Atheist, I can proof that god exists! But can you proof god does not exists?
2008-01-03 06:01:29 UTC
Proof that God exists:

1.) Nature is incredible. Take time to look at anything closely, and you'll have a hard time explaining it as coincidence.

2.) Historical events that seem to be impossible without supernatural intervention (defeat of the Spanish Armada, rise and fall of kingdoms, etc.)

3.) Miracles (I've witnessed a few first hand and there are many in the Bible.)

4.) Prophecy and fulfillment of prophecy (there were over 300 prophecies of Jesus' life, and all came true)

5.) Humans have an innate desire to worship something (God, money, themselves, etc.), and it seems unlikely that they could invent that.

6.) Humans seem to have a natural understanding of right and wrong (whether we choose to ignore it is a different story).

7.) If you look at Jesus' life, you could conclude he was either A) insane, B) a liar, or C) who He claimed to be. Most people would agree that He gave no indication of the first two.

8.) All godless nations are weak. (China, North Korea)
38 answers:
2008-01-03 06:14:23 UTC
It would not matter, if they even had a glimpse of God, they still would be in denial. No use in beating a dead horse.

However, we can still pray for these individuals.

-God Bless.

1 Samuel 12:23

As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the LORD by failing to pray for you. And I will teach you the way that is good and right.
2008-01-03 06:21:02 UTC
I'm not an atheist but some of the points made dont seem to have much to do with proof of God.

point 1 - Yes, I agree with that, nature is the best way to look for God.

point 2 - maybe

point 3 - so-called miracles are things that any human can do with proper yogic practices

point 4 - arguable

point 5 - maybe

point 6 - agreed

point 7 - agreed, Jesus was a great prophet Who acquired greatness and is deservedly worshipped by millions

point 8 - cant agree that China is weak, and there are a lot of religious countries that are ridden with poverty and instability

Also, dont forget that Christianity is not the only religion that involves good teachings. Hinduism, Islam, and other religions are making huge contributions to God-realisation. A pity that Islam is being misconstrued by many fundamentalists.

I come from a Hindu background and I can tell you the Hindu scriptures are even more complex than the Bible, and they have a wealth of information on morality and living.

Even though all religions are different, they all point toward the truth that there is a Supernatural Power that is superior to what we perceive in the material world.
2008-01-03 07:28:02 UTC
First of all, it's prove. Proof is what you call evidence that supports your theory. Proving is something you do.

"1.) Nature is incredible. Take time to look at anything closely, and you'll have a hard time explaining it as coincidence."

-It's called evoution. And let's see... tailbone, appendix, inner eyelid... that's just for humans. Birth defects. Droughts... .... nah, why bother, he claim is simply silly.

"2.) Historical events that seem to be impossible without supernatural intervention (defeat of the Spanish Armada, rise and fall of kingdoms, etc.)"

-Armada? It's called a storm you moron. Ships sink all the time, ships loaded to the max with weapons sink more, ships being shot at while doing that sink even more... besides medina was a d***head. They lost due to a storm, and inferior leadership. Kingdoms fall all the time... (its funny how the french revolution was called an atheist act by someone earlier.)

3.) Miracles (I've witnessed a few first hand and there are many in the Bible.)

-The bible is not evidence, you can't use the bible to prove god, and then prove the book by the diety... circular logic doesn't work. As for your miracles, assuming you'e not lying, I'm assuming you have some evidence? Or at least expertese to analyze the events to come to the conclusions?

4.) Prophecy and fulfillment of prophecy (there were over 300 prophecies of Jesus' life, and all came true)

-There were over 300 prophecies in the early parts of a book, that were claimed to come true at the later part of the book...not much of a proof, is it? I now prophesize that I will call you an dolt. You sir are an dolt. Thus I have fulfilled my prophecy... only 299 more to go.

5.) Humans have an innate desire to worship something (God, money, themselves, etc.), and it seems unlikely that they could invent that.

-Not true, on both. Not all humans feel the need to worship; I don't. You'd be better off saying that it's genetic, and your church uses a natural human trait to usurp their needs for their own benefit.

6.) Humans seem to have a natural understanding of right and wrong (whether we choose to ignore it is a different story).

-Not true. Humans have a natural tendency to learn the values and morals of their culture... cannibal tribes would see nothing wrong with killing someone and eating them, to their culture it would be the right thing to do. I could give you a few thousand examples of the current cultures that differ in their view of right and wrong. Want me to?

7.) If you look at Jesus' life, you could conclude he was either A) insane, B) a liar, or C) who He claimed to be. Most people would agree that He gave no indication of the first two.

-D) non-existant E) misrepresented... and so on. You can't pick and choose ;) You're again using the bible to prove god, it doesn't work. I presonally don't dispute that there were lots of men called yeshua living in the area during those days... some might have even had followers. And some of them could be A) or B). or any other letter.

8.) All godless nations are weak. (China, North Korea)

-Weak? I'm guessing you don't read much, do you? It's one of the fastest growing economies, it's a nuclear power for ****s sake. And if you look at the politics, you'll notice that it's the communist system that's held it back (and some nasty chinese ideas about racial superiority)... now that they're shifting towards a partial capitalist economy, they're on the rise... nothing to do with god.

In conclusion... you've proven nothing at all. And you're a dolt. Also, no; we can't prove god doesn't exist. You make claims about god, it's your job to prove him... I suggest you research "proving a negative", try google. Or, try doing a search here about "polkadotted chimpanzees dancing on my head".

Also, you might give it a try yourself by proving to me that there isn't an invisible dragon in my garage. She's called daisy, and can't be intercted with by the unbelievers.
2008-01-03 06:20:11 UTC
You can't.

1) This is the argument from ignorance. If you look at life closely, you see evolution, and no sign of God.

2) Spanish Armada -- storm at sea. Governments rise and fall. For every government, there are dozens past.

3) Wishful thinking.

4) Actually, there are numerous Messianic prophesies not fulfilled. Matthew and John didn't get them all as they edited.

5) You are confusing value most with worship. If you twist language enough, you can make words mean other things (see prophecies above). This is meaningless word play.

6) So do the primates we evolved from.

7) Since all the writings are retrospective, you could also say that Jesus was a rabbi whose life was edited by those who took over the ministry.

8) China is the country to watch in the 21st century. That is not weak.

9) The Bible contradicts itself in numerous places (e.g. Ruth is about welcoming in foreigners, when most of the other books shun foreigners. The Bible was written over about 1,000 years, drawing on older oral traditions by far more than 40 authors and editors. Linguistic styles attest to that.

You just made an excellent argument FOR atheism.
2008-01-03 06:10:54 UTC
1) what has nature got to do with god? But I can you a lot of things done over god. Killing, wars, domination.I can't believe you're even bothering to use this as a point.

2)Explain to me why it wouldn't have happened without supernatural intervention?

3) Bible has stories. You didn't witness the many miracles that was mentioned in the bible right? miracles? Coincidinks happen. I found a 50 dollar note once. Miracle ,or coincidence?

4)Not all. If i'm not wrong, told by my christian teacher, a lot didn't come true.

5)People created god because long ago they couldn't explain things. So god seemed the most reasonable.But now when things can be explained, people turn away from them, only choosing to believe what primitive people though 2000 years ago.

6)I thought people said that people has no morals without a holy book to tell them. Contradicting?

7)He was neither.

8) All godless nations are weak? why only mention the weak ones. Japan is much much much more advanced than any of "god's" countries. look at saudi arabia ,and israel. too busy fighting a war then to figure out new inventions that will help the world instead.
2008-01-03 06:54:47 UTC
1st - you need help fast - see a psychologist or psychiatrist fast!!!

2nd You cannot prove god exists - Christianity is a faith - if you need proof you lack faith!!!

3rd If you witnessed miracles why has no one heard of them - what were you taking at the time?

4th you use chine and north Korea as examples of weak godless nations yet China will rank second behind America this year and will almost certainly become the superpower by 2020!!!!

Look at America claiming to be the capitol of Christianity. Dollar through the floor. Sub prime mortgage debt, National debt, more poor and destitute than in the entire developed world. What the heck is christian about that?

Finally - you obviously belong to one of the numerous splinter churches of the USA. A country that has split the church into numerous factions, re written the bible and the religion to suit them and is destroying Christianity from the inside! many countries describe America as the great Satan - they just miss the real point which is that the Antichrist is thriving and destroying Christianity from the inside!!

What rank do you hold in the Antichrist army?!!!
2008-01-03 06:19:26 UTC
It's not about existance of THE GODS or THE GODDESSES......... it's about interpersonal and spiritual faith. If you want to worship a pomegranite... GO AHEAD! Everybody has their own right to believe what they want to believe. If you find a happier life, content and comfort and you are a better person inside, whether you be a tibetan monk, Wiccan or the biggest chicken and snake dancing christian mountain holy roller, or Mormon it's your own choice and your own freedom of WILL.

Too many people have died and been murdered over their religious beliefs... Organized religion equals political power and wealth.

We all just need to live and let live and quit condemning people and things we don't understand. GROW SOME TOLERANCE AND COMPASSION FOR HUMANITY.

Jesus, whether real or historic, had some great charisma, wisdom and a compassionate heart. He was a profound philosopher. Yet, that still doesn't prove or disprove God's existance.

Scientists are trying to understand our Universe and our creation. We were given minds. It is man's need to understand what can't be explained. The ancient myths came from not understanding things like weather, the human body and any thing new and frightening. It was easier to weave a story of false explanation to describe these things, by creating a deity, rather than scientific comprehension. Belief in something Spiritual cessated the fear. If we understand, we don't fear, do we? Nope, we take the measures necessary to protect ourselves. SO.. for that matter, NONE of the Gods or Goddesses have been disproved, either, because WHO is to say there is JUST ONE GOD?
Rolly O
2008-01-06 09:38:20 UTC
The Bible is a historical book, it doesnt prove God exists.

The universe is so complex that even scientists believe that our existence is impossible without a Great Designer.

Study Math , Statistics, Quantum Physics, Philosophy, Psychology, Paranormal Psychology.

The majority still do not believe in miracles because they have not seen it first hand. miracles are so few if you compare it to normal events in the world. Man by nature always wants to see it with their own eyes.

And this is why atheists will never believe in God because they will never see God. I myself would want to see with my own eyes other dimensions (aside from 1st 2nd and 3rd dimensions). --- "What the bleep do we know?"

The Vatican Church have many priest assigned to examine, investigate, and evaluate many kinds of phenomena like miracles, possessions, stigmata, etc.

Therefore , there are documented events that cannot be explained by science. Many priests are also scientists based on their educational attainment and profession.

Im not a Catholic

Im not a Christian

Im not a Muslim

Im not a Buddhist ...

But there is no denying that there are 2 basic things that exist in the universe. Material and Immaterial things.

physical and spiritual

seen and unseen

First 3 dimensions and beyond. (quantum physics)

normal psychology and paranormal psychology

body and soul

brain and mind


A brief history of time by stephen hawking

what the bleep do we know DVD

down the rabbit hole DVD

The Matrix movie, Keanu Reeves

The Secret DVD

Quantum Physics

Teachings of the Buddha and Jesus (now proven by science to be true)


cogito ergo sum; I think therefore I am

Dualism = physical and spiritual

Meditations of Rene Descartes

"Even if you have not seen the builder of a building, it doesnt mean he did not exist ."
2008-01-03 06:17:49 UTC
1) Nature is very much credible, just complicated. Which is why people study it, rather than just looking at it and saying 'wow, isn't that something'.

2) There are no historical events that could not have happened naturally.

3) There are no miracles in the Bible. We understand very well how paper works and how it can be used to tell stories. That isn't even remotely miraculous. And I have no reason to believe that you've ever actually witnessed something supernatural.

4) The authors of the New Testament lived well after Jesus died and knew very little of his life. So basically they took the prophecies and used them as the basis for their works. For example, historically we know Jesus was definitely not born in Bethlehem. But there was a prophecy that he would be, so the authors assumed he was. That's not proof of anything.

5) Humans don't have an innate desire to worship something. Human children have an innate desire to believe whatever they're told. If you tell them to worship something then you'll create a desire in them to do so, but it isn't innate. And it wouldn't be proof or even evidence for your religion even if such an innate desire existed.

6) Again you assume the behaviour of adults is somehow natural. In any case, every mammal species that lives in social groups has some sense of right and wrong. It's necessary to survive in a society.

7) You ignore the possibility that Jesus was mistaken. You also ignore the fact that we cannot 'look at Jesus' life', we can only look at stories about him written long after he died. Which adds a new range of possibilities that involve no deceit or insanity on Jesus' part.

8) You're really fishing there, aren't you?

8) (again) I have no need to point out Biblical contradictions, because their absence would be meaningless. 40 men over 1600 years? You have no factual basis for claiming those numbers, and in any case it only takes one decent writer (or one decent editor) to create a structurally consistent story. Can you find any contradictions in the Harry Potter books without Google?

You want proof that God doesn't exist? Okay, well if we take the Christian description of God (since you mention Jesus and the Bible in your 'proofs') we can say that he is omniscient, omnipotent, omnibenevolent, created everything and either rewards or punishes people based on their actions. All vague enough to be undisputable, yes? Well then allow me to construct a simple reductio ad absurdum proof against the existence of such a being:

Let us assume that God (as defined above) exists. As all matter and energy follow certain laws (which God supposedly created) then it stands to reason that an omniscient being would be capable of knowing the exact state of every particle at any given time as well as the laws by which those particles interact and would therefore be able to predict their future movements with perfect accuracy. Therefore God would have this ability.

However God does not merely know the state of every particle at any given time past or future, he is directly responsible for every such state because he created everything. So God is both aware of, and responsible for every event, including all human thoughts and actions, which (like everything else) are necessitated by previous events.

Therefore God would have been responsible when he created the universe for all future 'sins'. So if he punishes anyone for anything, he is punishing them for something that was his own fault.

To punish another for one's own actions is of course unfair. And one cannot be both unfair and omnibenevolent, that's a contradiction.

Therefore God, as defined above, does not exist.

So there we are. Are you going to renounce your religion now, or have you found a flaw in my proof?
2008-01-03 06:10:34 UTC
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 could equally be used to support the existence of the Greek Pantheon if you're going to take that optic.

7- What exactly did he claim? And why do you have to be so categorical?

8-China is weak? You don't follow the news much do you? They practically own the U.S. right now.

9- Have you ever read Dostoevsky. Much better sense of unity. So has Tolkien. Neither claim to be true.
2008-01-03 06:07:05 UTC
1) Get an education.

2) Do you know how that played out?!

3) BS.

4) Right....

5) That's why god was invented by us, not why he exists. Talk about reverse cause.

6) Yes, this comes from evolution of a group animal as ourselves.

7) Or that he had stories written about him after he died.

8) China would wipe the world in and economic war, and most countries in a military one. Also, see Sweden, the USSR, Switzerland....
in a handbasket
2008-01-03 06:05:06 UTC
I disagree with every one of your points.

1. Nature is incredible. I am deeply involved in nature study. The more I study, the less inclined I am to believe in a creator.

2. Good does not always triumph. Who is to say that the defeat of the Spanish Armada was a good thing?

3. I have seen no evidence of miracles of any kind. There are a number of web sited debunking so called healings. Can you show me a single amputee that has been healed?

4. So called prophecy is seen looking back. Look at the idiocy surrounding Nostradamus.

5. Humans have a sense of curiousity. In past days they wondered about the origins of everything around them. Due to lack of accumulated knowledge they assumed there had to be a god. Now we know a lot more about the universe and creation stories are easily disproved..

6. Other animals have a natural desire to live in societal harmony and do a better job than we do.

7. There is no historical proof that Jesus even lived. All that we know about him come from the gospels. If he was a real person who is to say that what the gospels say are true. There are many contradications about the events recorded, time spans, who did what. There is not harmony at all.

8. Yeah, China is weak. You have your head in the sand buddy.
2008-01-03 06:09:13 UTC
As I have said before------------do not try to argue with a Xtian.

They always have an answer to everything and will not budge from it-----reason is not their forte.

I see the world and nature, and therefore I do believe in G-d. But, 3/4 of what you say is ravings.

Oh! And it was a change of the wind that caused the Spanish Armada to loose. That happens naturally.
Jess H
2008-01-03 06:11:47 UTC
None of that is proof that "God" exists.

Even when you put it all together it's not proof that "God" exists.

And you're very misinformed about several of your points. Especially #8. Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Japan, Finland, and France are all nations with a minimum estimated 50% atheist population, and they are not weak. (And if you are under the impression that China is "weak", then you'd better hone up on your research.)
2008-01-03 06:14:14 UTC
Your entire argument simply reduces to the "Argument from Ignorance Fallacy". You don't understand reality so you conclude a god must have created it. I am simply not that ignorant.

You also have no idea as to what constitutes a logical proof. I suggest taking a course in logic.

I don't mean to sound insulting. I really don't but your arguments are simply unsound.
2008-01-03 06:13:58 UTC
you want proof? take a math class

HEY GOD!!!! SMITE MEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!








nope still here!

btw, china could whop up on all of us. i dont know where you get the idea that they are weak. they even own most of the united states! a full 65% of merchendice in the US is made in china, and they basically footed the bill for our "war on terror". im not even gonna touch your other points cause they are all based on the initial assumptions that 1) Jesus existed and 2) something which we cannot explain is not explainable, both of which are horrid logical flaws.
2008-01-04 05:21:06 UTC
Athiests please dont waste your life. Convert to a religion. I recommend Islam. Our mind can not go beyond a limit of thinking. We cant think how big the universe is. We cant think about who was before God and how did God just come. Our thinking has a limit. You cant teach a monkey everything because of the limitation of thinking.
2008-01-03 06:07:45 UTC
You obviously don't understand the concept of proof.

I'll give you one good reason that God does not need to exist. The 1st law of thermodynamics states that energy/matter cannot be created or destroyed, simply changed from one form to another.

That means that everything we see in our universe today was always there. It could not have been created! Never. It is a law of physics! try breaking it. Ask your God to break it!

Thus we have no need for a creator.
2008-01-03 06:11:28 UTC
How many times must this be repeated it is impossible to prove a negative.

And, your so called proof is merely a lot of half baked assertions.

I really can't stand this level of moronic stupidity much longer!

I must stop trying to answer questions asked by fools.
2008-01-03 06:06:52 UTC
By its very definition, theism posits the existence of a deity which has in some way, shape, or form revealed itself to the universe. For such a revelation to be of any significance, there must be self-aware structures capable of free will. That is, these self-aware structures must be capable of producing some action in violation of causation, or for which there is no anticedent. If self-aware structures exist, but do not have free will, then the revelation is irrelevant.

Thus, the existence of any theistic deity must naturally and of necessity have the consequence of free-willed self-aware structures.

For free-will to exist, the self-aware structure must have some cognitive component which is non-tangible, and not subject to the principles of physics. Any tangible component is subject to physics, and thus violates the principle of non-causation. This principle of non-tangibility is, in psychology and philosophy, refered to as 'dualism'.

However, various studies have shown that without exception, every component of the mind and consciousness arises from the actions of the nervous system. These studies, in various ways, all involve selectively disabling portions of the brain or preventing communication between them -- split brain studies (where the corpus collosum has been cut or damaged), stroke victim studies (localized or regionalized brain death), and partial brain anasthesia. This establishes with high confidence, beyond reasonable doubt, that the mind is in fact monistic, or entirely tangible.

As stated, a free-willed mind must have a non-tangible component. Since the human mind has no non-tangible component, it is incapable of free will.

Since free will is a requirement of theism, theism is provably impossible, beyond any reasonable doubt.

This method of proof by modus tollens can be summarized:

[A Theistic Deity Exists] THEN [Free Will Exists].

NOT [Free Will Exists].

THEREFORE NOT [A Theistic Deity Exists].

Assign these as follows:

A = "A theistic deity exists."

B = "Free will exists."

Then the standard format is:




Jesus was a fraud, who if he performed any miracle at all, was empowered of Satan the Adversary, to test the Jews and see if they understood the prophecies. Those who followed him, including Christians and the so-called "Messianic Jews" are those who failed this test and were led away from G-D. list the hundreds of prophecies Jesus failed to fulfill.

Jesus was NOT a member of the tribe of Judah since he had no biological father (according to the Bible).

Jesus did NOT directly descend from David through Solomon, patriarchally.

Jesus did NOT gather all the Israelites and restore them to Israel.

Jesus did NOT rebuild the Temple (in fact, it FELL shortly after he allegedly died).

Jesus did NOT rule, let alone at a time of world-peace.

Jesus did NOT rule, let alone at a time all Jews everywhere kept perfect observance of the mitzvot.

Jesus did NOT rule, let alone at a time when all peoples everywhere would know and acknowledge G-D alone, and serve him in perfection.

Further, contrary to Christian claims Jesus will fulfill the prophecies at his second coming, why did he not do so? Jesus died, Jesus went elsewhere. Then Jesus returned and hung out for 40 days. As such, Christians are waiting for a THIRD coming, not second.

Worse still, there is not one single prophecy in the Old Testament that the Coming Messiah will fulfill the prophecies in multiple comings. They are quite specific that he gets one lifetime to do them, or fails the test.
2008-01-03 06:09:45 UTC

I have a religion (but you would probably hate me because of what it is) but that's just a bunch of trash.

China and North Korea not only are actually very powerful, but have a religion. It's silly to think a nation without a God is weak.

Peace and lurve.
♠Glorious♠ .
2008-01-03 06:07:44 UTC
nice try, but I find your points fairly weak, ranging from absurd, to straw man and circular to frankly, deranged. Try to base them on things that we already know to be true, instead of wrong, like the 'china being weak' one. And the bible, which is just a book containing circular arguments.

you can neither prove god exists conclusively, nor disprove.

The only decent proof we have is existance itself, and you can't prove that that wouldn't have happened anyway because we have nothing to compare it to.
2008-01-03 06:10:56 UTC
Honestly, do you really think you can change the mind of an atheist? I believe in God, and I'm with you on this one, but for those who aren't, let them be! Don't try to change people, it's not your concern!
2008-01-03 06:09:51 UTC
1)Read some Dawkins or Darwin


3)What miracles have you seen?

4)More nonsense

5)Clutching at straws now

6)Is the torture of witches right or wrong?

7)Not much evidence that Jesus even existed.

8)China weak?are you kidding?
2008-01-03 06:34:03 UTC
your "proof" isn't worth the paper it's printed on...every single one of your "proofs" has been found to be worthless, outright debunked or disproved, or complete and utter obviously have no experience in logic or analytical thinking.
2008-01-03 06:29:07 UTC
Every single one of those 'proofs' are completely subjective. Go away.
The Return Of Sexy Thor
2008-01-03 06:06:17 UTC
China is far from weak, they are expected to have the number 1. economy in the next decade.
2008-01-03 06:04:09 UTC

All that crowing, and you couldn't come up with anything at all, huh?

"Atheist, now it is your turn. Show me proof that god does not exists."

We don't need to prove that god does not exist. In the absence of any evidence that he does exist, the proper conclusion is that he does not. Google "burden of proof", read carefully, and learn something.

Until you have some evidence that god exists, there's nothing to discuss here. You'd do better to spend your time learning how to write properly ("prove" is the verb - "proof" is the noun).
2008-01-03 06:05:08 UTC
1: Science gives us a way to distinguish between good ideas and bad ideas - i.e. to show which explanation is the most consistent with observable reality. Science shows us that great complexity does not just arise spontaneously. It is inconceivable that even the simplest bacterium could exist without something being responsible for the complexity of its structure, its biochemistry and so on. It would take the lifetimes of a billion universes for it to appear spontaneously, by pure chance - in fact it is probably safe to say that it simply could never happen. This goes all the more for human beings. It's surely no coincidence that the only thing that we regard as truly intelligent - the human brain - is also the most complex thing in the known universe. Intelligence requires enormous complexity, far beyond anything that could conceivably exist without something being responsible for its existence. By the same reasoning, it's infinitely more unlikely still that an intelligent entity capable of designing and creating an entire universe and everything in it could just exist from nowhere, from nothing, without anything being responsible for its existence. Complexity, and especially the massive complexity required for intelligence, can therefore only arise from an antecedent, non-intelligent process - In the case of life on Earth, this means biological evolution, a fact which is attested to by a vast amount of real objective evidence and valid argument. So, to the extent that science allows us to reliably distinguish between plausible ideas and implausible ideas, it effectively rules out the possibility of an intelligent entity as the uncaused cause of everything that exists.

2: We've known for thousands of years that the 'tri-omni' gods of classical monotheistic religions cannot exist. If an omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent deity existed, then human evil could not exist. Since human evil unarguably does exist, the classical monotheistic deity cannot exist (objections about 'free will' notwithstanding).

3: Quantum Mechanics strongly suggests that nothingness is a state that cannot exist in reality, since that would be 100% deterministic, and QM says that existence is probabilistic rather than deterministic. Experimental evidence supports QM. If true, then this also precludes the existence of a creator, since it would be impossible to have a state of 'nothingness' from which a 'something' could be created.

4: David Hume proved that moral values are subjective - i.e. they describe a person's response to events, rather than objective properties of events themselves. Since morals are personal and subjective, there cannot be an external, objective source of moral values - Indeed, the idea is simply incomprehensible. Therefore, any god which is claimed to be the objective source of moral values cannot possibly exist. This includes the gods of most monotheistic religions, by their usual definitions.

5: Argument from design: If everything was designed by an intelligent creator then we would have no basis for identifying things that clearly *are* designed (things made by human beings) since we would have no non-designed (i.e. natural) things to compare them with. Therefore the natural world (everything that has not been designed by humans) must be non-designed, and therefore there can't be a designer god.

6: Anything that holds information or knowledge must be made of discrete parts, such as a brain (neurons and their connections) or a computer (memory locations). Anything that is made of parts cannot be self-existent - it must be made of something pre-existing. Therefore an intelligent entity cannot be self-existent and cannot be the source of everything that exists.

7: If a 'tri-omni' god existed, then it would be his desire that all human beings have an unshakeable belief in his existence and a perfect knowledge of what behaviour he wants from us, and it would be within his capacity to achieve this. Since many people neither believe in a god nor agree on what is the right way to behave, such a god does not exist.

8: As usually defined, a deity is supposed to have knowledge, thoughts, emotions, needs, desires, intentions etc., all of which necessitate the passage of time, and since said deity is supposedly not subject to the passage of time, it could not be said to 'know' or think or feel or be aware of anything at all, and consequently could not be said to exist either.

9: All attempts at arguing *for* the existence of any gods through logic and reason can be and have been comprehensively debunked.
English Rose (due 2nd May)
2008-01-03 06:05:07 UTC
Your PROOF of nature, is not proof. it's BELIEF. did God tell you himself that he made a pansy? I think that's what you call millions of years of cross pollonation to create a less pure, albeit prettier flower.

Come back when you find some ACTUAL proof that would kick scientists' butts.
2008-01-03 06:12:29 UTC
your idea of proof and a scientists idea of proof are very different.. You have faith not scientific proof.
2008-01-03 06:10:24 UTC
If God existed dear, you would know spelling and grammar.
2008-01-03 06:16:12 UTC
You just proved your ignorance.
2008-01-03 06:05:01 UTC
Wow, so all of your proofs are completely subjective and unverifiable! How amazing!

I have no proof to offer. Which is fitting, since you offered none either. And there is no objective proof either way.
2008-01-03 06:06:46 UTC
Didn't you post this drivel yesturday.............?? Your points are all weak and tired. Come up with something new.
Gyspy Soul
2008-01-03 06:06:47 UTC
Every one of those can be debunked...

Give me a break!
David Carrington Jr.
2008-01-03 06:07:21 UTC
Still waiting for your "proof."
2008-01-03 06:05:51 UTC
proof lies entirely in faith which is not proof at all

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.