Fear of not being saved and cast of to Hell?
2011-07-01 06:11:26 UTC
i have been told that i am saved countless times yet however i have this engraved fear in my mind, What if? when i take my last breath there is no going back to make things right (if i have done wrong) and there is only forward and no pause.. i fear that when i die i may go to Hell, knowing once a soul gets there it will abound for eternity.. i cant seem to trsut in God for some reaseon.. i really live in Fear and worry wether im saved or not.. it petrifys me to think of hell and its eternal realm..
Twenty answers:
2011-07-01 06:21:36 UTC
You need to get your assurance from God. Someone once said if you can be talked into getting saved, you can get talked out of getting saved.

"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. "

Hebrews 11:1

You need to know you have heard from God, and that you have His Holy Spirit of promise......

"And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory. "

Ephesians 1:13-14

Jesus said "seek, and you will find" - and I think sometimes that means we need to keep seeking until we do find. God wants you to have a strong unshakable assurance; but not such a one that causes you to presume upon him either.

Paul gives this formula for Christian success.....

Peter gives us this....

If you listen and follow after this counsel, you will grow quite secure in your faith.

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2011-07-01 06:24:58 UTC
If you are in doubt something is causing you to do so. We need to examine ourselves daily. Study the commandments and make sure you are putting God first in your life. Even over your own family. If so, the Blood of Christ has you covered for any other sins that you might accidently commit in the heat of the moment. BTW, the bible does not indicate that you will burn in hell forever. I have no clue why this belief is so popular. Unbelievers will be burned up and become ashes. their smoke will drift for eternity. But, you will not suffer forever. A loving god would not do that to His children. This thought is the work of Satan trying to make god out to be an evil tyrant. The pit is the second death. A unbeliever lives twice and dies twice, while a believer lives twice but only dies once. Read it and understand. Don't just rely on others interpretation.

Ironically atheists will actually get what they want in the end. A ceasting of their existence.
2011-07-01 06:48:39 UTC
There is so much I can tell you on this subject. Just email me and we can talk that way. But rest assured that the Scriptures tell us in Matt 24:13 that he that endures to the end is the one that will be saved. There is no "once saved always saved" as most people think. If it was, then that means you can rob a bank, kill someone and not feel repentant but you saved so it's okay. That's not true. There is a peace of mind that only God can give. That comes with knowing him and his son and what they require.

I can show you from the Bible how you can get rid of that fear and know that if you should die that God would keep you in his memory to resurrect you back to life. Just email me for more information.

2014-03-30 17:18:24 UTC
I want to answer the once saved always saved idea. You are not saved until you die and report to god and he says well done come on in! While your still on this earth you can say no Jesus I'm not going to follow you anymore and go back to Satan.but don't expect to die go before god and here good job come on in! Expect to hear I'm sorry but you must depart into that fire that was made for the devil! Salvation is like probation a pardon from death row. Whoopie your free so you go out and kill again.yes now your back on death row waiting for the death needle! Salvation is a certain sure pardon from the death sentence.but you can discard it! So don't do it start doing right and keep doing right until God let's you in.remember what the apostle Paul said! Brother I don't claim to have attained it but this I keep doing I put my past behind me and hurry forward to get to my goal in heaven! OK people if the apostle Paul wasent saved yet neither are me or you! So get home first!
My all
2011-07-01 06:33:20 UTC
I had the same fear once. After a long and series of thoughts i came to know that there is nothing i can do that is worth to inherite the kingdom of God. You are right if you are talking about urself, ur righteousness can't stand the presence of God, same for me too. i.e. we are all bound to go to hell.

So whats the solution? Jesus paid it all dear. Nothing is expected from you to get saved. Its a finished job. Yes, you may still have doubt on that. For such the bible says "Believing comes by hearing and hearing from the word of God." So meditate on God's word daily! Think over and over the redeeming work of Jesus christ! Faith will take over doubt and fear. You will start to testify of your salvation boldly!

Remember it took Jesus about 3 yrs to internalize the word into his disciples.
2011-07-01 06:19:05 UTC
That fear your have should actually give you comfort. A non-believer does not have that fear. If you are actively pursuing God every day, be at peace. If for some reason you sinned just before death, our loving God is not going to send you to eternal flames.

If you can trust that flipping a light switch will turn the lights on, then trust in the Almighty God!
2011-07-01 06:38:56 UTC
As a Christian who believes in the bible you should not be worried about this.

Notice what the bible has to say on the matter.

1)What happens at death...Ecclesiastes 9:5 says "For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages, because the remembrance of them has been forgotten." So when you are just dead. Jesus backed this up when he spoke of the condition of his friend at John 11:11 “Laz´a·rus our friend has gone to rest, but I am journeying there to awaken him from sleep.” You see, Lazarus was dead, but Jesus referred to it as sleep.

2)What is Hell?....Who goes to hell? Would you say only bad people? Did you know that the bible speaks of Jesus going to hell after he died. It is found at Acts 22:27 "because you will not leave my soul in Ha´des, neither will you allow your loyal one to see corruption."

You see the truth is that the idea of hell as a place of torment was never an original Christian teaching. In fact Jehovah hated those who did this in ancient times. The original hebrew and greek words for hell were sheol and hades. Both simply mean the common grave. The place that we all will be when we die. You see, life is a gift, not a punishment; just as mentioned at Rom 6:23.

We have hope still at John 5:28,29 "Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice 29 and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment."

So do not worry about a hell. Just pay constant attention to your spirituality and that you are living in a way that is acceptable to God....because while life is a gift and we could never earn it, we want to show our loving heavenly Father that we appreciate all that he has done for us.
2011-07-01 06:40:59 UTC
Read Romans 3:20-31. As you read it, ask yourself how much God is doing to save you, and how much you are required to do. Read over several times and really try to understand what it is saying.

(Hint: the word "justified" means "declared righteous". And that is an irrevocable decree of God. Also, righteousness in this text means "right standing before God".)
2016-11-13 04:52:06 UTC
There are some noteworthy alterations between a truthful perception and a actuality. in case you examine around, you may locate that, someplace not too a great way from the place you reside, is a gravesite conserving the earthly keeps to be of somebody who clearly Believed that they might properly make it around the tracks until eventually now the practice have been given there. actuality is: they won't.
Pat, or that Jesus guy
2011-07-01 06:31:02 UTC
You *should* feel that way. Here's why:

Philippians 2:12,13 - Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure. ~ The word for work out also means to perform, accomplish, achieve. This is something we have to do. The way trembling is used with fear, means used to describe the anxiety of one who distrusts his ability to completely meet all requirements, but religiously does his utmost to fulfill his duty. This Scripture is a warning that salvation is never ultimately guaranteed, but must be worked out. So hold on to your salvation through faith, and keep trying hard to do what the Bible says to do. We must cooperate with God.
2011-07-01 06:19:35 UTC
only the dogmas of the church can be blamed for this attitude within the minds of people sad as it seems there is a new light at the end of this dark tunnel(vision) since the Christ and Jesus are both on earth and are doing strange things to awaken up yet again the minds of humanity at large so be prepared for the new advent you call the second coming for it has so happened as from 1977 AD,.

Amen and Om Shantuh and Sai Ram.
2011-07-01 06:18:04 UTC
do not worry (luke 12;9)

i love you so much that i hung on the cross at calvary for ur sins ( john 3;16)

do not let your heart be troubled , trust in ME ( john 14;1)

what you need is to Accept Jesus as a Savior ,

just pray this;

God i know that I have sinned and deserve punishment , but I believe Jesus Christ took away the punishment i deserve so that through faith in Him i could be forgiven. I accept Jesus as my personal savior, Thank you for the wonderful grace and forgiveness - the Gift of eternal life. Amen.
2011-07-01 06:16:24 UTC
I wish I could help, but I have no fear of death and non-existent places like hell, so I have no need to believe in an afterlife or, as you seem to be doing, obsessing over whether or not I get to go to a good afterlife or a bad one.
2011-07-01 06:23:21 UTC
Did this so called "god" tell you this personally or were you taught and raised to believe this. If it is the latter, doesn't such a claim seem to be outside of a real world view? How can you be so sure that Buddhism isn't correct if you dont dive deeply into that faith?
2011-07-01 06:20:44 UTC
It's nice that you worship a God that makes you walk around in constant fear of eternal torture.

Sounds loving.
Ty N
2011-07-01 06:19:54 UTC
I believe that if you are saved, you can never lose your salvation. Since you are having doubts, that is pretty clear sign that you have not been saved. You can know for sure. Just read the book of John.
2011-07-01 06:15:54 UTC
Fear profits a man nothing.
2011-07-01 06:21:35 UTC
God has no right to cast innocent people in to hell for no reason..... what you do is what you get....
2011-07-01 06:15:47 UTC
Don't worry: if you go to hell, you won't be alone. So, if other people can stand it, you will be able to stand it as well.
Wolf Myth
2011-07-01 06:13:52 UTC
You are perfect for Christianity.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.