seeker of wisdom and truth
2010-09-08 07:34:32 UTC
The renowned egyptologist and linguist Ahmed Osman has made an in depth study marrying Egyptian history with the biblical accounts and has identified Joseph with Yuya the Vizier to Thutmose 1V, and Moses as his grandson the Pharaoh Akhenaten son of Amenhotep lll and wife Tiye, daughter of Yuya.
It transpires that the alternative Jewish Reckoning is more accurate than the Standard Chronology making the descent into Egypt not in the 18th century but the 15th century.
Akhenaten, the deposed Pharaoh was the first monotheist in history worshipping the Egyptian sun god Aten and it is interesting to note that the biblical godhead Adonai translates from ancient hebrew into egyptian as THE ATEN.
As for the name Moses is almost certainly the Egyptian for son Mos, rather than the loose connection with the Hebrew "drawn forth".
There is also Akhenaten's Hymn to the Aten often referred to because of it's great similarity to Psalm 104.
This would make the time of the exodus in the very short reign of Ramses l, certainly a pharaoh who knew not Joseph
The supposed plagues can also fit into this timescale with the massive volcanic eruption of Thera being around this time.
I know this may upset many traditionalists but these arguments must be taken seriously as they are based mainly on historical events rather than just religious mythology