Why does the Quran falsely claim that mountains prevent the earth from shaking?
2006-10-10 19:43:28 UTC
Quran 31:10 "...He set on the earth mountains standing firm, LEST IT SHOULD SHAKE WITH YOU..."

Ok, so the people who made-up the Quran claim that -- MOUNTAINS PREVENT THE EARTH FROM SHAKING.

Of course, educated people know that the earth can still shake even if there is a mountain, ask the people of Mount Rainer or the still petrified people of Pompeii.

Even small tremors in mountain regions kill people all the time, which is why, if youve ever driven through a mountain side, youve probably seen a sign saying "look out for falling rocks!!".

Mountains are created by the collision of the earths plates, and are thus instead the product of 'shaking' as opposed to the preventor of earth shaking. Also, since we know for a fact that this collision of plates is what creates Mountains, we also know that Allah didnt "set them".

Read about Mountains Muslims ---
Eleven answers:
2006-10-10 19:52:28 UTC
Be careful: if you show too many facts, some Muslims who are open minded will concede the validity of modern science and realize the Qur'an is a spiritual manual rather than a science manual.

That will alienate them from fundamentalists who DISTORT science to conform to ancient scripture. I've reviewed all the scientific miracles of the Qur'an. In fact, that's what got me to study Islam in the first place.

Verdict: pseudoscience. I mean no offense to any Muslim bothers and sisters here, but facts are facts.

Keep on truckin!

Atticus Flinch
2006-10-10 22:05:08 UTC
Old religious books are filled with old world explanations for things that were beyond human comprehension in their time. I try not to attack people for their religious beliefs. I accept and have faith in a God that I know precious little about, and try not to let man get between that God and me. It is man that messes everything up. Christians who accept the bible word for word would have us all believe that a man and his sons built a boat big enough to hold the living space and the food for:

2 Cows

2 horses

2 chinchillas

2 grasshoppers

2 gorillas

2 gophers

2 goats

2 tarantulas

2 hippopotami

2 giraffes

2 donkeys

2 sheep

2 ocelots

2 vicuna

2 scorpions

2 millepedes

2 meerkats

2 deer

2 sow bugs....

....And this man and his sons had to have the time to feed....

...2 elk

2 bears

2 wolverines

2 boa constrictors

2 iguanas

2 koalas

2 badgers

2 centipedes

2 mice

2 rats

2 elephants

2 pigs

2 rabbits

2 dogs

2 cats

2 fleas...

....and water.....

....2 rhinocereses

2 anteaters

2 lice

2 bison

2 tortoises

2 mongooses

2 tigers

2 weasels

2 caribou

2 lions

2 ferrets

2 armadillos

2 prarie dogs

2 moles...

.....and clean out the stalls of...

....2 kangaroos

2 monitor lizards

2 camels

2 stink bugs

2 chimpanzees

2 bobcats

2 pandas

2 earwigs

2 panthers

2 zebras

2 potato bugs

2 dust mites

2 Guinea pigs

2 minks

2 shrews

2 Gila monsters...

So you see? You can pick apart any religious tome, finding fault with and errors in any old book. They were written by men with the knowledge available at the time. Faith in God rather than man makes more sense.

...2 foxes

2 leopards

2 sidewinders

2 racoons

2 lemurs

2006-10-10 19:50:39 UTC
So in other words you are I gather asking that if the Quran is the word of God then how is it that God got such basic scientific facts wrong? Good question if you ask me,kind of like that whole earth revolving around the sun thing,that one even got one of the astronomers burned at the stake,sucks to be him.
ron k
2006-10-10 19:50:21 UTC
Well, there you go another nail in the coffin of organized religion. As far as I'm aware, not one of the religions of the world has kept up with scientific discovery. I'm not saying that our beliefs are invalid, what I am saying is that not One of them is infallible. Luckily for me this does not diminish my personal wonder at the universe around me, I'm just glad to have the freedom of mind to explore it without dogma or agenda.
2017-03-01 07:02:45 UTC
I'm a guy, and individually, I don't like long nails. We know a lot of like lengthy, painted nails cause they're "so pretty", but I don't like them.
2017-01-27 06:10:04 UTC
A little bit of toenail is fine... but I agree together with you. Long nails are kinda major.
2006-10-10 19:53:27 UTC
keep doing this as much as you want, for it is taking you away from Jesus much further at a faster rate.

unto you your religion, unto me mine.

Live and Let Live.
2006-10-10 19:46:37 UTC
Just thought I would pop in and tell you I like your views.
2006-10-10 20:18:28 UTC
that is why Koran is full of error
2006-10-10 19:46:08 UTC
wrong, it's not false.

Try again.
2006-10-10 19:48:25 UTC

The Qur'an draws attention to a very important geological function of mountains:

We placed firmly embedded mountains on the earth, so it would not move under them… (Qur'an, 21:31)

The verse states that mountains perform the function of preventing shocks in the Earth. This fact was not known by anyone at the time the Qur'an was revealed. It was, in fact, brought to light only recently, as a result of the findings of modern geological research.

Formerly, it was thought that mountains were merely protrusions rising above the surface of the Earth. However, scientists realised that this was not actually the case, and that those parts known as the mountain root extended down as far as 10-15 times their own height. With these features, mountains play a similar role to a nail or peg firmly holding down a tent. For example, Mount Everest, the summit of which stands approximately 9 km above the surface of the Earth, has a root deeper than 125 km.24

Mountains have roots deep under the surface of the ground. (Press and Siever, Earth, 413.)

Schematic section. Mountains, like pegs, have deep roots embedded in the ground. (Andre Cailleux and J. Moody Stuart, Anatomy of the Earth (McGraw-Hill Companies: 1968), 220.)

Another illustration shows how mountains are peg-like in shape, due to their deep roots. (Edward J. Tarbuck and Frederick K. Lutgens, Earth Science (USA: Macmillan USA: 1993), 158.)

Mountains emerge as a result of the movements and collisions of massive plates forming the Earth's crust. When two plates collide, the stronger one slides under the other, the one on the top bends and forms heights and mountains. The layer beneath proceeds under the ground and makes a deep extension downward. Consequently, as stated earlier, mountains have a portion stretching downwards, as large as their visible parts on the Earth.

In a scientific text, the structure of mountains is described as follows:

Where continents are thicker, as in mountain ranges, the crust sinks deeper into the mantle.25

Professor Siaveda, a world-renowned underwater geologist, made the following comment in reference to the way that mountains have root-like stalks attaching them to the surface:

The fundamental difference between continental mountains and the oceanic mountains lies in its material... But the common denominator on both mountains are that they have roots to support the mountains. In the case of continental mountains, light-low density material from the mountain is extended down into the earth as a root. In the case of oceanic mountains, there is also light material supporting the mountain as a root... Therefore, the function of the roots are to support the mountains according to the law of Archimedes.26

Furthermore, a book titled Earth, by Dr. Frank Press, former president of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, which is still used as a text book in a great many universities, states that mountains are like stakes, and are buried deep under the surface of the Earth.27

In other verses, this role of the mountains is pointed out by a comparison with "pegs":

Have We not made the earth as a bed and the mountains its pegs? (Qur'an, 78:6-7)

In another verse it is revealed that Allah "made the mountains firm." (Qur'an, 79:32) The word "arsaha" in this verse means "was made rooted, was fixed, was nailed to the earth." Similarly, mountains extend to the surface layer joining lines on and below the surface, and nail these together. By fixing the Earth's crust they prevent any sliding over the magma layer or amongst the layers themselves. In short, mountains can be compared to nails holding strips of wood together. The fixing effect of mountains is known as isostasy in scientific literature. Isostasy is the state of equilibrium between the upward force created by the mantle layer and the downward force created by the Earth's crust. As mountains lose mass due to erosion, soil loss or melting of glaciers, they can gain mass from the formation of glaciers, volcanic explosions or soil formation. Therefore, as mountains grow lighter they are pressed upwards by the raising force implemented by the liquids. Alternatively, as they grow heavier they are pressed into the mantle by the force of gravity. Equilibrium between these two forces is established by isostasy. This balancing property of mountains is described in these terms in a scientific source:

G.B Airy in 1855 suggested that the crust of the earth could be likened to rafts of timber floating on water. Thick pieces of timber float higher above the water surface than thin pieces and similarly thick sections of the earth's crust will float on a liquid or plastic substratum of greater density. Airy was suggesting that mountains have a deep root of lower density rock which the plains lack. Four years after Airy published his work, J.H Pratt offered an alternative hypothesis... By this hypothesis rock columns below mountains must have a lower density, because of their greater length, than shorter rock columns beneath plains. Both Airy and Pratt's hypothesis imply that surface irregularities are balanced by differences in density of rocks below the major features (mountains and plains) of the crust. This state of BALANCE is described as the concept of ISOSTASY.28

Today, we know that the rocky external layer of the Earth's surface is riven by deep faults and split into plates swimming above the molten lava. Since the Earth revolves very quickly around its own axis, were it not for the fixing effect of the mountains, these plaques would shift. In such an event, soil would not collect on the Earth's surface, water would not accumulate in the soil, no plants could grow, and no roads or houses could be built. In short, life on Earth would be impossible. Through the mercy of Allah, however, mountains act like nails, and to a large extent, prevent movement in the Earth's surface.

We subjected the mountains to glorify [Allah] with him in the

evening and at sunrise.

(Qur’an, 38:18)

He cast firmly embedded mountains on the earth so it would not move under you, and rivers and pathways so that hopefully

you would be guided.

(Qur’an, 16:15)

This vital role of mountains, which has been discovered by modern geological and seismic research, was revealed in the Qur'an centuries ago as an example of the supreme wisdom in Allah's creation.

… [He] cast firmly embedded mountains on the earth so that it would not move under you… (Qur'an, 31:10)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.