What is real? God or evolution?
Cody B
2008-08-29 00:19:55 UTC
I am always wondering; what is real.. God or evolution? Any help/proof of one or the other?
22 answers:
2008-08-29 00:46:09 UTC
Well, I'll give you evidence for both. Lets start out with evolution.

• Evolution is a theory, which means that it is backed up by evidence. Evolution claims that the oldest and less complex animals are located at the bottom of sedimentary rock layers. Evolution also claims that the "newest" animals are located on the top of sedimentary rock layers. Mammals and birds for example. Never do we see mammals with amphibians in the oldest rock layers. This is exactly what evolution claims, and it is observable, testable, evidence.

• Mutations in people and other animals happen all the time. For example, some animals can be born albino. Others can have different hair or skin colors. It is these small changes that lead to big changes over time. Its like seeing a child grow up. The child looks the same every day, but over years, the child changes.

• Natural selection is observable. Remember what killed off the Dodos? We see this in any habitable island, for example. In the Galapagos Islands, we see very unique animals. These creatures have different body features that make them survive in their habitats. You may say that they just adapted, but what happens when their 'adaptations' adapt even more? You get a new species of animals. The same goes for Australia and Madagascar. Evolution and plate tectonics, both theories, explain why animals in Australia and Madagascar are the way they are as well as in other parts of the world.

• Evolution doesn't claim that animals can turn into others instantaneously. For example, a poodle cannot have baby lizards. Evolution claims that, through natural selection, a population of animals can become different in order to survive. I'll use the primitive ape--human example. Through mutations, some primitive ape started to walk on two feet in the forests of Africa. However, as geology suggests, the Sahara desert was becoming larger. Forests turned to grasslands. The primitive apes that started to walk on two legs, found that beneficial. Why? Well, because when you can stand up in tall grass, you can see danger coming in. So, because this was beneficial, these primitive apes survived and changed even more through natural selection. We also know this happened because its happening right now. The Sahara desert is becoming larger every year. Just recently, paleontologists discovered an ancient cemetery in the Sahara, claiming that people once lived there while it was green. Additionally, using DNA, scientists have traced the human origin to Africa, meaning that all humans descended from Africa. There's even fossils to show, just like there are fossils that show the transition between wolf-like animal to whale.

You just read some few pieces of evidence for evolution (there are many, many more).

Now, as archaeology says, people have believed in gods for, what seems like forever. The Mayans had them, the Aztecs, the Indians, the Romans, the Greeks and just about every other region on Earth, have people believing in one or more gods. As you can see, there is not one piece of evidence for any of these gods. Some have ended in mythology, while others, people still continue to believe in.

Still, I think that you can accept the theory of evolution just like the theory of atoms, cells, and gravity, AND still believe in a god. I don't, but apparently you can do both. Visit: if you have any doubts.
2016-05-26 06:12:01 UTC
2008-08-29 00:28:39 UTC
God is a concept that is taken on faith without requiring hard evidence. Evolutionary theory is part of science that requires objective evidence to develop a theory. As such it carries quite a bit of evidence in its support. Some people deny the evidence because it conflicts with a certain concept of god and religious interpretation of holy texts. Other people reconcile the two ideas still having faith but accepting that good evidence indicates evolution has occurred. So its not necessarily an either or proposition. I'm not a person of faith and it still works the other direction as well. If evolutionary theory were disproven tomorrow (highly unlikely) it still wouldn't mean to me that the universe and all it were created by a super being.
2008-08-29 00:51:41 UTC
It is very much a question of Faith. Whilst there is no real proof of God's existence there is nothing to prove He is not real. There is no doubt that evolution took place and is continuing to do so . Many within the church concede that God creating the earth in seven days is just a metaphor and that the Bible is not to be taken literally. I always seriously doubted the existence of God because science did not seem to allow it until I learnt more of how atomic particles behave. They do not behave in the way we would expect on earth, for example, gravity does not exist. This to me allowed the possibility for God's existence. A short while later I discovered that I was not the only one to believe this. Salvador Dali had similar beliefs and as I had always admired his work I felt in good company. I'm still not entirely sure what the answer is but to end as I began, I think that religion is very much a matter of faith and if you have that then God exists. The person who thumbs downed me is incredibly narrow minded and lacking in intelligence.
Stevie Franchise
2008-09-01 10:44:57 UTC
Well, just read a book called "Finding Darwin's God" by Kenneth R. Miler. It is a book that shows how god and evolution can coexist. It is a really good book it could change all you have been told in a good way.
2008-08-29 00:29:26 UTC
Well, I think I'd say both, for all intents and purposes.

This is why:

Evolution is vindicated by a heap of scientific evidence. Read it and consider it on its own, without thinking of it as trying to undermine religion. Most scientists don't have it out for the faithful.

God is pretty real too, but how you define that realness is up to you - it doesn't necessarily mean that the Christians have it figured out. Even the atheists have to bow to the fact that people who believe in God have done world-changing things in His name. If something fictional influences the world and actually changes it, who are we to say that it is not real? I'm not saying that God is fictional, but I am saying that belief in something can make it pretty real for the world or people that are affected by your belief in it - like if you donate food to them or shoot them because of your beliefs or theirs. Even if you reject the notion of God completely, it's pretty hard to find a person who has no philosophical or spiritual thoughts.

I've also heard it said (and by a good number of Christians) that perhaps the beauty of creation in that there exist myriad beings that are capable of evolving is such a beautiful and infinitely complex thing that it speaks to the even greater glory or God (or whatever caused the universe to happen).
2008-08-29 00:27:31 UTC
It is humanly impossible to comprehend the reality of all things. Only mythical far away deities have that super power. But then, evolution has been observed, God remains unseen (with the exception of junkies having spiritual experiences).
2008-08-29 17:20:03 UTC
everyone is leaning more towards evolution on here but their ignorance is funny. god is not based on the bible god is in everything. people assume that because you speak of god it is christianity, but its not. not at all, jesus is christian. which christianity includes both god and jesus. the truth is no one knows, which is real, believe in both if you want, evolution is for people who cant look over humanity and god is for people who can look over themselves, it depends on your mind state and strength in yourself. yes evolution has evidence but would you really demean yourselflf to belive you are no greater than a ******* munkey? or that you were stretegiclly created and crafted?

any who its your choice, the difference in the two is where you end up believing these things once your dead.
2008-08-29 00:29:08 UTC
evolution keeps having piles and piles of evidence such as a skeleton of a fish that had a mouth like a croc. religion has "miracles" that supposively happened thousands of years ago, and to this day no real evidence has been documented. The cloth that Jesus was supposed to be wrapped in... proven fake by carbon dating.
2008-09-01 09:07:12 UTC
Consider this

Mysteries In Science

The Young Age of the Earth

The Origin of Man by Dr. Duane Gish

The Origins of Life

Evolution: Challenge of the Fossil Record - Part 1 of 6

Skull Fossils - As Empty as the Evolutionary Theory

Neanderthals - Smarter Then We Thought

Dinosaurs: Those Terrible Lizards

Atheist's NightMare: Evolution

Our Solar System: Evidence For Creation
2008-08-29 00:31:17 UTC
Well, in my opinion, God created the world and used evolution as just one of many tools.

I am still waiting for an atheist to give me a reasonable explanation as to how the Big Bang created something as large and complex as the universe which is so exact that if you change one or two things, it would collapse back in on itself or be unable to support life, from nothing. At that, how can you create ANYTHING from NOTHING? It doesn't make sense unless it was done by God's hand.

Then if the universe were to form by chance from nothing, impossible as it is, they all fail to give any possible explanation as to how life formed. Then how did life know that it was supposed to evolve? It doesn't make sense to me. The atheist leaves to many unanswered questions for me to take them seriously.

It seems to me that, after doing the research on both sides of the issue, it takes a lot more faith to be an atheist than to be a Christian.
2008-08-29 00:28:53 UTC
They are not necessarily in conflict; one can believe in both (ask the Pope). But evolution is a proven fact, while god is not.
2008-08-29 00:25:11 UTC
Evolution has been backed up with several proof and 99.86% of the biologists on earth take Evolution as fact.

God is 'proven' by a big book called "The Bible".

Take your pick.
2008-08-29 00:25:57 UTC
i've been trying to figure this out for so long now. it's like half of me believes one thing and the other believes the opposite. i'm leaning towards evolution, more.

i really hope someone has a good explanation.
Mossflower Wood
2008-08-29 00:24:29 UTC
Evolution is fact.

Evolution does not disprove God, you can believe in both.
2008-08-29 00:30:29 UTC
there is no 'proof' of god

there are many facts that support evolution.

There is lots of evidence that goes against god

with that in mind, there is no real way to disprove either.
2008-08-29 00:24:24 UTC
Evolution has evidence, God does not.

Science=evidence, Religion=excuses.
2008-08-29 00:29:34 UTC
God...we can trust Him...He has Never lied unlike humans!!
2008-08-29 00:24:46 UTC
No proof for either. Sorry.

You could try praying to God then praying to evolution and see which brings you the most peace and answers.
ASL Terp
2008-08-29 00:25:28 UTC
go to
2008-08-29 00:24:06 UTC
... this questions is REAL original...not...
2008-08-29 00:29:13 UTC
GOD(YHVH) is real.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.