Christians: What was your conversion experience like?
2007-10-19 17:38:30 UTC
Mine seems like it is pretty unusual, but I know that God has methods of bringing His sheep to Him in a myriad of beautiful ways. I'd love to hear what the circumstances and experiences of your conversion experience!

I'd especially like to hear from adult converts, like myself. I mean *no* offense to those of you who were saved as children-- that is a *very* blessed thing to have, in a manner of speaking, never *not* known the Lord, and I'd like to hear your stories, too. :)
Seventeen answers:
2007-10-19 18:12:21 UTC
April 16, 2006 (Resurrection Sunday)

There were two altar calls that night - one was for those who wanted to be saved, the other was for those who wanted to be on fire for the Lord again. I think I went to both, but I especially remember one.

My mother thought that I was saved, but I wasn't (and I knew it!). In fact, while the altar call for salvation was being given out, the pastor said something like this:

"There are two people who need to come forward tonight. One is an adult; the other is in the youth ministry."

The latter was ME! Looking back at this, I know that the Holy Spirit was leading me to give my life to Him. I came forward to the altar and prayed. Meanwhile, a girl from a group in Texas prayed for me.

Then the Holy Spirit just let His Presence be known, and I was "slain". I pretty much lost control of my body and fell backward, feeling light. The people caught me and laid me on the floor.

I started crying out, "I LOVE YOU, GOD, I LOVE YOU!" The tears were just streaming down my face.

Seriously! Not only that, but it wasn't actually me who was doing that. It was, once again, the Lord - right now, I'm actually reminded of how the Holy Spirit calls out, "Abba, Father"...perhaps that had something to do with it. God was showing Himself.

That night, my mom, who didn't know I had been saved (she thought I had already been saved before) said something about this girl who had fallen and screamed - that was me, and she found out about that. She then told me that her friend actually saw the heavens open above me. Wow.

So there's my story - how God brought a lost sheep to Him.

God bless you for posting this question.

I've been reminded yet again of how merciful God is, not only saving me (when I didn't deserve it at all) but opening the very heavens as well.

I know that not many others have had such a radical experience, and I apologize if it seems that I'm bragging, but I'm not. There are times when I forget things, and I guess that one reason why God let this experience take place was to remind me of His greatness...and indeed, I am reminded of it.
Marina 1
2007-10-20 01:32:26 UTC
I remember as a 10 year old child that one time I was looking into the night sky and had a strong need to know who and what God is. I was aware of His existence and truly believed that He saw everything I did. It wasn't until I became an adult that I began to question so many sorrowful things that were taking place on our earth. I felt my own sorrows but what about those who experienced suffering and hunger and who had much less than myself. I hadn't realized how many problems there were on a world wide scale until then.

I decided to open The Bible to find answers, and sure enough they were there. It opened my mind to see the reason why God allowed so many things to continue and what He will do to solve all mankind's problems. It was like a light in a dark place. I became aware of my own failures and my own sinfulness. It was as if I was lifted up in a spiritual way to see the seriousness of sinning and the awareness of overcoming my weaknesses. I knew it was impossible without help, so I asked Him to help me to do right. There have also been times when I have failed miserably. Throughout my life when I was undergoing trials which were hard to bear I had become reasurred that there was only one person who could get me through it all. One time I was near to death and so I prayed earnestly and begged God to comfort me and help me deal with the suffering I was going through. The feelings I've had are overwhelmingly incredible, and at one time it was as if I could almost touch God.

This was my conversion when I first began reading God's thoughts from His word the Holy Scriptures. I am fully convinced if I continue to depend on having faith in His ways and not mine, completely trust that He hears prayer and trust that no matter what I go through by doing my best to please Him, then He will never let me down.
2007-10-20 15:22:35 UTC
I wanted that and I got it! PTL What a fun testimony to read, if all were that excitied about hearing the Truth! I had a women that I worked with talk about Jesus and it would give me goosebumps. I loved to hear her stories. One evening I went to her house for dinner and afterward we went to the living room. She was reading her Bible and all of the sudden I felt like I was melted butter (did not know at the time this was the Holy Spirit). I started to cry and she asked me if I wanted to pray which I did. I really did not know at the time what was happening and that I accepted Jesus. I felt no changes, but over time I started noticing that there was a difference. As much as I enjoyed that experience, I am glad that I have matured in Him and I know so much more. You need to share how your life was changed also.
2007-10-20 00:59:51 UTC
I don't remember the time before I knew that Jesus loved me, but I wasn't converted until I began to receive answers to questions I didn't know that I had.

I grew up in a very dispensational setting. I believed in the 7 year tribulation period, the rapture, the millenial reign of Jesus on this earth. It all had a sense of being unreal. I knew that believing in Jesus is the most important thing in my life, and I would look around and be overwhelmed by people acting like "life goes on" without the knowledge of God.

When God started answering the questions that I didn't know I had I began to see the reason why people aren't aware of God, how there is a concerted effort on the part of men to corrupt the church and drain the spirit of life out of her, men crept in unawares.

Since then I have learned that if error is mixed in with the truth then the result is error, and that error creates a partial gospel which leads to a partial conversion. There is absolute truth in the world, Jesus Christ is the truth. When we know that the doctrine of truth is free from error and begin to learn the pure doctrine of Christ we are set free.
2007-10-20 05:19:34 UTC
Growing up, my mom became a Christian when I was five, my dad was a hard core atheist, I began following in his footsteps. I believed just as I hear so many say on here, that Christians are weak, silly and need a crutch and escape from reality. When I was 18 I ran away with a boy that I was obsessed with. He was into some weird occultic stuff and I saw some pretty strange things. Most of which a lot of people would just think I was making up if I told them so I'm choosy who I share all the details with. But being faced with supernatural reality I began wondering about God. I came under strong conviction of the Holy Spirit because a lot of people were praying fervently for me at that time. I was at a crucial point in my life and my mom and my sister and some others were praying for me a lot. The Holy spirit was drawing me to the Bible and when I read it, it made sense to me, where it hadn't before. I reached a point where I called my sister and asked her,"If I come home, will you send me to a shrink?" Because I thought I was loosing my mind because I was really believing in God and I had always thought that people who believed in God were crazy. She said yes of course, but I didn't go home just yet and never went to a shrink. I did eventually get myself away from my boyfriend and go home. I kept reading the Bible and put my faith in Christ for salvation. My poor dad was so concerned about me because I was obsessed with reading the Bible (all versions at once and with a Concordance). He came in one day when I was sitting on the floor surrounded by Bibles and gave me a big hug and said " I'm glad you've found something that your so interested in, but please don't read so much of it, it will make you go crazy."My life was totally changed from that point on. At first it was strange, it was almost like I didn't know who I was when I looked in the mirror. When people say that there is a transformation of the heart, I know what they are talking about.It changed the way I thought about everything. I realized that I had believed so many lies and my whole world view changed almost overnight. I'm thankful that God didn't give up on me even though I had rebelled against Him and thought I was too smart and too cool to ever need a Savior to lean on. Boy was I wrong. If He hadn't cared enough to rescue me when He did I probably would be dead and in hell by now.

One last note... I got to see my dad saved and baptized 4 days before he died this May. Some said it would never happen but they didn't realize the depth of patience, grace and mercy that the Father has toward us. Seeing Him baptized was of the happiest occasions of my life! God bless!!
100% ♥Creole♥
2007-10-20 03:59:37 UTC
though i was raised catholic (in a good way), when I was an adult, I was led ASTRAY and made some bad choices, after living for years as a good person.

However, in the last 5 years, I have embarked on a SPIRITUAL JOURNEY. I believe that RELIGION is the practicing of a particular faith; and that SPIRITUALITY is something we have with us 24/7!!

I have read alot of the Bible and other spiritual books; and found myself closer to the God of My Understanding!

I am not perfect; and have character flaws. But, what I do differently today, is that I check my MOTIVES for what I am doing. Is it the RIGHT thing; or am I being guided by the DEVIL?

I know that God wants me to accept my Life as it is now; He forgives ME for my past trangressions; and I accept that I can allow Him to GUIDE me today!!
A Voice
2007-10-20 00:47:50 UTC
25 years old when I encountered Jesus. While in the moment of trying to figure out how to kill myself I stopped everything and said a simple prayer. I said " Jesus if you are real -help me." He showed up in power and all I felt was love, like waves, going through me. That was 17 years ago on Halloween night. That's right, I was born again on Halloween! Thanks for letting me share.
Apostle Jeff
2007-10-20 01:11:44 UTC
I was an Atheist when I was a Teenager. I came across an ex biker outlaw nicknamed Flame, when I was almost 20. He shared the gospel with me while I was waiting for a ride. I told him that I would pray about receiving Jesus as my Savior. I thought that this answer would satisfy him enough to leave me alone, but he did not. He continued to press in by saying that if I was right and said the salvation prayer, I only wasted a few minutes of my life. and if he was right, I would gain eternal life. I had a few minutes so the only logical choice I had was to repeat the Salvation Prayer with him. I felt so good after that. I no longer had a problem falling asleep and I did not have nightmares anymore. But the feeling did not last for long. I continued to live in sin, even though God proved to me that He was real, but I had no power over my sins. Over the next twenty years, nothing good ever lasted. I became a depressed alcoholic. I ended up divorced and homeless. All the women I dated were addicts, liars, and cheats. I went to a Pentecostal Church to find a woman to date and hoped that my life would change, but I had no luck. No one wanted me and I can't blame them. After a few months, I heard about the baptism of the Holy Ghost, so I did it because everyone there seemed happy and strong emotionally. When I received the baptism, the Pastor expected me to speak in tongues. I thought that he was crazy! He would not let me go until I did, so after 15 minutes, I made up a couple words. He told me that I got it and told me to make up some more words on the way home. I did and I felt pretty good. After three days, I called up the Pastor and told him that it did not work and that he had lied to me. He asked me if I prayed in tongues. I said no and that I did not believe in them. He told me that I had nothing to lose, so I got mad at him and forced myself later to pray in tongues and wow! God entered my body. I got scared at first. Then I picked up a Bible and it was as if I wrote it! It became alive! I then surrendered to the indwelling of God and then God gave a vision. He began to speak to me as we became one. He told me who I was going to marry. The next day, I woke up and all of my addictions were gone! No more cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, depression, codependancy. It was as if I never did them. I had no urges or desires. I was a new creature! Then the woman God told me that would be my wife, called me up and asked me if I wanted to date her. Three months later, we were happly married. That was almost 9 years ago. I will never forget the night that God filled me with His Holy Spirit.
2007-10-20 00:55:28 UTC
I believe God allowed me to experience hell, it was a darkness that you could feel & I knew that I was going to be there forever. My most immportant thought was that I would never be able to call on God under any cercumtances. I started praying & asking God to give me another chance & He did. It was a very trametic experiance. that was 22yrs. ago. Thank you Jesus. Amen!!!!!!!!!
2007-10-20 01:16:06 UTC
Sister, thank you so much for posting this question...I love to read the testimony of others and hear how Christ changed their lives. (I'd love to hear yours, too!) God bless you -
God is love.
2007-10-20 01:06:26 UTC
You are chosen by God from the day before you were formed in your mothers womb. God knew us and he made us and raised us up for a time just as this.
2007-10-20 00:50:30 UTC
I was in a strip club and I was drunk and putting dollar bills in girls' g strings when they were dancing. This girl was giving me a lap dance, and right before she pulled her panties aside, she told me I needed to repent. Crazy, sure, but I repented, praise Jesus! And I have walked with Jesus ever since.
2007-10-20 00:59:47 UTC
When I was a sophomore in high school, I was running with 5 guys who were nothing but trouble. Then one day a girl sat across from me at lunch. She kicked me in the shin and we got joking around. She was so cute and petite (4'10", 95 lbs). I wound up asking her out. When I asked her out the 2nd time, she asked if I planned on seeing her a lot. I said OF COURSE! She said that I had to go to church to date her (mom and dad rule). ANYTHING, I'd do ANYTHING to be with her. So, I started going to church with her. She and her gf would talk to me about Jesus and salvation, and pray for me. She'd call me to tell me she was at her gf's and they had just prayed for me. Well, that was from 1962. This went on and one Saturday in the spring of 1964, we were sitting on her back porch, and they were showing me different passages in the Bible. All of a sudden I thought, THAT'S WHAT I WANT! And told my gf I wanted what Jesus was offering. I was baptised a couple of weeks later.

I prayed often to have this girl as my wife, but God felt different. I left for the Navy in Sept of 69 (on her birthday). The summer before I felt we were drifting apart as she seemed more independent and self sufficient (she had a job in Oceancity, Md away from home). While in boot camp, she met another guy. They wound up getting married.

It did it hurt. But it wasn't until years later that I finally figured out that God had put her in my life for a reason. Those 5 guys? One is STILL in prison, one is dead, one did 26 years in the Army (judge told him to go in or go to jail). I don't know what happened to the other 2...other than they were in trouble a lot. From the time I got out of boot camp I was a so-so Christian. Not until I retired from the Navy in 1985 did I really get serious about my faith. I started studying God's Word in ernest. I've been a Bible teacher since 1988 and have been teaching kids (mostly 3rd/4th grades) and led adult Bible studies during the week off and on for about 6 years. I directed a children's ministry (see for 10 years, and took off for 4. I'm back, but just as a leader for 3rd - 6th grades.

Back in 1989, my first love lost her husband to a massive heart attack. In 1990, I wrote her a letter thanking her for her part in my salvation. She was really surprised as she never thought of it that way until my letter. I have kept her in my prayers ever since. From time to time, she comes to mind strongly and I take time to pray a special prayer for her. Every year since 1986, I've sent her a SWEET 16 birthday card. She'll be 60 next September and I'm already keeping an eye out for her next SWEET 16 card. I've only seen her a very few times since 1976 when I finally came back to the states (was out for 7 years).

I only hope that somehow I've been an instrument in someone's salvation that I've taught over the years. I was honored several years ago by one of 'my boys' to be asked to baptise him when he trusted Christ as his Savior. He had been out of my class for 9 years. When he asked me, I broke down and cried. I even had tears as he and I were in the baptismal pool (no, one does NOT have to be a pastor to baptise). He is now a U.S. Marine Sergeant and back from his 2nd tour in Iraq, with a wife and a daughter. He once told me when his daughter is old enough (3 years), he's taking her to AWANA at his church because that's where he learned the most about Jesus and salvation. I guess she's in it now.
2007-10-20 00:41:34 UTC
I touched god, and he touched me, and then one thing led to another...
2007-10-20 00:45:15 UTC
Maple Sugar
2007-10-20 00:41:54 UTC
Martin S
2007-10-20 00:54:53 UTC
I was born in 1959 in Alameda, California. A long fallen away Catholic Mother and a long fallen away Jewish Father (her second husband) raised me. There was no recognition of God in my home save for the careless usage of Jesus' name. My mother would hastily add the names of Mary and Joseph, a habit she had apparently acquired as a little girl to avoid the sin of using the Lord's name in vain.

My mother taught me that the Bible was a great story book and that I didn't have to worry about going to hell because I had never been baptized so the worst thing that could happen to me was that I would end up in 'Limbo'. The only time I went to church was for someone else's wedding or to get out of cleaning duty while in training in the Air Force. If I ever heard the gospel message, it wasn't in a way that made an impression upon me as anything more than something interesting that religious people believed.

As I grew older into my 20's and 30's, I lived with the attitude of 'eat, drink & be merry - for tomorrow we may die'. I had some vague goal of leaving the world in a slightly better condition because of my existence in it and generally tried to be a good person who gave to charity, voted with insight, and wrote letters to the editor about social issues.

But as the years crept slowly past I grew despondent because I didn't see any meaningful purpose to my life. Any good thing that happened in this world was overwhelmed by a plethora of bad things happening too. I became reclusive and my latent alcoholism started to become a larger factor in my life. I stopped showing up for work, lost my job, developed a chemical addiction to alcohol and eventually became homeless around the age of 40.

Some time later I was literally living in a park in Alameda. I would borrow a friends sleeping bag at the end of the day and with my bottle of alcohol find a secluded spot to sleep where people couldn't see me and the automatic law sprinklers didn't reach. Each morning I would awaken before the liquor store opened and be there waiting with trembling hands for the proprietor to appear. Finally, some friends suggested I go into a rehabilitation program for Veterans. Since I was about to run out of money I had borrowed from my Mother, and I knew I would get sick without alcohol in my system, I agreed to their suggestion.

Now there were two programs available in the area. One was in the East Bay where I was living and one was on the peninsula in the City of Menlo Park. So, relying upon my own wisdom, I decided to go to the one that was closer to my home turf. My friends dropped me off, wished me good luck, and drove away. I went inside and spoke with a doctor who told me that my friends had made a mistake. You couldn't just show up and get into the program. He ended up giving me directions to the nearest liquor store and I walked away from the hospital, bought a bottle of liquor and found a nearby park to sleep in. It was October 30th, 2001. Halloween morning I woke up and a policeman who was passing by saw me and asked me what I was doing there. I told him my story and he drove me to a homeless shelter in the nearby town of Concord.

The people at the shelter were very nice, however since I was officially a resident of Alameda County, they told me I would have to leave in a couple of days. I figured it was just another one of the many defeats that had characterized my life in the past few years and resigned myself to life back on the streets. But God had a different plan for my life. A man who worked at the Veteran's facility in Menlo Park, 'just happened' to show up at that shelter while I was there. He had all of the information, including names and phone numbers, necessary to gain admittance to the VA system in Menlo Park. So with the last of my money I was able to catch a train and a bus to Menlo Park where I was taken into the emergency veteran's housing facility while I was waiting to enter the rehabilitation program.

Once I was in the program I was constantly in a state of stress. Although I now had a few months clean and sober, I knew in my heart that my life was unchanged and that as soon as I left there I was doomed to failure. One day a more senior resident asked me if I would go with him to take some aluminum cans back to a recycling center. As I was riding with him, I was thinking to myself "This guy's an old burned out hippie." It seemed like every couple of sentences he would say something about Jesus, and that just confirmed in my mind that he was some aging freak. Eventually he asked me if I wanted to go to church with him the coming Sunday. He said the church he had in mind was called the Abundant Life church. With my ignorance of the Bible, and my preconceived notions about what type of person I was talking to, I figured that this was probably some New Age church were women with long white robes and rings of flowers in their hair worshipped Gaia the Earth Mother, or something like that. So I made my polite excuses and forgot about it.

But God's plan for my life was still unfolding. About a month after that day, I got into an argument with someone in the rehab program. I decided that he needed to come before the community because he was always treating people with an arrogant and divisive attitude, so I brought him up in the general meeting. The result of that was a verdict that we should spend a couple of hours together on the weekend so that we could get to know each other better. We talked about what we would do and he suggested going to church. I asked him which one, and he suggested the Abundant Life church. So I asked him what kind of church it was, and he told me it was just a regular, Bible teaching church, so I agreed to go with him.

We went to the church that Sunday and sat in the back. I planned on sitting quietly, and returning to the program having fulfilled my obligation. Pastor Paul Sheppard started his sermon and I found myself intrigued by his style of preaching and the common sense and plain message that he was putting out. I was thinking "Wow! I didn't know that's what the Bible was all about. This makes a lot of sense."

After the sermon was over, Pastor Paul asked everyone to stand and I figured it was time to go. Then he started talking about having a relationship with Jesus. He started listing all of the benefits one could have through a relationship with Jesus, and as I was listening I was running a mental checklist of the things he was talking about. I kept thinking, "I want that! I want that! I want that!" finally he mentioned that a person would have supernatural guidance for their life and that's what tipped the scales in my mind. I knew that on my own I was doomed to failure and an early death. The Pastor said that if anyone wanted to receive Jesus into their life they should come up front so that the people from the church could pray with them.

I didn't know what he was talking about. People started to make their way forward and there was a lot of clapping. I didn't know what to do since I had never been to church before, but something was telling me that it didn't matter. That I wanted what this man was offering and to go up in front of all of these people and find out what he was talking about. So I walked forward, was taken into a prayer room, and I got on my knees and confessed Jesus as my Lord and Savior and opened my heart to receive the Holy Spirit.

After I left the church, with my new believer's Bible in my hand, I was wondering why I had gone up like that. It seemed like it was just another vain attempt to have something good happen in my life, but oddly enough, from that moment on, the overwhelming burden of stress seemed to have been lifted from my shoulders. I didn’t know about Jesus saying that the Father would draw people to Him or give them the Holy Spirit when they were converted, but God knew.

It's been some years since that day at church. I have not had a drink of alcohol in all that time even though I don't go to AA meetings. I have a new life in Christ that is better than anything I have ever experienced before. I work for the Enduring Truth Radio Ministry. I serve in the Lay Biblical Counseling Ministry, Correctional Institutions Chaplaincy and the Safari Kids Children’s Ministry. I have many friends from church that live sober lifestyles and while there are always times of trials and testing, Jesus has me firmly by the hand. I have to smile when I write that down because it reminds me of how that 'old burnt out hippie' from the program sounded on that day long ago when according to my own wisdom, I turned down his invitation to come to church. But God…

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.