I don't know what boooks she was reading... but they weren't about Wicca.
Wicca is a religion... we honor the Higher Power that Created the Universe in the form of Father God and Mother Goddess.
We focus on living responsibly and finding balance.
It's not something you "do"... it is a faith that you live.
Wicca has absoultely nothing to do with contacting spirits or dark shadows or demons.
I have never even known a Wiccan who saw a demon... probably because we don't believe in them... and I've been Wiccan 20 years, and the people who trained me 20 years ago had been Wiccan for 30 years when I started my training. I have attended major festivals a couple times a year with hundreds of Wiccans gathering for holiday celebrations...
this kind of nonsense doesn't come up among us.
This is the simple case of "What-Christians-Believe-ABOUT-Wicca." Not what Wicca actually is.
My personal opinion 100% is that she is imagining things because she turned to poorly written occult sources for attention, grabbed hold of the word "Wicca" without knowing anything about it, and scared herself silly. But if she really wants to turn to a religion that believes in demons and that they can be conquered in their God's name, then why doesn't she just employ her God's help? She really should stay away from the horror movie version occult crap and just go on with the faith she believes in, and everything will go back to normal as she gets over it.
You can learn more about Wicca if you don't believe me at wicca.timerift.net... that is if you and your friend are mature enough to want to educate yourselves and responsible enough people that don't want to spread falsehoods.