Isn't it true that religions that believe in and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ are christians?
2007-11-14 21:57:59 UTC
Why do people believe that mormons arn't Christians when thay believe in Jesus?
I'm not mormon or anything I'm just saying.
Sixteen answers:
Steve M
2007-11-14 22:44:36 UTC
OK, this will take awhile.

Mormons believe the Bible as Christians know it is full of errors. They, as an example, believe that The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit are 3 distinct beings, not a Triune God, as all Christians do.

They believe that God was once an ordinary man, who through Faith, Clean Living and Hard Work, became an exalted Being. This is Sacrilege of the highest order to any Christian.

They believe Jesus and Satan are literal brothers, and that Jesus's version of Salvation was better, and God Chose His.

Christians believe Salvation is God's Plan.

They believe God changes his mind, and offers new revelations to the chief prophet of the church. He did this when polygamy was, then wasn't a part of their belief system. Also when African Americans weren't, then were eligible for inclusion into the Sainthood. The Christian Bible tells us not one 'word' shall be added or taken from His Revealed Word. To be a Mormon, you must believe God lied when he inspired this writing

Mormon's believe we are born of a celestial union between their ManGod, and his exalted 'wife'.

That is why Mormon's marriages are private, they are not being married, but sealed for eternity and given secret names so they will be able to know each other in heaven.

They do not believe The Bible is the wholly Perfect, Inspired and Inerrant Word of God.

They do believe that Jesus is Their Savior, and on that sole definition, they could be called Christians. But since their God is different than the Christian God, their Jesus is different than The Christian Jesus, Their Holy Spirit different than the Christian, their Satan is different than the Christian Satan, their Scripture is Sacred, the Christian's is full of errors and their Creation of Life is different than the Christians, and their god can change his mind, how can they be Christian?

The essential elements of Christianity were long and well known long before Joseph Smith recieved his revelation. There are hundreds of writings, essays, studies and histories written by the early Saints on specifically that they are not to associate with Christians, that they are heathens. A 15 minute search on the internet, and you could turn up a few of your own. It is only the last 30 years or so this has change has occurred, as they desire to become more mainstream.

Now, I have no quarrel at all with what they believe, how they worship, or how they live. The Saints are not evil, they are not devil worshippers, they are not ready to take over the USA. They are regular, ordinary people living life as best they can, and I admire them. But they believe differently.

Why is this important?

Because anything that blurs the line between the Truth of God and His Word, and an almost look alike is harmful to Christianity. Christians have a heard enough time making distinctions between Christian denominations as it is. The more God's Word is diluted and/or blurred, the harder it will be for Believers to find HIm.

If you were a baseball player, and I said to you that I am a baseball player also, and I held a bat, a ball, and a mitt in front of you, you'd believe me. The same tools with the same names. But if I hiked the ball to you, slam dunked the mitt, and slapped shot the base into a net while ice skating, am I really a baseball player?

Now the Saints say they believe in Jesus as their Savior, and the He died for their sins. They also will say Christ is the center of their life.

And I believe them. And you believed me when I said I was a baseball player.

That is the problem with the Saints being called Christians.

Geez, I hope this helps. God Bless you all!
2007-11-14 23:46:51 UTC
Dear Lucha Jim,

It is true that people who believe in Jesus and his teachings are Christians. However, when you examine what Mormonism teaches- it is not the same thing that Christianity teaches.

IE: Christianity is based on the Bible. The Mormons base their faith on the book of Mormon and The Bible (with the problem being that many of the things taught in the Book of Mormon contradict the Bible).

In addition the Bible teaches how to identify false-teachers and Joseph Smith the founder of the Mormons has shown himself to be a false teacher by giving false prophecies.

I have mormon friends and the Mormon church does teach people how to raise good families, and some other good morals. But in terms of what they believe about God and Jesus- it is definitely not the same God they are worshipping based on what they believe.

That's it in a simple nut-shell.

Hope that helps. Kindly,

Kisses & Hugs
2007-11-15 15:09:17 UTC
Christians are Christ-ians, which means followers of Christ. This is why Muslims and Jews are not considered to be Christians because although they belive in him, they do not follow him. Even Satan believes in Jesus! I am not actually sure of what Mormons teach but if they follow Jesus Christ then they are Christians. However, that does not necissarily mean they are true Christians if they believe falsly and have added to the bible. So although they could be considered Christians in one sense of the word, because they do not follow the word of God, which is partly not to add or subtract from the bible, you could probably not consider them true Christians.
2007-11-14 22:10:48 UTC
Well, Mormons have added a third volume to the Old and New Testaments accepted by traditional Christians. Most Christians say you must neither "add or subtract" anything from the completed Bible as they understand it. I regard Mormons as Christians because they believe the death of Jesus was the act of atonement for the sins of humankind. I believe that is where one draws the line. Yet, they don't seem to stress it much, since they don't display crosses in or on their buildings (at least the parts non-Mormons may enter). Perhaps a Mormon could enlighten us on that.
2007-11-14 22:24:32 UTC
I am mormon so let me elaborate. Sorry if this gets long.

In the first few centuries after Christ and His apostles were killed there was a lot of chaos in the christian world. There were lots of diffrent points of view from diffrent people. So they all got together and debated about it. Whoever won the debate was deamed right so they set the standard. This was set forth in the Niecian SP? creed and others.

One of the major contributions to that is the definition that they came up with about God. Saying He is 3 but 1 totally seperate but one entity. everywhere but one personage...etc. Very confusing.

In 1820 Joseph Smith wondered if there is one God how come there are so many churches. So he went to the woods by his home and asked God to tell him which of all the churches was the true church. He said that as he prayed he had a vision and the heavens were opend (like what happend with stephen) and he saw Christ at the right hand of God. Christ told him that all these creeds had changed things and called him to be a prophet.

From this we have two diffrences.

1. We believe Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost to be three seperate beings with one purpose. As Joseph saw them. Not one being. Since we have this diffrent view from the basis of most christan religions we are said not to be Christains

2. We believe that God is the same yesterday today and forever and has called prophets today to lead and guide us as in biblical times. Most christians believe that all revelation ended when the apostles were killed or the end of the new testiment. So We have the bible but we also have more current writtings from prophets.

So that is why they say we aren't Christans. But being a member of the Chruch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (aka mormon) It hurts me when people say I am not a christian becuase Christ is the very center of my life and I try to follow him the best I can. Thanks
2007-11-14 22:19:35 UTC
I have no clue.

A lot of people dont have a clue what mormons believe in. I have seen sooooo many answers on here of just totally incorrect statements on what mormons believe by people that act like they know better then mormons about their own beliefs.

I cant tell you how many times I have seen on here, well mormons dont believe in the divinity of Jesus or mormons dont believe in the Bible.

Where anyone thinks they have gotten the authority to proclaim who is and isnt a christian based on their own interpretations of the Bible is beyond me.

I believe that Jesus is the literal son of God, which makes him divine. I believe in the Jesus of the Bible (yes I do read and believe the bible to be the word of God)

I believe that Jesus is my personal savior and that thru the atonement of Christ I can live with my Heavenly Father again.

I am a christian and I am mormon.
Layne M
2007-11-14 22:15:39 UTC
That is what i have never been able to understand. Mormons and JW's aren't considered Christian even though they believe in Christ. Even though every Cristian denomination has a different belief about Christ and his teachings they choose to set these aside as non-Christians. I have studied a lot of Christian denominations and they all have just one thing in common, Jesus Christ, so stop picking on each other and go build the kingdom of God.
2007-11-14 22:22:47 UTC
This is untrue; Although Islam recognizes Jesus (pbuh) as a major prophet, there are many significent differences and disagreements in the beliefs and historical accuracy. You are not a Muslim if you do not believe in Jesus (pbuh). However, you are also not a Muslim if you believe that Jesus is God's son, thus divine. Read about Islam and their view on Jesus (pbuh). You will find many similarities as well as differences you never knew about. I will try to find you a good, credible site to look at later.

Not all believers of Jesus (pbuh) and his teachings are Christian, but all [true] Christians follow the teachings of Jesus (according to Christianity, this should be the case).
2007-11-14 23:09:23 UTC
This has always been a mystery to me as well. Mormons do believe Jesus is God, and they do worship him. And yes, they are Christian. Here's a quote from an objective (academic) source (“Anthology of World Scriptures” by Robert E. Van Voorst):

“…the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints…see themselves as Christian, and most experts in comparative religions would view this labeling as basically correct. That they…accept the Christian Bible as their first cannon is a good indicator of this. Moreover, “outsiders” to [Christianity], such as Buddhists, would almost certainly recognize them as belonging to the stream of Christian tradition.”

If you'd like to learn more about the Mormons, visit my site at .
2007-11-14 23:32:21 UTC
Not at all: the PROOF of the authentic Christain is illustrated by Christ, himself, at Matt. 7:13 and Matt. 28: 19 and Matt. 5:5
2007-11-14 22:05:26 UTC
a christian is anyone who believes in Jesus Christ ( in some manner).

that diffrent for diffrnet ppl , but yes this is how christianity is defined. CHRIST-ianity
2007-11-14 22:07:42 UTC
There are true Christians and then there are false Christians. Jesus made this statement himself.
2007-11-14 22:01:42 UTC
I consider a mormon to be christian...
2007-11-14 22:20:38 UTC
I answered this question before.
2007-11-14 22:06:04 UTC
Not really, look at Hoodoo.
2007-11-14 22:07:22 UTC
you would think so...but alas not...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.