Ok first question:
Would any of what I'm going to say change your mind? If not, don't read my answer, as much as I'd like you to read it and think about it. If so, read on. If you're lazy, check out the TL;DR
Even if Darwin did say that, I would question his ability to make an accurate prediction considering he hasn't found any transition fossils and no one else has even looked. That being said...
What is a transition fossil? The fossil of a species between two others? The fossil directly between two species? The fossil between the halfway point between two species and the species itself? This kind of gap can only keep going until you are happy with every fossil between plants and humans, and that is simply not going to happen because of the way the fossils form.
There are very specific ways that fossils form and not everything dies in that way (some of them are quite graphic, like being sucked into tar and drowning to death), so we aren't going to find fossils for every branch at every time frame.
And we have found fossils that are "transitions" from one species to the next. There was a fossil found of the first animal that would "walk." It still had flippers and still swam for the most part, but it could come up on land and stay there for a bit. We've found almsot every major evolutionary fossil of humans since they branched off from our common ancestor. We've seen evolution in action and even the beginnings of it. Elephants are les likely to have tusks (because of hunters), the california slamander has almost become two different species and researched watched that one happen!
Besides, DNA evidence is far better a research tool and has been used far more extensively.
I don't know how you DON'T think evolution is true.
TL;DR It is rare for fossils to form. DNA is a better tool anyways (and more abundant). We have found transitional fossils. AND it would be ridiculous to need that kind of evidence to believe in something that already has tons of evidence.