Other religions arguments? (Non-Christian religions only)?
2008-02-09 12:19:49 UTC
I have looked at Christianity for years and to be honest nearly every single scripture in the Bible is debated over.
I was wondering if this is the same within Islam, Sikhism, Hinduism etc or is it just Christians that seem to argue over this stuff? Give me some examples of the issues other religions debate over? Thanks.
Ten answers:
The REAL Tiffy!
2008-02-09 12:57:50 UTC
I do think some arguments are there over the Qur'an too. Mostly about interpretation. I wish i could say there was not, but i need to be honest here.

the words of the Qur'an in itself are clear, but some of the fundies take them out of context.

Than the other source of knowledge we have: the hadeeth. This is something there are a lot of debates over.

There is the stoning to death issue: stoning to death as punishment is not in the Qur'an. Punishment is 100 lashes, period.

It is argued that this verse was supposed to be in the Qur'an, but our Prophet (PBUH) gave the piece of paper it was written on to Ayesha for save keeping, than he died and while they were mourning, a goat came in the house and ate the verse.

To me this is highly questionable; if Allah had wanted the stoning verse in the Qur'an no way a goat would have eaten it!

Yet it ended up in the Sharia...... stoning as punishment for married adulterers. This is something there is a debate over. As there are more debates over hadeeth.

To me it is simple, if it is not in the Qur'an and the hadeeth contradicts the Qur'an i will fall back in the Our'an because that is the word of God.

I hope this answers your question!


2008-02-09 19:42:25 UTC
The Bible Indicates that In Addition to the Written Word, we are to accept Oral Tradition.

Perhaps the clearest Biblical support for oral tradition can be found in 2 Thessalonians 2:14, where Christians are actually commanded: "Therefore, brethren, stand fast; and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word, or by our epistle."

Sacred Tradition complements our understanding of the Bible and is therefore not some extraneous source of Revelation which contains doctrines that are foreign to it. Quite the contrary: Sacred Tradition serves as the Church’s living memory, reminding her of what the faithful have constantly and consistently believed and who to properly understand and interpret the meaning of Biblical passages. In a certain way, it is Sacred Tradition which says to the reader of the Bible "You have been reading a very important book which contains God’s revelation to man. Now let me explain to you how it has always been understood and practiced by believers from the very beginning."

The Catholic Church emphasized that the Scriptures must be read in light of the apostolic Tradition that was handed down through the ages.

As Saint Peter writes in his epistle, Scripture is not a matter of personal interpretation.

It therefore must mean that it is a matter of public interpretation, and that is the interpretation of the Church.

The Church has always encouraged reading the Scriptures.

In fact, the Catholic Church is the one who first translated the Scriptures into the vernacular.

Since the Catholic Church holds that the Bible is not sufficient in itself, it naturally teaches that the Bible needs an interpreter. The reason the Catholic Church so teaches is twofold: first, because Christ established a living Church to teach with His authority. He did not simply give His disciples a Bible, whole and entire, and tell them to go out and make copies of it for mass distribution and allow people to come to whatever interpretation they may. Second, the Bible itself states that it needs an interpreter.

The doctrine of Sola Scriptura overlooks – or at least grossly underemphasizes – the fact that the Church came before the Bible, and not the other way around. It was the Church, in effect, which wrote the Bible under the inspiration of Almighty God: the Israelites as the Old Testament Church (or "pre-Catholics") and the early Catholics as the New Testament Church.

To say that the early Church believed in the notion of "the Bible alone" would be analogous to saying that men and women today could entertain the thought that our civil laws could function without Congress to legislate them, without courts to interpret them and without police to enforce them. All we would need is a sufficient supply of legal volumes in every household so that each citizen could determine for himself how to understand and apply any given law. Such an assertion is absurd, of course, as no one could possibly expect civil laws to function in this manner. The consequence of such a state of affairs would undoubtedly be total anarchy.

Since the Bible did not come with an inspired table of contents, the doctrine of Sola Scriptura creates yet another dilemma: How can one know with certainty which books belong in the Bible – specifically, in the New Testament? The unadulterated fact is that one cannot know unless there is an authority outside the Bible which can tell him. Moreover, this authority must, by necessity, be infallible, since the possibility of error in identifying the canon of the Bible would mean that all believers run the risk of having the wrong books in their Bibles, a situation which would vitiate Sola Scriptura. But if there is such an infallible authority, then the doctrine of Sola Scriptura crumbles.

Another historical fact very difficult to reconcile with the doctrine of Sola Scriptura is that it was none other than the Catholic Church which eventually identified and ratified the canon of the Bible. The three councils mentioned above were all councils of this Church. The Catholic Church gave its final, definitive, infallible definition of the Biblical canon a the Council of Trent in 1546 – naming the very same list of 73 books that had been included in the 4th century. If the Catholic Church is able, then, to render an authoritative and infallible decision concerning such an important matter as which books belong in the Bible, then upon what basis would a person question its authority on other matters of faith and morals?

Protestants should at least concede a point which Martin Luther, their religion’s founder, also conceded, namely, that the Catholic Church safeguarded and identified the Bible: "We are obliged to yield many things to the Catholics – that they possess the Word of God, which we received from them; otherwise, we should have known nothing at all about it."
2008-02-09 12:36:31 UTC
Well, since I was raised Christian, that's the one I'm the most familiar with so the one I argue with the most. I'm pretty sure that's true of most Americans. I saw the author of a book called 'Infidel' and she was raised in an Islamist world. I think there are diffrent types of Hindu and Buddist beliefs but since they don't try to demand that you accept what they say, I don't know that anyone has bothered to try and prove them wrong.

I've seen a few questions about Judaism and Catholicism on here.
2008-02-09 12:27:34 UTC
Not at all so in Catholicism, there's the Creed and the Bible. And the attitude best expressed by St Augustine :

"in essentials, unity; in doubtful matters, liberty; in all things, charity.

How can you overlook a faith with over 1 billion adherents. It's intellectually dishonest even if -- or especially if -- you have an animosity to Catholics.
2016-10-07 07:27:40 UTC
is this rather related to the blending and journey words? The words theism and atheism are in basic terms speaking approximately concept, a concept in or no longer in "theos". The Greek notice "theos" is poorly translated in English as God. in view that atheism is a thought that's opposite of theism, if theism is a faith so is atheism. God comes from revelation that's believed or no longer believed. Atheism needless to say states there is no God, a doctrine. Religions are made up of doctrines. solutions: The non-Christian sources are in denial. English words are precisely that, English words. Atheism isn't a Christian concept. The meaning the English notice "atheism" states a doctrine, and doctrine is a bases of a faith.
2008-02-09 12:25:27 UTC
I'm sure there are groups out there dissecting the verses of other major religious texts. We just don't see it as often because Christianity is, by far, the most influential and prolific religion on the planet, second being Islam.
2008-02-09 12:23:36 UTC
The Muslims argue and debate alot as well. The Shiites and the Sunnis of course.

I've heard many Buddhists disagree about what Buddha said as well.
2008-02-09 12:39:40 UTC
nope, because in Islam our bible (quran) was sent by god to mohamed. and mohamed wrote it in exact words and letters. ever sence that the quran has never been changed and there is only one version unlike the bible. so we belive our quran 100% because if we were to open a quran from thousands of centeruis ago it would be word for word with the most recent one.
Heterodox Idiosyncratic Algerian
2008-02-09 12:32:11 UTC
I know that the worse in this issue is of course Islam . Islam attacked every single stuff of everything and argues about everything .
2008-02-09 13:01:36 UTC
please read more and more about Islam and I trust that you will realy love this religion.These are

some sites:

A- your guide to Islam:

To read some stories of new Muslims, please visit:

To read about answers to Fakes about Islam please visit:

B-There are a strong relation between Islam and sciences visit this site which contains scientific miracles in Quran

There are some examples for these miracles:

1-Are there other universes ?Are there other universes other than ours , what does science say and

what does the Holy Quran want to say ? read here

2-complete suckling between science and the Glory Koran

The Holy QUran , prior to science stresses the importance of natural suckling..

read here

3-Is the Universe Static The claim of atheists is declined by science and the Holy Quran , both are

in conformity... read here

4-The Birth time of the prophet , his kingdom , the time of his advent in the ancient holy books:

Unprecedented study in the ancient Books refers to the prophet of Islam... read here

5-Symbiosis: In this Universe , design everywhere .In this universe, there are a lot of evidence to

God's creativity... read here

6-Prostration before Allah: Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are

severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and falling down

prostrate (in prayer), seeking Bounty from Allah... read here

7-“ In every number, there is a miracle”: The numbers that Allah has chosen for His holy book (The

Koran) no human kind can ever produce like ..... read here

8-Sphericity of the Earth: Glory to Allah (he who said): (He draweth the night as a veil O'er the

day, each seeking the other in rapid succession ...... read here

9-Noah’s Deluge Story: read here

10-The birth and death of the universe : read here

There are more and more miracles visit this site to read more

**You can Send your question about Islam and the scientific miracles in the Holy Quran and

Hadith to **

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.