Kindness to Muslims. Will more kindness overcome their hate?
2007-10-18 13:09:56 UTC
Most people believe so. Why...I dont know, maybe its our foundation of Christian morality (love the enemy, turn the cheek) and Disney-endings.

The scary part about our simplistic way of seeing the world is that Islam is the perfect test of it. While some Muslims are decent people, the whole of Islam is without any question a steady and implacable movement of intolerance itself.

The vast majority of Mosques teach Muslims to hate unbelievers and push Islamic culture. Now, to western people this sounds like exagerration, or impossiblity. Thats because of our naive notions of the world. But if you actually research what Im saying, read the poll data, study history, you will find every word true.

Its true, they do we our tolerance as weakness, although they dont tell us as much. Am I espousing hatred? Yes...and I do so in the finest tradition of survival...just as I was wired to do.
Eighteen answers:
2007-10-18 13:46:16 UTC
What you are saying is common sense, not hatred. There are Muslims that hate us. Saudi money is funding mosques in America and they are preaching hate. I don't know if they all do, but there's no denying that it's happening. Undercover reports have revealed some of the hate being spewed around the world.

Love and tolerance are not weaknesses but shouldn't be used as excuses to be stupid. These people that want us dead don't respond to love or reasoning.

The 9/11 hijackers used our laws against us. People said they seemed nice, quiet. Isn't that what is always said about mass murderers, Muslim or not? They lay low, don't draw attention to themselves and then when the time is right, they strike. You'd think we would have learned by now.
2016-05-23 14:55:08 UTC
I'm a muslim and I'm saying it with proud. You should, too ... Your father is a good man indeed, but he should also teach you HOW to read the Quran and its meaning. In the Quran, you will find the answer. Why everyone in your grade hate you, and what should you act or react as a muslim. You have internet access, so browse and find out what Islam is all about. Of course, the Quran is the main reference and guidance for muslims, so if you find any information about Islam, you have to compare it to the Quran. Anything that contradict with the Quran is wrong. I suggest that you speak to your parents to find a solution to it. Sometimes, only care is not enough. Other idea would be distinguishing yourself from the others. Be the smartest, or strongest, or the best in anything. Then, everyone would not make fun of you for being a muslim anymore.
2007-10-18 13:28:50 UTC
And when exactly was the last time you where in a Mosque to know what is being taught?

You assume a heck of a lot and know absolutely nothing.

Islam has never been "intolerant" in my experience. When have Muslims been intolerant to you? I am most certainly NOT taught to hate unbelievers you listen to too much media propaganda and treat it as fact. I am a "westerner" and a Muslim so tell me am i "naive" and a Muslim or western and intolerant? Shish your blindness is staggering. I feel sorry for any children you teach this drivel too.

Is this hate filled question what you call tolerant? Survival? Honestly the only person who is threatening your survival is Bush. He will not be happy till there is a WW3 and it will all be his doing. Look a little closer to home for your intolerance. Bush learned it from his father and grandfather, no wonder you are the way you are if this what you call tolerance.

Truth Seeker? More like Propaganda Pusher.

And PS my mother is a born again christian and my father a Protestant are you suggesting Islam is teaching me to hate my own parents? I feel truly sorry for you. The word pitiful comes to mind......

LOL there you go with your made up statistics of there being only .0001% of muslim living in the west are you suggesting that out of 1.6 Billion that 99.9998% live in the middle east? Come on your a complete joke. And as for your comment "english speaking muslims" i have visited many muslim countries and they have a very high percentage that speak several languages. My husband is fluent in Arabic, French, German and English. Every muslim i have ever met in the UK speaks english but are not all from the UK. So are we ALL trying to give an image of Islam that does not excist in your opinon. Or maybe just maybe WE are the real Islam and the media stereotype you want everyone to by into is the urban myth?

When have you ever been in a Mosque?

Let me tell you exaclty what happens when i go to mosque. I arrive chat with some friends, look in the book shop, i wash for pray, pray is called, i enter the hall, i do my two prayers before we are lead by the Imam. The Imam then leads prayer, we all follow. Prayer ends. The Imam gives a small talk sometimes, not every time about chapters in the Quran, or local events, a talk about children, or some events in the news. We leave the Mosque say goodbye to friends and neighbours and go home. All in all we are there 15/20 minutes max. And in that time i am being taught to hate all non believers am i? Non believers are the last thing that gets talked about. Contrary to what you believe we have more important things on our mind. OUR LIVES. We have them you know. We work, have children, careers, get further educations, have friends and family, have doctor and dentist appointments, need to get a new indicator bulb for the car, oh and cant forget to get the milk for my kids breakfast in the morning. You see we are just people with lives like everyone else. You, people of other faiths or no faiths at all really do not enter on to my head on a daily basis. I have better things to do with my time as do all other muslims. Sorry to burst your hate filled bubble but there you go. Pop! You and your faith and your country and your whatever are the last thing on my mind so you can put your paranoia back where they belong with the boogy man under your bed. End of story......

This link will tell you exaclty how many muslim are living in the US.

How do you like them apples? Truth seeker? What? Truth hurts does it?
2007-10-18 13:18:51 UTC
Gee, I am Muslim, and I have NEVER been to nor even heard of a Mosque that teaches Muslims to "hate unbelievers". Until you have gone to a Mosque yourself and seen this with your own eyes, you should never say such things. Ignorance. And by saying "the vast majority of Mosques" (LMAO!) you are horribly generalizing and making yourself look like a fool (even though many people who already have a pre-concieved hate for Islam will gladly agree with you impulsively). Have you too been hypnotized by the media? LOL, the "vast majority of Mosques". Thanks for the laugh. Push Islamic culture? I'm laughing even harder. Where do you get this stuff? Fox News?

"Love the enemy, turn the cheek." I guess you are a massive hypocrite.
2007-10-18 13:25:10 UTC
what, how many mosque have you been to? jumah services are held on Fridays so you should go to a service then come back and then come back and let us know what hate got preached. anyway, this world has been in existance for a very very long time and the christians did use to go killing people, breaking stautes, taking slaves (for instance the african slaves coming to America) is a prime example.

what are you talking about? People representing Christians have done many things all around the world. You are a biased.
2007-10-18 14:34:24 UTC
Yeah, you showed me your love and tolerance by your offense on Muslims.

You are expert in making muslims evil and making yourself angel. Actually when i read your post, i know how much hate do you cover inside towards muslims. This nonsense you are righting gives me an idea how dumb you are. Are you American? If you so, i dont blame you.
2007-10-18 13:16:48 UTC
If Islam taught Muslims to hate non Muslims then not a single Christian or Jew would have been allowed in Jerusalem during Islams 1200 yr rule.

Your lies have no basis in fact.

Crusaders spread the same lies to gather their forces and they lost 8 out of 9 crusades so GOD was also not impressed.

2007-10-18 13:28:05 UTC
Islam is perfect! The people that practice it are not. There are a whole lat of Christain(just open today's newpaper how many crimes where committed in US and how many were muslim? I think you would find that the christain committing crime is high than the muslims) that do bad things but you dont see people talking about forever.
2007-10-18 13:13:52 UTC
Unless you are talking about the very small sects of extremists, of which I've never met, every Muslim I have met has been on average much nicer and accepting than any Christian ever has. So yes, I will be kind to Muslims if you don't mind.
2007-10-18 13:12:25 UTC
If by kindness you mean love, yes. Love will always overcome in the long run because it's the strongest force in the universe.

Notice that prepositional phrase: in the long run. It doesn't always happen as quick as we'd like it, but it does always happen.

M. Gandhi said that in all his years on earth one thing he knew for sure was that love and goodness would win in the long run, and that deception and hatred would lose.
2007-10-18 13:26:42 UTC
Do they support Israel or does that generate hostile reactions.
2007-10-18 13:14:18 UTC
who knows maybe it will but maybe it wont

i seen a muslim question earlier about that they should ban the porn cause the west has no morals

i find that odd cause ive seen porn from china and japan and india and pakistan i think its the way they are raised they believe we are all hedonistic savages
2007-10-18 13:16:05 UTC
ur question itself, is full of hate towards muslims

think upon that

study Islam before you decide to judge its 1 billion followers

Learn Islam from the quran, not from muslims.
2007-10-18 13:14:54 UTC
its always better than returning hate to terrorist or any hate just leads to more of the same on both sides
Real Friend
2007-10-18 13:14:51 UTC
It's not hate they would need to over come it's God's directive that they would need to abandon. How many of you are willing to abandon your god?
2007-10-18 13:13:41 UTC
Muslims don't hate the unbelievers. We hate the sin not the sinner.
2007-10-18 13:16:49 UTC
couldnt hurt so just dont join it.
2007-10-18 13:26:21 UTC
This long list of verses from the Holy Quran and the Traditions of Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him) show that Islam at it's core and at its source is a religion of peace. Terrorists who persecute innocent people because of their faith are not welcome - their use of Islam as a scapegoat, does not make Islam what they portray it to be.

2:256 There is no compulsion in religion, for the right way is clearly from the wrong way. Whoever therefore rejects the forces of evil and believes in God, he has taken hold of a support most unfailing, which shall never give way, for God is All Hearing and Knowing.

16:82 But if they turn away from you, (O Prophet remember that) your only duty is a clear delivery of the Message (entrusted to you).

6:107 Yet if God had so willed, they would not have ascribed Divinity to aught besides him; hence, We have not made you their keeper, nor are you (of your own choice) a guardian over them.

4:79, 80 (Say to everyone of them,) 'Whatever good betides you is from God and whatever evil betides you is from your own self and that We have (O Prophet) sent you to mankind only as a messenger and all sufficing is God as witness. Whoso obeys the Messenger, he indeed obeys God. And for those who turn away, We have not sent you as a keeper."

11:28 (Noah to his people) He (Noah) said "O my people! think over it! If 1 act upon a clear direction from my Lord who has bestowed on me from Himself the Merciful talent of seeing the right way, a way which you cannot see for yourself, does it follow that we can force you to take the right path when you definitely decline to take it?°

17:53, 54 And tell my servants that they should speak in a most kindly manner (unto those who do not share their beliefs). Verily, Satan is always ready to stir up discord between men; for verily; Satan is mans foe .... Hence, We have not sent you (Unto men O Prophet) with power to determine their Faith.

21:107 to 109 (O Prophet?) 'We have not sent you except to be a mercy to all mankind:" Declare, "Verily, what is revealed to me is this, your God is the only One God, so is it not up to you to bow down to Him?' But if they turn away then say, "I have delivered the Truth in a manner clear to one and all, and I know not whether the promised hour (of Judgment) is near or far."

22:67 To every people have We appointed ceremonial rites (of prayer) which they observe; therefore, let them not wrangle over this matter with you, but bid them to turn to your Lord (since that is the main objective of religion). You indeed are rightly guided. But if they still dispute you in this matter, (then say,) `God best knows (the value of) what you do."

88:21, 22; also see 24:54 And so, (O Prophet!) exhort them your task is only to exhort; you cannot compel them to believe.

48:28 He it is Who has sent forth His Messenger with the (task of spreading) Guidance and the Religion of Truth, to the end that tie make it prevail over every (false) religion, and none can bear witness to the Truth as God does.

36:16, 17 (Three Messengers to their people)Said (the Messengers), "Our Sustainer knows that we have indeed been sent unto you, but we are not bound to more than clearly deliver the Message entrusted to us.'

39:41 Assuredly, We have sent down the Book to you in right form for the good of man. Whoso guided himself by it does so to his own advantage, and whoso turns away from it does so at his own loss. You certainly are not their keeper.

42:6, 48 And whoso takes for patrons others besides God, over them does God keep a watch. Mark, you are not a keeper over them. But if they turn aside from you (do not get disheartened), for We have not sent you to be a keeper over them; your task is but to preach ....

64:12 Obey God then and obey the Messenger, but if you turn away (no blame shall attach to our Messenger), for the duty of Our Messenger is just to deliver the message.

67:25, 26 And they ask, "When shall the promise be fulfilled if you speak the Truth?" Say, "The knowledge of it is verily with God alone, and verily I am but a plain warner."

60:8 Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just.

60:9 Allah only forbids you, with regard to those who fight you for (your) Faith, and drive you out of your homes, and support (others) in driving you out, from turning to them (for friendship and protection). It is such as turn to them (in these circumstances), that do wrong.

The teachings of the Prophet on how you and I should treat our Non-Muslim friends and neighbours on a day to day basis as well as how to government should treat a Non-Muslim citizen of a Muslim state.

"He who believes in God and the Last Day should honour his guest, should not harm his neighbour, should speak good or keep quiet." (Bukhari, Muslim)

"Whoever hurts a Non-Muslim citizen of a Muslim state hurts me, and he who hurts me annoys God." (Bukhari)

"He who hurts a Non-Muslim citizen of a Muslim state, I am his adversary, and I shall be his adversary on the Day of a Judgement." (Bukhari)

"Beware on the Day of Judgement; I shall mysefl be complainant against him who wrongs a Non-Muslim citizen of a Muslim state or lays on him a responsibility greater than he can bear or deprives him of anything that belongs to him." (Al-Mawardi)

"Anyone who kills a Non-Muslim who had become our ally will not smell the fragrance of Paradise." (Bukhari)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.