Fellow Christians please respond: how do you reason with someone who says that God "threatens" us?
2010-08-27 15:56:39 UTC
You certainly may respond if you aren't a Christian. I would primarily like to hear the views of other Christians on this specific subject.

Fellow believers- have you encountered folks here or elsewhere who say that God is a terrorist? Have you heard people say that God "threatens" everyone with hellfire? Have you encountered anybody who has remarked that "Your God likes to threaten people?" If so, how do you approach or respond to someone when they say these things?

One of my responses is that there is a difference between a threat and a warning. How would you characterize that difference? Would you agree or disagree that God doesn't threaten anybody, rather, he gives them a warning through the message in the Holy Bible? Is it as simple as someone's point of view as to whether God is a tyrant or a Messiah? Some people obviously see God as a hostile entity- it seems that many outside of Christianity believe that he is thus. Why is that?

How do you retort when someone says that God "threatens" people? Is that a fair and accurate statement? Does God actually threaten people with hellfire, or does he actually give us a fair warning, with ample chances in life to repent and change?
Seven answers:
2010-08-27 16:32:23 UTC
If I said don't put that loaded gun in your mouth and pull the trigger or you'll die, would that be considered a threat? Just as you said, there is a difference between a warning and a threat, but there is also a huge difference between hypothetical and certainty. I am not sure a person would die as there is a possibility, however small that they may survive a gunshot to the skull...God on the other hand is Omniscient.

God knows the outcome, He knows "all" the outcomes, all the probabilities, all the possibilities and what is "absolute certainty."

When God tells us that if we do such and such we will be condemned for eternity, there is no doubt, no other possible outcome, no other probability. It is absolute. So when God says this and also at the same time says that He has provided The Way so we can be spared this fate if we just put our trust in and believe in His Only Son Jesus Christ, it is not merely a warning, but an extended arm, a bridge, an escape, the Divine Pardon, the Only way to survive what is otherwise unavoidable and eternal.

What do you say? You say that Our God, the Only True and Loving God has already provided the way to avoid this fate, this condemnation, this hell. He does not need to threaten as the result of sin is death and all people in this life "will" die, no one can avoid it and all people have a choice to believe in God or not. Where is the threat? It is freedom in it's truest sense. Die if you will, live if you will. He informs, He warns, He offers a way of escape out of love as a Father to His children, and He has sacrificed Himself for us. What more do people expect Him to do? Just as a person in a river in need of rescue must reach out their own hands and take the offered hand that is there reaching out to rescue them, people must be "willing" to take His offered hand of salvation. He doesn't force us to take it.

Ask them instead, what do they expect God to do? Do they desire a God who does according to the faulty human understanding or perception? That He does not fulfill His Own Law? That He allows human beings to do whatever they want in any manner they decide for themselves and then just gives them everything they ask for regardless of their actions, intentions and motivation? Even human fathers would not do so for their own children.

Ask them why they in their infinite wisdom have not fixed the flawed world we live in? If God is to do as they see fit according to their expectations of Him, then logically they "must" be more powerful and more knowing than their idea of who god is...yet they can't even prevent themselves form dying so why trust their "opinion."

Ask them if they want God to be the Islamic Djinn "Jeanie" who just grants us wishes...or do they want to know the ONE & Only, The Almighty, The Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, All Good with no evil in Him, All Loving God who can provide for them, can heal them, can save them in every way from the penalty for their sins in this life? And if they say yes then ask them why they don't listen to Him, because He wants to do just that, He promises just that, He is offering The Way out right this minute in Love and Mercy by faith in Christ.

I don't know what else you could do. You can't force them to take the hand that is reaching out to save them every second of every day of their lives...

God Bless you, and certainly don't be discouraged ;)

Take Care and I'll see you in the Kingdom!

P.S. I just saw a flawed comparison...believe in my Son or go to hell is the gist...

This misses the cause for the warning...obviously. This would be a more accurate summary:

Break the Law of God and you will be condemned for it as there is only one penalty for breaking the Law of God. Since all people are sinners who have broken God's Law, God provides us, out of Love, the "Means" to be "spared" from the penalty that we "earned" through our own actions of rebellion in breaking God's Law. We are to have faith in Christ, the Messiah, Savior of the World Who died for our sins so we could be spared an eternity separated from God, as nothing sinful can be with God in His Kingdom. All we must do is put our trust and faith in His Son Jesus Christ and live our lives with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit of God, the Helper Who dwells within us, cleansing/preparing (sanctifying) us until we leave this world and enter God's Kingdom as adopted sons and daughters into God's Family...

Doesn't sound remotely threatening to me...more like the greatest offer of all time.

They also miss this:


John 3:16

16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that

<<<<>>>> (my emphasis)

17 <<<<>>>> (my emphasis)

18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son. 19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. 21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God."


And this

2 Peter 3:

3 First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. 4 They will say, "Where is this 'coming' he promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation." 5 But they deliberately forget that long ago by God's word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water. 6 By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed. 7 By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men. 8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the LORD a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. 9 The LORD is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you,

<<<<>>>>(my emphasis)

2010-08-27 23:24:23 UTC
I don't think of it as a threat. The Bible makes it quite clear to consider it as a promise.

Furthermore if you consider God as a character in the Bible, then there's a marked difference in his behaviors between the Old and New testaments so it's quite understandable how people would see him as threatening mankind. I mean he basically came down and said "Do what I say...OR ELSE!" I'm sure some people actually said to God "Oh yeah? 'Or Else' what?" but those people didn't survive long enough to write their story into the Bible...which is why we only read about people who did God's bidding.
2010-08-28 02:19:04 UTC
I agree with you that God does not threaten anyone but the devil. And He does warn us. Very good point.

I have found that people that do not want to be obedient and or obey laws of the land or of God will call God a terrorist. But the real people who are barbarians and hateful and hate freedom of any kind are the Islamics the ones that Muslim Obama is trying to shame us Americans to get us to obey them and he uses the News Media to do it. I will not subject myself to Obama gate and we as Americans should be able to find fault with the real live Terrorists who killed our families and neighbors that were in the twin towers. The trouble with Obama he acts like lives of Americans do not count as much as the Muslims.

Mohammed is not to be worshiped but Jesus.

I am sorry I have such a problem with Obama he is liar like Satan and he does not care. Yet these Muslims talk nasty about Jesus Christ who never did anyone any harm but to love them.

Muslims cut off heads, hands, legs, cut out tongues in their own people so they have to be the most angry, hateful and threatening people that ever lived.

Think back to the Trojan Horse and think of the Mosque as a Trojan horse and remember what happened to Troy when they allowed this so called gift to be brought inside the gates of the city.

They took over and devoured and murdered all the people.

Our only hope is that God will hear our prayers and save us from this unholy Jihad and save us from Obama who does ungodly things just like King Saul. I would not be surprised if he and his family played with a Ouija board with the stupid decisions he makes.
2 Shepherds
2010-08-27 23:00:18 UTC
This is a thought-provoking question. Thanks for posting it. While we definitely agree that God doesn't threaten anyone, we would like to take it a step further. God gives everyone choices, and there are good and bad consequences for the choices made. We're infamous for saying that God doesn't make people change, but He does make them choose.
2010-08-27 23:02:57 UTC
I don't see it as a threat. God's not standing there waving His fist saying:

You better believe in me or I'm going to let you BURN!!

It's just a matter of fact that there is a heaven..and there is a hell...why? I don't think our human minds can wrap itself around that..

God WANTS us to go to heaven, but it's an either or choice..He's holding his arms open to us, but so many scoff Him and turn the other way...then say what kind of God wants us to burn...?

God is quite sad when we turn from Him..He really wants us safe..not in hell.
2010-08-27 23:05:06 UTC
You mean questions like

"Christians, why does god threaten you?"

They can think all the sh-t they want. Whatever floats their boat. I'll believe what i want and they can believe what they want. Usually I just ignore but after a while it's irritating.

@Allen. Lmfao. What bible are you
2010-08-27 23:00:33 UTC
Give me your money... Or you will be shot.

Is that a warning or a threat?

Accept my son as your savior... Or you will burn in hell.

Is that a warning or a threat?

What makes them different? The 'lord' says many times in the bible in many VERY aggressive ways that do as he says, or he will kill you, smoke you, burn you, destroy you. There are supposedly historically accurate examples of his wrath and fury.

I think it's a pretty thin-line here. Typically when someone transgresses against you. You have the right to fight back. However, with god, and being all powerful... What loss, and problem could punny humans possibly cause an all powerful being? NONE thats how much.

So it is no longer him 'protecting' himself. It is bullying a weaker individual.


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.