How is praying different from fortune telling?
2010-04-28 22:23:10 UTC
They both make a claim about the future. The fortune says it will happen, the prayer hopes it will happen. If it does happen, then they came true; your fortune was right, or your prayer came true.

Other than the fact that you might get to pick what your future might be, I don't see much of a difference. And in both cases, you look for things to confirm it's truth or sometimes try to make it come true.
Seventeen answers:
2010-04-28 22:25:50 UTC
Fortune tellers are sought out by those who are curious about their future and think a fraud with a funny hat and a goofy accent acts as a conduit through which one can access all the knowledge of the universe.

Prayers are made by individuals stupid enough to think an all-powerful being actually gives a flying **** through a doughnut-hole who wins the football game.

They're both ridiculous, but prayer takes the cake.
Deof Movestofca
2010-04-29 02:02:10 UTC
First, not all prayers are for requests, some are for thanksgiving and/or praise.

Second, you pretty much answer your own question: ""The fortune says it will happen, the prayer hopes it will happen." The person telling the fortune claims to know the future (however vaguely), the person praying is simply requesting that something happens.

Third, a prayer might be answered in a manner that the person praying might not have expected.
2010-04-28 22:25:45 UTC
Prayer is talking with some god, while the other is a similar self delusion where you think you have the power to tell the future (which to some degree you can make educated guesses, but never claim absolute accuracy)

I honestly don't know which is more ridiculous...

well... fortunetelling is mostly paid for, where as Paul points out, you don't have to pay for prayer... so I guess that's the most ridiculous
Geoff Erurarariuski
2010-04-28 22:37:51 UTC
Fortune telling does not make requests, but praying does. Fortunes are like fortune cookies, in which you get one, open it up and eat the outside of it. The fortune is inside the cookie, and you don't want to eat that....usually. Praying is like asking god for things. Praying gives you hope, which really just sets you up for failure. Unless you pray for failure, then you WIIIINNNNNN!!!!!!!@!@!!! You should pray for equanimity, cause failure won't be so bad. You should know, cause this question kinda fails. I should know, cause so does this answer. Via the principal of reducto ad hitlerum. Hitler also failed, and therefore you are kinda like Hitler. So your sorta racist. What happens if you pray for a fortune???? WHOOOAOAOOAOAOHHH that sorta blows my mind open. WHOOOOAOAOOA1AOAOOHHHH2HHH. Or if your fortune tells you that you will pray. OR EVEN what if your fortune tells you you will pray for a fortune about prayng O.o!!!!!!o.O!!!!0.0!!!!!!O.0!!!!!!0.o!!! THATS JUS CRRRRRAAAAAAAAAZZZZZZYYYYYYYY!!!!!! OMG!! WHWHHWHWHWHWIOOOOOOOOAOAOAOOAOAOOAOAOAOAOOAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!11!!!!1!1!!!!!!!!!!!
2010-04-28 22:31:33 UTC
Its not prayer is witchcraft the unknowing Christian sheeple don't even realize this. Prayer is the sending of applied psychic energy but do to lack of spiritual knowledge is not anywhere as powerful as an empowered Satanic warrior is.
2010-04-28 22:36:12 UTC
fortune telling is bad because you open the door for the devil, you are invoking evil spirits to come and dwell in you it's bad spirits who are talking and the "fortune teller" is posed by demons, and praying you are in connection with God himself ,he knows you future and what you need and will need he knows everything about you when you pray to him you can thank him or pour out your heart to him , he desires to have a relationship with you , you know for you to go and spend time with him , ask the lord to talk to you , he cares about your every single detail is like for example whenever lets say you are a mom or dad and you have a daughter who lives with you she never talked to you at all, well in a away that is how god feels he made us and we don't have a relationship with him god bless
2010-05-01 22:52:15 UTC
in praying, you submit yourself to a higher being. you hope that what you want will happen, but it is still up to the higher being who is deciding. in fortunetelling, you submit yourself to your fortune and the fortune telling. it's a mater of luck, not reason.

and, you don't get to pick what the future might be because in fortune, the fortune tellers picks your future. while in praying, the higher being, gets to chose what's gonna happen to you.

i guess it is different because fortune telling tells you what will happen to you, without you even saying what you want to happen. in praying, you get to say what you want and not knowing what will happen until it does.
2010-04-28 22:35:14 UTC
Uhhh. No.

Praying is about praising Gd.

Fortune telling is saying that one KNOWS what the future holds...

Kinda unrelated.
2010-04-28 22:26:54 UTC
Fortune telling comes from the devil therefore, bad, not real, an abomination to God, a sin. Praying to God will allow God to see your heart and He knows if you are real or not. If your prayer is something God sees is good for you , then He will bring it to pass, if not then you will wait until you are ready to receive it.
2010-04-28 22:28:16 UTC
praying is not a wish nor is it a hope. prayer is a conversation. the Spirit within me striking up a conversation with the Spirit outside of me. God responding to God's own. prayer is not motivated by want and has nothing to do with personal gain. prayer is my witnessing a need that hasn't been met, and my requesting of the Father to meet that need. it is inspired by Him and brought full circle by your request.
2010-04-28 22:25:34 UTC
whenever prayers dont come true, people can just say 'oh that wasnt in god's plan i guess lol' and move on

when fortune tellings dont come true people are like 'UR A FRAUDD'


2010-04-28 22:35:12 UTC
Prayer is about communicating with God, fortune telling in about communicating with dead spirits (which God states we should not do).
2010-04-28 22:30:15 UTC
What are you talking about? What prayer did you hear about the future and what group did you hear it from? That is a very vague question.
Looks Legit
2010-04-28 22:25:05 UTC
Depends on what you are praying about. I wouldn't class a prayer to be something a person wishes for, I think it's for someone giving thanks or asking advice from God.

Ayin Y
2010-04-28 22:24:11 UTC
Praying is the mixture of fortune telling with greed.
2010-04-28 22:28:29 UTC
you obviously don't understand prayer. you don't wish for things to happen in prayer. you thank God and make you will one with his.
2010-04-28 22:24:25 UTC
People don't pay you to pray.

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