what do care the most during your everyday life?
2006-03-15 08:59:35 UTC
serious answers prefer, wait for minutes and share it with us.
Nineteen answers:
2006-03-15 09:06:00 UTC
what you can give without expecting in return. try it. it will set you free. help to quit thinking about yourself all the time.
2006-03-15 17:35:23 UTC
Usually I care as to whether or not I am being pleasing to God. After all Jesus said, "If anyone comes to me and hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters- yes, even his own life- he cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14:26) Now, Jesus isn't saying hate in the literal term, He's simply saying that our love towards Jesus must be so much more in comparison with our love for these others. I know it's a hard saying to take to heart but it's the truth.
2006-03-15 17:53:43 UTC
Sharing the truth and wisdom of God's Word.

That's why I'm on Answers.
2006-03-15 17:03:38 UTC
I care most about my family. I hope that I can provide well for them and keep them happy (not in a material way, but happy in a complete way).
2006-03-15 17:04:06 UTC
Am i making a difference in this world
2006-03-15 17:10:00 UTC
I care about my family, I try my hardest to give them what they need, without money that is, hubby brings home the bacon.Ha..Ha..
2006-03-15 17:10:01 UTC
first of all Jehova for giving me and my family an every day life and for health and of course my beautiful children
2006-03-15 23:25:58 UTC
Doing something that pleases God, cause I want to hear those words "well done thou good and faithful servant."
2006-03-15 17:09:21 UTC
I care for myself and family and all my god has put in my path and pray god bess us all. Bless me to see and receive , open my eyes and heart, to see, to feel, to bless the god in all of us
2006-03-15 17:57:06 UTC
My family and my assignments deadline.
2006-03-15 17:03:02 UTC
Doing the will of Jehovah God! :)
2006-03-15 17:08:43 UTC
the well being of my children (physical, material, emotional and intellectual).
Simon says
2006-03-15 17:01:29 UTC
My recovery.
My Big Bear Ron
2006-03-15 17:08:58 UTC
my goals, and my ability to achieve them.
poison ivy
2006-03-15 17:15:39 UTC
what can i cook for my husband today
2006-03-15 17:03:43 UTC
that the better is yet to come..
2006-03-15 17:02:39 UTC
my daughter
2006-03-15 17:11:48 UTC
my friends,
2006-03-15 17:03:17 UTC
no regreting

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.