Christians Only !!!! Please Answer honestly ....?
2009-08-09 06:27:06 UTC
1. A barren woman gave birth to Jesus.
2. He died on the Cross
3. He was indulgent towards a prostitute
4.INRI means "Jesus Nazarenus Rex Judareum'' meaning "Jesus of Nazreth ,King of Jews ''
5. It was the Romans who Crucified him .
6. The Church is only an institution.
7.Latin is not the original language of the bible.
8.The bible is a compilation of a group of Essays written by various people at various times on the same theme.
9."Miracles" have been amply exhibited and explained in the Eastern esoteric sciences and still continue to be displayed as a normal phenomena for millions of people .

Help me make an honest decision regarding this religion -- are the above facts correct in their entirety ?or correct me please .
Twenty answers:
2009-08-09 06:36:26 UTC
In their entirety? No. But if it helps:

1. A barren woman gave birth to Jesus.


2. He died on the Cross


3. He was indulgent towards a prostitute

Depends on the meaning of "indulgent". Did he have sexual relations with her? No.

4.INRI means "Jesus Nazarenus Rex Judareum'' meaning "Jesus of Nazreth ,King of Jews ''


5. It was the Romans who Crucified him .

Yes and no. The Jews wanted him executed but they lacked the authority under Roman rule. So they handed him over to the Romans for execution. You might say "Judea betrayed him". ;)

6. The Church is only an institution.

No. The Church is indeed an institution, but not "only" an institution. The Church was founded by Jesus Christ as his kingdom.

7.Latin is not the original language of the bible.


8.The bible is a compilation of a group of Essays written by various people at various times on the same theme.


9."Miracles" have been amply exhibited and explained in the Eastern esoteric sciences and still continue to be displayed as a normal phenomena for millions of people .

You got me on that one.
pumped up! whoo hoo!
2009-08-10 06:29:50 UTC
1. She wasn't barren - she was a virgin.

2. Yes

3. Indulgent - No. But he was friends with a prostitute & a tax collector & many other people that people would say have bad reputations. He loves everyone

4. As far as I know - yes

5. Jews & Romans crucified him

6. The church is supposed to be a group of believers meeting together and involved with:

1. Worship - Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Hebrews 10:19-25

2. Discipleship - Luke 9:23; Matthew 28:18-20

3. Evangelism - John 3:1-18; John 4:27-38

4. Fellowship - Acts 2:42

5. Ministry - Matthew 25:31-46; James 2:14-16

Sometimes the church doesn't act like it should and seems more like an institution

7. Correct. The Bible was originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic & Greek and later translated into other languages like Latin & English

8. No. Some are histories, some are poetry, some are prophesies, some are writing about dreams (Revelation) & some are even letters. The Gospels may seem like Essays as you described because there are 4 of them and they are written by 4 different people writing about mostly the same happenings.

9. I'm nbot sure what the question is for this one. Yes, miracles happened and do happen. You can explain some miracles away by science and things, but they did happen and they still happen and many cannot be explained.

Hope that helps...

BTW... Not sure what part of India you might be in, but Cinnabon is opening this week in Delhi :) (I saw one of your previous questions). In Delhi it's opening on Wednesday (August 12) in the DLF Place Mall in Vasant Kunj. I saw it today! The employees were "practicing" and making cinnamon rolls and they smelled so good!!!
2009-08-09 06:50:54 UTC
1. A barren woman gave birth to Jesus. -No a Virgin.

2. He died on the Cross -Yes

3. He was indulgent towards a prostitute -No

4.INRI means "Jesus Nazarenus Rex Judareum'' meaning "Jesus of Nazreth ,King of Jews '' Yes.

5. It was the Romans who Crucified him . Yes

6. The Church is only an institution. Hmm...

7.Latin is not the original language of the bible. It is not, Hebrew for the Old testament and Greek for the New, When the bible as we know it was compiled, the language was Greek.

8.The bible is a compilation of a group of Essays written by various people at various times on the same theme. I guess you could sort of say that.

9."Miracles" have been amply exhibited and explained in the Eastern esoteric sciences and still continue to be displayed as a normal phenomena for millions of people .

Bob T
2009-08-09 06:37:51 UTC
1. A teenage virgin gave birth to Jesus.

2. true.

3. Define "indulgent"; He did speak to and care about people that were not considered respectable, such as prostitutes and tax collectors.

4 and 5. true

6. The church is the world-wide collection of all believers in Jesus as Savior and Lord.

7. Hebrew for the Old Testament, Greek for the New Testament.

8. Sometimes "essays" may be an acceptable description of certain books. Many are historical narratives.

9. Miracles happened in Bible times and do happen today. We cannot call them "normal" because a miracle by definition is something "supernatural", not natural.

Continue to investigate the claims of the Bible. I hope that you will become convinced of their truth and convinced that Jesus can be your Savior as well, if you have not already.
2009-08-09 06:35:49 UTC
1 not a barren woman, but a virgin.

2 correct. And He rose from the grave.

3 He was indulgent to all sinners

4 correct

5 The Jewish pharisees crucified Jesus by using the Roman authority.

6 Jesus' church is not an institution. The Catholic church is.

7 correct

8 correct

9 miracles are not normal and cannot be explained. Otherwise they wouldn't be called miracles.
2009-08-09 07:19:56 UTC
1. Mary was virgin, but Jesus, also, hat brothers and sisters (Matthew 13:53-56 Marcus 3:31)

2. he died on a torture stake. "And they impaled him and distributed his outer garments by casting the lot over them as to who takes what. It was now the third hour, and they impaled him." (Marcus 15:24-25)

Original in Greece language is "stauros" and Hebrew "xy-lon" (Act. 5:30; 10:39; 13:29; Gal 3:13; 1Pe 2:24.)

4 "they posted above his head the charge against him, in writing: “This is Jesus the King of the Jews.” " (Matthew 27:37)

5 The stone that the builders rejected is the one that has become the chief cornerstone. From Jehovah this has come to be, and it is marvelous in our eyes’? This is why I say to YOU, The kingdom of God will be taken from YOU and be given to a nation producing its fruits. Also, the person falling upon this stone will be shattered. As for anyone upon whom it falls, it will pulverize him.” (Matthew 21:42-44) Jesus said that to Israelis

8 these theme is the Kingdom of God. (2 Timotheus3:16-17) For "YOU know this first, that no prophecy of Scripture springs from any private interpretation. For prophecy was at no time brought by man’s will, but men spoke from God as they were borne along by holy spirit." (2 Peter 1:20-21)

9 The miracles haven a purpose. "Mankind recognized the Christ" with all these miracles and power and Teaching. Now we don´t need, we lived by Faith, and we have all in the Bible.

"But whether there are [gifts of] prophesying, they will be done away with; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will be done away with. (1 Corinthians 13:8)
2009-08-09 07:07:37 UTC
okay... everything is written in the just not into memorizing verses...

1. In the first place, Mary is not a barren woman... Mary was chosen to be the mother of Jesus because she was exemplary among all other women that time. She found favor in God's eyes because she was righteous. Actually she and Joseph was engaged that time when God sent His angel to tell Mary that she will give birth to a baby boy. No sexual intercourse happened between God and Mary for God can make things happen even having a Son without sex. If you could check a digital bible, Mary is not barren, Besides Catholics claim that Mary is ever virgin but she's not because after Jesus was born, Mary had children with Joseph which was made not through God's ways. The Son will be called Emmanuel meaning "God is with us."

Jesus had siblings in flesh. I could remember bartholomew and Judas (but not iscariot). Actually these very siblings in flesh of Him are one of the people who wanted Him to be killed for Jesus left their family religion and transferred to the religion mentioned int Bible which is Church of God. Almost all fake religions don't know this.

2. yes Jesus died on the cross. the story behind this? Because before, the priests used to offer "blood" of the finest lambs and sheeps to be offered in the Holy tabernacle (holy of holies) as an atonement of the sins of the people to be forgiven by God. However, God saw that the men are getting wicked and wicked. So God sent His only Son to save the Earth. Through the people's wickedness, they denied that jesus was the King. They become wicked and punished Jesus a death on the cross and His blood was poured out, This very holy blood of Him replaced the blood of the finest animals being offered to God. That is also why blood is forbidden to be eaten because it is the blood which saved us humans.

3. Accusing the Son of God with something not biblical is a blasphemy. as one of the ten commandments said: Thou shall not take the name of your God in vain. If Leonardo da Vinci and the Da vinci code made you believe that Jesus was indulgent towards a prostitute that is not true because it is not biblical and no bible verse could tell you that this is true. the bible is made for the truth of God's words and not lies. The bible and not the da vinci code should be the basis of one's christian faith.

6. The church is not only an institution. the church means the people and the religion. the word religion is mentioned in the bible and that religion is Church of God. religion can save because it means re-again, ligare-tie so with religion we can be bound or tied again to God since we were separated from Him during Adam and Eve's sin.

7. Im not sure if latin is the original manuscript of the bible but our highest church minister went to study the true and original manuscripts of the bible and they are hebrew or greek, i just forgot which is which. In fact he found some erroneous translations and terms in the bibles being published and distributed nowadays.

8. The bible contains many books that were dictated by God to humans also- but not ordinary humans for they are prophets. They are called by God and they have seen the actual events that took place and even the things that will still be in the coming days.

9. mIracles? what miracles do you mean? if Jesus performed miracles then it is His God-given ways.

i did not answer numbers 5 and 6 for im not sure.

are you about to transfer your church? hey, if you do, make sure you are in the right church for it would mean your religion and religion can save you. If your religion is false, then your teachings acquired are false and your souls is in danger. God said " test evry spirit. Do not believe in every spirit, test it if they are of God." see? it is a commandment from Him.

if you are searching for the true church... visit bro eli soriano's website or the ang dating daan or the old path websites and you can ask all questions you have and he can answer you biblically no more no less. always base on the bible brother/sister for it is written with a purpose and it doesn't teach any lies or any wrongs... it only teaches the good and the pure... which is exactly our unseen God's love for us...
2009-08-09 06:33:48 UTC
First it was a Virgin not a barren woman, Mary Magdalene was not a prostitute, The Church is the body of believers established as a Family with Peter as its head and the rest is fairly accurate except Jesus was and is the Only Begotten Son of God, God Incarnate who died in our place and rose from the dead.
JP (Jan)
2009-08-09 06:34:28 UTC
Mary was not barren. Barren means you cannot have a child. Mary was a virgin. She had not had sex with a man and yet conceived of the Holy Spirit. She had other children with her husband Jospeh after the birth of Jesus.

He was not indulgent towards the prostitute. He was kind to her, forgave her, and told her to sin no more.

The Romans crucified him, but it was at the request of the religious Jews.

The bible was written by various people under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit
Maria S.
2009-08-09 06:36:01 UTC
There is no information that Mary was barren. He forgave a prostitute when she was sorry for her sins. The Church is a divine institution. Those Essays were divinely inspired. The miracles that Christ worked are no the kind of "miracles" that you refer to. Otherwise, you're right.
2009-08-09 21:12:44 UTC
1) Mary was a Virgin and remained a Virgin until she died. when the bible says brothers and/or sisters it means his followers and cousins. if he had siblings, where were they when he was crucified and John left to look after Mary until He returned? also Joseph died when Jesus was 6

2)Jesus was crucified after being scourged, crowned with thorns, ect


4)yes i think so

5)no and yes it was the Jews who decided to crucify him. the Romans helped


7)no its not

8)you could say that

9)no. many miracles have been unexplainable. however some have been been faked
2009-08-09 06:39:43 UTC
Number,s .. 1,3 6 , 8 9 are all wrong,,

Mary was not barren

Jesus was not indulgent to anyone

the church is the Bride of Christ

the Bible was writen by men of God

miracles has stopped because of lack of faith

and you are a TROLL.
2009-08-09 06:32:39 UTC
Christianity is completely true!

1) False. Who said Mary was barren

2) Yes he dies for YOUR sins

3) No he loved everybody no matter how sinful they were

4)Whatever. You just need to believe!

5)Well yes they did the crucifying but they were just tools for God to fufill his plan!

6) The church is the BRIDE of christ

7) Bla bla bla It was Greek and Aramaic. This should not stop you from believing!

8) Blah blah blah. The bible is true!

9) Jesus performed miracles but it was God's hand!

Evidence for creation:
2009-08-09 06:34:04 UTC
1 is incorrect mary was not barren which means she could have no children. She was a virgin. never had sex with a man

6. the church is not just a institution. it was created by God by salvation.

there were letters or separate books written by men inspired by God.

9 miracles are things that can not be explained that God does.
Purdey EP
2009-08-09 06:34:57 UTC
1. Mary wasn't barren; she was a virgin

2. yes

3. There is no real proof that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute. Some of the apostles were jealous of her and may have portrayed her as one.

4. yes

5. yes

6. yes

7. It was in several ancient languages including Greek and Aramaic

8. yes

9. possibly
2009-08-09 06:33:26 UTC
The first one was incorrect.

It was a VIRGIN who gave Birth to Jesus. Not a barren woman.
2009-08-09 06:37:08 UTC
Who can honestly prove one way or the other? did you know Jesus personally?

Do you believe everything you hear? No.

I have an answer:

If Jesus is indeed who He says He is, which, HE SAYS He is alive, then, He also said, "If you ask, I will answer you."

If that's true-----then, ask Him. BUT--He says to ask with a humble heart, expecting to recieve an answer. And Jesus taught that if you do not expect an answer, then you won't recieve an answer---absurd right?!

So, the answer is to ask, saying:


your teachings make no sense---

in other words, I believe them to be nonsense,

but, I am asking for the truth, and if you are in fact alive, and if you are in fact real and really said the things in the Bible, then show me, because it sounds like nonsense to me."



If Jesus really IS God, then He will answer, cuz He said if you ask expecting an answer, that He will, but if we don't expect anything, then we get nada, zip, zilch.

Athiests won't ask God anything cuz they don't believe in God, so for them, it's pointless.

Even if they see God, and know He is real, they will say, "I disapprove of You, God for imposing your will on me, good or bad". no?
2009-08-09 06:34:11 UTC
Yes you are true, religion is completely man made; usual events with metaphorical explainations here and there so that it look heavenly and holy.....Just to make preachers look powerful and wise, intentionally incorporated into human beings.
2009-08-09 06:32:16 UTC
I predict few theists will answer this.

2009-08-09 06:35:30 UTC
You better read the "sweetest story ever told" before you go on so many tangents!

You probably heard the name of "SLAUGHTER HOUSE RELIGION" given to Christianity. ALL Christians need to snack God the Son Jesus Christ in some way as part of the “salvation” package. Jesus talked about the fetish of eating his meat and drinking his blood to go to Heaven when you die! It has nothing to do with “sins”… It has to do with eating Mystical flesh!

John 6:53 (KJV) Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you (DUCK!), Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.

It takes years of Christian schooling to learn how to serve the Holy Communion just right, or Christians can get real sick and die! Protestants have relaxed this warning, but Catholics still believe that the Host* (*wafer) and Wine is magically transformed into the ACTUAL spit flavored Meat and sweaty Blood of Jesus shed at Gethsemane, or was it at Calvary? In some parishes extraordinary measures are taken after Mass to monitor that no trace of the body of Jesus Christ is found in any spent chewing gum stuck under the Church pews, or anywhere else!

1 Corinthians 1:29-30 (KJV) For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many SLEEP* (*have died. More Mafia talk! Low IQ Christians who are sick are screwing up the Holy Communion, or how else can they get sick and die? Spiritually speaking, of course!).

The Christian writers of the NT were delighted to declare that in fulfillment of Bible prophecies Jesus Christ’s flesh was beaten to a pulp, thoroughly tenderized, and heavily marinated in Roman soldiers’ spit, as the “spotless Lamb of God taking away the sins of the world” while hanging totally naked nailed to a Holy Cross.

Job 17:6 (NIV) God has made me* (*Jesus) a byword to everyone* (*that is when “God the Father laid on HIM the iniquity of us all”), A MAN IN WHOSE FACE PEOPLE SPIT* (*this is about the most paramount prophecy about Jesus Christ! Preachers play cool on this one for obvious reasons!).

Many years after Jesus died, the Christian NT Bible writers run amok. coming up with events in the alleged life of God the Son Jesus Christ that fulfill Bible “prophecies,” and this is one of them! It is kinda poopy, spiritually speaking, of course, but there is hardly any other “prophecy” in the Bible that the NT writers made fit more precisely than this one, from the Book of Job!

Matthew 26:67 (NIV) Then they SPIT IN HIS FACE and struck him with their fists. Others slapped him.

Matthew 27:30 (NIV) They SPIT ON HIM, and took the staff and struck him on the head again and again.

Mark 14:65 (NIV) Then some began to SPIT AT HIM; they blindfolded him, struck him with their fists, and said, "Prophesy!" And the guards took him and beat him.

Mark 15:19a (NIV) Again and again, they struck him on the head with a staff and SPIT ON HIM.

That’s almost a gallon of Goy spit, not Jewish, but Gentile spit! The Christians go wild preaching that the Jews rejected Jesus Christ, but the ultimate form of the most humiliating spitting rejection ever put together comes from the Romans, not from the Jews! There is no record that the Jews paid the Romans to spit on Jesus’ face, either! The Gospel writers imply that there was something very repulsive about Jesus’ personality that invited a lot of Roman spit! No Holy Roman authority EVER apologized to the Jews on behalf of the Roman soldiers who were spitting on Jesus’ face, and for having nailed him on a Holy ROMAN Cross. Jesus was not just any Jew! JESUS WAS THE KING OF THE JEWS… for Christ’s sake!!! The Roman Catholic Christians were ruling Europe for many centuries, and they still rule the “souls” of millions of proud Roman Catholics throughout the world. THEY ALWAYS BLAMED THE JEWS FOR KILLING JESUS! I am telling you like it is! The Jews are so traumatized about the whole issue that they won’t touch Jesus or the whole Christian religion for that matter not even with a 10 foot pole, except for those who are making a living out of it!

There is no historical record that the Roman soldiers ever let their victims take a shower after a heavy dose of spitting. In reality, the Roman soldiers were not known to chew tobacco, or to spit in hate at anybody! The Bible writers had to show that this prophecy about “spitting on his face” was virtually fulfilled! There is no record that the Roman soldiers dressed any of their victim’s genital area in a white diaper before nailing them to any cross no matter how holy! There is no record that the Romans crucified anybody in Jerusalem, either. The Romans were much better known to IMPALE their victims driving a thick pole into the victim’s rectum and forcing them to stand on it until the pole would eventually pierce the heart or lung killing them by their own body weight! The thicker the pole, the longer it took for the victim to die! The Roman soldiers had plenty of fun that way! Jesus hardly suffered a sissy man’s death hanging his full body weight so gently from a nail in each hand. The nails can’t possibly hold anybody hanging in there for any length of time! Christians are brainwashed to believe that crucifixion is the most tormenting death ever invented! Not so! Impalement would have been a real pain in Jesus’ anal cavity and still fulfill Bible prophecy about “hanging on a tree!” If Jesus were to have a pole jammed up into his anus his eyes would be popping out of their orbit, and he would be screaming profanities like crazy to his Daddy God up in the sky who was watching complacently the full sacrifice of his ONLY BEGOTTEN SON so he can be pleased to forgive the “sin” of the world! However, according to the Bible writers, Jesus Christ was able to conduct a long painless conversation with his peers nailed to the other crosses, and with some of the guests at the crucifixion site, and with the Roman soldiers that crucified him, all in “Yiddish,” or what have you, although the conscripted Roman foot soldiers spoke only Latin (Luke 23:38)! Well informed, non-religious people know that the whole “crucifixion” story is a hoax of historical proportions (Acts 25:19). Moreover, it is very funny that the disoriented Christians expect to reign along with this same full of spit Jesus as KING OF THE JEWS anywhere from 1,000 years or for ever after the 2nd coming of Jesus. If he really would like to be a king because he already recanted before (John 18:36)! Can you imagine Jesus in your mind with his face full of spit and his penis exposed while hanging totally naked nailed to the Holy Cross? That is the way it is in the Bible!

Throughout the Bible, the Bible writers were very much in the spitting fetish…

Revelation 3:16 (NIV) (Jesus said) So, because you* (*good Christians, but in the wrong Church!) are lukewarm - neither hot nor cold - I am about to SPIT YOU OUT of my mouth* (*like spent chewing tobacco of a “good shepherd giving his life for the sheep!” Jesus and any intelligent person know that only STUPID shepherds would do that, but what the heck!).

About 500 years ago, the Protestants wised up and removed the hanging corpse of Jesus Christ from the Holy Cross. Now, only Catholics still display a dead body nailed to a cross. Christianity is a very primitive religion. Most people in America are unable to function without it! I believe that there are some serious flaws in Christianity that need to be addressed. I am fully aware that my answers upset a lot of professional preachers, and perhaps some members of the Clergy, but they know that Christianity is not going to collapse overnight. They do have a secure source of income for years to come!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.