Creationists have no interest in the truth. I have read creationist arguments for 25 years, and I have never come across one that was not a complete fabrication or deception. You can ALWAYS count on the fact that a creationist argument is a pernicious lie. This is because, again, creationists have no interest whatsoever in the truth. Their only interest is justifying their beliefs by converting others, usually dishonestly.
This particular lie is especially heinous. We know for a fact that the Earth's magnetic field is an extremely complex phenomenon that is chaotically generated by pseudo-random electrical currents deep within the Earth. We know for a fact that it fluctuates in strength, and even switches poles on a fairly regular (but chaotic and unpredictable) basis. The creationists want you to believe that a few observations of a chaotic, complex, confirmed fluctuating process, over a teeny tiny span of geologic time is in fact a perfect indicator of the age of the Earth. ********.
At the same time, these same creationists want you to ignore the many, many, MANY different radioisotope dating methods that all agree independently on the 4.5 GYR age of the Earth (not to mention agreement with completely independent historical records such as such as tree rings, ice cores, and varves), despite the fact that this process is: extremely fundamental, basic to the laws of the universe, simple, well-understood, and directly observed to be constant and reliable throughout history (by observing radioactive decay in distant galaxies, where the light has taken many millions or billions of years to get to us).
Rule 1 in listening to creationists: THEY ARE ALL FILTHY LIARS. Remember this and you will never go wrong.
My only question to creationists is: what does the Christian religion say about bearing false witness?