What's the purpose of life?
2015-11-15 21:31:25 UTC
I was just curious about the purpose of life. Are we really just born to die?
107 answers:
2015-11-15 21:48:36 UTC
Our purpose in life is up for each of us to determine as an individual.

Sorry--most likely, there is no all-powerful being dictating your purpose to you, and if there were some sort of God, he apparently leaves us to our own devices and doesn't answer prayers or interfere in the natural order at all.

That may seem like bad news for some, but it's actually good news. It means you are free. If some being were deciding your purpose, or your purpose was to "glorify" him or worship him, you would not be free--you would be an abject slave without any hope of escape.

So you are in charge of your life. Think well on how you are going to spend it--you only get one of them. Try to make the most of it. Make your life fulfilling and rewarding. Try to leave it a better place for all the other lives around you--just as you would hope that they would do as well. Learn maximally, love fully, have fun, do all the good you can in the time you have.

Good luck with your adventure called "life"!
2015-11-17 12:58:15 UTC
The purpose of life is to test which of us are best in the eyes of God.The purpose of EXISTENCE ,is to worship God.God is known for making a lot of things such as the sun & the moon, humans, animals, etc. But...who made God?Tell me ,If god did not exist ,but the universe does then...what created that? What created that creator?What then created that creator etc. etc.

For reality as we know it to exist all effects cannot have a cause.Eventually there will have to be a starting point from which all emerged and which was not created.Not all atheists are morons ,but some are.They keep yapping about "Probability ! ,Probability !' yet they fail to realize that in all "probability" the likelyhood of all this coming by chance is so insignificant that the likelyhood of a God is more 'probable'. Now just think,suppose a evolution did happen and a micro organism formed by accident.At the immediate second it became alive it had to have the ability to eat,breath,excrete ,reproduce etc. (Characteristics of living things) at the very instant it was born. IF even one of the mechanisms did not exist then the organism would die the next second it was born.So how did everything come exactly as life would require it?And that too in a single instant the 'mistake' happened?Let us now consider single aspects at a time- So suppose if the organism was born it would have to have evolved the ability to reproduce (Any reproduction is a complex and surgical process and the reproductive capacity of the organism must have been near-perfect RIGHT FROM THE START )But it had no ancestors to evolve the ability from.So it could not multiply (without considering it would die due inability to breath,inability to eat,missing digestive system for specific food it eats etc.) and therefore no offspring.Therefore no life would be there today.The same applies to the other requirements for life.So you see,too many parts of living beings required a sudden leap to have formed and these leaps have had to come about in a controlled and/or meaningful manner.Scientist have created proteins in situations similar to those of a young earth.Guess what.Like DNA,protein does not mean life.It requires an already fully functioning body to be of any use in life processes. Further more,DNA is like a DVD that requires a computer to be of any use.DNA just floating around does not do anything .It requires a body capable of reading the information and then implementing it.You see ,so the first DNA organism ‘also’ had to have a DNA containing all the information of the body structure (even though the body structure was by accident-so how did it know?How did it ‘generate’ the information into encoded DNA?) and also a system capable of containing the information and processing it.

The ability for an animal or organism to learn from it's surrounding and genetically adapt is within the DNA.So what small modifications we 'do' see are nothing but "adaptive mutation".Without DNA that allows for the specific changes in DNA,evolution could not occur.So yes we are evolving now, but did not evolve into existence.The scaffolding concept is useless because there is no biological analogue.Many who do not believe in God embrace the theory that living things emerged from lifeless chemicals through unknown and mindless processes.

Supposedly, at some point a bacteria-like, self-replicating organism arose, gradually branching out into all the species that exist today. This would imply that ultimately the mind-bogglingly complex human actually evolved from something akin to bacteria.Bacteria!

Religion and ONLY the true religion is rational .Let not emotions cloud the minds of the wise-to-be !

Go to the link given below for a FULL explanation as to our life and also our existence's purpose.
2015-11-18 12:57:22 UTC
The purpose of life is to just live your life and be happy while you have the chance because you don't know what happens when you die. So don't waste your life on something that doesn't make you happy or with people that make you unhappy. You're born to do whatever you want to do with your life. Not just to wait around for death to take you.
2015-11-16 09:38:28 UTC
Rather than leave us to wander aimlessly in a universe devoid of purpose or meaning, the Bible has long revealed that we are here for a reason. Our existence is not the result of some cosmic accident. The Creator, we are told, took years to prepare the earth for man’s arrival. Nothing was left to chance. He made sure that everything was “very good.” (Genesis 1:31; Isaiah 45:18) Why? It was because God had a purpose for man. While it is up to each of us to choose what to do with our life, it would be a mistake to exclude the Creator from our deliberations. Actually, many have discovered that real meaning and purpose in life is bound up in a relationship with God.
2015-11-15 21:42:27 UTC
People who take on a religion and preach zealously, despite terrible receptions to the mention, definitely feel like they have a purpose.

At the end of the day if you look at it all objectively... searching for a purpose... would it matter whether or not that purpose is actually legit if it gives you that jolt and motivation in life?

Maybe not.

I mean I was raised in a very strict religion full of different activities to pursue, but as a shy person that never really found friends through it, I just kinda left it be... but it was definitely a fire in a lot of people I saw. I mean they were spending so much time in the activities... to where they were never home.
2015-11-16 13:08:04 UTC
The question of the meaning of life may be asked in many ways, such as Why are we here? or Does my life have a purpose? The Bible shows that our purpose in life is to build a friendship with God. Consider some of these fundamental truths that the Bible reveals.

God is our Creator. The Bible says: “It is [God] that has made us, and not we ourselves.”—Psalm 100:3; Revelation 4:11.

God has a purpose for everything he creates, including us.—Isaiah 45:18.

God created us with a “spiritual need,” which includes the desire to find meaning in life. (Matthew 5:3) He wants us to satisfy that desire.—Psalm 145:16.

We fill our spiritual need by building a friendship with God. Although the idea of being God’s friend might seem far-fetched to some, the Bible gives us this encouragement: “Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you.”—James 4:8; 2:23.

To become God’s friend, we must live in harmony with his purpose for us. The Bible states this purpose at Ecclesiastes 12:13: “Have reverence for God, and obey his commands, because this is all that we were created for.”—Good News Translation.

In the future, we can experience in full God’s original purpose for us when he eliminates suffering and grants everlasting life to his friends, those who worship him.—Psalm 37:10, 11.
Celeste Moreno
2015-11-18 06:04:10 UTC
The Bible’s answer

The question of the meaning of life may be asked in many ways, such as Why are we here? or Does my life have a purpose? The Bible shows that our purpose in life is to build a friendship with God. Consider some of these fundamental truths that the Bible reveals.

God is our Creator. The Bible says: “It is [God] that has made us, and not we ourselves.”—Psalm 100:3; Revelation 4:11.

God has a purpose for everything he creates, including us.—Isaiah 45:18.

God created us with a “spiritual need,” which includes the desire to find meaning in life. (Matthew 5:3) He wants us to satisfy that desire.—Psalm 145:16.

We fill our spiritual need by building a friendship with God. Although the idea of being God’s friend might seem far-fetched to some, the Bible gives us this encouragement: “Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you.”—James 4:8; 2:23.

To become God’s friend, we must live in harmony with his purpose for us. The Bible states this purpose at Ecclesiastes 12:13: “Have reverence for God, and obey his commands, because this is all that we were created for.”—Good News Translation.

In the future, we can experience in full God’s original purpose for us when he eliminates suffering and grants everlasting life to his friends, those who worship him.—Psalm 37:10, 11.

I hope this helps.
2015-11-16 07:37:08 UTC
King Solomon gathered enormous wealth and pursued pleasure but found that those things brought no lasting sense of purpose. He identified what brought real purpose in life when he wrote: “The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole obligation of man.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13) What does keeping God’s commandments involve?

Part of God’s purpose for us is that we enjoy life. Solomon wrote: “With a man there is nothing better than that he should eat and indeed drink and cause his soul to see good because of his hard work. This too I have seen, even I, that this is from the hand of the true God.”—Ecclesiastes 2:24.

God also wants us to love and care for our family. Note the simple, practical guidance given to each family member.

“Husbands ought to be loving their wives as their own bodies.”—Ephesians 5:28.

“The wife should have deep respect for her husband.”—Ephesians 5:33.

“Children, be obedient to your parents.”—Ephesians 6:1.

If we apply those Bible principles, we will find a measure of happiness and contentment. However, the most important thing we can do is learn all we can about our Creator and draw close to him as our Friend. In fact, the Bible invites us to “draw close to God.” It then makes this remarkable promise: “He will draw close to you.” (James 4:8) If you accept this invitation, your life will take on real purpose.
2015-11-18 04:34:12 UTC
Life is the BEGINNING.... so start at the beginning.. Genesis 1:26. Jehovah God created life of all living things, man, woman to live forever while enjoying life surrounded by beauty of animals, trees, flowers, beaches etc... All of his children were to live in unity, peace and LOVE..this didn't happen because of Adam's selfishness however, our creator's plan never changed....that's why it is vital more than ever now to examine the word of God and learn how YOU can survive when GOD'S new government arrives ruled by his son Jesus Christ...not man..
Seneca Maximus
2015-11-17 14:12:37 UTC
You must find your own purpose in life with attainable goals and a well balanced lifestyle. Don't waste time thinking about the meaning of life. Just go and enjoy life.
2015-11-16 10:08:59 UTC


God appraises man as the highest of creation.

Man is Worth:

1. Making him lord of creation. (Genesis 1:26-31; Psalms 83:8)

2. All of millenniums of effort to redeem him. (Hebrews 1:1-3; 2 Peter 3:9)

3. More than the whole world (Mark 8:36)

4. Giving of God’s only begotten Son to redeem him (John 3:16)

5. Restoration to his original dominion as eternal ruler of creation (Daniel 7:18, 27; Revelation 5:10; 22:4-5)

6. Being entrusted with eternal authority and life to help GOD administer the affairs of the universe (Romans 8:17-18; Revelation 2:27-28; 5:10; 22:4-5)

7. Being placed on an equal basis with Jesus Christ in redemption, as to: righteousness (1 John 3:7), Provision by promise (1 Corinthians 3:22; 2 Corinthians 1:20; Hebrews 8:6) Nature (2 Peter 1:4) Works (John 14:12), being joint heirs in inheritance (Romans 8:17), sufferings and future glory (Matthew 10:24-25; Romans 8:18; 2 Timothy 2:13; 1 Peter 2:21; 4:1; Revelation 2:26-27; 5:10; 22:4-5)

8. Making provision for body , soul, spirit, here and hereafter.

Satan’s followers of angels and demons are determined to cause people to turn from believing in GOD and causing confusion in man’s beliefs. It is a delaying action, so we will not know who we really are!
2015-11-17 12:30:20 UTC
Quite simply, the purpose of life is to get to know the God who fills all heaven & earth better & make Him known. He is greater than our finite minds can figure out & loves you enough to send His Only Begotten Son to die for you. He doesn't want us to not enjoy life but to live it more abundantly. Let me share with you that:

1) God loves you (we don't initially love Him) & has a wonderful purpose for your life

(1 John 4:9,10, John 10:10, Jeremiah 29:11)

2) Man is sinful & separated from God and cannot experience His love & forgiveness

(Romans 3:23, 6:23, James 3:2)

3) Jesus died for all of our sins, our incapacity to reach God's holy standard

(1 Peter 3:18, 1 Timothy 2:5, Acts 4:12, 1 John 1:9)

4) YOU can know this Jesus personally as your Lord & Saviour by responding to His invitation to be

a part of your life

(Rev. 3:20, Hebrews 11:1,6, John 1:12)

Hope you find & read all these verses and seriously consider Him to be your Saviour & Lord.
2015-11-16 05:37:58 UTC
It is not simply to die. We all have a purpose in life. Finding what it is is easy. Gods word tell us. The question of the meaning of life may be asked in many ways, such as Why are we here? or Does my life have a purpose? The Bible shows that our purpose in life is to build a friendship with God. Consider some of these fundamental truths that the Bible reveals.

For those truths, finish reading the short article at:
2015-11-16 18:09:28 UTC
If the atheists are right, then all of life is the result of an incredible series of accidental coincidences and, therefore, there is no purpose of life.

What's the reason for your question? Are you really interested in finding the purpose of life?

The Bible offers answers to these kinds of questions. It tells us there is an all-powerful God who created us in His image for "His good pleasure" and because He wanted children who freely choose to love Him he gave everyone free will, which He must ultimately respect in order to have children who freely choose to love Him.

That free will necessarily results in rebellion against God, and sin. But God loves us so much He provided His own Son as a sacrifice to pay the price for our sins, so that all we have to do is accept the sacrifice and believe in His Son and we can spend eternity with God in a good place free from sin and rebellion.

The choice is ours, and that is the real purpose of (this) life.
Alex - good sam
2015-11-16 18:29:24 UTC
The dreams you have when you were young,and if you did not work hard enough to make it a reality,then when you get old ,you will realized that those dreams were just dreams and you were just walking by in the dimension of your own life...

You see life is too short,70 to 80 years old then you will be dead or dying....The purpose of life is to meet the challenge of times.The Holy Scriptures could help you find the right way to win over,because it is about righteousness.
2015-11-16 21:53:37 UTC
The purpose of life everyone i think has his own understanding. To my understanding, the process of life is the process of struggling for ambition and self achievement. It meas responsibilities and hard work. You should be responsibile for your love, your parents, your children and the one the love and someone who loves you. It is love that gives you the strength to strive for what you should do. If you were born in a poor family and now you want to change the status of your family to be much better. Maybe you will never forget the look in your parents eyes longing for a decent and happy life. Of course what you are striving for is not for the money, but just want to pursuing for much love to your parents and the one you love. After years of untiring hard work, possibly you are full of confidence and say i've exerted my utmost efforts to pursuing the dreams that i am always dreamed of. It is not only a process of self achievemet through hard working but also you can help the people in trouble.Life is so meaningful because of your struggle.
Donut Tim
2015-11-15 22:22:40 UTC
There is no purpose except that which we select.

A point or purpose for all mankind implies that there is a controlling being with an agenda. There is no evidence for that.

We are here for the same reason that a lion, a moth or a tree is here - life.

Life is a replication process and like a storm or a fire, continues as long as conditions allow.
2015-11-18 20:23:04 UTC
The continuation of the species which is why all animals have a desired to procreate.

Beyond that it was just a natural and inevitable event of abiogenesis followed by evolution or: no purpose whatsoever just a natural occurrence.

Ego makes people want a purpose but ego has no effect on nature.
2015-11-15 21:50:27 UTC
Everyone is reincarnated an infinite amount of times in a cycling, eternal universe. The theory that there was a beginning requires a cause, which is why it's used as proof that

god created the universe, but then who created God?
2015-11-17 03:13:57 UTC
'What' is in fact the purpose of life. And it is a killer-what.
2015-11-15 21:35:43 UTC
To make copies of DNA.

But apart from that, you're free to choose any purpose you like.
2015-11-17 10:30:11 UTC
When God first made Adam and Eve He did not make them to die. God's decree was they'd die if they disobeyed, they sinned. But God also made a promise (Genesis 3:15) that, if obedient, those born to Adam and Eve would have the opportunity for everlasting life. God's promise is not yet fulfilled. (Psalm 37:29; Isaiah 25:7, 8; Psalm 133:3, Revelation 21:4) Yes we do have free will the same as our parents Adam and Eve had. But God repeated the choice through Moses at Deuteronomy 30:15 "...I do put before you today life, and good and death and bad". Also King Solomon asked God for wisdom and God granted him extraordinary wisdom. (1 Kings 3:6-12) Solomon made a thorough investigation of the entire scope of human affairs. He was divinely inspired to commit his findings to writing so as to benefit others. He wrote: “And besides the fact that the congregator had become wise, he also taught the people knowledge continually, and he pondered and made a thorough search, that he might arrange many proverbs in order. The congregator sought to find the delightful words and the writing of correct words of truth.”—Ecclesiastes 12:9, 10. The Greek Septuagint rendering of these words reads: “And moreover, because the preacher was wise, because he taught mankind wisdom; that the ear might find what is comely from parables, the preacher made diligent search to find pleasing words and a writing of rectitude—words of truth.” (The Septuagint Bible, translated by Charles Thomson). So having wisdom Solomon ended his search of man's duty at Ecclesiastes 12:13: "The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is "Fear the true God and keep his commandments for this is the whole obligation of man." Also notable is verse 14: "For the true God will judge every deed, including every hidden thing, as to whether it is good or bad."

Jesus stated the same: John 17:3 "This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ."
2015-11-19 07:52:29 UTC
God's purpose should be our purpose. To save people from Hell. It is not done through knocking on doors or arm twisting, but by hearing God speak and obeying his communications.
2015-11-15 23:10:49 UTC
The purpose of life is to be grow up, mate, reproduce and die.

That is, biologically, but the human race was able to go beyond that cycle and make our own choices rather than follow instincts. So, you actually may chose your own purpose (within reason, of course), from being a bestseller to being a soccer celebrity.
2015-11-16 10:54:51 UTC
The real purpose of life—the one that brings true satisfaction—is living our lives in harmony with that will of God.

Therefore, the purpose in one’s life should be to get to know God and Christ that one may live eternally. For “the gift God gives” is, not just a life of limited years, but “everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Rom. 6:23)
2015-11-16 03:50:14 UTC
What is the "PURPOSE" of Life ?

Purpose defined as to have as ones Intention or Objective

. Meaning Purpose is Self applied ... To put it really simply You as a Human being exist because of one or two reasons Either you were simply a product of sexual reproduction .Or Your Parents Conceived you INTENTIONALLY they had sex for the purpose of having a Child because they CHOSE to for what ever personal reasons they had

Life is a span of TIME it can be minutes to years .that state of being born in which you have independent Biological processes of a beating heart and breathing and a brain and other biological processes that maintain your existence your physical functioning

.Unlike other species of animals you do not have the capacity for independent survival .and one or both of your parents are necessary or another human being to provide you with food , shelter and medical care til you develop fully to a being independent to survive without assistance

.In the course of that time more mature humans ( parent or others) take the responsibility .and will instill goals for you and teach you things .Then at some point you become mature .You being a independent human will also CHOOSE goals and make decisions how you wish to LIVE your LIFE

.That may also include reproduction or may not if you make it to the reproductive age . not everyone does and some humans make it to 102 years of Life . some do not make it past hours

.That is called ones Span of life .You decide your intentions when you and if make it to a certain level of development and those determining factor are various your survival is measured in time TIME ...meaning your life is that period from birth to death and what happens to you in that span of time you may apply purpose to that span as the definition states Your intentions or Objectives
2015-11-16 05:50:32 UTC
Many people may doubt that finding God is the purpose of life; but everyone can accept the idea that the purpose of life is to find happiness. I say that God is Happiness. He is Bliss. He is Love. He is Joy that will never go away from your soul. So why shouldn’t you try to acquire that Happiness? No one else can give it to you. You must continuously cultivate it yourself.
2015-11-18 08:56:14 UTC
No. We're born to live. Life is the journey, not the destination.
2015-11-17 10:47:51 UTC
To breathe clean air - people today are only interested in bling - cell phones - tablets - laptop computers - smart plastic credit cards - the latest playthings - everybody is sleep-walking into debt - no common sense - no duty of care - no responsibility - no respect for the natural resources - the mother Earth that feeds - clothes and nurtures the children who are born every hour of every day - The unreported world events of a dirty-pool of some crazy notion of agricultural policy - based upon a science of deceit - is happening right now - classified undisclosed events - The theme trending around the planet - the bio-mass concept of Fire - madness - is the reality of burning rubber tires - to set fire to trees - plants - grasses - contaminated crops and waste - the bush fires in the Nature Reserves in Australia is one example which is spreading to the west and south - and the extensive bush fires burning Madagascar - enormous agricultural areas of China burning with the crazy policy of the bio-mass concept of Fire - everywhere across this planet - including large areas of Africa - even in the Asia Pacific in Papua Indonesia - To mention Washington State in the United States Of America - President Hussein Obama has ordered the burning of hundreds of acres of arable land - in an attempt to stave the Fires - how crazy is that - California potentially another example - there are Fires burning all of nature around the world - it is happening right now - latest update 16 November 2015 - rubber tires set on Fire - remember Fire is catching - all this smoke and soot is carried on the winds through all the clouds in the sky above you- all around this small planet - the climate trying at best to cope with hazardous noxious oxides - contaminated genetic carbon particles - toxic gases - THE BREATHING PLANET IS OUT OF BALANCE - does anyone wake-up to the consequences of tearing the lungs out of mother Earth - the disappearing world - where is this going to end ? The widespread burning of nature around the world - has tremendous implications - tearing down the bio-diversity of the planet - has very catastrophic consequences - in particular reference is the depletion of the Amazon rainforest - the whole coastal area from Brazil up to the Florida Keys in America - the ocean is warming up - this particular event causes severe weather patterns in the upper atmosphere - THE MANTLE OF THE EARTH IS HEATING UP - does anyone really care about the planet ? THERE ARE 3 TO ELEVEN EARTHQUAKES EVERY DAY - somewhere here on this small world - natural geysers spewing water from hot springs - are now slowly bubbling molten magma one area measured 37 miles - mass migration of animals - What is the reason of your question - Are you like anyone else in situated safe place - with the scenario of a super volcano about to blow - imagine a future - where there are hundreds of thousands of plumes of smoke and soot - THE CONSEQUENCES OF HUMAN FOLLY - when the world can no longer breathe and you cant see the sunlight - potentially within 2 years - the polar regions suddenly get colder - heads up - the forecast - the rub is this - probably everyone on the planet is going to live in Australia - how amazing is that - remember to take your children with you - a small bucket and spade because you can build sand castles on the beach - you won't need a bikini costume when you have an empty suitcase.
2015-11-16 04:25:58 UTC
The Bible tells us our purpose in life is to build a friendship with God.He encourages us to draw close to him-James 4:8.He has a purpose for us and the earth.Learn more at
2015-11-16 13:31:18 UTC
The fact of the matter, the purpose of life is for the glory of God, and NO we were supposed to live forever, God created us to live forever, but as soon as sin enter into the world then we died spiritually and later we died physically, but if we have a saviour to save us then God will save us from the wrath of God, and are sin, and then we will live forever with God in the new heaven and the new earth, where there will not be no Satan and no sin.
2015-11-16 01:12:15 UTC
Are you serious???

Well, here it is:

What makes you distinct from other creatures??

Isn't that your 'reasoning faculties'?

Well then. The purpose of life is to find God using the given 'reasoning faculties'. I mean, after contemplation, firstly to conclude and believe that 'God' exists based on 'Gods' signatures all around. And next to live in confirmation of that belief. I mean to shape one's life in confirmation of that 'belief', which is to only keep to the commandments, to do 'good' and to abstain from evil, all for the sake of 'God', thus proving you do really believe in God.

'Salvation' isn't free. We are here only to 'earn' our 'Salvation' through 'Believing in God' by living a life in conformation of that belief, the most important being by 'Keeping Gods commandments'..

I never make up this answer, for I wouldn't have known it myself. It is what God Himself have told me in His Book, the Quran.

2015-11-16 01:41:56 UTC
Mybe you should read "The Purpose Driven Life" which has sold

millions of copies. God planned your life before you were even in

your mother's womb. If you want to know about it, you need to

get to know the One Who made you and loved you enough to send

His Son to die for you, and in your place. Do you know anyone else

Who loves you that much? People try to fill the emptyness in their

lives with all kinds of things, except finding the God Who knows them

best of all. Read His message to you in His Words in John 3:16 and

John could change your life if you are willing to listen.
brother trucker
2015-11-16 10:00:57 UTC
The purpose of life is to leave the world a better place for our descendants.
2015-11-17 04:05:52 UTC
I have asked this many times and what I have learned it is an experience to learn from it to experience a wealth of emotions even death you should embrace and learn from it. I read once and it clarified things for me we have chosen this life and certain key point in life our parent certain important people in out life to gain experience from this life we have also chosen our death how we will die to gain experience from this. We chose all this to gain the experiences we need to progress as a higher being. The reasons we cant remember being a higher being is because we wouldn't get the experiences we need from this life, some of us have an inkling like why some people achieve more, why we get dejavu why we recognise peoples faces we have never seen, or recognise places you never been? It is all one big learning curve, I do not believe in heaven or hell, everyone will take the experiences from life being bad or good and that will help them progress to being a higher being or give them what they need. When we die I do not believe that is it we go on to another dimension as to put it and we remember all we have experiences and meet will loved ones and go on to live the next life to gain more experiences from that I don't think you can ever gain enough experience even if you lived your life a million times over there will always be something knew to experience. Whether my theory is correct who know but it keeps me sane to think that this isn't all there is and that all the good people go to heaven all the bad to hell doesn't make sense to me that too narrow minded!
2015-11-19 02:15:37 UTC
Well what ever it is...we sure have the bull by the tail. We have no concept whatsoever other than the materialistic

way of life that we have been forced to life.

We are shabby souls on this planet......and we all just must do better and in a loving and united way. What we are negatively doing to each other cannot continue.
Dee D
2015-11-17 20:13:50 UTC
Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

Eccle means message to the people, or gathering of the people to give a message!

Success in life, or how to succeed in life is found in Joshua 1:8,9
2015-11-17 02:12:58 UTC
In the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful.

The purpose of Life and Creation is to acknowledge The One True God our Creator and worship Him/Follow his commands on his terms and conditions !!!

The Prophet Muhammad [peace and blessings be upon him] Informed us that this Life is like a Traveler on a Journey.We come from Almighty God, live this life as though resting under the shade of a tree,then we have to move on,returning to our lord.What we carry along with us on this last journey will be the deciding factor in the life of the hereafter.
2015-11-18 07:17:29 UTC
Our purpose in life is so that we will be able to enjoy it. God's purpose for us was for us to live on the earth as righteous people and live forever. We were never meant to die. When we live our lives we do not live to die we live to enjoy life and that's what he wants us to. We only die because of sin and imperfection because Adam and eve who disobeyed Jehovah and did something they were not told to do. We suffer because of our own greed and selflessness. But through the resurrection of Jesus Christ we will able to live on a paradise earth with no imperfections. God also wants us to draw close to him and come to.know him. He created us with a purpose to sustain the earth and fulfill it with many things.
2015-11-17 17:34:27 UTC
What a nihilist you are. The purpose of life is to create the next generation of life. Death is not the purpose of life, just the inevitable ending.
2015-11-18 12:45:18 UTC
Question 1: Does My Life Have a Purpose?

ROSALIND, who grew up in England, had an insatiable desire for knowledge. She also wanted to help people. After graduating from school, she got a prestigious job that involved assisting the homeless, and she also helped those with physical and learning disabilities. Despite having satisfying work and being comfortable materially, she says, “For years I wondered, ‘Why are we here?’ and ‘What is the purpose of life?’”

Why ask the question?

Humans are not like unreasoning animals. We have a capacity to learn from the past, to plan for the future, and to look for a purpose in our life.

What do some say the answer is?

Many feel that the primary purpose of life is to gain wealth or fame and thus achieve happiness.

What does that answer imply?

We set our own priorities in life. God’s will is less important than our desires.

What does the Bible teach?

King Solomon gathered enormous wealth and pursued pleasure but found that those things brought no lasting sense of purpose. He identified what brought real purpose in life when he wrote: “The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole obligation of man.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13) What does keeping God’s commandments involve?

Part of God’s purpose for us is that we enjoy life. Solomon wrote: “With a man there is nothing better than that he should eat and indeed drink and cause his soul to see good because of his hard work. This too I have seen, even I, that this is from the hand of the true God.”—Ecclesiastes 2:24.

God also wants us to love and care for our family. Note the simple, practical guidance given to each family member.

“Husbands ought to be loving their wives as their own bodies.”—Ephesians 5:28.

“The wife should have deep respect for her husband.”—Ephesians 5:33.

“Children, be obedient to your parents.”—Ephesians 6:1.

If we apply those Bible principles, we will find a measure of happiness and contentment. However, the most important thing we can do is learn all we can about our Creator and draw close to him as our Friend. In fact, the Bible invites us to “draw close to God.” It then makes this remarkable promise: “He will draw close to you.” (James 4:8) If you accept this invitation, your life will take on real purpose.

Rosalind, quoted earlier, now feels that she has discovered the purpose of life. You can read what she says led her to that change in attitude in the article entitled “The Bible Changes Lives”.

To find out more about how you can live in a way that pleases God, see chapter 12 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Available for download at

What Did Jesus Say About the Purpose of Life?

Jesus had no doubt about the purpose of his life. He said: “For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth.” (John 18:37) Jesus spent his life teaching people the truth about God and His purposes.

Our life will take on real meaning if we follow Jesus’ example. In fact, Jesus invites us to learn from him. (Matthew 11:29) Consider just two ways in which we can do so.

Jesus taught that for us to be happy, we must be “conscious of [our] spiritual need.” (Matthew 5:3) We can satisfy our spiritual need if we take in knowledge of “the only true God, and of the one whom [he] sent forth, Jesus Christ.”—John 17:3.

Jesus commanded his followers to teach others about what they had learned. He said: “Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you.”—Matthew 28:19, 20.

Those who satisfy their spiritual need by studying the Bible and applying what they learn find that their life changes for the better. They gain the conviction that their life has real purpose when they start helping others learn about God.
2015-11-17 03:55:00 UTC
One purpose of life is to provide a structure for the genes we are born with. The genes replicate themselves and move on. Read Richard Dawkins.
2015-11-16 04:04:31 UTC
King Solomon...concludes his book of Ecclesiastes with these words:

The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God+ and keep his commandments,+ for this is the whole obligation of man.+ 14 For the true God will judge every deed, including every hidden thing, as to whether it is good or bad.+
2015-11-17 00:11:04 UTC
Simple, for man to reach self awareness, ( know thy self ) life and awareness are the same thing you never find

one without the other, the ego personality you think you are is just a bunch of memories, wipe out your

memories and you no longer exist,but you will still be a living aware being this is what you truly are, hence

you must become as a child again to enter the kingdom of heaven ie. before you create a phantom ego

identity. kingdom of heaven means state of enlightenment.
2015-11-16 14:47:27 UTC
The purpose of life is to breathe in and out for an undetermined amount of days.
2015-11-17 20:43:08 UTC
imho the purpose of life is to multiply and evolve...strangely enough this is valid (again imho) even from a Theistic point of view...heck seams that Religion is more "evolution friendly" , than the lack of it...

Religious people multiply thus they pass their genes... ..... with other words those with a "my body my rules" attitude "are not fit" to procreate , since they barely have children, and are eliminated by Natural Selection from the future gene pool ... weird...but true ... lol

Nature: "I've got to keep those buggers to believe in something if not they'll go extinct"
2015-11-16 11:36:28 UTC
Theres two depending on who u are, if you are of no faith belief in god, then ur free to act in the belief we came from monkeys and do basically what animals do in the animal kingdom as there no punishment for this type of life at the time of death. Or as a bornagain christian who follows the word of god, its my job above all other dutys is to bring people to god and hav salvation from the sin off the world, open are hearts, let god in, hes knocking. Peace
2015-11-16 07:25:46 UTC
Ecclesiastes 12: 13,14 The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole obligation of man. For the true God will judge every deed, including every hidden thing, as to whether it is good or bad.

This is not a morbid fear, but a healthy fear of displeasing God.
2015-11-15 21:44:18 UTC
What makes you think life has a purpose?
2015-11-16 06:52:09 UTC
The purpose of life is to bring God glory!

Litmus test: If your life glorifies God you are most probably living your purpose
2015-11-17 09:23:46 UTC
The purpose of life is to make war against other members of the Human Race, thus to reduce our numbers. We have no natural predators save disease so we must create ever more deadly weapons with which to kill each other. The cheapest of the deadly weapons is the suicide bomber against which there is little or no defense for he/she believes they are going to Paradise where they will be received.

What really happens to them is this. . . . . .
2015-11-16 18:01:50 UTC
almost every person in western christian civilization and the western philosophical tradition who have two-neurons to rub-together have written a book telling people how to live.

i think that the purpose of your life is to fulfill your own life, and that happiness can not be defined for you by anyone else.
2015-11-16 11:49:59 UTC
The purpose of life is not being dead, once you are dead life has no purpose, you are dead. Should you think about the after life, you are on your own.
2015-11-16 05:51:43 UTC
OO I KNOW I KNOW. hey remember the saying, the end is only the beginning? WELL ITS RIGHT! PROBABLY. i sorta know it because i kinda feel like ive died before. like i know the feeling of death. its weird af. trust me, like i feel myself getting pulled in to somewhere unknown while i was daydreaming or smth and i had to pull away.

also everything is connected. if you think about it, really really hard. it is. i didnt have to think hard about it cause im chinese :DDDD lel jk jk but srsly tho. I feel like I have experienced life before.

also my belief is (not sure if anyone agrees with me on this but), if you believe in something hard enough, its real (cause its your belief, you are in control of your own life do whatever the f*** you want). For more understanding, watch Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. The last part... will blow your mind (you maybe will understand it). :P have fun finding the Truth!
2015-11-15 21:35:09 UTC
I can't wait to put my 72 virigins in alphabetical order
2015-11-16 20:47:13 UTC
Our purpose is to live and follow God till the day of judgment where He will judge every one of us according to sins. He is ever-lasting and indestructible. Till then we shalt see each other in the Kingdom of Heaven.
2015-11-17 05:18:25 UTC
I try not to think too much about purpose of life beyond we a born, we live, and then we die.
Ford Prefect
2015-11-16 21:14:48 UTC
Be kind to people and other creatures and respect the place that created you. This is all you get, so don't piss on it when you leave
2015-11-16 09:57:54 UTC
Ecclesiastes 12:13 "The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole obligation of man."
2015-11-19 15:49:49 UTC
Dear Friend,

God's desire is to commune/fellowship with His creation. But, it is OUR sin that 'blocks' that covenant relationship with a Holy God. And it is only through Jesus Christ, by the Power of the Holy Spirit can anyone be reconciled/restored back into a right relationship with a Holy God.

God wants us to get to "know" Him. The way we develop a relationship with someone is by getting to "know" them...personally. God's Word is His "Personal (Spiritual) Instruction Manual" for man to live a safe, abundant life 'in' Him. Get to know your Creator by reading His Word everyday and asking Him, what it is He wants you to learn and then apply it in your daily life.

God has a wonderful and exciting purpose for your life. When you read God's Word, "personalize" it, as I have illustrated for you below using Jeremiah 29:11-13:

11 "For I know the plans I have for you (insert your name),” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you (insert your name) and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you (insert your name). 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me (insert your name) with all your heart."

Fall in love dear one, with the Lover of your soul and you will understand that our purpose in this life, is to bring honor, glory and praise to the One who died a horrible death in order to one day be with Him in glory where there is no more tears, sorrow or death. He is worth ...Loving. He loved us so much that He sent Jesus as OUR substitute on that horrific cross in order that we may enjoy a real, beautiful relationship with Him. God bless you dear one.

2015-11-16 02:14:22 UTC
To love each other and to love God and to live up to God's expectations. But lately, it seems no one in my world, much less hometown are. They seem to think I am "no good" and my parents are taking bad online advice. I wish I could sue Facebook and AOL e-mail.
Sagan Ritual
2015-11-15 22:08:34 UTC
Richard Dawkins wrote an awesome book many years ago called "The Selfish Gene". I think a lot of people took that to mean something like, a gene that makes you behave selfishly. That was not how he meant it. He meant that genes themselves are selfish, that we exist for them. They create us to make copies of themselves. We are gene-propagation vehicles, nothing more.

Or you could devote your life to Doctors Without Borders.
2015-11-15 22:57:39 UTC
No. We were born to love one another. In the agape. That's the purpose of life. Not to serve ourselves or our obsessions, but to serve one another.
2015-11-15 21:35:14 UTC
Only believers are so vain they need some special reason to be. The rest of us are just happy we are.

Make your own purpose.
2015-11-16 18:28:18 UTC
God is our Creator. The Bible says: “It is [God] that has made us, and not we ourselves.”—Psalm 100:3; Revelation 4:11.

God has a purpose for everything he creates, including us.—Isaiah 45:18.
2015-11-17 22:40:42 UTC
the purpose of life is to find salvation in the lord
2015-11-17 23:49:24 UTC
The purpose of life is to live. If you answer your question with an essay your a dumb ***.
Dave D
2015-11-15 21:59:31 UTC
It seems evident to me that the physical life is a classroom. Love cannot be forced and be love; by its very nature it MUST be freely given. So God could not create us already "loving"... that is something we had to learn on our own. We learn that through exposure to evil, pain, suffering and death which teach us what is good, compassion and sympathy for others. Compassion and sympathy teach us to care for others. Caring for others teaches us selfless love. If we learn true love then we can be one with He who IS love.
2015-11-16 20:04:48 UTC
the purpose of life is to know the 1 true God and Jesus whom He sent from Heaven and follow Jesus and enjoy Him forever.
Cotton Wool Ninja
2015-11-18 03:44:31 UTC
You only have to look at every other living on the planet for your answer. They do not seem concerned with magic invisible people, merely existing and ensuring their genes are passed on - procreation. There you have it. No magic required.
save us
2015-11-17 06:35:33 UTC
We make our own purpose in life, regardless of how and why it started.
Jebus D
2015-11-16 15:43:03 UTC
live life that is the purpose just dont be a dick in the process
2015-11-15 21:32:04 UTC
The purpose of life is achieve Oneness with god which is possible through the Holy Spirit.

It's not generally known, you can use Holy-Fire to achieve anything to your heart's desire

Saints use it to cast out demons, to astral-travel and bi-locate (appear in two places at once),

to manifest their needs out of thin-air, they develop psychic powers and Oneness with god

so you can be one of the more advanced humans. They don't need to eat food since they can

charge their cells with Holy-Fire.
2015-11-17 21:32:32 UTC
to live. to help others because we are all connected spiritually with others in the light. but be careful helping someone in the darkness. When God is dealing with someone and you get n the middle its like grabbing a dog by the tail. youll. get bit.
2015-11-17 09:53:46 UTC
No .... we are born to live, have children and enjoy life.

Mo University Lecturer Atheist
2015-11-16 17:58:24 UTC
The Bible said God created us for his pleasure. We were put on this earth to enjoy the things God created for us and to be thankful to God and show our appreciation by obeying our Heavenly Father just as we expect our children to listen to us in appreciation for all we do for them.
2015-11-18 10:13:31 UTC
To know God's plan and to execute such plan with ruthless resolve.
2015-11-15 21:32:17 UTC
We're born so we can love people and make them happy. :)
2015-11-15 21:33:51 UTC
To get to know, serve and glorify our Creator and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, and to be prepared for eternity with Him.
2015-11-17 12:26:28 UTC
Very Good Q!!!!!!

We were created for no other reason but to Worship our Creator Allah (God All Mighty).


Life is the most difficult exam. Many people fail because they try to copy others, not realizing that everyone's paper has different questions.


Why did Allah make some of us rich and others poor?

Why did Allah make some of us healthy, hearing, seeing, etc and some of us disabled, biologically deaf and unhealthy, etc?

Is this fair?

Allah tests us with wealth and others with other things. We will be tested and accounted for this. A hadith states that a poor man will find it easier than a rich man to get into Paradise. Fariq Naik gave an example of how a teacher gives tests to the students, depending on the test, the teacher will mark accordingly, so for example if the test was an easy exam given to the less able student then the teacher will mark it accordinly. If the exam was a hard one then the teacher may be more 'strict' in marking it. This is all down to the test and the ultimate result of the test is how well we did. For if the test is harder then the reward (if you are patient and strive) will be bigger. So it is fair.

Shaykh Ibn ëUthaymeen was asked this question and said: The questioner should ask himself whether anyone forced him to ask this question, and does he choose the kind of car that he drives? And other such questions. Then the answer as to whether he is following a course set by Allaah or has freedom of choice will become clear to him.

Then he should ask himself whether accidents happen to him by his choice? Or whether he falls sick by his choice? Or will he die by his choice?

And other similar questions. Then the answer as to whether he is following a course set by Allaah or has freedom of choice will become clear to him.

The answer is that the things that the wise person does, he undoubtedly does by his choice. Listen to the words of Allaah (interpretation of the meaning):

ìSo, whosoever wills, let him seek a place with (or a way to) His Lord (by obeying Him in this worldly life)!î

[al-Nabaí 78:39]


But you have Free will. You have been given Free Will which you will be tasted on it for you ,not for God . He knows every thing , you don't. It will be against you or for you.

If the Day of Judgement is where the Judgement will take place, would it be fair if we didn't have this opportunity (life)?

We're currently 'building' our fate, but the outcome is 'written' (known) by God already.

How many tribulations and how many people persevere with patience?

Look around you, to the right and to the left. Do you not see the afflicted and the unfortunate? In every house there is mourning and upon every cheek run tears.

You are not alone in your troubles, which are few ...compared to those of others. How many sick people remain bedridden for years while suffering from unspeakable pain?

How many have not seen the light of the sun for years due to their imprisonment, having knowledge of nothing but the four corners of their cell?

How many men and women have lost their dear children in the prime of youth?

How many people are troubled or tormented?

Find consolation with those that are worse off than you; know that this life is like a prison for the believer, an abode of grief and sadness. In the morning castles are bustling with inhabitants; then in an instant, disaster occurs, and they are empty and desolate. Life can be peaceful, the body in good health, wealth abundant, and children healthy; and yet in only a matter of days, poverty, death, separation, and sickness can all take their place.

{And you dwelt in the dwellings of men who wronged themselves, and it was clear to you how We had dealt with them. And We put forth [many] parables for you.} (Qurían 14. 45)

You must adapt like the experienced camel, which manages, when necessary, to kneel upon a rock. You must also compare your difficulties with the difficulties of those around you, and with those that have come before you: you should realize that you are in good shape relative to them, and that you have merely been pricked by tiny difficulties. So praise Allah for His kindness, be thankful for what He has left for you, seek recompense from Him for what He has taken, and seek consolation with those that are afflicted.

You have a perfect example in the Prophet (bpuh). The entrails of a camel were placed upon his head; his feet bled; his face was fractured; he was besieged in a mountain pass until he was forced to eat tree leaves; he was driven out of Makkah; his front tooth was broken in battle; his innocent wife was accused of wrongdoing; seventy of his Companions were killed; he was bereaved of his son and of most of his daughters; he would tie a stone around his stomach to lessen the pangs of hunger; and he was accused of being a poet, a magician, a soothsayer, a madman, and a liar ó all at the same time. Yet Allah protected him throughout these severe trials and tribulations. Prophet Zakariyah (Zacharia) was killed, Prophet Yahya (John) was slaughtered, Prophet Moosa (Moses) was afflicted with great trials, Prophet Ibraheem (Abraham) was thrown in the fire, (may peace be upon them all), and the Imams of righteousness followed them upon this path. ëUmar was assassinated, as was ëUthmaan and ëAli (may Allah be pleased with them all). Many scholars of the past have been flogged, imprisoned, or tortured.

{Or think you that you will enter Paradise without such [finals]

as came to those who passed away before you? They were afflicted with severe poverty ailments and were shaken.} (Qurían 2: 214)

ìO man! Verily, you are returning towards your Lord with your deeds and actions (good or bad), a sure returning, and you will meet (the results of your deeds which you did)î

[al-Inshiqaaq 84:6 ñ interpretation of the meaning]

13:26 Allah increases the provision for whom He wills, and straitens (it for whom He wills),

and they rejoice in the life of the world, whereas the life of this world compared to the

Hereafter is but a brief passing enjoyment.

28:60 And whatever you have been given is an enjoyment of the life of the world and its

adornment, and that which is with Allah is better and will remain forever. Have you then no sense!

6-130 It was the life of this world that deceived them. And they will bear witness

against themselves that they were disbelievers.

6:32 And the life of this world is nothing but play and amusement. But far better is

the abode of the Hereafter for those have Taqwa. Will you not then understand!

29:64 And this life of the world is only an amusement and a play! Verily, the home of the

Hereafter -- that is the life indeed, if they but knew.

3:185 Everyone shall taste death. And only on the Day of Resurrection shall you be paid your wages in full.And whoever is moved away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise, he indeed is successful.

The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception.

These verses are sufficient to confirm that life on Earth is a test for us.
2015-11-16 17:29:47 UTC
To serve God. For me, it is a wonderful reason for life, and I am thankful.
2015-11-18 05:59:13 UTC
To have a loving personal relationship with our Creator my friend.
2015-11-16 19:27:03 UTC
Okay before a cynical atheists says it: YOU ROT IN THE GROUND
2015-11-16 17:19:32 UTC
We are born to grow in love with GOD & man. Life is eternal.
2015-11-17 12:28:25 UTC
To Believe his crucifixtion for our Sins, and Repent and Baptize in the name of YAHSHUA. we need to live for his glory. And we return back to God.
2015-11-16 16:00:51 UTC
There is no objective meaning to decide what you want your existence to be about.
Black Sabbath
2015-11-18 07:56:08 UTC
dont take life to seriously coz nobody gets out alive
2015-11-15 21:46:07 UTC
As soldiers in a standing war.

Proof? When are you not fighting it?
2015-11-16 19:42:12 UTC
to enjoy parmesean cheese and make babies in the springtime with a lover coated in marmalade!
Coop 366
2015-11-16 21:08:01 UTC
Anon if you think you have a question worth asking have the guts your name on it?
2015-11-17 21:14:26 UTC
Well yeah but we also born to be kind and help others
2015-11-16 14:41:03 UTC
To love each other
2015-11-16 18:40:27 UTC
eventually die for a cruel joke played on humans
2015-11-16 03:51:07 UTC
You may want to have a read here:
2015-11-17 17:06:17 UTC
To know, love and serve God
2015-11-16 19:10:06 UTC
Submission yo God.
2015-11-16 17:42:36 UTC
to learn the truth about Jesus Christ and salvation
2015-11-16 01:04:16 UTC
were here to seek the salvation of god

how to become a christian
2015-11-15 21:56:41 UTC
2015-11-16 15:55:16 UTC
2015-11-17 10:42:32 UTC
2015-11-16 18:32:01 UTC
Work to die
2015-11-16 19:59:12 UTC
To serve GOD.
2015-11-16 19:30:56 UTC
Screw as much as you can.
2015-11-17 08:32:23 UTC
to worship god
2015-11-17 00:19:01 UTC
worship allah
2015-11-17 17:56:25 UTC
The sin of our first parents (Adam and Eve) brought about the fallen state of mankind. Humans are sinful because of their iniquity, sins bring curses and both iniquity and curses pass down the generations if they are not cleansed by the blood of Christ. Children are born with defects and suffer unfortunate circumstances because of curses due to their ancestors’ unrepented sins. Hereditary illness is an example of a curse. In the future, God will make a new Heaven and earth, and there will be no more suffering, sickness, sin, evil, old age or death. God’s people (those who accept His Son Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord) will joyfully and peacefully live in this new and perfect earth, with the Lord Jesus Christ as their King forever. See chapter 21 of the Book of Revelation.

Almighty God was, is and will always be triune (one God in three persons, not three gods). God is comprised of the Father, the Son (Lord Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit. Each person of the Triune Godhead has a different role. There is only one God (Isaiah 43:10-11; 44:6,8; 45:21-22; 46:9; John 17:3; 1 John 5:20-21). The Father is God (1 Peter 1:2; Philippians 2:11), the Lord Jesus Christ is God (Matthew 1:23; John 1:1; 20:28; Hebrews 1:8; Hebrews 13:8; Revelation 1:7-8; 2 Peter 1:1; Titus 2:13) and the Holy Spirit is God (Acts 5:3-4; Acts 28:25-27; 1 Corinthians 3:16-17; 2 Corinthians 3:17).

Without God, man’s spirit is unilluminated. This illumination happens at the time one’s spirit is united to the Holy Spirit (which happens only after one has accepted Christ as their Saviour). The Light went out of the spirit after the fall of man. Man had lost communion with God. Christ, the second person of the Triune Godhead made the sacrifice for our sins so the Light could be lit in the spirits of all. There is no redemption or unity to God apart from receiving Christ as one’s Saviour and Lord. The infilling of the Holy Spirit was possible only after Christ’s sacrifice. Before the death of Christ, the Holy Spirit only fell on persons who worshiped and served the true God (Judges 15:14; Ezekiel 11:5). Hebrews 9:6-8 (KJV) tells us that unity to God “the way into the Holiest of all” was also possible only after Christ’s sacrifice which brought an end to the Old Covenant. Christ made the sacrifice for our sins as the spotless lamb (1 Peter 1:9) and took the place of the Jewish high priest and became our eternal High Priest (Hebrews 6:20). The Book of Hebrews explains how the Old Covenant was replaced by the New Covenant.

The blood of Christ was shed so our sins could be paid for and we could have direct unity to God. The Holy Spirit leads us to remain focused on God so we can grow spiritually. God the Father lives within believers (John 14:23), God the Holy Spirit lives within believers (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) and God the Son also lives within believers (2 Corinthians 13:5, Galatians 2:20). Because Christ lives in us, we are a new being, having our old self with its evil practices stripped off, and we are being renewed and remoulded after the image of God, in order to bring us to a full knowledge of Himself (Colossians 3:9-10). Because He lives in us, we have His peace (John 16:33), we have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16), we have His strength to do all things (Philippians 4:13) and we are a chosen race, the King’s priests, the holy nation and God’s own people, chosen to proclaim the wonderful acts of God (Peter 2:9). As Christians, the Lord Jesus Christ is always interceding for us (Romans 8:34, Hebrews 7:25), He is preparing a place for us in heaven (John 14:1–3) and He baptizes us with the Holy Spirit and with fire (Matthew 3:11).

The truth about Jesus Christ can be found only in the word of God which is the Holy Bible. Three days after the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins, He resurrected from the dead (Luke 24:1-8; Acts 10:40; 1 Corinthians 15:4) and 40 days later, He ascended into Heaven (Acts 1:3; Luke 24:50-53; Acts 1:9-11).

1 Timothy 3:16

And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.”

Jesus Christ is Lord over all:

Philippians 2:9-11

Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

False doctrines claim that there are several paths to God. The word of God tells us that THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY TO GOD AND THIS IS THROUGH FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST AS ONE’S LORD AND SAVIOUR.

John 14:6

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

John 3:36

He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him

Shortly after physical death, humans pass into either Heaven or Hell. Before Christ’s sacrifice, access into Heaven was not possible for human souls. The souls of those who loved and served the true God were kept in the paradise part of a spiritual place within the earth called Sheol, and the other part of Sheol was a prison of torment where the souls of those who rejected God ended up (Luke 16:19-31). There was a spiritual gulf fixed between these two parts so no soul from one side could cross over to the next (Luke 16:26). Access into Heaven was made possible for humans by Christ’s sacrifice and right after He died on the cross He went into the paradise part of Sheol, told the good souls (who were there for thousands of years) what He did and took them up to Heaven (Matthew 12:40; Ephesians 4:8–10; 1 Peter 3:18–20). The paradise part of Sheol no longer exists but the prison part of Sheol still does. This part of torment is called Hades or Hell. Those who reject God by not receiving Christ or any one of the Triune Godhead (Jeremiah 15:6; Matthew 12:311; Chronicles 28:9; 1 John 2:23) end up there and then go into the Lake of Fire after the Millennium (Revelation 20:15). Earthly fire, Godly fire (the type Jesus baptizes with) and the tormenting fire of the Lake of Fire are three different types of fire. There is also demonic fire which demons can produce.

Reincarnation is a false teaching (Hebrews 9:27). The Lord Jesus said that the human being’s afterlife state whether torment or paradise, will be eternal (Matthew 25:46). In the original text, the Greek word for eternal, aiōnion is used. He didn’t say that we would be born again and again until we got it right and received liberation. He would not have made that huge sacrifice for us if we could have had unity to God another way, and if there was another way, He would have taught that. The Lord said he could have employed legions of angels to prevent His crucifixion (Matthew 26:53), but because of His great and perfect love for humanity, He chose to endure a very painful death so we could be redeemed and united to God.

Salvation, redemption, reception of the Holy Spirit and adoption as God’s own children happen the instant a human being has faith in Christ as their Saviour and Lord and not at some future time in the believer’s life.

People who have not accepted Christ can become better individuals, but only to a certain extent. The Holy Spirit calls out to everyone but only those who have let the Holy Spirit (the third person of the Triune Godhead) into them by accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour are the ones who are transformed and experience abundant and constant spiritual growth.

Iniquities (tendencies that cause one to sin) pass down the generation line (Numbers 14:18). After one accepts Lord Jesus as their Saviour, God forgives their sins as they truly repent and removes their iniquities (evil tendencies) in the transformation process which makes one more and more like Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Titus 3:5; Hebrews 9:12-14). After genuinely accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour, ALL sinners (alcoholics, liars, drug addicts, fornicators etc.) will be saved and transformed. Each believer is cleansed by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and receives the infilling of the Holy Spirit who renews them.


Because mankind is incapable of meeting God’s standard of perfection necessary to abide in God’s presence (Romans 3:19-20,23), God sent His Son Jesus Christ to pay the total debt for the believer’s sins and mercifully credits to his account Christ’s righteousness (Romans 3:21-28,5:1-11; 2 Corinthians 5:18-21). Jesus’ gracious act of atonement was complete and covers all sin (Colossians 2:13-14; 1 John 1:9). Salvation is not based on good deeds but according to the mercy of God (Titus 3:4-5). Believers are justified by faith; it is a gift by God’s grace (Romans 4:3-8; Ephesians 2:8-9). A true, living faith will result in a desire to live a holy, loving life of good works (Ephesians 2:10; Galatians 5:6; James 2:14-26), but failure to be absolutely successful at righteous living does not negate the believer’s justified status.

If you sincerely say this prayer, your sins will be washed away, you will be redeemed to God, be saved from eternal torment and inherit the Kingdom of God:

"Dear Jesus, I am a sinner. I repent of my sins. Please forgive me and save me by your shed blood. Come into my heart. I want to receive you as my own personal Lord and Savior. Amen"

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.