The base force of the Atom are created by the movement of particles. The Atom is residing in a total nothingness. In this empty space, 2 particles, Proton and Neutron, create 3 forces, a weak force, a strong force, and resonance. Together they are the light emitter of the Atom, those light spots that we see as matter when a certain number of Atoms form a molecular structure that resides in a morphogenetic field. Another, 3d particle, the electron, is turning in a gravitational field around it in 2 allowed lanes. It changes the lane at every 180 degrees and emits an other light spot. Those rotating lighting fields form pattern that are overlayed and form by rotation of those pattern all the matter that we see, what indeed are holograms only. Now, what makes those holograms solid, transparent, liquid? and so on. Well, it are the electromagnetic fields created by this movement that attract or repel. By turning the magnetic fields in permanent angles, what we call spins, the fields interact and make matter accessible or solid. Since our body is made of those Atoms and thus magnetic fields, we attract what is opposed to us, since only positive poles are attracted by negative ones. Woman is generally opposed to man in polarity and that is why, you attract woman that should normally be on same resonance frequency than yourself. But, attracting fields are a challenge and often some parts attract you, and once you are together, you discover what fields are opposed to you. You can have a love feeling and attraction to a woman that is totally opposed to you, same is for both sides, for sure. But, that is what gives life a sense. Beings which are the same and in harmony can not be creative, since to be creative, you need first to be destructive. Only by destruction, opposition, discussion, fights, meanings, opinions, evolution is guaranteed. Every being in the universe is subject to 3 forces, Light, dark matter, and dark energy. Inside the Atom it are Nothingness, Resonance, and Gravity, N-R-G. In the ancient scriptures we say Water, Fire and Nothingness or Air, if you translate that in Hebrew letters; it is Mem, Shin, Heh, MShH, Mosheh or Moses. That is GOD, inn Hebrew G-D-H, Guimel, Dalet, Heh, a Camel, a door, and an empty space or window to life, in clear a penis, a vagina and an uterus. Only that trinity, when connected, can free the energy of creation, free the seed, Christ, that will create the world as we know it, our human body. The alphanumeric value of the MShH and GDH is the same, 345. If you interact with Air, MShH becomes MaShAH, the Messias, then you get the value 31415, and thus you have pi, the mathematical entity to calculate the circle. The circle is an illusion, since the 0 resides in the structure of 1. The universe is binary, and triangles, side by side, form together a field whose edge looks circular, if you magnify you will see that it are broken edges that form a circle. Those are the 2 only geometrical figures that you find in the universe, triangle inside circles. All you see is rounded, and if you build a straight line, a wall, you just get a part of a circle, since the earth is a sphere. Pi is transcendent, it is infinite. If you look at our nature you will see that nothing is similar or symetric, if you look inside matter at it's atomic structure, all is opposite, thus perfectly symetric. That is why we live in a 2 level world, the bottom is what you see, in symbolic term, the crown or branches of the tree, the top is the mirrored image, the invisible root of it, and what happens above, happens below, it is one. The secret doctrine is the teaching that show you the way to make the invisible visible, to find out what makes the branches grow the way they do, it is a look from outside to inside of your self, inot the depth of matter and beyond it's limits, back to your creator. That doctrine is called "revelation" or in Hebrew, QBLH, in spoken, Kabbalah.