Do you believe in God but not religion?
2008-01-04 07:31:59 UTC
I ask this because I do believe in God, and used to be very involved in church and its activities, but I was treated badly by church members, in one church My family were asked to leave the church as my parents had not married and it was believed that they were casting sin on the Church. I have also noticed that churches are so clicky and if your face doesnt fit, then you are not made welcome. As a result I havnt been to church for a long time. I would like to class myself as Christian but am I?
71 answers:
2008-01-04 08:37:23 UTC
I believe that it is a sin for church clergy to turn away anyone`who wants to worship God in their building. As for church members treating you badly it seems that they do not have enough love in their hearts to accept you and they should re-read the bible and take confession and tell the priest what they did- it will open their eyes. You have enough faith in God to want to go to church and praise Him and that makes you a wonderful person. Remember the story about the woman who was about to be stoned because she had committed adultery and Jesus intervened and said "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." People should look inside their own hearts and judge themselves and not someone else. You ARE a Christian and no matter if you worship in a church or in your own home God will love you and never turn you away.

2008-01-04 07:49:41 UTC
Yes, you are a Christian. A Christian has faith in God and tries to live their lives by God's word. It's NOT tied up in the church you go to, or if you go to a church at all. The Christian religion is made up of a LOT of different denominations. While each domination has the same "basic" belief, they have all added their own ideas about what God wants for us. Some say dancing is bad, others think drinking any alcoholic beverages is bad, others believe gambling is bad. They each put their own spin on it. And the diversity can extend to the congregations.

I find it just disturbing that ANY family be ASKED to leave a church for not being "married". That must have been a very Fundamental church, right? I'm a member of a Presbyterian church, and that would never have happened in our congregation. I think you need to look for a more liberal church......I think you would be way happier.

Cheer up, and don't worry about "those people" because God loves you.
2008-01-04 07:42:41 UTC
I believe in SPIRIT, and that there is a lot more then we understand, and that what ever was the TRUE religion - it has been distorted and altered and divided over the years to suit each different persons needs and purposes, over the many many years. Especially in translations.

Sadly along with religion there comes also HUMANITY with all its faults, there are a huge amount of hypocrites and bigots and anything else you would care to think of, but that's life in general is nt it. A Church will not stop that.

That is one part of the Bible I do feel has held its ground, Judge yet not, lest you be judged. So you are OK and your family I am sure, if there is a fault it in their own minds and insecurities.

So putting it simply there is a SPIRITUAL POWER of which we will all one day meet, and I see this as the religions all being lots and lots of candles in the dark, all eventually making up one really huge bright light.
glorious angel
2008-01-04 07:50:44 UTC
I believe people mustn't be religious but filled with the Holy spirit.If you can see most of the Pharasses in the time of Jesus where religious!Your story reminds me of the adulterous woman they wanted to stone ..Jesus said let the one without sin cast the first stone and all withdrew.It's true that ur parents must be joined together according to God's word..But what they did to ur family was not right .Jesus accepted every person that was willing to change and turn away from sin some good ex. are Zacchaeus and Mary Magdalene.I still believe that you are a Christian just forgive them,don't backslider from church,find a new church it will help you grow spiritually!You'll know you're in the right place when you feel WELCOME.Good luck!!
2008-01-04 07:46:49 UTC
So your strong in your beliefs. You sound like a Christain to me.

I dont think church is religion.

Its just a place to go, and be with others you either relate to or have a social connection with.

I do not go to any churches, and never really have. And yet I am strong in my belief in God and I dont need a label for my beliefs, or to fit into any social group.

Its MY business.

I think the beautiful earth is gods perfect creation, The bush, the seas, the beaches, the flowers, the wonders of nature, not a man made building.

A short story for day i was in a yard, and i began to feel a connection to the world. I did something i would rarley do, and spoke to God and was thanking him for the blue sky, the sound of the beach, and even the weeds...when a bunch of sugar bananas litterally FELL into my lap. A gift.

God is all around.

People who judge, gawk, gossip, and make you feel bad...well, they are not nice. These people think its all good, as long as they attend a church. They are wrong.

I believe god wants you to live well, dont cheat lie or steal, just be a good person, without malice.
2008-01-04 07:38:12 UTC
I am totally with you.

Religion is man-made like organized crime or politics. It's all a ruse to keep the masses controlled and to make money for the ones at the top.

If people actually read the Bible, they would know the difference between God's word and what is preached as God's word in most churches. There is a huge difference. Even the Bible speaks of this, that there will be many who are deceived by false teachers.

We are to love one another. Any religious dogma that tells you differently is false.

Simple, but oh so many do not practice it.

God bless you and your family.
2008-01-04 07:40:07 UTC
Yes you are a christian. I am kinda the same way, i dont not like the church members that much, and i used to be involved in many activities, but not anymore, but i still go to church and believe in God. You are still a christian, even if you dont go to church- im not too crazy about religion either- but if you believe in god, act christian, and believe in christianity, you are none the less a christian. I once heard that it is better to pray in secret, than pray infront of everyone to see, or something like that.- It shows you are commited to your faith ect, and not doing it just for credit or something- srry I dont know if thats the axact saying, but do you kinda get the message?

2008-01-04 07:41:45 UTC
I am a born again Christian and I don't follow a religion, I follow God. I am non denominational. There are some good churches around. It takes a bit of work to find just the right one. In the meantime, pray on it and read the King James. God will guide you to the right one in time. You can even get together and bible study with friends.
2008-01-04 07:37:50 UTC
I believe in God, the Word (Bible) but don't go for the man-made things of religious denominations which across the board either limit women or leave them our altogether. Imagine that? Considering women make up the majority of the congrigants in pews and the "worker bees" that keep churches going. Above that, women are more spirit minded than men, a proven fact and originally voiced by a male clergy a while ago.

I go to a church that is non-denominational but they still have their "way". I ignore what I don't like and embrace what I do like.
2008-01-04 07:37:28 UTC
I understand what you mean. You are a Christian. Just remember, it's a cold world out there. Alot of these churches are just out for money. Try to find a church that fits your need. Where I live a church will open up next door to a liquor store, so if all else fails praise got in your house.
2008-01-04 14:38:29 UTC
Jesus said, "I am giving you a new commandment that you love one another; just as I have loved you, .....By this all will know you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves"

(John 13v34 and 35)

The identifying mark of true religion is the Love shown amongst its members. It is easy to turn our backs on church because the members are clicky and one doesn't fit. But God loves you and you can't turn your back on Him. You don't attend because you want to be popular with the masses, you go because its where you want to learn about the good things of God. At Hebrews 10v24and25 we are encouraged, "...let us consider one another to love and fine works, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom but encouraging one another, all the more as you behold the day drawing near."

I urge you please to make this a matter of prayful consideration. You may have legitimate reasons to be unhappy with your church, but you can still find the true religion that meets the criteria of Love. Don't worry what others think, you need to do this for your own personal relationship with God.
2008-01-04 08:11:00 UTC
Hmm, I don't know. I've been studying the bible nd reading it from cover to cover and I've found that my church doesn't seem to be reading from the same book. I don't understand why we have strayed so far, so while my faith in the Lord is stronger then ever, my faith in organised religions is not so great.

You're church doesn't sound like a very good one, we have people in ours from every background there is, I think we see it like if a person has a sinful past then they need our church more than ever. You can try other churches and I bet you won't ever get the same treatment.
Jay M
2008-01-04 11:22:22 UTC
It depends on you, I believe in God. Who cares what everyone thinks of you as long as you yourself believes. So there was really no point of asking this question on here. Why? Because everyone is going to give you weird answers. So as long as you keep your faith don't worry. You don't have to find a church or go. Just wait until you find the right place(church) you feel most comfortable in. If you're not looking for a church just keep you faith of God inside of you talk to him. Well I don't know if I this was a good answer but yeah. Its what you know or believe nobody on this thing can help you because they do not know u best.
2008-01-04 07:57:26 UTC
The both of us together could start a gathering.

I too was very much involved in 'Christianity' for years. Sunday school teacher, treasurer, secretary etc. Then during my divorced - a traumatic time, it was me and my God and it has stayed that way. I know of the force of the Creator, the Most High God, who is the universe. I live by my prayers because they are effective. I try to be as honest as possible. Always seeking to do that which is right. But being realistic that, as human mortal beings, we are all subject to temptation and are thus all sinners. No one can point finger at 'sinners'. I used to detest preachers using that word. As if they are sin-free.
2008-01-04 07:49:25 UTC
sounds like a church of christ but i am just guessing. in the church of christ we believe you become a christian when you receive baptism for the forgiveness of sins in order to follow christ. we dont believe going to the local church makes you a christian but it is a practice that christians ought to do unless they have a reason not to do it. i work on sundays and wind up missing most sunday services but i dont choose to miss them, i have a reason for it. we woulld say that you are a christian, afterall you still believe that Jesus is the only Savior, right? we would say that though you are not a member of our local congregation or our local church, you are still a member of the much broader thing we call ' universal church' of which every christian now and passed is a member. there are many different local congregations of believers and some are strict about marriage while others may have many 'common-law-married' couples you just have to put in the effort to look and you will find.
2008-01-04 07:38:43 UTC
Unfortunately we have a lot of this so called click going on in churches. I can definitely relate in that I know what it was like to be an outsider. The thing to remember we don't go to church to appease or make people happy. We go to glorify God and learn his word. Wow... now I sound like a preacher....Word of advice... you are still a Christian....I would just try to find another church if your interested and start over. If they are judging you for your parents, then they need to really look at themselves.
2008-01-04 07:36:25 UTC
going to church doesn't make you a Christian, it's in your heart...but you can find a church that treats you well, they are out there. Perhaps your parents made a big deal of not being married, which is a sin. If they had not told, no one would have asked.
2008-01-04 07:37:34 UTC
Yes you are still a Christian if you so choose. No where does it say you have to go to church to believe in God. It is ones own personal choice. I am pretty sure this a Scripture says "Where two or more are gathered in my Name, I am there..." You can have your own "church" if you wanted just find a friend who has the same beliefs as you and you two can pray, discuss, debate, or whatever on the subjects and questions you have...

Don't worry, and Good Luck-
2008-01-04 07:38:26 UTC
YES! I think religion can many times ruin the point of gathering together. God didn't say to create religion and dogma, and I personally do not believe he really cares whether or not we sing from a hymnbook, light candles at the beginning etc. Not to say that He doesn't APPRECIATE and value it, but I don't think it's necessarily what He finds most important. I finally found an interdominational church that I LOVE. There's no "if you're a visitor please stand up" in the middle of service, there's no "please come to the front to be saved" at the end of service (I was raised Baptist). Everything is STILL there but without the dogma. Instead it's "please remain in your seat and bow your heads while we pray. If you'd like to invite Jesus to be in your life...." etc. It's also "If you're a guest we're so happy you're here!"
2008-01-04 07:38:17 UTC
I don't really know what I believe in. Sometimes I think that there's a God, but then it's like, why would God want this to happen? If He really controls what everyone thinks, then does He control that I'm thinking about him? Isn't that a little bit weird? Wait- so He wants me to think He's weird? What? And then- God wouldn't want you to do this. But isn't God the one who made you do this? It's so confusing. I'm Christian, but I don't go to Church. And I've never read the bible. It's kind of confusing.
2008-01-04 07:38:16 UTC
sure you are, i really understand what you mean, i am that way as well, i hardly ever go to church and if i want to go wich one i wanna go to??? and also, they always make you feel as if you MUST come every sunday or else....... i don't like that. i believe in God and i believe in many religions and take what fits for me from those religions, some say that is wrong, but i feel good by it. i always believed that God doesn't judge you because you are not in church, do your thing girl, people will judge no matter what you do or think or say, live your life the way you feel best and feel most comfortable with.

good luck
2008-01-04 07:36:33 UTC
It is entirely your choice if you believe in God or not, and no one else can say whether you are a Christian or not...and that includes the church!

Many people have a spiritual side to their lives without accepting the dogma of any organised religious group or church.
2008-01-04 07:46:01 UTC
i see where youre coming from....some the most critical/judgmental people i know are christians. i believe in god and have faith but i dont necessarily think organized religion is all that its cracked up to be. i was raised catholic, i consider myself one (mostly b/c i wouldnt want to be any other religion) but i dont agree with all the catholic teachings.

for example: why arent priests allowed to get married? there are not many people out there that would rather be a priest than to get married. if they allowed preists to be married there would be a lot more of them out there.

you can be christian and not attend church, i dont attend church mostly b/c i would rather pray/read/find out things on my own, that open my mind up to bigger things, than go to go to a room full of people who have memorized 10 prayers that they repeat week after week only to drift in and out conscienceness while the sermon is about how its a sin to do this and to do that.

and if every religion thinks they are the only religion that is the right one, there are going to be a lot of disappointed people at the gates of heaven/hell.

so what i'm getting at is that you are not alone. as long as you pray/believe and love god, treat others well, and are a respectable human being your going to be okay =)
2008-01-04 07:40:13 UTC
If you have genuinely accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior and are trusting in Him (not good works) for salvation, then you can call yourself a Christian. You can believe in Jesus and not belong to a church since true Christianity is a relationship with Christ not a religion. Going to church, or not going to church, does not make you Christian.
2008-01-04 07:36:42 UTC
I don't believe in religion, but I do believe in having a relationship with Jesus Chirst. You also have to understand that people are sinners. There are sinners inside and outside the church. People make mistakes. I think you should get back in to church. You don't have to choose the same one but just find a church that best suits you.
John Trent
2008-01-04 11:10:17 UTC
"My GOD, It's Full of Stars" - From the Highly Religious Movies 2001 & 2010, written by a Scientist - A.C.Clarke!

GOD = The Universe (In which we were all created by the programmer of DNA).

The Black Monolith in the Movies measured 1 by 4 by 9 (The squares of 1, 2 & 3 - which is Hebrew for GOD.

This is why the Blue Danube Waltz is used in the movie 2001 - 3/4 time - 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123...

So in Answer to your Question - YES, absolutely!
2008-01-04 07:42:19 UTC
Your problem isn't with with religion, its with CHURCH.

You haven't found the right religion yet.

You have a right heart condition, if you want to beleive in God and Jesus Christ, they will call you. He is collecting his "rightly disposed ones" now. If you are fortunate enough to be one of these, then that is great, it doesn't matter of your past, or of your parents. Jesus himself set the example, those were wrong to treat you that way and were NOT christ like.

Call this number and ask for a FREE home Bible study.

718-560-5000. Someone can either come to your home, or you can meet somewhere or they can pick you up and take you to their home FREE, no obligation. You can study the Bible for short periods of time each week or whenever you want. You will find ALL THE LOVE you want and can handle there. I PROMISE.
2008-01-04 12:22:39 UTC
I think you are wise to believe in God but not religion. It is a sign of a true Christian.

From God’s viewpoint, the religious support by the masses does not alter one inescapable fact—all religion is on judgment before God. Babylon the Great, as evidenced by her history, deserves to be judged adversely because “her sins have massed together clear up to heaven, and God has called her acts of injustice to mind.” (Revelation 18:5) In prophetic language Hosea wrote: “For it is wind that they keep sowing, and a storm wind is what they will reap.” All of Satan’s false religions worldwide will pay the ultimate price for their betrayal of God, his love, his name, and his Son.—Hosea 8:7; Galatians 6:7; 1 John 2:22, 23.
2008-01-04 07:39:58 UTC
You are right in feeling uneasy with the treatment you have been getting.

What is Christian... and What is not Christian? The resource below covers that question in great detail. It does focus on what Jesus was actually teaching.. rather than what churches teach these days.... it's an eye-opener.
2008-01-04 07:38:55 UTC
Sure, welcome to the Spirituality club...a lot of people have gone through the same hypocracy and this is why people are awakening to the truth. That the religions, dogma, and teachings are tainted by humans, and because of mankinds need for control they have become serving not to God but to the religion. In order to define what we are, we have seen what we are not.

Be grateful for the awakening within you. And accept that your connection with God is direct, you dont have to go through a priest or anyone at all, you and God are co-creators of the experience we call life. that is all that matters.
2008-01-04 07:40:37 UTC
No, I believe in neither.

You class yourself with whatever label you choose.

I am an educated atheist who can tell you a couple of things it says in the bible

"When 2 or 3 are gathered in my name, I will be there"

"The body is the temple of the holy spirit "

No mention of a church building, and didn't the big man wreck the temples as he wasn't happy with what goes on in them?

I'm sure he'd do the same today!

Just believe what you want, whatever helps you get through the day and let the church hypocrites do whatever floats their boat!
vospire s
2008-01-04 07:40:20 UTC
I am in the same boat. I believe in God, but not in any church. Being treated badly happened to me in multiple churches with various denominations. You are definately a Christian, God does not require you to go worship in a fancy building. Say your prayers and give you thanks to God anywhere you want. Preachers are just guides and teachers, you don't NEED them in order to worship. I think that the best place to worship God is out among his creations.
2008-01-04 07:39:59 UTC
I can understand your frustrations with the Church, but not belonging to a church doesn't make you less of a Christian by any means.
2008-01-04 07:37:04 UTC
If you are a believer in Christ's teachings, then you are a Christian. If you live your life in a Christ-like manner, then you are a good person.

I prefer good people to Christians that treat folks badly.

Going to church makes you a Christian, like going to a garage makes you a car.
2016-10-21 13:06:50 UTC
i do no longer think in any style of prepared faith. each and every faith has their own God and in accordance to their religious writings, you basically get to heaven via believing in reported doctrine. Bullcrap. i think there is largely one God, he's not Catholic, Jewish, Protestant, Muslim and so on. Being a improving Catholic I actual have consistently chanced on it confusing that our God became immediately responsible for the slaughter of innocents who chosen to no longer believe. Plagues, floods, and so on. i think in hardship-unfastened experience. Be a good guy or woman, do the acceptable ingredient, help others, be style, do no longer cheat, thieve,lie, bear fake witness and so on. i'm no longer an Atheist possibly an Agnostic.
2008-01-04 07:41:10 UTC
yes, only 1 true god and there cant be many god....theres a confusing statement when someone say theres no god because

1)either they just didnt try to think about it a bit and concluded theres no one , everything justs pops up like magic , appearing without a reason.

2)they believe everything appears after big bang theory .

3)enviroment factor- people who just are waiting to pass life , making up the numbers in the earthly habitat wherby .
2008-01-04 07:38:52 UTC
I don't believe in a god and am very against the organised version of any religion. If anyone wants to worship a non existent entity, then that says more about the individual and their needs, rather than any religious beliefs.
2008-01-04 07:37:46 UTC
Do you believe in you believe HE died on the cross for your you believe HE rose from the grave...if you do and ask HIM to come into your heart, you are Christian...find another church...and I am sorry but your parents are living in sin...they should repent...and you should pray for them...religion is nothing...a personal relationship with Jesus is the key...
2008-01-04 07:37:05 UTC
yes i totally agree i believe in God but not religion. because i think that the churches sometimes try and make everyone believe and act the way they want them to if they were really holy people lk they say then why try and make everyone change to be lk them and not accept people for who they are. they take money from you why? do they really use it for the good causes of the world or for themselves? i mean i don't know i just think that churches lie to us sometimes. but i do really believe in God!!!!
2008-01-04 07:45:31 UTC
Christian means follower of Christ - church has little to do with it. You are still Christian.

I choose not to associate with any religion, nor desire to class myself. I am spiritual and believe in God.

~ Eric Putkonen
2008-01-04 07:34:25 UTC
2008-01-04 07:37:24 UTC
thats a good question. My boyfriend believes in God but he doesn't consider himself to belong to any religion. I, myself am an agnostic and am open to the Idea of a god, gods, higher power, mother earth... whatever but do not have my judgments clouded by religion. My beliefs are along more of a romantic vein - that someone is there watching out for us but I will not debunk facts in favour of belief.
2008-01-04 07:35:29 UTC
I know so many people that believe in God but not religion, many churches are just about the money nowadays... its sad but true.
2008-01-04 07:46:14 UTC
2008-01-04 07:48:55 UTC
Well, you should be at some Church welcoming people the way they should be welcomed. Sounds like you've decided to let the bastards have their way.
2008-01-04 07:45:58 UTC
I believe in god, but i don't want an old man in Europe telling me what to believe.

I don't want anyone telling what god is and what god isn't.

Religion should be a personal thing done through one's own spiritual search.
2008-01-04 07:37:42 UTC
i believe in god

but i dont really belong to a religion

i was baptised as a protestant though.

i dont think you have to belong to a religion.

but if you were christian before you stopped going to church

you still are.

just because you dont go to church doesnt mean a thing

2008-01-04 07:37:22 UTC
I have known some fine stay-at-home Christians. I'm sorry to hear about your experience with that church.
2008-01-04 20:27:21 UTC
Here is my take on religion.

1. Religion is a man-made deity. Lets break it down shall we???

Re- is the prefix, and it means to re-do, do-over, etc.

-ligion is the suffix. I'm not sure where that word came from, but what I do know is that according to the word "religion", it means order.

So basically, "religion" means "to restore over."

2. Religion is a belief system in which we are suppose to live our lives accordingly. There are so many dogmas to religion in which one religion says that "it's wrong if you go and get a tattoo" but another religion says that "it's okay for you to have a tattoo, as long as it has meaning." It beligerantly strangles the way you live. What happen to 'be true about what you believe in?'

3. Religion is being used as a source of income. Now I know that the majority would not agree to what I am saying, but look at all of these televangelists. Not to mention how they got there going to bible studies and bible college, they think they are prophets? HOW COWARDLY FAKE!!!!! A true prophet is very humble, and spiritual in their teachings. Who said that we are suppose to yell and scream to receive the HOLY SPIRIT and the 'WORD of GOD?'

Another thing, I know many of you seen the "CHRISTIAN CHILDRENS FUND" commercials on television. Now how many of those same faces do you see every 3-6mos in between of them airing those commercials? That ought have told you something. "Where in the hell is that money going?" I can answer that? IN THEIR OWN POCKETS! They don't care about those hungry children. They are only airing commercials like that to take your hard-earn tax-paying money.

And I do not go to church either. Mainly because I never fit in. I always felt like an "outcast" if you may say, but there are some other reasons why I do not go to church. Tides and offerings, where is that money going? IN THEIR OWN POCKETS.....well....part of the money anyway. Another reason is because there are a lot of people going there every-Sunday repenting for the same sins they do 365days and a Leap-year. Now, I can see if you made a wrong turn once and repent for it, then I can see that as a mistake. But when you constantly make the same wrong turns and repent for it, then it no longer becomes a mistake because you are aware of what your doing. That is the problem with a lot of "Typical Christians".

I was born into Christianity, but I never felt like a Christian, nor did I ever act like one.

4. When we are all born, it's like we never really have a choice in what to believe in because we study the word around us. And whatever just-so-happens to be around us is what we are suppose to believe. Most of us in life were taught not to think outside box, and Religion basicly limits your mental state....basically causing mental mutilation. How can you possibly think without having an "open mind?" And you wonder why some people in this world become mentally ill? Think about it.

How many of you people know who you are spiritually? If you know who you are spiritually, then you know who you are physically. Do you wonder why they call it a "government name?" Well 1. Your name is counted by a census bureau for current population standings. 2. IT'S THE NAME YOUR PARENT'S GAVE YOU! It's not God-given people, because if it was, then man would not have a deciphered meaning for it. Makes you wonder what your true name is huh? Now this is the part about knowing who your spirit is. The majority in this world don't know who they are and they are living lives that God did not intend for them to live, and you (yeah you, the one reading my answer here) might be one of those people. The reason why most people dont know who they are is because they don't love, or respect themselves. Do you ever wonder why people still don't respect you or still don't love you? The aura you give off tells all. CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME AND IT SPREADS ABROAD! Love, and respect starts with self, then love and respect can be given to others. That is where religion falls behind. Too many people don't have love or respect for the beliefs of others because they don't love themselves. And the reason behind all that is because they rely too much on religion, and on the basis of the book (referring to the bible) to govern their daily lives. What's that one saying? "LOVE CONQUERS ALL." Point taken. What happen to love and why is there so little of it? That's where religion being man-made comes in. Everyone needs a little structure in their lives, but once you have love, then you have structure. Religion, I can say from my own experiences, is like a lovelost. Once that love is lost, its hard to gain back, but if you have FAITH, then love can be restored.

I dont believe in religion. Personally, it places a lot of fear and doubt, and worriesome thoughts. Religion is just like the bible, the internet, and encyclopedia, 'a GOOD REFERENCE.'

I do, however, believe in Allah, God, etc. Every religion has their name for God, but we all worship the same deity, probably not the same person, but the same deity. Don't confuse religion with spirituality, and never confuse a person with a deity.

That is my take on religion. You don't have to agree with what I said. I am just stating my opinion because just like everyone has a butthole (not trying to be funny), everyone has an opinion.
2008-01-04 07:37:45 UTC
yes you are, that's fine. you can be whatever you want to be.

most of the churches are so hypocritical they can hardly be called christian. honestly, do you think jesus would have ejected someone from his church because they weren't married? that's not christian, it's just nasty.

good luck, have fun.
2008-01-04 07:36:56 UTC
YES. Dont worry,you dont have to go to church to beleive in God.
Brittany L
2008-01-04 07:35:04 UTC
i believe in god very much but i dont always agree with organized religion and i think that is perfectly fine just as long as i pray to do devotionals to him all the time
Guessses, A.R.T.
2008-01-04 07:35:33 UTC
Yep! Religion is man-made and merely an illusion of Spirituality.
2008-01-04 07:36:21 UTC
religion is the belief of god, it makes no sense what you wrote.

And that church isnt very holy if they do that and call themselves christians.
2008-01-04 07:43:49 UTC

there is no doubt about u r a christian.

always people r out of their control and they behave as if they know everything and r perfect in them selves.

u just do not mind them. keep ur self in perfection and do ur duty well. everything will automatically come to u.

my wishes

yours aanand
2008-01-04 07:37:09 UTC
If anyone amongst you thinks he is wise in this age, let him become a fool that he become wise.’

— I Corinthians 3:18

‘Be humble, if thou would'nt attain to wisdom. Be humbler still, when wisdom thou hast mastered.’

— Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
2008-01-04 07:36:19 UTC
I like to think of it this way: if God is forgiving, and if God is omniscient, then why can't all religions be true? Why does there have to be one? I believe in God, but religion is really stupid in my opinion.
2008-01-04 11:28:58 UTC
True, religions are ephemeral God is eternal.
2008-01-04 07:37:34 UTC
Many religious people do not represent goodness nor their faith well.

I have no argument with God.
2008-01-04 07:36:18 UTC
If you are Born Again, ( & you WILL know if you are).

As to you're first question:

Religion is created by man.

BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY, (NOT Denominational Christianity), is NOT a religion-it is a person-Christ Jesus!
2008-01-04 07:35:51 UTC
I believe that ALL religions are bad. They do not car about you all they are is big business. As for God Sure why not.
2008-01-04 07:35:02 UTC
yes religion a business
2008-01-04 07:35:29 UTC
Other way round. God is non-existent. But religion alas, is all too real, and the cause of much misery and evil in this vale of tears!
charlie h
2008-01-04 07:36:10 UTC
yes i don't believe in religion they make no scenes
2008-01-04 08:42:43 UTC
I believe neither.
sahil jain
2008-01-04 07:38:14 UTC
yupp i do the same
2008-01-04 07:35:30 UTC
I believe in Dyslexia and put my faith in DOG
2008-01-04 07:34:10 UTC
I believe in neither.
2008-01-04 07:45:02 UTC
oh yes...its a matter of ur faith...
2008-01-04 07:35:03 UTC
both are rubbish cause all the wars whats the point???
killz s
2008-01-04 07:36:01 UTC
interesting...then you must also believe in sex but not in sexual organs...haha. hahaha...hahahahahaha....

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