The Greek word used in the Bible for “parable” can be translated “illustration and sometimes symbolism.” It is said of Jesus: “Indeed, without an illustration [pa·ra·bo·le′] he would not speak to them [the crowds], but privately to his disciples he would explain all things.”—Mark 4:34; Matt. 13:34.
The Bible’s prophecies are often symbolic and stated in the bible as such. Of the prophetic book of Revelation the opening verse explains: “He [Jesus Christ] sent forth his angel and presented it in signs through him to his slave John.” (Rev. 1:1) Either by direct statements such as this, or by the context, it can easily be determined which statements are literal and which ones are symbolic.
Another related term is “allegory” (Gr., al·le·go·ri′a), which is a prolonged metaphor in which a series of actions are symbolic of other actions, while the characters often are types or personifications. Paul uses the Greek verb al·le·go·re′o (allegorize) at Galatians 4:24, concerning Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar. It is translated ‘be an allegory’ (KJ), ‘be an allegorical utterance’ (AT), and “stand as a symbolic drama” (NW).
The apostle John also used a distinct term (pa·roi·mi′a) that denotes “comparison” (Joh 10:6; 16:25, 29); it is variously translated “figure,” “figurative language,” “parable,” “proverb,” and “comparison” (AT, KJ, NW). Peter employed the same term with regard to the “proverb” of the dog returning to its vomit and the sow to rolling in the mire.—2Pe 2:22.
A perfect example of symbolism is used with the translation of HELL. Many religions through the years have used this term to scare people into submission however, carefully reviewing the symbolism can alleviate much anxiety for any bible reader.
For example: Ask yourself~ How does a person literally burn alive forever? how can death be burned or spirit creatures?
This article answers and shows how the symbolism of hell (along with exposing some cleaver mistranslating of religions to instil fear into people) can logically on be just that, symbolism.
What Really Is Hell?