>"Atheists Are Wrong About Evolution?"
Atheists don't "own" evolution. Both atheists and devout Christians accept evolution.
E.g. the following are names of biologists who are devout Christians and who accept evolution. (You can Google each of these names and verify this):
* Francis Collins (born-again evangelical Christian, biologist, current head of the NIH, author of "The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief").
* Kenneth Miller (devout Catholic and biologist, author of "Finding Darwin's God"),
* Francisco Ayala (ordained priest and biologist who accepts evolution),
* Theodosius Dobzhansky (orthodox Christian),
* Asa Gray (devout Presbyterian),
* Alfred Russel Wallace (devout Anglican),
* Richard G. Colling (of Olivet Nazarene University),
* Darrel Falk (of Point Loma Nazarene University),
* Denis Lamoureaux (of St. Joseph's College),
* R.J. Berry, Dennis Venema, Keith Miller, Kathryn Applegate, Joan Roughgarden, Simon Conway Morris, ... and I could give more. PLEASE look them up.
Again, those are all *biologists*, all devout Christians ... and all accept evolution.
It's not just atheists who accept evolution. Not by a long-shot.
>"There are two kinds of evolution, macro and micro evolution. "
No. Sorry. The terms microevolution and macroevolution are not different "kinds" evolution. They refer to different levels of STUDY of evolution ... in the same way that 'microecononics' and 'macroeconomics' are not different "kinds" of economics.
To give another example ... we sometimes refer to the 'microgrowth' of a tree (the study of how the cells are dividing) vs. the 'macrogrowth' of the tree (the study of how the tree gets taller, and structures such as branches, twigs, and leaves appear). When you accept that 'microevolution' is true, but 'macroevolution' cannot occur as a result ... that is like declaring that 'microgrowth' of a tree is observed (we can see cells dividing under a microscope), but 'macrogrowth' (the tree getting taller) cannot occur as a result.
>"The problem is that there is no evidence that proves macro evolution(humans evolved from primates) happens."
Of course there is:
"29+ Evidences for Macroevolution" http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/comdesc/
The fact that you *reject* that evidence, does not mean that it doesn't exist.
Why do you think scientists accept 'macroevolution' if not for evidence?
>"To make it simple, a group of Australian creationists asked Richard dawkins(evolutionist) if there is any record of "information creating" mutation and Dawkins admitted that there was none."
No he didn't. You got the story wrong.
This is a rather well-known story about these Australian creationists who duped Dawkins into an interview. When he realized he had been duped, he stopped the interview. The worst thing they caught on camera was a long silence, as Dawkins considered what to say next. That's it. Just silence. Dawkins NEVER "admitted there was none."
One long silence in an interview doesn't "disprove" a core principle of science.
>"What we call mutation is inhibiting certain features of a cell or bacteria but there has never been any evidence whatsoever that proves information creating mutation"
Of course there is:
Example: http://www.nmsr.org/nylon.htm
Again, the fact that you never heard of that evidence ... and will probably blindly reject it anyway ... does not make that evidence go away.
>"and that means macro evolution is nothing but a speculation, it is still a theory."
When you say "still a theory", it only indicates that you have never heard of the 'theory of gravity', 'cell theory', 'atomic theory', 'molecular theory', 'photon theory', 'quantum theory', the 'theory of relativity', 'heliocentric theory', the 'germ theory of disease', the 'gene theory of inheritance' ... and on and on.
Those are ALL called "theories" ... and ALWAYS WILL BE. Not because any scientists seriously doubt them. Not because they have not yet been "proven". Not because they are 'not yet facts'. ... But because they are all EXPLANATORY FRAMEWORKS for understanding facts (observations).
That is basic, basic, basic science. 7th-grade science.
That is why Creationism will utterly *DESTROY* your science education.
>"Do you see how flawed this theory is?what do you think?"
I think that you clearly have not researched this at all ... you simply read stuff on creationist web sites, and then blindly repeat them in forums like this.
Believe me ... it doesn't actually accomplish anything. It doesn't change anybody's mind. It doesn't make us go "hmm ... I never heard of this 'micro' vs. 'macro' evolution thing, perhaps all the world's scientists are wrong."
Really, it doesn't.