temporary life.

If there had been a Creator of God…..

1.If there had been a creator-god of God___ then___ creator-god would have been more powerful than God or the created-god. And___ that God would have not tolerated the supremacy of the created-god that the whole mankind and the other creatures___ should cherish the hymns and praises of the created-god.

But, as the chain of hymns and praises of God, is going on without interruption, it means that God is not a created-god. Instead, God is the One Alone God and the All-Alone Creator of everything.

2.If there had been a creator of God, then, that God would have destroyed this very universe, on account of the increasing differences, with the God of this universe. And___ as a consequence of the battle between the both___ the earth and the heavens would have been passed away completely. Or___ at least, some cold war and preparations for the decisive war___ would have been in progress or at some stage.

Consequently the music like smoothness and peace-order of this universe would have been disturbed and the circle of life & death would have become extraordinary, complicated and incompatible.

But as the cosmic system is going on smoothly, without any external assault___ so ___ it is quiet clear, that the Ruler of this universe is All-Alone.

3.There are so many tokens and signs in human world, which do lead to the fact that there is no bigger-god or a creator-god of God.

To run the system of every walk of life smoothly, there is always one responsible leader, who maintains the system intact. But whenever two or three leaders are made, the system is altogether disturbed. So the natural order, of the various circles of life, tells that God of the worlds in One Alone God.

4.If there had been a creator of God, then, the Prophets of God or the created-god, would have given some news of the bigger-god or the creator-god as well. And___ there was every possibility that they would have quitted the preaching of the created-god on account of unbearable pressure of the bigger-god or the creator-god. Or___ they would have slipped to the bigger-god or the creator-god so as to get rid of every pressure.

Or___ some Prophets of the bigger-god, or the creator-god, would have also come to tell that the God of universe is an inferior god or God is an offspring of the bigger-god or the superior-god. But as the Prophets have never demonstrated any of the afore mentioned gestures, hence, there is no god but God, the Absolute, Who is the All-Alone Ruler of the universe and its beyond.

5.God calls us to praise, to honour and to serve God alone. God does not allow praising, honouring and serving some one else. God gives the news of hell to those, who praise, honour and serve someone else, instead of God.

In the same way, the bigger-god or the creator-god must have called for his praise, his honour and his service alone. Or___ at least, the bigger god would have announced some proportionate method, announcing some latitude that the mankind and the other creatures are allowed to praise, honour and serve their God, but, by and by, they should not forget the bigger-god or the creator-god. Nor, they should consider the bigger-god or the creator-god, as an inferior god, otherwise, they will be doomed to a bigger curse and a bigger torment. But as the situation has never been like that___ hence___ there is no god but the One Alone God.

6. If there had been a bigger-god or creator-god___ then___ God would have not declared that God Alone is the Lord of Moses, Jesus, Muhammad and all the Prophets. Instead, God would have declared that God is not All-Alone, instead, God is the servant of the bigger-god or the creator-god. But the situation has never been like that, hence, there is no god but God, the One Alone Lord.

7.Everyone is one___ on account of his oneness___ and oneness of each one___ is a reality of an alive being. If the concept of our oneness___ had been more than that of the one concept___ then there would have been the possibility of more gods. But as the situation is not like that since inception___ so there is no god but God___ the One Alone Lord.

8.If there had been a creator-god or the bigger-god, then, God or the created-god, would have not declared that:

“I___ and I alone___ am God

No other god is real”

(Duet 32:39)

“There is no god but Allah (the One Alone God)”

(Al-Quran 37:35)

And___ after such a statement, the creator-god or the bigger-god must have killed the created-god because created god had humiliated the bigger-god or creator-god by denouncing the creator god as an unreal god. Where-after no one would have been left on the earth to say that:

“There is no god but God (The One Alone Lord).”


There is no god but God___ the One Alone Lord. Who is the All-Alone Creator of the universe and everything therein. God is Supernatural and Superphysical and Beyond of human intellect. God is not a creature, nor a thing, nor a person nor a sign and nothing is alike God. Nor anything can ever become alike God as God is the Absolute Holy.

Ruins of the declined civilizations and Pharaoh’s Empire___ do tell us that denial and disobedience of the One Alone God___ is nothing else but an open invitation to the curse and destruction. Whereas the belief in One Alone God is the positive correction of one’s affairs of the world and the Hereafter. Victory of Moses over Pharaoh is enough as a proof of the existence of One Alone God and God’s unshared power.

The Bible itself, tells that what kinds of changes were brought therein to mislead the people of Gospels. Torah (the Law of Moses) says that God talked to the nation of Moses on the mount Sinai where God gave the Commandments in

Godly voice.

When people heard the voice, they did tremble in fear and awe. And, later on, they requested the Lord, not to talk to them, so directly again. Because to bear with the Godly voice, was beyond their tolerance. The Lord, of course, acceded to their request.

God’s Foremost Commandment was about God’s Absolute Aloneness.

God said:-

“Worship no god but Me”.

(Exodus, 20:3)

“I, and I alone, am God; no other god is real.

I kill and I give life, I wound and I heal,

And no one can oppose what I do”.

(Duet. 32:39)

That was the foremost Commandment, given by the Lord in Godly voice to the nation of Moses. Wherein God mentioned further:-

“Worship Me alone and whosoever

will worship the god, other than Me,

will be My rival. And, I tolerate no

rivals. I will curse the people who do so”.

God also mentioned to the people___ not to make & worship the images of God. God told them that nothing is alike God in the heaven or on the earth, or under the earth, or in the water.

It simply meant that God is not like anything at all and a thing or a creature can never be considered as God.

The Bible also tells us that God is Omnipotent. The Book of Genesis, in its 1st chapter, says:

“God commanded, Let there be light

And the light appeared”.

(Genesis 1:3)

It simply means that God can create whatsoever God wills. So, according to the Bible, it is very clear that God, our Lord, is All Alone and whatsoever is created____ is created by God, independently.

Purpose of life is the worship of the Lord alone. This life is nothing but a test of obedience to the Alone Lord.

Each and every thing is perishable of our present life. As compared to the eternal life, this life is a dream like reality and life in Heaven is not perishable but that is the real life.

In this worldly life, our death is with us on each and every step while the eternal life is without an end. Everyone will either rejoice due to good deeds or will face torture due to evil deeds forever.

Ram Chander Jee said, “Whosoever has taken birth, will face death”. He was right to say so because each and every Book of our Lord tells this truth in open words. It is repeatedly announced in all the Books that each and everyone will taste death and this universe will come to an end for another beginning.

Only the Creator of life and death, is forever.

Life with death, can never be considered as a real life. It is, of course, similar to real life. People of wisdom do understand its temporal nature. It looks like a child’s play but its not a child’s play. It is a mean of test, so one should remain sincere to the Lord and live and fight with patience for the eternal life constantly. One should serve his or her Lord whole-heartedly and establish his or her love for the Lord alone.

Death can come at anytime in this temporal life and when the moment of death reaches it, makes it finished. We leave each and everything and move to the destined destination, empty-handed and empty-minded. Nothing remains important and the death itself reveals the answers of all the questions, which we can not, perhaps, understand during the lifetime. It opens up the eyes of each and everyone. It is the moment of death, alone which lets us know the importance of belief. Death releases our self and takes away the spirit and body in the same way as it normally happens in our dreams.

In a dream, Spirit and Body remain apart and only our Self sees and feels everything. We hear without ears and see without eyes and when we die in a dream, our eyes open here, in this world.

The same thing happens when someone dies here; in this world, his or her eyes open in the eternal life and one can not come back to this life to let the others know about the process of death as a dream-awaken can not go back to the dream.

After death or suicide body becomes like a closed door which spiritless-self can not open to feel and see this world and self becomes world-less or body-less to be called dead.

Suicide is not an end of everything. It is simply the beginning of next life without a further chance to do a good or a bad deed. Death, in fact, is an end of this life and beginning of the next life, which will be the result of the deeds, done here. One must know this very fact comprehensively.

Nothing will go along, with the dead but his good or bad deeds for Judgement. This life is a way to the next life. It is not our destination. Since, the believers know this thing through faith, so they are not scared of death. Instead they are scared of the anger of their Lord and do good deeds. The believers are brave due to their belief and the non-believers are coward due to the lack of knowledge and belief.

Only such people, who do not know the reality of this life, try to commit suicide and think that this will be an end of their sickness. Whereas, suicide is not an end of any sickness but it is the beginning of doom. Whosoever kills himself, he walks out of the test and such a person is declared failed and doomed to Hell.

Reality of the law, on which nature survives, is revealed in our nature. Even the most beautiful thing which we achieve, start boring us by the passage of time and what is to say about the boring things. Our life is not meant to waste in the pursuits of worldly things but it is an open test and is a preparation plan of the eternal life. One will sow here and will cut there in the next life.

At last, God shows mercy to mankind and says in revelation that if someone will not believe in the gods, besides the Alone Lord, the Lord will show mercy to such one and will forgive his or her sins.

“Lo! Allah (The Alone Lord) forgives not that a partner should be ascribed unto Allah. Allah forgives (all) save that to whom Allah will. Whose ascribes partners to Allah (The Alone Lord), has wandered far astray”.

(Quran 4:116)

This promise takes our attention to these words of Torah.

“I ___and I alone___ am God

No other god is real”.

(Bible, Duet 32:39)

Therefore, one should not believe in three or many gods, instead, one should believe in only One and Alone Unseen God. One should not consider this world or universe as a god as pantheists consider “Everything is god and god is every thing”.

Whereas, God has already clearly mentioned in Torah that nothing resembles to God. Please read this text carefully:

“Worship no god but Me. Do not make for yourselves images of anything in heaven or on earth or in the water under the earth. Do not bow down to any idol (image) or worship it, because I am the Lord your God and I tolerate no rivals. I bring punishment on those who hate me and on their descendants down to the third and fourth generation”.

(Bible, Exodus 20:3, 4, 5)

Therefore, one should simply believe in One Alone Lord and understand that nothing resembles to the Lord and Lord is the UNSEEN.

This faith will serve as a key to the heaven.

On the day of the Lord, there will be two kinds of people:

1.The blessed believers.

2.The doomed non-believers.

According to our Lord, Polytheism and Pantheism, both of the beliefs are equal to Atheism.


There are three kinds of people, living under the heaven and these kinds are as below:

1. Those who are Polytheists & Pantheists and believe in more than One God or believe that God is before their eyes in the form of universe. Apparently these people seem blessed as they are enjoying a luxurious life. These people face only minor problems during life but they face sever doom near death.

2. Those who are polytheists or pantheists and are leading hard life, full of difficulties and problems.

3. People of the Lord, who remain thankful to their Lord in all sort of circumstances and are always obedient to their Lord.

These three kinds are explained here:

1. “Prosperous Polytheists and Pantheists”.

Many in this world are those who believe in gods, demigods, things, angels, signs, pictures, prints, animals and demons, instead of God. Such people beg for help and blessings from things and persons, instead of God and do not know that through this act they commit the crime of making false gods. These people think that persons and things can cause profit or loss to them and due to ignorance they do not know this fact that only One Alone Almighty God can cause profit or loss and no one, other than God, can cause any profit or any loss at all.

God Almighty seems very kind to these people but in fact God has forsaken them as they have forsaken God. They are enjoying their lives and do not bother to ponder over the revealed facts to correct their faith and life style.

The Scripture says: when these people will face the Lord on the Day of Judgement, the Lord will command to throw such people in Hell due to their tremendous sins. They have enjoyed enough in the world and ignored the remembrance of their Lord and followed the footsteps of Demon.

Scripture also says that one should not spend himself for the sake of this world, instead one should try hard to achieve eternal life. Rejoice of the eternal life is many time larger than the pleasures of this world. And one cannot achieve the eternal life without following the Commandments and believing in One God alone. Ofcourse this perishable world is a joy of little time, as far as the preaching is concerned it is enough to state that this life ends with death, and it is not everlasting.

2. Failure Sick Polytheists and Pantheists.

Many people of this world believe that men or women, achieve the powers of God through hard worship and become God’s partners or friends and can solve the problems of others, through the achieved spiritual power. They also think that God does not reject whatsoever they demand from God. Therefore, the people, themselves, can become the saviours or the authoritative blessers.

This sort of belief is openly condemned by the Lord. According to the Lord, everyone is special to Lord and whosoever takes care of the Lord’s Commandments, Lord, in turn takes care of him or her. Therefore, everyone must seek God’s blessings through obedience and adherence to God directly.

Meanings of the word “God”

It is clearly mentioned, “no one shares the powers of God”. That is why God commanded in “Torah”.

“Worship no god but Me”.

“No god” means no one can cause profit or loss and “but Me” means only One and Alone God who blesses or punishes.

And, worship means begging for the help and blessings. A worshipper is a servant who serves his own cause and prays to achieve certain goal. If someone considers a thing or a person as a profit or loss causing entity, instead of God. Then, it clearly means that he or she considers that thing or person as god. And, this very act is considered by God, as “making of an unreal god”.

That is why that God does not tolerate such evil-doers and curses them. God is our All Alone Lord and God Alone is our Helper, Saviour and Blesser.

Since many Polytheists or Pantheists think that they should not call the God directly. Instead, they must seek help from the people, who are partners or friends of God. So, they remain unblessed. God blesses only those who call God directly and do not make gods beside God.

God says:

“Surely pure worship is for Allah (God) only and those who choose protecting friends beside God (they say); We worship them only that they may bring us near to Allah. Lo! Allah will judge between them concerning that wherein they differ. Lo! Allah guides not him who is a liar and ingrate”.

(Al-Quran 39:3)

These Polytheists & Pantheists remain in troubles and keep on searching for the so-called proper person or a thing, which could bless them or ask God to bless them. God does not bless them in order to make them realize that the God alone is the Real Helper and Blesser, Who should be called by them directly. As such God wants them to purify their faith and rectify their belief. Consequently, sometimes they realize the fact and start calling their Lord directly and become real believers.

Those who call the Lord directly____ Lord shows them the way. The Lord even shows the way to those who do not call the Lord directly. But they always turn their faces from the Lord and keep on calling and begging from their self-evolved partners and friends of God. Ultimately, the Lord fulfills their desires where-after they think that their self-evolved god-like-friends, have blessed them. Such a situation confirms their false belief and that is the curse of God.

Of course, failure sick people listen to all sorts of preachers carefully and sometimes when God gives them guidance through the proper preachers, they rectify their faith in God and establish pure worship.

Blessed are those who have soft hearts and on soft hearts preaching effects very well. They are not like prosperous polytheists or pantheists who mock over the Verses and pull their faces to the preachers. God raises God’s people from this class which possess soft hearts and mild natures.

3. The Believers

Real believers are very few in this world. These people strictly believe in One Alone God and observe God’s Commandments. This class never trusts persons or things, instead, they trust the Lord Alone and beg blessings from God alone. Such people love the Lord alone and pay all sorts of tribute to God alone.

These people praise, honour and worship their Lord and they always keep their eyes open. They act upon the Commandments and worship hard and follow the footsteps of Prophets instead of Demon. On the Day of Judgement, they will enter into the gardens of Paradise and will live therein forever, just because they did not accept any god, other then the Alone Lord and submitted themselves before God with full submission.

Pantheism of Polytheism is equal to Atheism. And the faith in Alone Lord as a Helper & Saviour will serve as a key of success to open the doors of Heaven on the Day of Judgement.

God loves those who love God


blesses those who trust God


believe in God according to

God’s Commandments alone.

Religion is the name of God’s worship. It is not the personality-worship at all. And, personality-worshippers are of the view that God is a father or a worshipper or a lover, just like those of the common humans. Such a view about God is to consider God, in terms of a thing or a creature. Which is quiet contrary to the following Verse:

“Nothing is alike God”.

And___ it is this very questionable situation, which has diminished and distorted the revealed concept of the real existence of God____ up to such an extent___ that, the scientists and the philosophers are asking:

“Who created such a God”?

If the truth of Quranic Verdict:

“Nothing is alike God”

had been kept in view positively. And____ the Lord’s introduction had been made in appropriate terms. That God is the Creator of everything but God is not a thing. God is the Beyond of everything. God is very much existing but nothing of the existing things____ is alike God. Nor any image or imagination can be alike God.

Then____ there was every possibility, after such an appropriate introduction of God____ that the people with rational thinking would have come to know their Lord, in positive terms. And___ they would have openly dared to utter the truth, before the so-called religious leaders. That God is Supernatural and Super-physical. God can not be encompassed by the human intellect. Nor God can be declared in creaturely terms that God is a father, or a son, or a lover or a worshipper. God is not like the man-made images or imaginations, at all.

But as the majority of mankind, does not believe in God, according to God’s Commandments. Instead, they consider God, in personality terms. So the men of rational thinking, have deemed it more desirable, that they should not believe in such a demigod___ to believe in whom is an open foolishness.

Of course, some scientists have believed in God, but not in conventional terms of the Church or the temples. They have believed in God, in rational terms i.e. according to God’s Commandment, that nothing is alike God.

Refusal of the rational people, to believe in personal or conventional god is, in fact, refusal of the so-called religious leaders. Who are introducing God in personal and conventional terms or creaturely terms.

Atheism is, of course, a production of those religious leaders, who have not introduced the Lord, in appropriate terms___ in accordance with the Commandment that nothing is alike God.

Instead, they have painted the Lord in creaturely images. Sometimes in the image of a thing and sometimes in the image of a person. They have also declared God as the father of Jesus. In such a situation___ a question automatically arises, that who is the Grand God, prior to the Father God.

Intimate images of the Lord have also been painted by the so-called religious leaders. They are of the view that God comes to earth in the guise of a man. Here again, a question arises automatically, that who is the creator of such a man-like god?

Hence____ amid such a series of manifold images and imaginations___ of a personal and creaturely god___ people with rational thinking had no way, but to retard to Atheism.

To know God in appropriate terms, we must adhere to God’s Commandment that:

“Nothing is alike God”

God is not a creature. Not a son, nor a father. Instead, God is the Creator of every creature. And____ God is Supernatural and Super-physical. God is not encompass-able by the human intellect.

God is the Creator of every need but God is free from every need. God is the All Alone and God is the Absolute Holy. Nothing of the material or immaterial creatures can oppose God, as an equivalent to God. God is One and Alone since inception and God will remain One and Alone forever. Death is for the creatures____ not for God. God is the Creator of life and death, the both. God is the creator of the knowledge, the Mercifulness, the Almightiness, the Bounty & the Benevolence and the likewise Attributes as well. No description___ or narration____ or definition___ or praise___ can encompass God. God is the Supernatural and Super-physical. God is not encompass-able by the human intellect. Intellect can simply believe in God through the apparent signs.

When the Supreme Lord has already introduced the following verdict that:

“Nothing is alike God”

Then, what is the justification for calling God as a person or a creature or a thing.

Those who analyze things in their laboratories. They discover nothing but the material or immaterial order and composition of things. And even a commonplace particle of dust or clay, can be examined today___ like a machine. Just like a machine, which is performing it’s latent duty.

Working machine of an atom of dust or clay, in its function, is just like that of the function of solar system. The function of solar system, in turn, is just like the function of cosmic system.

It is evident that cosmos is undergoing a particular programme and a specific purpose. It is such a magnificent and extremely complicated machine that it’s every particle itself, is a complete machine as well as a component.

While looking at the cosmic-machine, following questions do arise in our mind:

1.Who is the Creator of this cosmic machine?

2.How-like is the Creator?

3.Where is the Creator?

4.What is the purpose of this machine?

Answers of these questions, do appear on the brain-screen, in the following way:

1. Creator of this universe/cosmos is some limitless and infinite power. Who has demonstrated its knowledge, through creation of the countless creatures. But as the power itself is a creature, so, the presence of some Absolute Powerful is indispensable.

2. Every organism of this universe, with some order and composition, is a thing while nothing can be alike the Creator. The Creator and the Ordainer of every organism, every order and every composition, is predominantly free from every organism, every order and every composition. God is not a thing, nor a person___ nor a creature at all.

3. Without the Ordainer’s presence and patronisation, the complexed cosmic system can not work smoothly. So___ it’s Creator and Ordainer is doubtlessly present everywhere as the cosmic system is progressively working everywhere.

4. This magnificent universe/cosmos and it’s nourishing generosity for the countless creatures including mankind, is a demonstration of the Godhood of God and God’s Almightiness. So that, the creatures may believe in the Godhood and Almightiness of the Creator and submissively beseech before God for their benefit and benevolence.

The series of such questions and answers, goes on smoothly and so convincingly, that no one with rational thinking remains as an atheist on the earth. Provided proper attention is paid to the proper introduction of God and no heed is paid to the fabricated images and imaginations of God.

As a matter of fact, only those are responsible for the denial of God, who consider God in terms of a thing or a creature or a human being.

Questions about God are responded, even by the Lord. Provided we sit in solitude, without any preoccupation of our mind i.e. with clear, sincere and unpolluted mind.

The critics and the debaters, like the so-called religious heads of every creed, remain busy in disputing and overcoming each other. And___ they never resort to that very sacred light, which was availed by the Prophets, in their sober solitude.

Concentrating upon the cosmic orders as writings of the Creator, with desirable attention and seriousness, in their own laboratories, the scientists have positively realized the existence of God. And___ by and by, they have also realized, that God is Super-natural and Super-physical. God can not be encompassed by human intellect but God’s nearness can be, definitely, realized without a specific vision by the sincere, devoted and the pious ones.

Intuition is a God’s way of giving knowledge to all thinkers who ponder over the material and immaterial Verses of God.

Answer to this very question that who created god? is latent in the point that how-like is God? What kind of a thing God is? On which system or order or composition, God is based? And___ on what account & foundation, God is God?

God replies, in this regard, in clear words that nothing is alike God. So, no one can say that God is like this or God is like that. Inspite of that if someone says that God is like this thing or that person, then, such a person___ points to a thing___ instead of God because God is not point-able at all. And, being non-point-able, God is not such a system or an ordered organism, which could be apprehended through human intellect.

Human intellect should believe in God in absolute terms___ not in physical terms. Because, God is the Creator of everything, every system, every order, every composition and every organism. God is the Absolute Holy means that God is perfectly free from all of the creaturely limits.

Those who ask that who created God? are in fact, totally ignorant about God. They do not know that anything, which is grasped by the human intellect, can never be God as nothing is alike God.

To believe God as Nature or Love or Almightiness, is to declare God as a thing. Nature, Love, Almightiness, are God’s created things. They are not God or some parts of God at all.

Saying of a well-known Muslim debater that: “God can not create a God, like God”, is a highly questionable saying. The saying itself tells that the debater already knows that how-like is God. And___ if he does not know and he can never know that how-like is God___ then___ he should positively avoid such sayings. The saying is therefore nothing else but a mirror of sheer ignorance of the debater.

Likewise are those, who say that who created God? This question is an irrational question. Which itself indicates that the interrogators do not know that God is not a thing and nothing is alike God.

God is Limitless, Infinite and Absolute, since ever and God is free from birth & death, instead, God is the Living Creator of birth & death and everything of the universe and its beyond.

The question that who created God? ___ could be a rational question, only in that case, when we are already made awared, of the following two things, through some reliable sources:

1.That God is not One, instead, there are many gods, who themselves have been created, and they also create gods.

2.That the news about the birth of God, would have already been received by us, through an undeniable source.

Without these two-news___ the question can not be treated as a reasonable and a rational question.

As a matter of fact___ since the creation of this universe___ the news of the One Alone God, nothing resembles to Whom, have always been in receipt so smoothly and continuously that the Monotheists (believers of One Alone God) can never even imagine some other god. They are predominantly bound to refute all the unreal gods. So, the question that who created God? can, by no means, be held as a rational or a reasonable question.

The bouncers of this question, might have been correct___ if the interrogators had seen any Hindu___ Israelite___ Christian___ Muslim___ or the people of any Scripture___ celebrating some birthday of God. But there is nothing like that at all. All the believers are fully united, on this point that God is since ever and will remain forever.

All the Prophets have always given the news of One Alone God. Who is not created by anyone at all as God is not a demigod, instead, God is the Absolute Holy God.

Universe is the home of countless things___ of different kinds and species___ resembling to each other, as well as, different from each other. These things are not capable to create them by themselves and they have been created by God. So they are openly hinting upon the reality that nothing is alike God. Nor, God is alike some material or immaterial thing. Presence of these things itself, confirms___ the presence of their Creator___ Who is the One Alone God.

The introduction of God, which is written in the book of universe or in the Verses of cosmos, in terms of matter and energy and the law of nature___ is also written in the Bible and the Quran as well.

It is written in the Bible that no one should make any image or imagination of God to worship it. And___ it is written in Quran that nothing is alike God____ Who is the Creator of birth & death.

Cosmic Quran or Cosmic Gospel or the Verses of the universe___ are also the Words of God. These are duly enriched with numerous branches of social and physical sciences. And___ mankind is grasping them, by the passage of time, in progressive terms. Whereby the belief in these Words of God___ is also increasing, in progressive terms.

A true Muslim (servant) of God says that when human intellect will approach its highest peak of progress, and will become capable-enough, to lay the principles of life. Then___ the most ponder-able reality, will be positively known that the Book of God has been sent by God, for the betterment and benevolence of mankind. And___ thereafter every truth will be identified, in open & positive terms.

Today’s approach of the human intellect to such a rational & scientific calculation that: “No material thing is capable to create it by itself”, is the same stage, about whom, the news have been already recorded afar back.

“No material thing is capable to create it by itself”

are the today’s words, which do confirm the truthfulness of the God’s given Scriptures. These words and the God’s given Scriptures, the both, are rationally providing this very fact that:

“Among the piles of things and the

universal dictionary___ there is

nothing alike God___ and God does

exist___ God is not only the

Omnipotent but the Absolute Creator

and the Real- Doer”.

Teacher of Ram Chander Jee, Bhashist Jee Maharaj says that no one can stand as an equivalent of Brahm, who is the Alone, and the Unique, and nothing is alike Brahm (God).

Rishi Prasad Jee says that as the space is always existing, before building a house, in place of the house, and it remains existing within and around the house after it’s building and the space remains after demolishing the house. In the same way Brahm, the Creator of the space, was always existing before the birth of universe, and Brahm will remain existing even after the end of the universe as Brahm is existing at present.

It is written in the Bible that “do not make any image of God because nothing on earth, in heaven, or in the waters, under the earth is alike God”.

And, it is written in Quran that “nothing is alike God and God sees and hears”.

If the scientists of the day, do not believe in that God who is being believed in the temples & churches, in terms of things & persons. Then___ the reason behind this non-belief of scientists, is that very truth___ which is not understood by the professional leaders of the temples and churches. Who are declaring God (the Absolute Alone, the Beyond of human intellect) in terms of things, idols and persons___ easily perceivable by the human intellect.

Refusal of the God of professional and commercial religious leaders, is very much present, even in the Verses of the Scriptures, which are saying that nothing is alike God.

Refusal of the Real God, the One Alone God ___ can be positively avoided___ provided one goes through the following two contradictory statements___ consciously:

1. Bible says that:

“The Lord alone is God

God alone is our defence”.

(Psalms 18:31)

This Verse means: God is one Alone God.

2. And___ John says that:

“No one has ever seen God,

the only son who is the same as God”.

(John 1:18)

It means: God is not One & Alone but son of God is also a god with God.

No one asks from the Church that if nothing is alike God then how Jesus can be alike God. And if God is All-Alone, then, how God can be a father when a father never remains all-alone as he becomes father, only after his marriage & the birth of his children.

How God can be All Alone and a father at the same time. God is free from every sort of resemblance and likeness. So to call God a father is to declare God as a commonplace creature.

Jesus has always pronounced him as the “Son of Man” as it is evident from the major portions of the Gospels. So it is nothing else but the John-made lie that Jesus is the Son of God. John has, as such, replaced the statement of Jesus by his own statement.

The words of John are the words of John. They are not the words of Jesus. Nor they are the words of God. God has already said:

“I___ and I Alone___ am God

No other god is real”

(Duet 32:39)

By declaring God as father, the Church and the followers of the Church, have declared the Creator as creature. That is the questionable situation of the present Christianity.

If someone says that God is not a father and does not keep any holy family, instead, God is One & Alone and nothing is alike God. Then, the Church does not own such a person.

In short the images and imaginations of God, the both, are present in the Church. Whereas God has already declared such an act as an act of hatred & enmity against God.

Behind the word of father, is an imagination of God, and Jesus is being painted as an image of God, by the Church, and such a practice is prevailing, for the last two thousand years.

According to the God’s Commandment, we can not imagine God in terms of a thing or a person. Nor we can paint God in terms of a father or a man. No sketch of the God can be made as nothing is alike God.

The Scriptures tell that God is the Sole Ordainer of every order. And___ to denounce God as Nature, Love, Time, Knowledge, Spirit, Almightiness etc. has been declared by God as a tremendous & unpardonable injustice.

God is the All-alone God. God is neither a thing nor a person. If there had been some order or composition of God, or a state or stature of God___ then we would have, definitely, apprehended and encompassed God through our intellect. And___ we would have not declared God as Supernatural and Superphysical or Beyond of human intellect.

There might have been a way to reach the creator of God, provided we had been already well-awared that how-like is God. What is God’s organic order and composition? And___ we had been already awared that God is not Beyond of human intellect. In such a case, we must have approached the creator of God through intellect-based analysis of the organic order and composition of God.

But, as the first & the foremost point, of the Prophets preaching, has been this very unique verdict alone. That “nothing is alike God” and God is free from every sort of order & composition and the state & stature. And God has warned, on the Mount of Sinai, that no one should dare to develop God’s image or imagination, by hand or by his intellect. So, the believers of One Alone God should remain well informed of the Real Belief:


1.God is not a someone’s created god or a state or a stature or a person or a thing, instead God is an Absolute Creator.

2.God is the Creator of every system, state, stature, person & thing and nothing is alike God.

3.God is Supreme & Beyond of human intellect.

4.God is since ever and will remain forever.

5.God is the Creator of the cosmos and Ordainer of the Almightiness, Knowledge and the other Attributes.

6.God is the All-Alone Guardian of cosmic system, at all places, and at all times.

7.God is Infinite and Ever-Dominant over everything and everything is helpless and submissive before God.

8.God must be believed, in the same way, as God has commanded to believe.

9.None of the persons or things____ is God’s partner and God is the One Alone God. (Usage of the word “One” for God means, that no god is beside God. It does not mean that God is limited as “one” in terms of Mathematics).

10.God is Alone and the Beyond of everything. God is not some whole of certain components. Everything is creature and God is the Absolute Holy Creator of everything.

All of the human beings who claimed themselves a Prophets or Messengers of God___ they have always introduced God as the All-Alone God. The world has never been empty of such human beings, who had not been speaking of God____ the All-Alone God.

God has always been believed as One Alone God in every country and in every age. Prophets have preached about the All-Alone God. None of them has ever talked of duplicate or triplicate gods, or of a total or a whole of many gods, or of a man-god or of demigod, or of a creaturely-god.

Jesus (PBUH) said:

“No one is good except God alone”

(Mark 10:18, Luke 18:19)

And___ Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“There is no go save Allah”

(Al-Quran 37:35)

And___ God said on the Mount of Sinai:

“I ___ and I Alone____ am God

No other god is real”

(Duet 32:39)

If there had been some other god, or some creator of God, or some partner of God___ then___ the news of such a God would have been brought to us by someone. But the situation has never been like that, at all.

The Message of Monotheism alone has been repeated again and again, which is an undeniable proof of the fact, that there is no god but the One Alone God. God is our Lord and the Creator of the WHOLE but God is not a WHOLE or a component of the WHOLE___, which could be discovered by human intellect.

If to touch God through intellect___ had been a positive and a regular action___ then___ the question of “who created god?” would have been a reasonable question. But the situation has never been like that as nothing is alike God. God has always been believed as Supernatural and Super-Physical and Beyond of human intellect.

Those who believe in creaturely god and declare God as a whole___ as a father___ as a thing___ as a worshipper___ as a conjugal lover___ as a power of time___ as a living age___ as a person___ as an image or imagination___ and worship the same. They can, of course, tell that who created God or who is the creator of their creaturely God?

But if, even these people, did declare the question, as an unreasonable and absurd question___ then___ all of the people, must clear their minds from such type of questions and notions. By and by they must clear, all of the places of worship, from the idols and images of God. And___ they must immediately stop, their malpractice of introducing God, in creaturely terms, as the practice has already been declared, as hatred and enmity against God, not by some Prophet, but by the Lord, our God on the mount of Sinai:

“I ____ and I Alone___ am God:

No other god is real.

I kill and I give life, I wound and I heal,

And no one can oppose what I do”.

(Duet 32:39)

“Worship no god but Me.

Do not make for yourselves images of

anything in heaven or on earth or in the water

under the earth. Do not bow down to any idol

Or worship it, because I am the Lord your God


I tolerate no rivals”.

(Bible, Exodus 20:3, 4, 5)

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This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.