Exactly what do Muslims believe?
2008-04-02 12:20:42 UTC
I know (or think at least) that Allah is their God and Muhammad is his prophet and the Koran is their holy book. Why do some Muslims hate and want to kill infidels and some say that the Koran teaches a peaceful religion? Who are infidels anyways? Do all Muslim women not show their face? Why or why not?
NOTE: If any of these questions are offensive they aren’t meant to be. I am just curious.
Seventeen answers:
2008-04-02 12:26:37 UTC
An infidel is anyone that is not Muslim. Many verses in the Koran tell Muslims to go and kill or convert non-Muslims. According to Islam anyone that converts from Islam to another religion must be put to death.

Muslim women are cover their hair and bodies because Islam teaches that men are savages and will desire to rape them if they do not completely cover up. The hajib (hair covering) is mandated by law in some Muslim nations such as Saudi Arabia and Iran, repeated violation can be punished with flogging. According to Islam a woman's honor is very important and her honor lies between her legs. Female circumcision is practiced by Muslims in many places to discourage women from having sex before they are married.

Muslims claim that Islam is a peaceful religion because it encourages peace but only between Muslims. Between Muslims it is peaceful compared to the tribal societies that existed in Arabia before Islam. It is of course barbaric by modern standards.

According to Islam the Koran can only be completely understood in Arabic but you can find an English translation here:
2008-04-03 03:55:59 UTC
# 1. "I know (or think at least) that Allah is their God and Muhammad is his prophet and the Koran is their holy book"

a) Allah is the name of God that the Muslims call him by.

Also Arabic-speakers of all Abrahamic faiths, including Christians and Jews, use the word "Allah" to mean "God". The Christian Arabs of today have no other word for 'God' than 'Allah'. Arab Christians for example use terms Allāh al-ab (الله الآب) meaning God the father, Allāh al-ibn (الله الابن) mean God the son, and Allāh al-ruh al ghodus (الله الروح القدس) meaning God the Holy Spirit .

b) Muhammad(saw) is not the Only Prophet.

But the Last Prophet.

Prophets also include - Adam, Enoch, Noah, Solomon, Lot, Moses, Zachariya, Jesus, and still many more.

# 2. "Why do some Muslims hate and want to kill infidels and some say that the Koran teaches a peaceful religion?"

Muslims do NOT hate anybody be them even Infidels.

The only thing is that they just as All other religions claim that the Non-Believers have wronged themselves and that if they die with their believes they might be to Hell.. Same what any other religion Speaks about.

(..So its all the same and there is nothing new, rather than exaggerating a peck).

--Muslims Don't Want to Kill any Infidel.

(..Had this been so you couldn't have met a Single Muslim in your life Safely.)

**So Its NOT that**

When the Verses of the Qur'an are read or refered:

002.190 Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors."

And to be more Precise the Muslims will fight only when they are on the Battle ground.


002.193 And fight them on until there is no more Tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah;

but if they cease, Let there be no hostility except to those who practise oppression.

002.217 ....Say: "Fighting therein is a grave (offence); but graver is it in the sight of Allah to prevent access to the path of Allah, to deny Him, to prevent access to the Sacred Mosque, and drive out its members."

# 3. "Who are infidels anyways?"

Infidels are the Ones who do not believe in Allah..

and His sent Messengers.

The word Infidels may not Include Christians and the Jews.

(..Niether does a Muslim, or a Jew, or a Christian, or a Buddhist ever Jump to kill Anybody, Just for being of the Religion he/she is of.)

That as another part of the Muslim faith is a grievious "Sin".

And thus also as a matter of being a Human nad Believing in Allah a Muslim "should" not kill.

I say "should" because there are still who abuse, fight, steal and rob and drink and all.

Its all about some of the Blacksheeps of the Society.

# 4. "Do all Muslim women not show their face? Why or why not?"

NO, its just about How much does a Muslim Practices the faith.

And also the Covering of the face of Muslim Women does Not include the Covering of the Face, though some out of Ignorance do practise it.

To protect the women's modesty there are references for a woman to Put on a Cloak when She is Out.
2008-04-02 16:02:17 UTC
Yes, Allah is their god. However, in Arabic- Allah means god.

Those are fundamentalists . They are fund in every society and every religion. They believe anyone not Muslim (there are other extremists) is not "fit" to inherit Allah's (their god's) Earth. Personally, I think it's more of an insecurity issue spurred on by someone.

They teach that it is a peaceful religion (extremists) to make it look like they are good. For the true Muslims it is a peaceful religion.

The Infidels are anyone not of their belief.

The Qura'n teaches modesty. This is why they do not show their face. Well their are 2 main dressings of the Muslim women. 1 is the Burqa. It covers the whole body, except for eyes and the hands. Also, the head dress- the Hijab. That can be worn to show the face. So, no not ALL Muslim veil their face.

Remember, not all Muslims are those fundamentalists I metioned...
2008-04-02 12:35:01 UTC
The Koran/Qur'an does not espouse or contain hateful material at all. Period. That's just a simple fact, but in order to see it you have must not take things out of context.

The radical elements of this religion, as there are in every religion, are more fierce because they have the additional stimulus of fighting "the superpower" for what they see as perceived injustices (to use Obama's term; here we're talking about past American foreign policy decisions in the middle east, and you kinda have to know a bit about that). In addition, they've been brainwashed, and some have been forced because the Taliban, for instance, would hunt you if you went against them.

Having been raised a Muslim, I can tell you (I've been taught) that it is absolutely against our faith to force anybody else to convert, let alone "kill infidels." Moreover, Muslims are only allowed to fight in defense; I suppose the terrorists have their own extremely stretchy and unfair definition of "defense."

And no, not all Muslim women cover their face. Most either don't cover or just use a headscarf/hijab (which doesn't cover the face). And it's not like all Muslims (man or woman) care whether others wear it. Or at least I don't.

Unfortunately, you will come across many ignorant people who really don't understand Islam or the religion-government interplay at all and then claim to know about it. (Meaning, quite a lot of the stuff that the theocratic governments do is nonsensical and are misinterpretations/extreme stretches of what is actually prescribed in sharia law. Sharia law, by the way, FYI, is not some freak law system. A lot of it is very similar to democratic system. At least the sharia law system I learned even had a triple-branch checked/balanced government and such).

And Islam doesn't have just 5 prophets. Islam accepts all prophets, and espouses the original messages that were sent to those prophets (including Jesus/Isa [Peace Be Upon Him]) before being changed by people later on.
2016-05-31 21:39:25 UTC
Muslims believe in Allah.they are not the same god.Jesus is a prophet not the son of god.We believe Allah has no family or children.He is one. The Quran was sent to the Prophet Muhammed who was the last prophet ever.It was sent to him by an angel in a cave.He then converted and preached. Chrisitianity and Islam are similar but different.Those differences divide the religions completly. Similar morals but they cannot be compared. Don't listen to these answers, they just want to argue but not actually give facts.
2008-04-02 12:30:34 UTC
Allah is the Arabic word for God.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is not our only Prophet. Jesus, Moses, Abraham, etc. are all our prophets.

The some Muslims you talk about say/want that for political reasons more than anything else. They just try to legitimize there deranged beliefs with Islam.

Alot of Muslim women don't even wear the Hijab. I know that here in my country (Egypt) and about half of all our women don't wear it (maybe more).

They cover their hair for modesty and partially because some see it as a religious symbol.

The covering of the face is not mentioned the Qur'an and I don't know why some Muslim women cover their faces.
2008-04-02 12:38:44 UTC
Hi, thanks for your interest. An infidel is an unbeliever. There are a minority of Muslims who want to kill unbelievers...but they are a minority. They've been brainwashed since childhood to believe this, by religious leaders who use verses from the Qur'an which have been taken out of context. Many people on here will say the Qur'an does justify killing but the funny thing is that when you disprove them they pretend they've not read your post or something; it's just influence from western media. Not all Muslim women wear veils but some do, the ones who do do it to deter men.

O btw, there are people on here who will give you ridiculous links like and they actually believe the stuff, they're the retards here and can't tell the obvious difference between a biased and non-biased source - such a simple skill...

And then there are people who come out with this rubbish: "islam teaches that it's ok to rape women who are not islam." Lol, the guy doesn't even know the difference between Islam and Muslim.
2008-04-02 12:54:33 UTC
Well Honey,

Watch Fitna here:

Answers all your questions.

And by the way, here are two very reliable guides to the muslim book and islam written by awakened muslims:

1). "Satanic Verses" by Sir Salman Rushdie

2). "The Trouble With islam" by Irshad Manji

3). You can also read articles / publications by Magdi Cristiano Alam, the latest ex - member of the islamic cult who wisely converted to the only true religion - Christianity.

God Bless.
2008-04-02 12:25:28 UTC
I think muslims dont kill infidels and to cover the women face.. well actually the majority of muslim women only cover their heads..some countries the face...
2008-04-02 12:31:15 UTC
thank you for your question

Allah is Arabic word means the god

the god in Islam is the creator of the whole of the universe who sent his prophets to lead the mankind to believe in Allah

the prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) is the last prophet and Abraham ,Noah ,moses and the Christ are (olli alazm) the best prophets of Allah

infidels are kaffeirs the unbelievers who do not believe in the god and his prophets

Christians and Jews are not infidels because Allah forbid Muslims of marring infidels but allowed Muslim men to marry Christians and Jews who are called (ahl alketab) means: heaven books inheritance

there is no exist of violence in quran nor hadith but Muslims are allowed to self defense

Muslim women are ordered to be covered to protect them of bad boys and to respect their minds more than their bodies

and covering face is not implosion but hijap is implosion
2008-04-02 12:25:26 UTC
Your questions aren't exactly offensive except insofar as they are a big ignorant. If you TRULY want an explanation of Islam, I would suggest using the greatest research tool in the history of mankind. You're sitting in front of it.
2008-04-02 12:35:52 UTC
Super basic - Islam has 5 prohets 2 of which are Muhommed and Jesus. They believe the savior has not come yet. And complete obedience to the 5 pillars and Allah (God) the path to heaven.
2008-04-02 12:47:38 UTC
muslims dont kill infidels.

we teach peace and love

but umm... girls cover there face or heads because u kno when u see like a hot guy or when a guy stares at ur *** or boobs.

well to prevent that we cover our body so they wont see our "body form/figure"

and instead of them liking us 4 our body, to like us 4 our brain

have any more questions then just ask

im reading the translation of the holy quran and bible so yea...
2008-04-02 12:32:01 UTC
PERHAPS.... you first NEED TO KNOW....

That their GOD..... is NOT the same GOD.... Americans Believe IN !

Sorry.... the Jesus / GOD....of the Muslim / Islam / Quarran

......... " IS NOT.... the Jesus / GOD... of the BIBLE ! "

ISLAM.... Did Not Start till the ...."7th Century AD !

When Confronted with THESE TWO SITES.....most will REJECT Them.....!

They CANNOT.... handle The TRUTH!

Thanks for Asking ! RR
Bob L
2008-04-02 12:29:03 UTC
islam teaches that a woman is to be put in prison if she is raped.

islam teaches that it's ok to rape women who are not islam.
Snowshoe Tom
2008-04-02 12:31:56 UTC
Not all muslims are terrorists, but ALL TERRORISTS are muslims
2008-04-02 12:31:51 UTC
they believe in... ink and paper!!!

Oil... also!!

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