Dude, atheists don't have to worry about IF they are wrong. They already know that they are wrong and you can see that in the way they wont even accept even a tiny bit of evidence for God's existence. They believe in him but they emotionally hate God with a passion.
If you really want to see an example of this do some deep research into the shroud of turin. I mean research the peer reviewed scientific literature, then visit some atheist sites and see their arguments against the shroud and see how far apart they are from what the science and history says.
They hat the shroud because its a physical , tangible relic in which almost all the evidence points to its authenticity.
Here is a good presentation to get your started
This was given by a doctor to a group of high school seniors and it give a general idea of what Science knows so far about the shroud of turin, which is the most scientifically studied object on earth.
That was a 2012 presentation.
Here is a more recent 2014 presentation given by the same doctor
Mark Antonacci was a happy go lucky unbeliever lawyer in Missouri who was very happy about everything in his life. Only one thing nagged him, his Christian Girlfriend and the arguments were almost always about religion. One day he had a big argument with her and he was so angry that her set out on a mission to prove to her that Christianity was a fairy tale.
Unfortunately for him his first target was the shroud of turin. What he thought would take 2 weeks to debunk ended up taking 25 years and not only wasn't he able to debunk the shroud but he himself converted to Christianity through his research on the shroud.
Once you start studying this relic you will become addicted to it.
21st century science cant replicate this image . the technology that caused this image is beyond anything we have in science today. In fact the scientists who came closest to replicating the image had to different forms of radiation to do it, but still couldn't do it completely.
Doctor August Accetta came closest but he had to ingest potentially harmfull radioactive particles into his body and pass gamma rays through it.
Accetta came close but failed in some key areas. Doctor Accetta was born a Catholic but became an agnostic in his twenties because he felt that religion was a crutch that people used to help them better deal with death, but he didn't believe it was true. After Doctor Accetta's peer reviewed research he knew that no ordinary natural event could have caused this image to appear and he converted back to his Catholic Faith.
One such researcher is Dr. August Accetta, an obstetrician-gynecologist from southern California, husband and father of three daughters and founder of the Shroud Center of Southern California (Shroudcentersocal.com). First opened in 1996, the center is dedicated to discovering the truths within the Shroud. While appreciating the importance of the work done by researchers seeking to confirm the date of the artifact — for instance, three years ago Dr. Ray Rogers showed that the 1988 Carbon-14 dating was not done on the original burial cloth, but rather on a Shroud patch that in the Middle Ages had been cleverly re-woven into the border area — Accetta focuses on uncovering the mysteries that lie within the Shroud itself.
Image of Suffering
Accetta is particularly interested in the image’s photographic aspects, including its three-dimensional qualities and its human anatomical features. He has published four peer-reviewed papers on the Shroud in the area of nuclear imaging. The doctor’s work with nuclear imaging demonstrates that in terms of the Shroud’s inverse color intensity (often described as being like a photographic negative, but actually a mere reversal of light and dark), the image encodes only about the top 1.5 inches of the face and body in three dimensions. "It’s like a relief sculpture," he said, "sort of like when Han Solo was frozen in carbon in" Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back.
Of equal interest to Accetta is the X-ray-like imaging upon the Shroud; the image reveals the roots of several upper teeth, the metacarpal bones in the left wrist and the femur under the left hand. Furthermore, the image reveals bruising on the cheek just below the left eye. Bruising, according to Accetta, is completely part of the body image, not at all like the bleeding wounds that left blood residue on the surface of the Shroud.
It is a natural mistake to assume the image on the Shroud resulted from visible light emitting from the body, Accetta said. But even if light had streamed from the body’s surface any resultant image would have been as flat as a photograph, possessing no 3-D information. Instead, Accetta has shown by injecting nuclear isotopes into his own bloodstream that he can produce a similar image, complete with 3-D information, in photos taken by the gamma camera doctors use to make images of internal organs. "The amount of radiation in the skin and bones," Accetta said, "correlates to the number of pixels on the Shroud."
Nevertheless, exactly how the image was imprinted on cloth remains a mystery that, so far as anyone knows, has never been repeated. Studies by other scientists have shown that the actual image — which lies on the very surface of the linen fibers at a depth less than 100 times as thick as a human hair — is the result, not of paint or any sort of pigment, but of rapid dehydration of the natural cellulose present in the fibers accomplished without heat
Shroud investigators stress that while relics like the Shroud are not central to belief in the divinity and salvific mission of Christ, they can serve as powerful aids to developing a working faith. "It’s silly to suggest that evidence like the Shroud should play no role in under girding our faith," said Gary Habermas, chairman of the department of philosophy and theology at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va., and co-author of two books on the Shroud. "Jesus himself said if people could not simply believe what he said, then ‘at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves’" (John 14:11).
As an evangelical Christian, Habermas is careful to separate his own appreciation for the Shroud — "There’s a good chance it is authentic," he says — from his worship of the living Christ. Still, for him the Shroud is nothing less than a pictorial Gospel. "It’s all there: deity, death and resurrection," he said. "The Shroud shows that he’s dead, but that there’s something happening to bring him to life." He also suggested the evidence of Jesus’ awful suffering imprinted on the Shroud should cause every Christian to re-examine his commitment to the faith. "A university student once said to me that it removes the flippant approach," he recalled. "You know how some people talk, ‘Yeah, Christ died for my sins. Hey, you wanna get a burger?’"
For his part, Accetta grew up Catholic but left the Church as an agnostic in his youth, convinced that belief in God was "pretty much just a way to deal with mortality." In spite of his skepticism, he was intrigued by a radio talk on the Shroud in 1992 by Dr. Alan Whanger, professor emeritus at Duke University and chief researcher for the Council for Study of the Shroud of Turin (duke.edu/~adw2/shroud). He met with Whanger and began to collect information, enthralled by the "clarity" of the materials available. Nevertheless, it was not the Shroud itself but his study of it that made Accetta a believer, he stressed. To know more about the Shroud, he had to study Scripture and Tradition.
To learn about the cloth’s early history, Accetta had to research the Church Fathers. "Somewhere in 1997," he said, "I realized my data had changed and that I was now a believer." But not, at that point, a convinced Catholic. That quickly changed and Accetta came back to the Church of his childhood as he read the Ante-Nicene Fathers and understood their emphasis on sacramental theology. "The Shroud became the fulcrum that turned my life in a new direction," said Accetta. "The Christian faith had been a puzzle, but as I studied the faith in order to understand the Shroud the pieces fell into place."
Copyright © 2008 Circle Media, Inc., National Catholic Register
Shafer Parker Jr. writes from Calgary, Alberta