Here is my take on religion.
1. Religion is a man-made deity. Lets break it down shall we???
Re- is the prefix, and it means to re-do, do-over, etc.
-ligion is the suffix. I'm not sure where that word came from, but what I do know is that according to the word "religion", it means order.
So basically, "religion" means "to restore over."
2. Religion is a belief system in which we are suppose to live our lives accordingly. There are so many dogmas to religion in which one religion says that "it's wrong if you go and get a tattoo" but another religion says that "it's okay for you to have a tattoo, as long as it has meaning." It beligerantly strangles the way you live. What happen to 'be true about what you believe in?'
3. Religion is being used as a source of income. Now I know that the majority would not agree to what I am saying, but look at all of these televangelists. Not to mention how they got there going to bible studies and bible college, they think they are prophets? HOW COWARDLY FAKE!!!!! A true prophet is very humble, and spiritual in their teachings. Who said that we are suppose to yell and scream to receive the HOLY SPIRIT and the 'WORD of GOD?'
Another thing, I know many of you seen the "CHRISTIAN CHILDRENS FUND" commercials on television. Now how many of those same faces do you see every 3-6mos in between of them airing those commercials? That ought have told you something. "Where in the hell is that money going?" I can answer that? IN THEIR OWN POCKETS! They don't care about those hungry children. They are only airing commercials like that to take your hard-earn tax-paying money.
And I do not go to church either. Mainly because I never fit in. I always felt like an "outcast" if you may say, but there are some other reasons why I do not go to church. Tides and offerings, where is that money going? IN THEIR OWN POCKETS.....well....part of the money anyway. Another reason is because there are a lot of people going there every-Sunday repenting for the same sins they do 365days and a Leap-year. Now, I can see if you made a wrong turn once and repent for it, then I can see that as a mistake. But when you constantly make the same wrong turns and repent for it, then it no longer becomes a mistake because you are aware of what your doing. That is the problem with a lot of "Typical Christians".
I was born into Christianity, but I never felt like a Christian, nor did I ever act like one.
4. When we are all born, it's like we never really have a choice in what to believe in because we study the word around us. And whatever just-so-happens to be around us is what we are suppose to believe. Most of us in life were taught not to think outside box, and Religion basicly limits your mental state....basically causing mental mutilation. How can you possibly think without having an "open mind?" And you wonder why some people in this world become mentally ill? Think about it.
How many of you people know who you are spiritually? If you know who you are spiritually, then you know who you are physically. Do you wonder why they call it a "government name?" Well 1. Your name is counted by a census bureau for current population standings. 2. IT'S THE NAME YOUR PARENT'S GAVE YOU! It's not God-given people, because if it was, then man would not have a deciphered meaning for it. Makes you wonder what your true name is huh? Now this is the part about knowing who your spirit is. The majority in this world don't know who they are and they are living lives that God did not intend for them to live, and you (yeah you, the one reading my answer here) might be one of those people. The reason why most people dont know who they are is because they don't love, or respect themselves. Do you ever wonder why people still don't respect you or still don't love you? The aura you give off tells all. CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME AND IT SPREADS ABROAD! Love, and respect starts with self, then love and respect can be given to others. That is where religion falls behind. Too many people don't have love or respect for the beliefs of others because they don't love themselves. And the reason behind all that is because they rely too much on religion, and on the basis of the book (referring to the bible) to govern their daily lives. What's that one saying? "LOVE CONQUERS ALL." Point taken. What happen to love and why is there so little of it? That's where religion being man-made comes in. Everyone needs a little structure in their lives, but once you have love, then you have structure. Religion, I can say from my own experiences, is like a lovelost. Once that love is lost, its hard to gain back, but if you have FAITH, then love can be restored.
I dont believe in religion. Personally, it places a lot of fear and doubt, and worriesome thoughts. Religion is just like the bible, the internet, and encyclopedia, 'a GOOD REFERENCE.'
I do, however, believe in Allah, God, etc. Every religion has their name for God, but we all worship the same deity, probably not the same person, but the same deity. Don't confuse religion with spirituality, and never confuse a person with a deity.
That is my take on religion. You don't have to agree with what I said. I am just stating my opinion because just like everyone has a butthole (not trying to be funny), everyone has an opinion.