Good simple Samhain ritual?
2006-10-17 17:57:47 UTC
I haven't praticed in some time and I wanted to get off on the right foot having a small get together for Samhain
Seven answers:
2006-10-17 19:53:30 UTC
Since you've been studying for 3 years, I won't C&P random Samhain stuff for you. However, I've put together a few group Samhain rituals before.

First of all, If you are leading the ritual, practice your circle casting, etc. So you can look like you know what you are doing when it comes time to circle. ;)

We've had a seperate ancestor altar (in the circle, but seperate from the main altar) with pictures and memorabilia from those who have gone before.

You may want to each write a letter to an ancestor, then go around and read them- if you are close to the people you are circling with. Or just place them in the fire and let the smoke take your letter up to your ancestors.

We've done a meditation about going beyond the veil to greet ancestors and then let each person approach the ancestor altar and make an offering, talk to a person/people who've gone over.

Reading of the names- prepare a list beforehand of those who've passed over in the last year, famous people, people from obits, familial people, etc. Cut them up and let each person read some, adding their own if they have any.

We've done a spiral luminary labyrinth walk to symbolize the descent to the underworld.

Also, a dumb supper is encouraged, where you place a plate for those who have passed over while you eat. Then you can leave it as an offering to your ancestors.

If you need help, feel free to IM me on ivyfyre- Y!

Good luck!! Hope your Samhain celebration is beautiful.
2017-01-20 16:00:12 UTC
Simple Samhain Ritual
Leilani L
2006-10-17 18:03:59 UTC
SAMHAIN - HALLOWS - October 31st

Samhain is the most sacred and high holiday of all the festivals of all rituals. Samhain combines a number of elements: the agricultural harvest, the wild harvest, the transition of the fall foliage season into the onset of winter weather and the commemoration of The Day of the Dead. It is a time for remembering our ancestors and our departed loved ones, and a solemn time should be set aside for contemplating the mystery of Life and Death as taught by the ancient ways. Samhain is a time of introspection, of emptying the false from the mind, heart, and soul. It is a time to heal the source of our deepest wounds....and those we have inflected on others around us.....before time fails us. It is a time when we can learn to see clearly. The true victory of the self is in the Cauldron. Now we must look at the nature of our motives and at the results of our actions. Samhain is a time to communicate and hear the other side, a time of death, thinking of ancestors and what we are because of them. It is a time of letting go, a time when the veil is the thinnest between the worlds. We can penetrate the veil and get messages from people who have gone on before us to help us in this life. It is a time when we look at death hopefully trying to find meaning in that.

An eerie time, full of power, partaking of both the first and the second half of the year, yet belonging to neither. It is akin to dawn and twilight. Samhain was probably originally celebrated on the full moon closest to the now customary date of October 31. The full moon lends its light to the returning spirits who traditionally revisit the scenes of their lives. Samhain, signifying awakening, letting go, when the seed falls to the earth from the mother plant. It is the CRACK OF TIME, the boundary-point between the worlds, a time belonging neither to the old or quite yet to the new. Any ending is also a beginning of a new phase and at this time, memories and thoughts of the past mingle with hopes and fears for the future. It is a spiritual cleansing of those aspects of our life which we have grown out of or no longer need. It is a time for divination and looking into the future and a link with the dead. We have come to a place of rest and reward, all our labors and harvest complete for the time being. This is a time of Thanks-Giving for all that you have accomplished, been gifted with, brought to completion so far this year. Keep a votive candle lit all through this month as a symbol of the eternal blessings of the Goddess in your life.

Hecate, and none but She, is Queen of all living things .It is through Her that all things live or die. She is the laughing maiden, the living mother, and the black hag of death. She is the three and the one. She smiles and the radiance of the moon, whether it be full or dark, is everywhere for there is no power like Her power and no living thing can withstand Her power. For She is anticipation. She is the fulfillment. She is all death. Hear her words, children, worship and be glad for if you seek Her, She is with you always. She was with you in the beginning and shall be with you at the end.

Candle Colors: Black and orange.

Incense: Cloves, myrrh, sandalwood, camphor, nutmeg, mace, cinnamon, gum mastic (oil), acacia, copal. Using equal parts, make incense to be burned on charcoals.

Gemstones: All black gemstones, especially jet, obsidian and onyx.
2006-10-17 18:10:10 UTC
Remember that the barrier between the worlds is thinnest on this eve, honor your beloved dead, show their pictures if you have them, tell their stories, toast them, drink or eat in their honor.

If you're ready for a load of advice from your elders, ask for their guidance.

Otherwise, follow the basics of any ritual: cleanse the area, cut a circle, greet each person and ensure that everyone is of harmonious intent, cleanse and bless each person as they enter, evoke the elements, evoke whomever your deific patron/ness-es are, do your main work, share food and drink, release the deities and elements, release the circle, make amicable farewells to everyone.....
2006-10-18 02:12:17 UTC
Here are a few that can be adapted for your tradition---plus some interesting info:
Lady Myrkr
2006-10-17 17:59:15 UTC
Surely you remember how to do them, still? Or have a book or two?

- 16 yo Pagan
2006-10-17 18:01:20 UTC
just put up a little altar with candles to honor the deceased--have lots of candles

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.