Indigo Warrior
2013-12-22 13:55:26 UTC
Baptism is a common Christian ritual; the definition for the word baptism is a rite of washing with water as a sign of religious purification and consecration.
The normal tools used in the baptism ritual are. Usually white Candles depending on setting, a cross, an alter, and a baptismal font (the one I was baptized in was wooden with a cross on top) The priest/minister usually blesses the water, and then recites some words depending on the denomination they can vary. The person is usually then considered born again.
The rite of baptism is of pagan origin.In Egypt, the Book of Going Forth by Day contains a treatise on the baptism of newborn children, which is performed to purify them of blemishes acquired in the womb. Water, especially the Nile's cold water, which was believed to have regenerative powers, is used to baptize the dead in a ritual based on the Osiris story.
New initiates into the Mysteries of Isis/Osiris began their initiation with a sprinkling of purifying waters brought from the Nile. The reason they did this was salvation.
Homer mentions the washing of hands before prayer, and the purification of an entire army with water [Iliad, 1.313].
In ancient history, the Greek historian Plutarch tells us that the rites of
Mithras were being practiced in Cilicia in 67BC.
That is just about 100 years before Christianity started.
In MITHRAISM - There were ceremonies where spiritual purification was believed to come from sprinkling (or like in other branches of Christianity drenching) of the person was baptized with bulls blood or rams blood. This purification meant the person was born again. (also found in eastern idea of spiritual transformation, through "the tongs of fire" or Kundalini and the person is born again or spiritually transformed. This is where the Church gets baptism of the holy spirit from some Christian mystics will say this too)The faithful called Mithras (REMEMBER, 4000 years ago!) "the Light of the World", and a symbol of truth, justice, and loyalty. He was mediator between heaven and earth and was a member of a Holy Trinity, In Ancient Persian Culture. These people were born again followers of him when baptized. SOUND FAMILIAR.
Pagans at Gerasa celebrated the Maioumas, rites in which women bathed and were purified in a sacred pool outside town.
Next is the chistian altar. Used in almost every Christian Church ritual and service on a daily bases all around the world. Lets take a look at the Christian altar and some of the things usually found on it.
Things usually found on a christian alter (depending on the denomination) are candles, a cross (in my experience going to church the cross is always found) the host (communinon or sacremental bread), a bible, insence and/or an insense burner, a challace (usually empty or filled with wine or grape juice), oil, holy water (only seen this when someone is getting baptised). These things are usually placed on a decorated table called the altar.
This is also stolen from religons predating Christianity.
Pagan alters even predating Christianity usually contained in the center a sign or symbol of the god(s) this altar was dedicated too and/or a statue. Insense and/or an insense burner, a challace usually filled with wine during pagan rituals to be drunk by the followers. Food or bread laid out for the gods and sometimes a sacrifice (notice how the host is sometimes called sacrificial bread and Jesus is a living sacrifice represented by it). Oil or potions blessed by the priest/priestess. A statue or an artists representation of the god/gods this altar is dedicated too. (notice the artwork and posters usually found in a church santuary).
The steeple, is also a stolen symbol. I personally find this one funny when I looked into it and found out what it origionally meant. The church steeple is a copy of the Egyptian Obelisk, and also has similarties to the maypole originally A carved upright representation of the human penis that was danced around by young females and woven with ribbons to ensure offspring. and a symbol of fertility. Te Obelisk was origionally symbolic of the phallus. They represented the erect organ of the earth God "Geb" as he lay on the ground trying to reach up to unite himself with the Goddess "Neith/Nut" of the overarching sky.
This is not the only thing used by Christians that represents sex. In fact one of their main symbols the fish symbol also origionally had to do with sex. "The ancients stated that a woman's sexual secretions smelled like fish, which is why the Vesca Piscis - the Fish sign was chosen as the symbol of the yoni (vagina)." Also due to its shape similar to the vagina.
The fish is Also in astrology a symbol for Pisces and the Piscean age we are currently in.