Stuck on the Law of Attraction!?
2010-06-04 03:36:48 UTC
So I've recently been introduced to The Secret / Law of Attraction. I've been studying it for a couple weeks. I watch the movie The Secret everyday, and I've read the book about two three times. I understand everything for the most part, I'm just really stuck on the "Feeling the emotions when your visualizing" part. Can anyone lead me some tips, and kinda sorta help me with this?

Thanks in advance.
Seven answers:
2010-06-04 19:19:06 UTC
I watched the video... very funny!

Feeling your thoughts...

If I said that you were a stupid idiot and a waste of my time, how you would you feel? Well, if you started to think that you were a stupid idiot... you would start feeling bad. If you completely reject that thought with a "You're wrong. I'm a genius", you'll feel pretty good. Notice the you are having feelings based on what you are thinking (regardless of whether it's true or not).

This is what the law of attraction is talking about. You have feelings based on thoughts. When you are visualizing and you are not feeling anything, that just tells you that you don't really care about what you are visualizing.

If you don't really care, you're not going to attract it faster.

So how do you care more about your desires? Inflame them.

Let me use ...ummmm... a shiny red sports car for example. If you are trying to visualize yourself in this car, and you don't feel great about it, then you don't really care about it. So if you do want a new car, go sit in one. Go learn about them. Test drive one. One of two things is going to happen. Either you'll realize that you don't really want it to begin with or you'll really like it and cause a stronger craving. That craving is you starting to think about it more and starting to feel it.

Now "the secret" is to feel good about craving it. Feel good about wanting to bring it into your life. Imagine how good it would feel to move towards obtaining it. Feel the thought of how much FUN it would in bringing it into your life.

That's the emotions part.

A couple of notes here: Notice that it's the journey of manifesting that's the fun part. Not that it manifests. And notice that you must feel good about it. If you have a bad feeling about your desire (for example, doubt about the journey), you'll hold yourself apart of achieving your desire.

I hope this helps.
2016-04-14 06:09:05 UTC
SOME of it is scientifically proven such as believing and telling yourself you are smart rather than stupid increases test scores for example a study found out but its not proven in every subject like materializing objects obviously and certainly not by science. How you act can effect others around you. I also found something very strange in my psychology book (forgot the exact details and cant find the book right now) talking about an experiment where people put a mouse in a maze and the observers of the mouse going through the maze their beliefs somehow influenced the mouse to finish the maze faster or something like that. Im not sure why it was in the psychology book but it wasnt talking about positive thinking or anything it was related to an entirely different subject but its interesting.
2016-05-17 19:28:39 UTC
Do you resent your extremely effective pal who have a huge home, a fancy sports car, and goes off on a family trip every once in a while? Do you believe that you are not getting exactly what you are worthy of despite working really hard? If yes, then you are not alone as there are countless guys and females who feel the same.

Thankfully, it is still not too late and you can achieve everything that you have desired from life with the aid of Manifestation Miracle, a self-development guide that you can find here

Manifestation Miracle has already helped countless individuals. These individuals have changed their lives and achieved everything from success in business and lots of cash to name and fame in society and you too can be one of them. Simply tune your fate and you discover challenges being remove from your course.
2010-06-04 03:44:54 UTC
The idea is to create the exact reality in your thoughts that you would have if it actually happened.

It works, it just takes time.

Love and blessings Don
♥ Becca ♥
2010-06-04 03:49:52 UTC
This video may help you out some:
2010-06-04 03:45:08 UTC
it's nonsense. grow up, there is no such thing as magic.

our thoughts cannot change the objective reality around us
2010-06-04 03:42:53 UTC
another phony religion like scientology? there is no "law of attraction"

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