Why is God a terrorist?
2007-02-25 18:24:30 UTC
He uses fear to threaten those who don't believe, and to prevent others from turning? Or should I say, the Church does? What a wrathful God. Flooding the world on a whim, lakes of fire, etc. Uses fear to keep his public in line. Hey, isn't that the definition of a terrorist?
25 answers:
2007-02-25 18:28:01 UTC
According to Christians, spreading fear and threats of burning in hell are God's way of saying, "I love you".
2007-02-25 19:37:01 UTC
Do children have a healthy fear of their parents? Do parents discipline their children to "keep them in line?" If God is our father and we are his children can he not discipline us for our sins? Parents use the fear of a spanking, time out, loss of priveleges, etc., to keep their children from a bad coarse of action. They also use positive reinforcement just as Jehovah does. He also knows it is our nature to sin since it was passed down from Adam and Eve, and that is why He is aslo known for his forgiveness. The world wasn't flooded on a whim, read the account at Genesis chapter 6. It says the people were so bad that he felt hurt at his heart and he regretted making man. Good thing for us Noah was a righteous man or we wouldn't be here today. He created all of us with freewill but also with the knowledge that every choice we make has a consequence, good or bad. Don't people who live in states with capital punishment still commit murder knowing full well they may be condemned to die? The laws of the land inflict punishment when laws are broken. So why is it that God shouldn't punish those who don't obey his laws? Is it really so much to ask that mankind obey their creator?

I realize i answered your questions with more questions, but I think the key to any understanding is reasoning.
Sexy Diva 101
2007-02-25 18:33:07 UTC
Fear is different in the bible terms! Fearing God is praising God and acknowledging God's here with us. God hasn't flooded the whole world since Noah. And he vowed never to do so ever again. The Wrath of God is God coming down upon his people. And God used a pillar of Fire to keep Pharaoh's army away from the Israelites who were crossing the red light to get the Promise Land! So it was for protection only.
2007-02-25 18:32:18 UTC
Well misunderstood, if that's what you actually believe. And I am doubtful that you have read the bible or you would not claim what you are claiming here. Church? That's a different story. The flood didn't just happen overnight. God had ask the people to change their ways. He gave them ample time but no one listened except for Noah. The ark wasn't build in a day either. It took almost 100 years to complete. God asks us to be fearful of Him, this means to have a healthy fear in where we want to stay away from sin. But we do sin you say? That's true. That's why God sent His only begotten son to die for our sins and if we accept that, we are saved. God also promised that never again will the earth be flooded and all men destroyed. He keeps his promises, people don't . To fear someone out of respect is different than to fear for your life.
I speak Truth
2007-02-25 18:55:34 UTC
Hey do you feel that a law that protects the criminal who may get into your house to thieve your precious belongings or even take your life or threaten you fair? I would say not! would you not rather have laws that would protect your wellbeing as well as your property? I would. The other thing here is too God as the maker of the Earthas well as every living thing on it has every right to expect us to follow his requirements in the way we treat and act toward others!That is not a terrorist! A Terrorist is someone who terrorises people without any regard for their protection or wellbeing, and enjoys their suffering, how can you possibly say this of God who cares for all of us every day providing food water air and even the sunshine for all even those who are ungrateful for it all yes there are those on the earth that are starving but it is not because God doesn't provide enough food for them, no, it is because of mankind's distribution of it for money that some cannot afford it.God doesn't chjarge any money for the food he lets grow for all, men do this,ecause of greed!You say that God uses fear to keep people in line, but isd it not true that people disregard God's Laws of order becausde they do not fear God, where is this non-existant fear that you say he uses?Yes again it is men that use this, the Churches, but thiose Churched doing this are not doing God's will they are doing these things for their own wills.But you are right God will be wrathfull and he has every right to be, so would you be if you had tennants in your house that were destroying it, disrespectfully, and your house was so bad that it would not be liveable anymore and then they reported you for renting out a house that is uninhabitable. would you not be wrathfull, under that type of treatment, yes of course you would and in the first appearance of it too, yet God has been patiently putting up with this type of thing for centuries! Don't you think thast you are being as unfair in your statements against God as your tennants are for reporting you for your renting a house out that is uninhabitable?
2007-02-25 18:42:03 UTC
You should quit while you're behind;

Why do you blame God for churches who attempt to instill fear into people? Do you know that when you use hellfire & Brimstone scare tactics to people, thats a form of the old Molech practices - where in the earlier times, they would throw babies into the fire to prove the point. God says in Scripture that He hates the practice. Why are you blaming Him for something He not only said not to do, but says He Hates? You aren't responsible for it, either, but is it okay for us to blame YOU?

God did not "flood the world on a whim". Read the only Chapter of Jude and you will see that satan ordered Angels to leave their habitations and come to earth to seduce and marry human women. Women were marrying them - and children were being born of those unions; these were called "geba", translated means giants.

Noah was a preacher who preached against them; they were trying to get Noah's daughters to participate - This was satan's SECOND attempt in this age to pollute the pure bloodline that womb-to-womb would come the Christ Child. God sent the flood to rid the earth of these hybrids (Angelic beings/Human). There was nothing "whimsical" about it. It was seriously necessary. There is only one "lake of fire" and it will only be in existance for the exact length of time necessary to kill those souls who do not make it. First, though, there will be a 1000 yr. period of teaching and disipline before any judgements occur. All will have every opportunity to be saved that they deserve.

You are a Biblically illiterate twit.

What do you read here that sounds like a horrible God? That He hates the same thing you hate? That He rid the earth of hybids that were to do his children in the flesh, harm?

God takes care of His own; He intercedes in this age alot more than you realize; but, if people want to listen to man and his nonsense, instead of reading His Word with understanding to find out what HE says instead of what man says, then they get what they deserve when they sit there in fear of God. Obviously, they choose to listen to some preacher and be afraid, rather than to God and be comforted.

If someone is afraid of God, either they are an enemy of God, or else they simply do not know their own Father.
2016-10-16 16:07:10 UTC
are you able to quote precisely the place interior the Bible god incredibly says which you will pass to hell? The message of the bible would not coach approximately going to Hell in any respect. that's suggested in few texts that the punishment for unrepentant sins is damnation, whether extra advantageous part of the Bible is approximately divine and eternal love. "Love is often affected person and variety; that's by no skill jealous; love is by no skill conceited or conceited; that's by no skill rude or selfish; it does not take offense, and it is not envious. Love takes no exhilaration in individuals's sins yet delights interior the reality; that's continuously waiting to excuse, to have confidence, to prefer, and to bear besides the fact that comes. Love does not come to an end. " "yet I inform you: Love your enemies and pray for people who persecute you..." it is from the e book of Matthew, that's oftentimes approximately Love, for God, his Son, and anybody else. as properly because of the fact the Books of John, Luke, Romans, and Corinthians. you in all probability concept you had an clever question, yet regrettably you have been a great deal improper. The 'haha' on the tip of the question could garner indignant responses, which i'm effective is what you will anticipate maximum Christian responses to be because of the fact the objective of this question is in basic terms to arouse anger among Christians, yet you're actually not something particular as you have not completed something new alongside with the different anti-Christian feedback that plague Yahoo! solutions. i've got presented 2 materials for you, so till you're able to do a similar you're in basic terms a newborn searching for interest. So right here that's. i'd provide you extra in case you have an clever reaction.
2007-02-25 18:33:34 UTC
That's leading question if I've ever heard one. Just about as intelligent as asking, "So, are you going to tell your parents you're gay?"

My impression (from actually reading scripture) is that God's Son (Jesus or Yahshua) taught about love and hope and that we can have a relationship with God.

Ultimately, to believe in God is to acknowledge that He is the standard. If He calls something wrong then it is wrong by definition. So if He flooded the world then it is okay simply because it was His choice to do it. When you build Lego castles and eventually break them apart, you are not a created it and have the right to destroy it as the creator.
2007-02-25 19:12:50 UTC
God has never made a threat to us humans. His words are all promises! If I, as a mother, tell my son that if he doesn't clean up his room he will be grounded for the weekend, I am not threatening him, And if he cleans up his room, I will take him to the park this weekend. I merely telling him the consequences of his actions and giving him the option to clean or not to clean. Then I am to keep my promises and either reward him or punish him. This is done out of love, just like God love us. He wants us in Heaven but He gave us free-will and told us the rules to which we are to live by and we have the choice to obey or not to obey. Then God keeps His promise and He lets us go to hell or lets us enter Heaven. He uses no threats, He merely keeps His promises.

Throughout the OT He had made promises (covenants) with His people, the Israelites, and God always kept His end of the deal. If they obeyed, He rewarded; if they disobeyed, He punished. God still works that way. God's wrath is just. He is a fair judge.

God didn't flood the world on a whim. Where did you get that? He flooded the world after watching His people gravely sin for generations. He told Noah to build the arc and it took Noah and his sons 120 years to build it. That wasn't a whim.

You obviously don't know the Bible all that well. Yes, God has wrath, He Himself even says that He is a jealous God (Genesis). He has the right to have emotions but His are different and stronger because He is the Creator. 'Wrath' means 'divine punishment". All through the OT God tells His people of His justice. And of their eternal reward or eternal punishment. Just like I tell my son of what will happen to him if his listens to the house rules or doesn't listen to them. My son learns from early on that if he listens to the house rules, it makes me happy and he gets rewarded, which makes him happy. He then will (hopefully) choose to listen to the rules because he likes to be happy and to live in a happy home. He feels good about his accomplishments and rewards. He doesn't listen to me just so he won't get punished. God reacts to our actions in the same way a parent reacts to their child's actions. It's just that with God, we can have eternal life in Heaven or eternal life in hell. He doesn't choose that on a whim. We actually choose our eternal life by our actions on earth and He merely lets us go one way or another.
2007-02-25 19:01:59 UTC
There are 3 definitions for the word 'fear'.

You are using the 1st, whereas the Bible uses the 3rd :

fear (countable and uncountable; plural fears):

1. A strong, uncontrollable, unpleasant emotion caused by actual or perceived danger or threat.

"He was struck by fear on seeing the snake."

Synonyms (uncountable: unpleasant emotion caused by actual or perceived danger): dread, terror

2. A phobia, a sense of fear induced by something or someone.

"Not everybody has the same fears. I have a fear of ants."

Synonyms (countable: sense of fear induced by something or someone): dread, phobia

3.Extreme veneration or awe, as toward a supreme being or deity.

“Happy is the man in fear of Jehovah, in whose commandments he has taken very much delight.” (Psalm 112:1)

“The intimacy with Jehovah belongs to those fearful of him.” (Psalm 25:14)

"The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom." (Psalm 111:10)

“The very fear of Jehovah will add days.” (Proverbs 10:27)

"Fear the true God and keep his commandments." (Ecc 12:13)

“Fear God and give him glory.” (Revelation 14:7)

"[Jehovah’s] salvation is near to those fearing him.” (Psalm 85:9)

Synonyms (extreme veneration): awe, reverence, veneration

For more indepth details, see ...

You Can Understand the Bible! :

- Why Study the Bible? ...

- - The Key to a Meaningful Life

> - What the Fear of God Means <

> - Godly Fear and Love Work Together <

> - Jesus was joyful in the fear of Jehovah <

What Really Is Hell?

- Life After Death? [No!]

- Unending Torment or >Common Grave
- Hellfire--All-Consuming?

- Hell Emptied!

Many mistake what the churches teach for what the Bible itself teaches, but they MIS-represent God's word ...

God and the Bible--Betrayed!

- Unbiblical Doctrines

- Ungodly Actions

- Not Christian

So, you see, God is no terrorist.

However, many who Claim to follow him Are!

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2007-02-25 18:29:06 UTC
jesus was not a terrorist but Jesus was surrounded by terrorists , Simon Magnus was known as Simon Zelotes to acknowledge his role as commander of the Zealots the " freedom fighters " who advocated war against the Romans . The people Jesus was sorrunded by was a terrorist group called the sicarii or sons of the dagger . Sicarii comes from the greek word sica meaning curved dagger . The sicarii in ancient times would raid roman supply caravans and ambush their soldiers very much along the lines of a terrorist group like the IRA was in northern Ireland .

to read the rest go here and click on the religious piece -
2007-02-25 18:30:18 UTC
God is not a terrorist when he does with creation, which he created, as he desires. God is not whimsical. His wrath is only a part of who God is--a very incomplete picture of the whole. If you want to get to know God better, you must read his word--his whole word--more carefully.
2007-02-25 18:29:42 UTC

Do YOU do 90 in a 55 zone?

Not only with the power that be go after you, but State Farm will DOUBLE your rates if you get that one on your record!

Now, doesn't that strike FEAR in you!
Raw Rock Kills
2007-02-25 18:30:38 UTC
God loves you. The crappy truth is, mankind is evil, be honest and ask yourself "why shouldn't God kill us all?". God is God, so he's perfect, and he hates evil, which is us, so it's not a hard concept to grasp.
2007-02-25 18:28:30 UTC
No, terrorists usually have specific grievances. God does it for the hell of it, apparently.
Patrick S
2007-02-25 22:03:47 UTC
um he's not he never forces anyone to follow him and his son that is why he gave us free will
dogpatch USA
2007-02-25 18:28:30 UTC
George Bush is not a God...!
Thumbs down me now
2007-02-25 18:31:19 UTC
God is not a terrorist. He is our creator, he does not have to conform hisself to our dictates.
Speak freely
2007-02-25 18:28:54 UTC
wow I guess you are right, but i would not look at him that way. he is our creator and if this is the best way for him the get people to listen then i guess he has his own reasons.
2007-02-25 18:47:42 UTC
you forgot raining fire and brimstone, the plagues....
farina m
2007-02-25 18:29:51 UTC
but He offers love to those who does.

do you feel threaten?
2007-02-25 18:29:18 UTC
I take it you believe in GOD, WHICH god?
Lost. at. Sea.
2007-02-25 18:34:15 UTC
God is imaginary, that's all.
2007-02-25 18:28:23 UTC
because he can
2007-02-25 18:28:19 UTC
Sorry, no god.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.