What do you think of worship of the Earth,or these prayers,...?
Life goes on...
2008-07-28 17:43:50 UTC
Gaia ~ a Living Prayer Wheel!

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THE 14th Annual SOLAR WAVE 2008 ~ Phase Two
The Living Gaia Prayer Wheel Activation!
Equinox ~ September 22nd, 2008 ~ 1 to 3 PM your local time all across the Earth.

This is a Joyful Invitation to the Awakening Masses of Gaia
to come together in ONE UNIFIED HEART to Activate our Planet
We Invite all to join together with like-minded, heart-centered souls
to create an Unstoppable Tidal Solar Wave of Light and Positive Mass Awareness,
to harmonize all discordant energy on Gaia,
and to initiate a spontaneous Awakening of Humanity!
With the Power and Light of the Creator that is within each of us,
that has been prophesized by many ancient traditions.
This will all occur during the powerful window of unlimited opportunity at Equinox, and is
combined with the multiplying potential of 13:30 LOCAL SIDEREAL TIME, and
the grace filled rotation of the Earth as a living Prayer Wheel.

"Again and again some people in the crowd wake up. They have no ground in the crowd . . . they emerge according to much broader laws . . . and carry strange customs with them . . . and demand room for bold gestures. The future speaks ruthlessly through them". - Rilke

What is the catch you ask?
Does it sound to good to be true?
The fact is . . . that there is no catch.
This opportunity is free, green
and supports all living things!

There is a powerful time each day on the planetary grid where our 6th sense abilities are 400% times more effective. When we use this knowledge and join together at this powerful time, our efforts will be multiplied within the harmonizing effects of Equinox. We can heal the Earth and Awaken Humanity! Have you ever felt like you were here on the Earth for a Special Purpose? Do you feel that you are potentially . . . THE VERY ONE . . . that could help tip the balance of our dimension back into the LIGHT? You are RIGHT! You are the ONE! . . . but do you want proof? You will not have proof unless you are willing to go out on a limb, be bold, and believe in the light that you know we are. Are you ready to prove that you are that powerful, and that we can heal the Earth and Awaken humanity? Keep reading ~ The Ancient one and the Earth have a plan.

Ancient traditions understand that the EQUINOX is a powerful time to initiate changes in our material world and shift into a new reality. On Equinox, the Earth and the Sun are in perfect balance and harmony, as the sun is centered between the Northern and Southern hemispheres, and centered between Heaven and Earth. This creates a sacred cross of balancing energy that naturally harmonizes the planet and humanity. For 24 hours, the Earth heals itself in this balancing energy of a Solar Wave. The Tibetans understand the power of spinning the Prayer Wheel to send healing energy across the planet. Could it be that the Prayer wheel is a representation of the spinning Earth? Native American cultures know that the medicine wheel is a reflection of the Earth. The medicine wheel is used for ceremony to heal and bring balance back to the Earth. So why not use the Earth herself?

Equinox Graphic courtesy of Mid-Atlantic Geomancy (MAG)

For the last 14 years, thousands upon thousands of light workers, peacekeepers, shamans, healers, gods and goddesses, angels and saints from around the globe have joined together to work with powerful Equinox energy in a 24 hour Solar Wave of Light and creative potential. But this event is nothing new. Ancient ones knew about this powerful time and have used it to balance and harmonize discordant energy for eons. The fact that the masses are now becoming aware of this time of great potential is a huge sign that we are, in fact, on the brink of planetary awakening. This year a group of ancient ones called the Star Elders, say that we are ready to evolve this year's Solar Wave to a Stellar Wave! This year the Star Elders call us to work with the Equinox but to also add a hugely multiplying potential . . . a specific local sidereal time (LST a.k.a. Star Time) to synchronize our global efforts to reclaim paradise. Are you in?

What is (LST) Local Sidereal Time you ask?
Local Sidereal Time (LST) is an Astronomy term, referring to how the planet is oriented relative to the position of the stars. It is a measure of the passing of the center of our galaxy (the Milky Way) overhead. Sidereal time is STELLAR TIME and is approximately 3 minutes, 56 seconds shorter than a solar day. LST is a measure of time independent of the Sun's cycles. Thus, Local Sidereal Time (LST) moves backward in solar time about four minutes a day, two hours a month and one day a year. Anywhere you are on the planet, at the same LST time you will see the same stars overhead. Example . . . your favorite star will set 4 minutes earlier each night. So why do you care about this? Read on and you will!

The Cognitive Sciences Laboratory in Palo Alto, California, made some exciting discoveries. They studied a group that had natural clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, ESP abilities. They discovered that during a specific window of time, that their test group was more accurate by 400% and more in their abilities to "see" or predict events. When scientists examined the accuracy of thousands of ESP predictions, along with the documented times that these anomalous cognitions took place, they were stunned. The precognitive cycle coincided with a particular Local Sidereal Time or LST. Scientists discovered that peak efficiency for ESP was repeatedly at 13:30 LST. Working with 13:30 LST could lead to more efficient uses of one's psychic talents and energy work.

This means that every 23 hours and 56 minutes, humanity has a unique doorway open to them to see through and work with energies that could heal the world! The Star Elders say that if we can "see" through this doorway, we can also "project light and healing energy" through the doorway and can radically change our world. When we project visions of a brilliant future and send healing energies, we can change the world and reclaim paradise. The peak of the 13:30 LST window of opportunity is about 2-3 hours long (see chart). When we consciously work with the energy of heightened harmonious Equinox energies, and combine it with 13:30 LST, we have an immeasurable amount of potential to make our dreams come true for ourselves, our communities, and our planet. It is only a couple of hours! Do you have time to change the world? It sounds great doesn't it? But why stop there? What if we could make this event even more powerful?

The Star Elders say that enough people are working in the light that we have pushed their ancient Mayan prophesies up by 4 years . . . making 2008 the year that we can shift the world and humanity back into the light. So here is how the Star Elders suggest that we create a 24 hour "Living Gaia Prayer Wheel" where we have a 400% more stellar potential to change the world and reclaim paradise.

WHAT CAN YOU DO? . . . because the EARTH NEEDS YOU!
This is why YOU are so important. What do you think the potential would be if we got the entire light worker / energy healer community working with 13:30 LST on Equinox? Are you ready to go out on that limb yet? What The Star Elders are asking us to do is to synchronize our local planetary family with major global action. What they are suggesting is that together, we use the harmonizing effects of Equinox, and combined it with 13:30 LST potential, and send a Solar Wave out over the Earth over a 24 hour period. It sounds impossible, but it is not. Let me explain . . . Somewhere on the planet, right now, it is 13:30 LST. Every single moment there is a place on Earth that is in the window of the LST time of 13:30. When we each work with our local LST time window, we will create a 24 hour wave of light across the planet filled with powerful healing energy. Just as the prayer wheel spins to send out it prayers, we will be doing the same thing but by using the spin of the Earth instead.

We will create a 24 hour tidal wave of powerful, transforming, healing light, creating a positive vision for a brilliant future. This is YOUR TIME to put to action all the healing talents and spiritual truths you have taken such great care to learn and develop. At your local time window of 1 to 3 PM on September 22nd, give the world ALL the LIGHT and LOVE and COMPASSION you have! Send your HEART out to humanity, the planet, and all life. Send your knowingness that paradise is here right now, and act as if that vision has been realized. Use your highest, purest intentions, and remember that the truth is not out there . . . it is within YOU. It is time to quit dreaming and hoping that the world will change and suffering will stop. As Gandhi said . . . "We must BE the change that we want to see in the world!" KNOW that it is so . . . And it will be. By using the Earth as a living prayer wheel, combined with the intensified powerful of the 13:30 LST time window, inside the thinned veils of harmonizing Equinox, there is nothing that can stop us now. Remember "We are made of Stars" (a song by Moby)

This is where YOU and all of your networking comes into play. On September 22nd, plan your modest gathering, or dream big and plan a huge event with all your like minded family. Work within the 2 hour time window and do your work as Spirit guides you. Remember to act locally, but think globally. ~~ That's it! ~~ On September 22nd, 2008 with your masterful networking help, we can encourage the entire global population of healers and light workers to catch the Solar Wave to manifest the Earth as a Living Gaia Prayer Wheel. Are we ready to enter Paradise on Earth and Awaken as Living Masters? OH YES WE ARE! We were born for this day!


Please send this invitation to all your relations everywhere. Network the Solar Wave. Talk about the Solar Wave. Plan an event in your living room, or fill a stadium! Remember we are only separated by 6 degrees of separation. So if you send this to 6 people, we can reach the entire conscious community of the planet! Or if you are a hard core net worker, and want to leave no room for doubt, send this to everyone you know, and let's get the entire world unified and working together to reclaim paradise! Remember . . . when two or more are gathered together in a common focus, the power to change the world is multiplied a thousand times more than if one person was doing it alone. Dream BIG!

Source, Apparent Association between Effect Size in Free Response Anomalous Cognition Experiments and Local Sidereal Time, by S. James P. Spottiswoode, published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. II, No. 2, 1997. You can find it at . There is an excellent sidereal time clock for Windows PC at


Did you notice that we are CHANGING THE WORLD? The illusionary powers of the world know they are loosing the battle! Light will and is prevailing. Since "Phase One" of the Solar Wave 2008 in March, in which we began to incorporate the use of the 13:30 LST times to increase our effectiveness in manifesting light on Earth by 400%, the web sites that helped us discover each of our 13:30 LST times were mysteriously taken down (Hmmmm. Very interesting). Most of these were government based sites. It is apparent that they have become aware that light workers were using the same techniques that they are. The big difference here is that light workers are using the 13:30 LST times to awaken and set free the hearts, and minds of humanity. Because these sites have shut down, we do not have the convenience of easily obtaining the exact 13:30 LST time conversions for our areas. There are ways of finding the exact peak 13:30 moment, but it is complicated. So were are opting out for an easy 13:30 LST time window . . . 1 to 3 PM your local time, where everyone can work to create a WAVE of POWERFUL LIGHT across the EARTH.

Since our March/Equinox 2008 Solar Wave Event, we have felt a HUGE acceleration in our personal lives and in the global community! The Star Elders say that the power we felt in March was just a warm-up for what we will feel this September on Equinox. So here we go . . . we invite you to join in on phase two of the 13:30 LST light and love blast that will bring the balance and harmony back to our dimension once again. Blessing to you all ~ With Love ~ Aluna Joy

Our favorite play list right now is ... "Raise Your Hands" by Pat Monahan ... "We Are All Made of Stars" by Moby, and a softer one, "Let Me" by Paul Schwartz.

You can still downloaded this free LST clock to watch for your 13:30 each day.

You can listen to an interview
The 2012 Chronicles ~ Equinox and the SOLAR WAVE.
(needs Quick Time or another media player)


Patti Cota-Robles of ERA OF PEACE
for her impeccable message and great support.

Over the years, DaVid has been a great supporter of the
Solar Wave with his HUGE network base.

My Ol' Bliss Buddy and Inca Addict… STAR
Who has been with the Solar Wave from the beginning,
14 years ago, and gives from her heart!
Her essences are amazing!

Daniel is a amazing being of impeccable trust and light.
The Circle of Sound will be in ceremony with their
seasonal Global Harmonization Ceremony
which they do every Equinox and Solstice.
They will be priming the energy for the Solar Wave, on Equinox, March 20th.

are new additions to the Solar Wave this year. They work with moon cycles to re-connect the planet and humanity. They will also be working with the 13:30 time on March 21st! They have been a huge help in networking. We are looking forward to getting to know them better.

for all your work and dedication to making a real difference in the advancement of the LIGHT on this beautiful planet!
There are no words of gratitude great enough for YOU!

A message from Patti Cota-Robles...
This is a critical time, and the forces of imbalance are desperately trying to block Earth's Ascension into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light. They know that Lightworkers aren't dumb, so they do not say "I am the sinister force, and I have come to ruin your life." They say "I am god, follow me." Their misinformation and disinformation uses terminology that Lightworkers are familiar with in order to confuse and block activities of Light. Their attempts to block the influx of Light that took place during the Fire the Grid event failed miserably. Much to their dismay, the Lightworkers redoubled their efforts and the influx of Light transcended the greatest expectations of Heaven.

Beloved Saint Germain has said that the greatest means of sorcery occurring on Earth at this time is people drawing the attention of the masses to the negativity taking place around the world. Where our attention is, there we are. Whatever we focus on, we empower. Do not empower those thoughtforms by addressing them or disputing them. Just let them go and invoke the I AM Presence of the souls involved to fill them with God Illumination and Divine Truth. That fear-based information has absolutely NO power over the Light, unless we choose to focus on it and empower it with our fears. It is the Divine Intention with which Lightworkers invoke the Light that determines the outcome. When millions of people around the world participate in the Solar Wave with the Divine Intention of Healing discordant energy and lifting Humanity into a higher level of Divine Consciousness, that is exactly what will take place.


Keep shining your magnificent Light!
God Bless ~ Patti Cota-Robles

"We live in an age of prophecy,
during which humanity has the opportunity to re-awaken
to timeless, inter-dependent relationship with the cosmos.
Without a doubt, we are here at this special time
to help fulfill an awesome and delicately orchestrated plan
to align Earth with the cosmos
and humanity with the universal heart.
We are here to awaken to the full potential
of being authentic aware human beings.
It's time to drop your cosmic remote control,
get out of that visualization chair,
and get to work.
Spirit helps those who help themselves.
Spirit works right NOW . . . not yesterday . . . not tomorrow.
Quit watching what is going on and take action.
Use your power to do something
about the imbalances in your world."
- The Star Elders

"One's mind, once stretched by a new idea,
never regains its original dimensions."
- Oliver Wendell Holmes

Peace is not something you wish for,
it is something you make, something you do,
something you are and it is something you give away.

Your belief in it determines the effect

"I am only one, but I AM ONE.
I cannot do it all, but I will not refuse to do what I can.
and what I can do, by the grace of the Creator, I will do."
- unknown

Please network this invitation all over the Earth.
E-mail this Global Event to a Friend Join our newsletter for updates SOLAR WAVE Responses from Phase One.

"You who have the light, what are you doing with it?" ~ Paul Claudel

We invite all the Guides, Guardians, Angels, Ascended Masters, Shamans and Sages of the LIGHT
to assist in this Healing and Awakening of Humanity, Earth and Cosmos.
May the shifts be completed in all
7 days a week ~ 24 hours a day ~ 365 days year!

Solar Wave History - Where it all began.... The Solar Wave was an idea born in 1990 while Aluna Joy was on a pilgrimage to Palenque, Mexico. In an amazing overnight stay in the Temple of the Sun, she was taught, or better yet, downloaded with a vision.
Aluna Joy was shown a new energy that was coming to the planet that was going to come in energy waves in multiplying voltage.
Today, 18 years after the initial vision, the waves are getting too big to ignore.
You can read about this experience by reading A PALENQUE STORY
Four answers:
2008-07-28 18:01:59 UTC

Very interesting. I am becoming more spiritual and a lot less religious, I am trying to be an enlighten individual. I would love to know more. I have a love of philosophy and things mystic.

salem, shalom, peace
2016-10-22 02:30:48 UTC
No which could no longer worship. it truly is asking a member of the body of Christ for his or her prayers. Catholic Christians trust in eternal existence and that those in heaven can pray for us and with us. Asking Mary for her prayers is an same as asking a buddy or buddy to desire for you. Mary is our non secular mom. Now if you're putting Mary in selection to God then you easily may be worshiping her. Catholic Christians in basic terms worship God Almighty. Catholic Christian †
2008-07-28 17:51:57 UTC
That was interesting.

I liked this quote.....


Your belief in it determines the effect"


I think that is true in many ways.
2008-07-28 18:30:30 UTC
i'm not into worshipping rocks

i sort of like a real person to answer my prayers;, Jesus

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.