new and old testaments?
2009-02-05 20:55:38 UTC
Just a random question that has been lurking in the back of my mind, why is it that we tend to follow the teachings of the new testament, yet disregard those of the Old EXCEPT for the ten commandments... i understand that the old testament is a bit outdated in certain parts but we cling to the 10 commandment.
Fifteen answers:
2009-02-05 21:35:51 UTC

…Yes, Jesus said he didn’t come to destroy the law, but to fulfill it, (Matthew 5:17) but this DOES NOT MEAN THE LAW IS STILL IN EFFECT. The result was the same, once fulfilled, the law was no longer in effect.

The very next verse, Matthew 5:18, LOOKS FORWARD to the time when the law WOULD BE SET ASIDE. "...Not even the smallest stroke of a pen will disappear from the Law UNTIL EVERYTHING IS COMPLETED." This “UNTIL” clause REINFORCES THE TEMPORARY NATURE OF THE LAW. It ONLY makes sense when we understand that the law was intended FROM THE BEGINNING to be SET ASIDE... Saying that the law will remain "UNTIL..." presupposes that it would some day no longer remain.

Jesus' "NEW COMMAND" in John 13:34 replaces the "moral code" of the law.

"So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other."

... The standard for love that Jesus established, that we love "JUST AS I HAVE LOVED YOU," requires much more of us than merely keeping the portions of the law dealing with our relationship with one another.

Of course Jesus' teaching here fits perfectly with Paul’s later teaching:

Ephesians 2:15 Through his body on the cross, Christ put an END to the LAW WITH ALL ITS COMMANDS AND RULES. He wanted to create one new group of people out of the two. He wanted to make peace between them.

Colossians 2:14, He WIPED OUT the WRITTEN LAW with its RULES. The Law was against us. It opposed us. He TOOK IT AWAY and NAILED IT TO THE CROSS.

Galatians 2:16&21 (excerpts) No one can be made right with God by obeying the law... What if a person could become right with God by obeying the law? Then Christ died for nothing!

Romans 3:20 So it can’t be said that anyone will be made right with God by obeying the law. Not at all! The law makes us more aware of our sin. 21 But now God has shown us how to become right with him. The Law and the Prophets give witness to this. It has nothing to do with obeying the law.

Galatians 5:4 Some of you are trying to BE MADE RIGHT WITH GOD BY OBEYING THE LAW. You have been SEPARATED FROM CHRIST. You have FALLEN AWAY FROM GOD’S GRACE... The ONLY verse that talks about falling from grace, and they did it by trying to follow the law!

The 10 commandments along with the rest of the law (technically described by "commands and rules" from Ephesians 2:15) were "set aside" when they were fulfilled or completed at Jesus' resurrection. We are no longer bound by that law.


Romans 15:4 Everything that was written in the past was written to teach us. The Scriptures give us strength to go on. They cheer us up and give us hope.

So we see that Paul's teaching is exactly in line with Jesus' own prophecy about the law. Early in Paul’s ministry, the other apostles and the elders in Jerusalem were asked about non-Jewish converts to Christianity and their relationship or responsibility to the law. Here was their UNANIMOUS RESPONSE:

"The apostles and elders, your brothers, To the non-Jewish believers in Antioch, Syria and Cilicia:


We have heard that some went out from us without our authorization and disturbed you, troubling your minds by what they said. We all agreed to choose some men and send them to you with our dear friends Barnabas and Paul— men who have risked their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore we are sending Judas and Silas to confirm by word of mouth what we are writing. It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us not to burden you with anything beyond the following requirements: YOU ARE TO ABSTAIN FROM FOOD SACRIFICED TO IDOLS, FROM BLOOD, FROM THE MEAT OF STRANGLED ANIMALS AND FROM SEXUAL IMMORALITY. YOU WILL DO WELL TO AVOID THESE THINGS.

Farewell." -- Acts 15:23-29

Notice that the ENTIRE body of rules contained in the Old Testament was reduced to ONE SENTENCE.
2009-02-05 21:08:25 UTC
This question always makes me wonder.....

think of the Bible as a timeline. Which it is. It begins with Creation in Genesis and ends with the end of the world in Revelation.

There are 2 covenants, the covenant made between God and the Israelites, and the New Covenant. Testament means covenant by the way. The covenant was binding until death. Jesus died and opened the gates of heaven and ended the old covenant. Read Hebrews for more info on this "new covenant"... 10 commandments..... I've always thought we should follow every part of the old testament thats not CANCELED in the new. Sacrifices are canceled for one thing. another thing is some of the clean/unclean laws are canceled... Ironically though, some Christians believe we should just throw out the whole old testament... not so.

Christmas and Easter are not biblical. Sunday being the holy day is NOT biblical .The Sabbath has never been canceled or change. If you look at the sequence (3 days and 3 nights the Son of Man will be in the heart of the earth)...if you believe Jesus died on Friday, 3 days and 3 nights does not come out to Sunday morning! There is a lot of misleading, misguided facts surrounding Christianity...We should follow the Ten Commandments and anything else Jesus has commanded us to do...
2009-02-05 21:19:53 UTC
The old testament contains more prophecies then the new and most of these prophecies that have not been fulfilled yet kk. They are still equally vital today. The only part of the Old Testament that is not vital are commands that have been fulfilled in Jesus under the new covenant and the Levitical law. Even they are vital to our history as a church. The commandment we follow now is the law of love. Jesus says to hang all the law and the prophets on this law. The old testament followers were under this law as well but they just never got it so God added another 9 commands. What is the first command? LOVE. You bet your socks the OT is vital today for everyone who waits for Gods return. I'm really glad you don' have one more k in your initials. Love Kent.
2009-02-05 21:19:39 UTC
First of all, the 10 commandments are a part of the law, which was given to the Israelites while in the wilderness because they would not obey God. They were observed for many, many years because there was nothing else given to replace them; until Jesus. From then on we were no longer under the law, but under His grace.

The Old Testament is a collection of writings of the prophets of old. And Jesus Himself said in Luke 24:25-26 after his resurrection: "O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken: Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory?"

So I would say we disregard the teachings of the Old Testament because we are fools and slow of heart to believe what the prophets have taught us.
Here I Am
2009-02-05 21:06:34 UTC
You can not understand government with out knowing it's history.

The Old Testament or Hebrew Scriptures is the history of mankind and the theocratic government enforce at that time leading to Christ.

The New Testament or Christian Greek Scriptures is the conclusion of the old government because Christ came to the earth to fulfill the law (Mosaic Law) and also to provide hope for the Future. It also tells mankind HOW WE can have a good relationship with Jehovah and gain what the the Jews of ancient times lost when they rejected the Christ.
2009-02-05 21:05:48 UTC
Jesus actually restates, in a way, the 10 Commandments in the Sermon on the Mount, found in Matthew 5-8. We do not ignore the OT or the 10 Commandment, it is simply a matter that Jesus fulfilled the old law of the OT. The OT is the teachings of the Jews, prior to the arrival of Jesus. The NT is the teachings of Jesus Himself, as told to His disciples.
Allison B
2009-02-05 21:02:00 UTC
from what I've heard, the new testament is set in the current age and the old testament was meant for earlier people. The 10 commandments were laws set by God for everyone to follow and now people use them as moral codes.
2016-05-29 09:56:03 UTC
The Old Testament is the Hebrew Scriptures. In the bible it is from Genesis through to Malachi. Jews do not believe in the New Testament as they do not accept that Jesus Christ was the promised Messiah.
2009-02-05 21:04:43 UTC
A misunderstanding of "the law".

The whole word of God is good, as it tells us (that's both OT and NT)

The OT is full of prophecy of the NT and even for now (in fact, mostly for now).

The 10C are part of the Mosaic law which Christ came and fulfilled to give us the spiritual law (harder and is kept spiritually and has spiritual rewards, where the Israelites had a physical law, kept it physically and were offered physical death for disobeying and physical life in teh promised land for obeying).

There is also a moral law which is included in both the OT and NT which governs 'behavior' for want of a better word.

Its a big subject, but collect all the Scriptures talking about the law in the NT and that may build a picture for you.
Aunt Trudy
2009-02-05 21:02:53 UTC
The Law stands intact. It is not outdated. We are simply further away from it.

(Now for your question)

The reason has to do with the fact that nobody can possibly keep the law so we concentrate more on our current relationship with Jesus that is part of our daily lives. The law shows us that we are guilty. Christ saves us. I personally like reading more about my savior then my sins.
2009-02-05 21:07:00 UTC
Drooper is right the bible is not outdated we just got comfortable with compromising a little all the time then we are far away from our father the teachings become unfair and too hard for us and we complain how unfair it is. the truth is we strayed and we need to come back. God Bless. Love. Amen.
2009-02-05 21:03:23 UTC
The OT was a different administration {dispensation} we now live in the Grace administration exemplified in the seven church epistles - Romans, I & II Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and I & II Thessalonians.
2009-02-05 21:09:06 UTC
The law was given to point out that we need to be saved. Sin used the law to condemn us. We can not be saved by the law so that's why Jesus lived died and rose.
2009-02-05 21:01:40 UTC
We don't disagree with the old, now we are under grace not law.
Very much in love with God.
2009-02-05 21:01:42 UTC
Could it be that they were written by the finger of God Himself?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.