No, I don't think Christians should "concede" to evolution...in the sense that they should "agree that it is true"...
Scientifically speaking, there is a great amount of evidence to suggest that macroevolution is a bunch of bunk. Along the same line of thought as the article you posted is the book "The Case For a Creator" by Lee Strobel. I am halfway through it right now, and find it a very interesting book!
I, as a Christian, am in search for the truth. I will not 'concede' that something is true when I do not think it is true. And right now, I see NO evidence for the reality of macroevolution (microevolution, of course, is true...).
The Big Bang and the Theory of Relativity necessitate a beginning to the universe. And that which has a beginning, must have a Creator...i.e. science is now LEADING us to the unavoidable conclusion of intelligent design!
But the bigger questions for "evolution" are: does the account in Genesis contradict the theory of macroevolution...? For if so, then both cannot be true. But if not, then it really makes no difference...
As pointed out by another answerer, Galileo was put in jail for his "heretical" teaching that the earth revolved around the sun.
In the end, Galileo was proven right...and the Catholic church leaders were proven wrong. HOWEVER, it made no difference because neither view contradicted what the Bible said.
The Christians who opposed Galileo made assumptions that ended up making them look pretty foolish.
And CONTRARY to another answerer, the BIBLE does NOT state that the earth is the center of the solar system...or the center of the universe.
The current pertinent questions are:
Does the Bible definitively indicate that macroevolution did not occur? That is, if macroevolution is true, does it contradict the Bible?
I, personally, am not ready to go out on a limb and say, "Yes" - although...I do lean towards it based on what I read in the first two chapters of Genesis (likes begetting likes, after their own manner...)
But then again, there is much that I don't know or understand about the Bible and what it says...and pray the Lord give me wisdom, understanding, and discernment!
But, I agree somewhat with your sentiment...
For some reason, atheists make the following conclusion:
If all that I can see can be explained without the "necessity" of a Creator, then it therefore proves that a Creator does not exist.
But quite frankly, this is a logical fallacy - and patently unscientific.
If a Creator created something, then there was a way in which He created it. If man learns HOW the Creator created, it does not mean that a Creator does not exist...it merely helps man understand more about the creation...and the Creator! For the creation is, in itself, a revelation of the Creator Himself.
As it is, God works through MANY natural processes...and in and through His creation - even in and through man! Thus the atheist says, "nature and man have done this" while the Christian says, "God is sovereign...and has done this in and through nature and man".
The event is "explained" by an atheist without them "seeing" the hand of God...but that does not mean that the hand of God was non-existant!
Grace and peace in Christ!