Okay I have once heard that Hell isn't just made up of only Hellfires and Demon guards around torturing souls of the damned, but it can also take of any shape you dont like or fear from of it. For ex. I always hated paper works, office and department like work places and now Im working in one of them. İn here all these people are so boring and simple minded that I could even prefer to be burnt in hellfire instead of them. It would be much enjoyable. but this never ends...I have lost one of my loved birds because of her ilness, in this life you loose all your cared ones, there is Death and this world is and it's full of bullshit. There are some good things too which I truly appreciate yet they dont always happen to me or all other people. Im sure the other people in this department shares the same fate as mine maybe even worse because they arent aware how empty their life is. I am. When all this gonna end?