Christians: How do you react to Islam claiming that Jesus is a Muslim prophet?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Christians: How do you react to Islam claiming that Jesus is a Muslim prophet?
44 answers:
2016-05-21 02:14:26 UTC
You're saying two different things here. The first thing is that Muslims claim Jesus is a Muslim Prophet - which you are misunderstanding. The second thing is Jesus (PBUH) will have people convert to Islam. 1) Jesus is a Muslim in the sense that he submits to God (Muslim means to submit so yes Jesus and the rest of the prophets are in that sense Muslims) 2) Yes this is what we believe. We believe that Judaism and Christianity were revealed by God but the people have gone astray and thus Islam was presented. Is this really an offensive idea? Not at all
strawberries and cool whip!
2009-09-27 13:35:39 UTC
I haven't read the whole koran, half, a third, or even a 16th but from what I have read I doubt if that's exactly what it says. That's not the cohesive with the general message I got from it which is not very different at all from what's in the bible. of course they look at jesus in a different way, but I don't believe it says anything about converting when Jesus comes. This is not to say some people may not interpret it this way. We believe different things. I am going to get offended because people don't all believe the same thing as me? No, that would make me small minded. That would go against Jesus' teachings. I do have religious doubts but I am sure about that. hope that helped :)
Lovely Stacy
2009-09-28 02:32:04 UTC
Well... My ex is muslim. Me & him didn't always agree when it came to religion, and he tried to make me think that his way was the right way? He says that the Koran is all truth & I am not calling it a lie because I don't really know what to believe, it becomes confusing when you hear several different things in my religion (at least the religion that I was raised in) 1) Jesus is God in the flesh 2) Jesus is God's son 3) Pray & worship no one except god 4) Pray through Jesus to God, & etc. Now I probably should study this more & I have been reading the Holy Bible here & there. I've went to Baptist churches growing up & my uncle is a pastor at a baptist church here in Indianapolis, I never see/talk to him, go to his church, I don't even go to church now that Im older. Why are there different kind of Muslims? Some won't date white women, say white people can't be muslim, but my ex dated me & I'm white. My ex says that those muslims ain't doing it the right way & told me some long speech about why, what, & when but I honestly don't remember, I've slept since then! I believe in God, pray & to me that's what matters. My ex prayed 5 times a day on a fancy rug, always rinsed before he prayed, washed several times in the shower & did they're way of fasting for 30 days out of 12mo every year. My daughter prays like him now because she's use to seeing him do it, she has no ideal what to say because I believe he spoke the prayer in aerobic (Insha Allah) but she does what he would do during his prayers. I don't know, it's all confusing to me. God Bless!
2009-09-27 21:10:03 UTC
I react to the claim by saying it is wrong. There is no evidence at all that Jesus will tell us to convert to Islam -- and plenty of evidence that he will NOT tell us that -- since Islam contradicts ALL that Jesus reportedly said about himself.

The New Testament is convincing because it was written fairly soon after the death and resurrection of Jesus, by eyewitnesses or by those close to his eyewitnesses.

The Quran was written by Mohamed hundreds of years later, not based upon ANY eyewitness testimony, and it also contradicted the eyewitness testimony of the New Testament.

The Quran is not at all compelling to Christians, as Christians consider it an unreliable and invalid source of information about Jesus.


Lovely Stacey: You should figure out what you believe, and you should learn what Christian doctrine is, and the history of the Bible, which shows it to be reliable as a document.

No offense to your husband, but he is only saying those things that he has been told about the Bible -- and what he was told is completely wrong.

Christian doctrine of the Trinity is just this: ONE God having three distinct functions (Father, Son and Spirit), all in perfect unity of purpose.
2009-09-29 01:41:28 UTC
i have once experienced talking to a muslim about Jesus. He was saying the exact thing about Jesus and he also made claims that muhammad was mentioned in the holy bible. I told him that i have proof, that the bible never mentioned muhammad. And when i started talking about the life of muhammad, he became furious, as if I was lying. I told him i got it from the koran, and other books on islam, authored by muslim scholars. it was obvious that he was not allowed to research beyond what is being taught in madrasas. I guess we should not talk to a muslim about Jesus, unless his heart open and ready to listen... as of now, it's a waste of time. They might even go as far as murdering anyone who opposes them.

just keep in mind that, for them, Jesus is only a prophet and muhammad is the last prophet. You can never tell them openly, that muhammad didn't even qualify as a prophet. They get really pissed...
2009-09-27 14:45:23 UTC
As Muslims, we believe the People of the Book, being the Jews and the Christians received revealed scripture. However, this has not been preserved, so what the boible constitutes today is the word of Man with some words from God (possibly)..

The Bible has many authors, wheras we believe that the Quran had one author, which was God and it was revealed to the prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This was memorized in the his lifetime and many of his companiions put it down on 'paper' (whatever was available).

Some Christians believe that it is the bible is word of God 100%. This can be clearly be disproved from a few verses

Here are some references which would at least alude to the fact that the bible is not 100% the words of God

From the following verse in the bible Corinthians 1 chapter 7:25, the writer is clearly saying to the effect of, "These words are my own opinions and not from God". Surely, that would mean that at least these words are not from God.

In Corinthians Chapter 1 verse 25. Paul goes on to say that he baptised some people and possibly others that he may have forgotton.

Surely, these are the words of man not of God. God doesnt forget.

Also, Luke starts off by saying, to the effect of, " Many people have written about the accounts of Jesus, so I thought I would also " -

Doesnt this imply that he was one of a number of writers, just writing about the account of Jesus?

Also, at the titme there was about 70 different gospels writers, but only these 4 (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) were selected. Why, because them came closest to potraying the type of stance that the priests wanted at the time.


by the way, one of the answeres mentioned that Muhammad = divine - This is NOT the case. He was a Prophet of God who gave us a message
2009-09-28 04:35:24 UTC
Jesus Christ is not a Muslim prophet. Jesus Christ is our God. God gave up all He had to be human so that while we are sinners, He died for us. Philippians 2, Romans 5:8. It's true because it's historical. We are the people of God, and He saves His own people. Book of Isaiah. He saves us from our enemies, Satan, evil spirits and eternal death in hell.

Jesus Christ is our Creator, Saviour and Judge.

The Word of God says, all will pass away but the Word of God will remain. It means, all that are written in the Holy Bible will come true.

Do you want to know what is the truth?

Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes into the Father, except through HIm. Book of John. Believe in Him and you will be saved. Book of Acts

Only through Him that our God the Father will accept us. Our good works is not enough to Him to save us of our sins although God loves it also. Romans 3:23 "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God," Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Ephesians 2:8-9 "8For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9not by works, so that no one can boast. If we are saved by our good works, then Jesus Christ would not came here at all. Book of Romans. The reason why He's here is to save not one, two or three person/s, but all of us. John 3:16 For God so love the world the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.

Jesus Christ pay our sins instead of us. He's our Redeemer. He's the Way to eternal life in Heaven. All we have to do is to accept Him as our Saviour and make Him Lord of our life for the lifetime.

There are many religions but we can only find the truth in Jesus Christ. He said it.
2009-09-29 02:34:21 UTC
The new testament authors were witnesses to the events that occured,

the quran is the lone testimony of a deluded war mongering self proclaimed prophet.
2009-09-27 06:09:58 UTC
The the first question: Honestly? It makes me mad.

The second question: Well, the Koran, although I haven't researched it and I might be wrong, was written by one man, right? And the Bible (And more particularly the New Testament) was written by many authors, right?

So think of it this way: If one person said that a house was on fire, but you couldn't see it, would you believe them? Or would you believe it more if 10 people said that a house was on fire, even though you couldn't see it?

Anyway, that's just my opinion. I hope I haven't offended anyone. :)

God bless you!
2009-09-26 19:43:19 UTC
I do not get mad because muslims believe Jesus was Just a prophet I feel sorry for then more then anything because they are missing out on getting to know the Real Jesus.

Jesus lives among his Children and The Holy Spirit lives within every man and women that comes to realize that Jesus Is so much more then Just a mere Prophet He is God himself

My I like to give them facts about Jesus and I like to encourage muslims to read the Bible..But many of them just copy and paste from the internet websites about the "corruption" of the Bible..and they defend a child molester self proclaimed Prophet. I wont stop Trying to talk to them though. I pray for my muslim brothers and sisters the Jesus draws them to him..and they will realize the koran is a book from the devil himself not of the one and true breathing living God. The God of the Bible.
2009-09-26 02:12:19 UTC
As sure a there is a Christ there will be an Antichrist.

John 16:

1 These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended.

2 They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.

3 And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me.

1 John 2:

22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

As you say revelation is through the spirit. Islam does not accept the atonement which means that have not received the Holy Spirit. The teachings of Islam are in agreement with the first lie. The serpent in the garden. "Sin does not equal death God will make another deal". God is righteous separation from God is death...God is not joined to sin. God does not weigh sin..God does not make another deal Separation from God is death. There is only one answer to sin and death. It is Christ who overcame sin and death.

Jesus is the only way to the Father.
Change Sucks #2
2009-09-26 17:15:41 UTC
Because there is more to the Christian Bible than simply Revelation. What's more, I know that Jesus comes from Isaac's line, not Ishmael's as Islam teaches, but that's a whole 'nother matter.
2009-09-26 15:44:32 UTC
Jesus is God and the Bible contains the truth.

It would be difficult to explain everything in a short answer.

I would suggest you visit the below website. You will get all the answers, for the below questions and many more.

1) Did Jesus really exist?

2) Is Jesus God?

3)Why should I believe that the Bible is accurate, or the word of God?

4) What is the Holy Trinity?

5)What is so special about Jesus? Why cant I just view him as an ordinary man or a teacher or a prophet? Why should I see him as God?
2009-09-26 12:50:37 UTC
Well, the Torah describes exactly the method the chosen one would be born, live and die. I will go ahead and take out the argument for the virgin birth and hanicap myself. Now do you want to figure the mathematical possibilities of more than one person performing healing miracles and being executed in that manner? Mohammed himself admitted that the son of God would have the abilities to perform miracles. When Mohammed's followers asked about his miracles, he referred them to a chapter in the Quran. Even the Jewish people said Jesus was a sorcerer of some type because they could not explain away the miracles. The Bible was written by men, just as the Quran was. The different versions just have updated understandings of the translations. The core of the text remains the same. The message is the same.
2009-09-27 05:31:01 UTC
Their top floor is missing , how jesus can be muslim prophet if islam came much later than christianity.
2009-09-26 02:03:55 UTC
The Koran doesn't teach that everyone will be converted to Islam. It teaches that the truth of all the Messengers will be made obvious.

I suppose you feel the same way as the Jews do when they are told that Moses and Abraham were preparing the way for Christ, That Prophet and the Return.
2009-09-26 20:02:52 UTC
Interesting question and understandable as to why many people have such a strong reaction, many times insulting Islam, to it as it strikes at the foundations of the entire Christian belief system. My apologies to anyone who has been offended by such comments as Christianity does not condone violence or aggression towards anyone, ignore the small quotes claiming otherwise as Christianity cannot be understood from a few chosen quotes, but by its entire scope. This question is difficult to answer and you may not be satisfied with it as any question about belief is difficult to answer as it requires a mix of faith with “logic” and a much longer explanation.

To start with its important to understand that for Christians Jesus is the son of God and God. It is easier to understand Christianity in that it believes in one God, the God of the Old Testament that serves three major functions and appears in three different ways to mankind. First is God the Father who is the God of the Old Testament who created everything. Then there is God the Son in the form of Jesus as He is both fully God and man, very tricky to understand and the reason that it is a miracle. Jesus serves many “functions” which would require a huge explanation but basically he is compassionate and allows for the salvation of humanity. Then there is the Holy Spirit who provides inspiration that allows for the writing of the Bible, and guidance. Of course inspiration can be a very vague concept and can be applied in many ways, resulting in the motivation for this question.

To be a Christian you have to believe the Old and New Testaments, how literally this is done is very complex and another huge question. So then why do Christians reject the Muslim concept that Jesus is just a prophet? There are many reasons but some are that:

1= Salvation is from the Jews- basically the salvation of mankind comes from the chosen people which genealogically points to the descendents of Isaac and not Ishmael, the “ancestor” of Muslims. You could argue that God gave up on the descendents of Isaac and Christians because their sins, but the entire scope of the Bible shows that while God may punish his people he will never abandon them. Many Christians are not Jews so they would not be descendents of Isaac, but Jesus is our mediator in this matter as he was a Jew and our defender.

2= The Old Testament leaves room for more while the New Testament doesn’t- Throughout the Old Testament and at its end God promises to send his people a Messiah. Jews believe that the Messiah hasn’t come yet, but for Christians the Messiah is Jesus as he completes (arguable on the extent) hundreds of Old Testament prophesies (I don’t remember the exact number but it might be about 303/ not sure) such as he is a descendent of King David, etc. Through Jesus (a long and complex story) mankind can achieve salvation. He ascends into heaven after which his followers must live according to his word, preach to others and await his arrival at the end of the world. In this manner there is no room for anyone else as Jesus completes the gap left from the Old Testament, the Messiah thereby leaving a completed literary work. The Gospels leave “out” the Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit provided inspiration for the whole Bible, for the people of the early church in the rest of the New Testament and for Christians today, yet the Holy Spirit doesn’t take the form of any other being that could replace Jesus or modify his importance.

3= The main concepts of Christianity ended with the inspiration regarding Jesus. Basically while inspiration can still give out important ideas and guide our actions, the inspirations regarding who Jesus was ended after the New Testament. You either believe Jesus was as he was presented in the New Testament or the Koran as they are two very distinct explanations.

Another important point to consider is that Islam is written after Christianity and therefore its main argument is that Christianity and Judaism badly interpreted God’s word and that they are the correct faith. However, this argument alone is weak in the sense that it doesn’t build on the previous faiths but just states that they are incorrect. You could argue that this concept can be applied to how Christians see themselves as the completion of the Jewish faith, but Christianity believes in everything from the Old Testament only that it adds that the Messiah is Jesus.

Basically your either a believer in the Old Testament (Jews); the Old and New Testament (Christians) or the Koran and associated writings (Muslims). It is all a matter of belief in something you cannot prove and influenced by your own thoughts, your surroundings and chance (divine purpose). A true answer to this question requires a much deeper knowledge of Christianity than the one provided, but I hope this answers your question at least somewhat. I’d also like to point out in reference to some previous comments that just because a perso
2009-09-26 07:14:59 UTC
''The Koran teaches that Jesus will return at the end of times and convince the Christians that held him up as God to change their ways and convert to Islam.''

Is that not what the devil came to do. Kill, steal and destroy. If it means creating a religion 600 years later after Christianity; to be similar to Christianity and taking parts to suit those who are sceptical about God, Jesus then he'd do it. Islam focuses on a man, a self proclaimed prophet who cannot do much for his people. He was a man who was unsure of himself too. People, Christian or not react to the claim that '' Jesus is a Muslim prophet'' - by ignoring such claims.
2009-09-27 10:47:40 UTC
buddhist believe jesus was a bodhisattva (along with buddha, muhammad, abraham, etc.) many religions claim the prophets to be a part of their belief. peace
Sickxually Inactive
2009-09-27 22:35:51 UTC
reading through the answers, i know why I am atheist, cause everyone just trying to make a point using their own religion, and are not really asnwering your question. Instead of saying own religion is good, some critisize others religion instead.

Even if those religion and god do exist, their believer are not showing good example for other who may be looking for a religion
2009-09-27 15:42:50 UTC
I am muslim by choice , and thats for the following reasons that i found after study :

1- The view of Jesus and Mary in islam:

In islam jesus is looked at as a moderate view between two extreme views , jews humiliate jesus and his mother , whereas christians worship jesus and this thing jesus denied and refused .

in the bible there has been altering but still there are in the bible sayings of jesus that makes us know the truth.

let us take an example of jesus saying "My God" in the bible, one can find that in alot of places in the bible like :

< after one of the scribes asked him Which is the first commandment of all? Jesus answered him, (The first of all commandments {is}, Hear, O Israel The Lord our God is one Lord ) Mark 12: 28 to 33 (K.J.V.)>


< Jesus in the gospel of John said “I ascend unto my God, and your God”. John 20:17 KJV >

and in alot of other places ... we find jesus saying "My God" and praying to "his God"

this word [my God] or [Our God] that jesus said means that we have a common God we and jesus, God means creator this means we r both created and raised by the same God,, we as well as jesus

we always see jesus saying (my God) and praying to him why don't we just worship the God of jesus , that is; the creator of jesus

its amazing how jesus used to call God : (My God) and (Our God ) many times in the bible , God is the one who creats and rises that means jesus always used to say : (my creator).

which agrees with islam view of jesus as human prophet and no more than that.


also mary is considered in islam , as a very great woman and the purest woman on earth , but not as mother of God !! whom he had made pregnant !, nor his gf!


furthermore, In nicia council constantine forced people on only 4 gosepels , and burned alot of gosepels that said jesus was only a human prophet no more, and he killed those who oposed trinity , thus forcing trinity on christians ,

Constantine was a roman pagan all his life , he wanted to be called christian but he also wanted to maintain his roman believes , so what he did was that he inserted the pagan beliefs of trinity and idol or statues glorifying and worshiping into christianity , thus deviating christianity from the true word of God ..

thats why nowadays muslims r the real christians (followers of jesus) cause they follow the belief that jesus used to believe and the things he used to command , and they dont follow a diverted or a pagan originated believe.


i found that islam is the only religion that claims absolute uniqness of God and really means it and thus islam is the only religion today that follow the first commandment of all commandments to moses and jesus and mohammed which is :

"For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, [is] a jealous God:" [Exodus 34:14]

and jesus said:

after one of the scribes asked him Which is the first commandment of all? Jesus answered him, "The first of all commandments is, Hear, O Israel The Lord our God is one Lord" [Mark 12:28to33]

and in Quran : " 1.Say, "He is God [who is] One, 2.God, the Eternal Refuge. 3.He neither begets nor is born, 4.Nor is there to Him any equivalent. " (112:1)

islam is simplicity , clearness , direct teachings , and absolute uniqness of God , no embeded paganism or multi Gods.
Edward N
2009-09-26 02:18:38 UTC
Scripture which is The Word of God says: "By the mouth of two or more witnesses let every word be established". Thus we have Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Mohammed, claims to have a revelation but there is no second witness. Islam offers no "Savior", no mediator and no reconcilliation between God and man. The kingdom of Jesus Christ will be without end for He is Allah.
2009-09-29 22:15:44 UTC
Here's your answer:
2009-09-27 19:12:55 UTC
Islam honors all the prophets who were sent to mankind. Muslims respect all prophets in general, but Jesus in particular, because he was one of the prophets who foretold the coming of Muhammad. Muslims, too, await the second coming of Jesus. They consider him one of the greatest of Allah's prophets to mankind. A Muslim does not refer to him simply as "Jesus," but normally adds the phrase "peace be upon him" as a sign of respect.

No other religion in the world respects and dignifies Jesus as Islam does. The Quran confirms his virgin birth (a chapter of the Quran is entitled "Mary"), and Mary is considered to have been one of the purest women in all creation. The Quran describes Jesus' birth as follows:

"Behold!' the Angel said, God has chosen you, and purified you, and chosen you above the women of all nations."[Noble Quran 3:42]

"Mary, God gives you good news of a word from Him, whose name shall be the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, honored in this world and in the Hereafter, and one of those brought near to God. He shall speak to the people from his cradle and in maturity, and he shall be of the righteous. She said: "My Lord! How shall I have a son when no man has touched me?' He said: "Even so; God creates what He will. When He decrees a thing, He says to it, 'Be!' and it is."[Noble Quran 3:45-47]

Muslims believe that Jesus was born immaculately, and through the same power which had brought Eve to life and Adam into being without a father or a mother.

"Truly, the likeness of Jesus with God is as the likeness of Adam. He created him of dust, and then said to him, 'Be!' and he was."

[Noble Quran 3:59]

During his prophetic mission, Jesus performed many miracles. The Quran tells us that he said:

"I have come to you with a sign from your Lord: I make for you out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, and breathe into it and it becomes a bird by God's leave. And I heal the blind, and the lepers, and I raise the dead by God's leave."[Noble Quran 3:49]

Muhammad and Jesus, as well as the other prophets, were sent to confirm the belief in one God. This is referred to in the Quran where Jesus is reported as saying that he came:

"To attest the law which was before me, and to make lawful to you part of what was forbidden you; I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, so fear God and obey me."[Noble Quran 3:50]
Nikola N
2009-09-26 11:28:53 UTC
The Koran is made 600 years after the Bible so Mohamed could easily manipulate Bible facts.If you are Christian there's no hesitation it's not about the facts it's about the Love.
2009-09-26 07:24:24 UTC
Actually, the Quran teaches that Isa will return, break the cross and kill the swine. The Quran teaches that Isa didn't die on the cross but that allah tricked people. The Quran teaches that Muhammad is the perfect example for mankind EVEN THOUGH he was a sinner.

You expect me to believe those lies that came from Allah, a confessed trickster, a known liar? I don't think so.

Jesus is not a sinner. Jesus is NOT a Muslim. Jesus died for our sins. Jesus was crucified, died, buried and resurrected and ascended into Heaven.

Jesus is Lord. Isa is a figment of Muhammad's imagination.

POETS_QUEEN: Jesus never said such a thing. Jesus said The Comforter would come when He left. The Comforter...a spirit that would dwell in us, that would come in the Name of Jesus, that would be sent to Jesus' disciples too.

Muhammad is not a spirit, is not in us and came around 600 years after Jesus. The Comforter could NEVER be a person, let alone a person who denied Jesus as The Son!

People like YOU corrupt the Bible!
Brooke L
2009-09-27 16:33:09 UTC
Darwin is the answer you seek
2009-09-26 16:58:52 UTC
666 as HANDWRITTEN in the ORIGINAL greek language in The Book of Revelations LOOKS a lot like "In the name of Allah," as written in Arabic with the crossed swords of Islam.

I think Muslims call it Bismallah, or something close.

If you check out you tube, or something you can find vids of Muslims seeing it everywhere, like Catholics see Mary.

There's all the art work, and everything that they put "In the name of Allah" (666?) on. It really LOOKS sort of beautiful.

In other words, Muslims are obsessing with 666, and don't even know it (I don't think).

The New Testament was written hundreds of years before Islam came on the scene...and somehow that was there.

So, I reject the one that says Jesus is NOT the Son of God.

And that He did NOT die for MY sins. And was not raised again in three days.

And Lives.

And if you really want to blow your mind, start googling about Mahdi, and Isa...NOTICE how it sort of goes along with Revelations, only Mahdi makes a peace treaty for 7 years, but is MADE to break it after 3.5 years...

Isa is supposed to tell everyone to listen to Mahdi...

Then later someone named dajjall is supposed to come, and he has a messed up eye, and he's their bad guy...

But I think He might be our good guy, or one of them (not quite sure yet).

You should check it out.

Scary stuff....'cause it's REALLY happening!!!!

***And if you want peace in the world, even if you don't agree with Christians, you should give to Christian missionaries anyway...THEY are the only ones who can talk any sense into Muslims!

You could quit tearing up the Bible and saying how much it changed and start talking about how much it hasn't so they could realize what is up.

I promise you, I think flying over and dropping pamphlets might work, if I knew how to go about it...

So, anyway...good question, thanks.

***and the head nut job of Iran is trying to make chaos in the world so Mahdi can come...It's like a scary MOVIE, isn't it?!

***and you ought to check out The Bible, so you won't be a left fumbling around trying to figure out whats going on and what to do when the poop hits the fan.

And DON't take any marks!
Mr. Moog
2009-09-27 18:24:44 UTC
They honor him,

u honor him!

Very similar, no?

be respectful to all religions
2009-09-26 02:12:26 UTC
I don't care what the Koran teaches or tell or predict, it is not my doctrine and have nothing to do with us. It is for them because they are the one that believe what is written of the Koran. Whether it is convincing to them, I don't know and I don't want to know.

What concern me is what the Bible tells me.

If a goat communicate with a sheep as a goat then how can the sheep understand?
2009-09-26 02:45:07 UTC
As a Muslim, we believe that the basic principles of worshipping God is the same and that didnt change since Adam days.

So, this why we say, the religion of God is Islam.

Now, for different prophets (Moses, Noah, Jesus ..etc) they might have different rituals. This is only details of worships. Otherwise, the basics never change.

So many Christians get very misleading information about Islam. That is because they only get it from the people who hate Islam.

I always advise people when looking into Islam, is to read about it from neutral sources, not from anti-muslims.

So many of them, when they study the Quran in details, and look closely trying to proof how wrong it is, they just cannot resist to convert to Islam. I read, and I saw so much unlimited examples of that. Even I met some.

Some of them are very high rank in the Church or Missionary.

One (of 10s or 100s of examples) of high rank church people who convert to Islam is Dr. Dirks:
Christopher E
2009-09-26 02:04:47 UTC
Jesus said that he is the truth and the life.
2009-09-26 02:04:38 UTC
The Oneness of God is the message of Jesus and all the Prophets, peace be upon

Biblical Prophecies on the Advent of Muhammad
ѕαмιяα ❤'ѕ ѕυn кιnԍ :]
2009-09-26 05:09:49 UTC

God didn't "change his mind"....

You christians changed his message and now have new authors of the bible. Every notice that some bibles say "Bible of [and then some random person's name]?

Also. Did you ever ask yourself what all those converts to Islam see in our religion? Maybe you should do a little research and find out the truth of our religion, rather than say what everyone else who hates Islam says.

I have many Christian friends, and when I ask them about their religion, they find it just as confusing and contradicting as I do. So maybe its time you question YOUR religion, not Islam.

Peace. (\/)
King D
2009-09-27 06:48:12 UTC
2009-09-26 09:45:10 UTC
islam came 600 years after Christianity it just copied it
2009-09-26 08:44:41 UTC
guys Jesus said that he is predicting that a prophet coming after him and called Ahmed .he said follow him

i read Koran and the bible

but nobody forced neither of you to follow him

so peace is the symbol of all religions
2009-09-26 02:06:25 UTC
Jesus is not a prophet. He is a son of God who came from Heaven to earth for the fulfilment of the law and to teach us what is what is in Heaven.
2009-09-26 02:01:58 UTC
Its not just the book. He lives in us, and is real to us. This is why we listen to the book.
He Heals the Broken Hearted
2009-09-26 02:04:15 UTC
Christ Spirit bears witness with our spirit that He, Christ, is the Son of God and the ONLY way truth and life.
Secret Agent of God (BWR)
2009-09-26 02:09:58 UTC
And here I was thinking he was a scientologist.
no name
2009-09-27 21:23:31 UTC
wait.. he exist?
2009-09-26 02:03:34 UTC
long beard, big cloak/dress like thing need their b any more proof?
2009-09-26 15:02:21 UTC
hehe good question

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