To those who believe Jesus is the only way, answer this please?
(C)hinaman ? (I)n ? (A)gony
2011-01-30 16:18:06 UTC
I am Christian, but I believe all roads lead to Rome, especially the Big Four-- Christianity, Islam, Confucianism, and Hinduism. If you believe Jesus is the only way, truth, and life, please answer the following without quoting the Bible:

1) If you come to China or Japan, do you want to be respected or viewed as a sinful barbarian, simply because you are not a Confucian ? (Confucianism is the predominant religion in this part of the world, although Hollywood says Buddhism is.)

2) When I was new in the US (I was NOT a Christian back then), most Americans were very nice to me. No body said:" So, you are not a Christian? I am going to keep an eye on you, and I'll call the corps if you make a sudden move." Why do you people on Yahoo Answers keep on saying all unbelievers will burn in hell ?

3) I think a contemporary Christian, such as I, should be open minded and read the Bible between the lines. Do you agree ?
Twelve answers:
2011-01-30 16:37:06 UTC
The problem is that what is claimed by Christianity is correct, but none of the adherents can explain correctly why. If you understood WHY Jesus made those claims, you would be ok with the claim, rather than just irritated, as you would appear to be.

Let me explain from a reality point of view, why Jesus was correct. Bear in mind this is not religious, its just the way the universe functions.

1. We are here in a material universe. We live about 80 years, and have some hard lessons to learn, which the majority do not learn, or learn very poorly. Fortunately there is another stage to the spiritual evolution of each of us.

2. After death we find ourselves in yet another material universe, but the Scientific Laws are totally different. There it should be easier to learn that love is the way, and indeed that is true. By a process of almost immediate personal feedback, folks learn, and universally choose love. Because this second Universe is also of the material, it and all its inhabitants CANNOT be eternal beings. But it does contain the "Paradise" that the Jews believe in, and it is, at its highest levels a perfect heaven peopled by perfected spirits. Of many different beliefs, even agnostic or atheistic.

3. But, there is another "Universe" beyond that one. An eternal non-material universe. And only one way to get there. Its very simple, but it remains a fact that there is only one way to transform yourself into an eternal and non-material being. It requires a belief in God, and a total commitment to His Will, and also requires quite a long process of transforming your soul WITH GOD'S HELP. This Jesus called rebirth by spirit. If you do not do this, you stay, for perhaps all eternity, at point 2 above. This was the position before Jesus came here, and it is still mostly the case, since no one understands what Jesus really preached. Some Hindu have found the way. And I am sure some others. Its not a religious thing, it just requires a total commitment to loving God for a long time, during which period He will slowly transform your soul. A fair number of spirits find the way, after they discover what their churches preached here did nothing for them, but back on Earth, very very few would understand, in spite of TWO recent Spiritual Revelations both in the last 100 years, both in English, both in the USA.

4. All roads may lead to Rome, but that is pretty useless if the eternal destination is Paris. But the parties are great in Rome, hence many folks are not bothered.

>>3) If there is another way to heaven then Christ died for nothing. The truth is that the same Christ who died to save me and you has commanded us to work to lead as many other people to Christ as we can, for that is the only way to God.<<

This is a typical comment but folks never think for a moment that heaven may be way more complex than they are taught. Even the Bible speaks of the Third Heaven, which is somewhat of a clue. But after death, they are forced to rethink the whole thing. Sadly some then abandon Christianity, which is not surprising.
2011-01-31 00:20:51 UTC
You can not call yourself a Christian while calling God a liar!

Jesus said that you can ONLY know God, through Him, Jesus Christ. He said that no man comes to the Father but by Him alone.

He said that “all men should honor the Son, even as they honor the Father. He that honors not the Son honors not the Father which hath sent him.”

When he prayed, he asked God to give him back the glory that he had before the world ever existed.

He said “I am the door to Life. If anybody tries to enter by any other means, he will be treated as a thief and a robber, and be sent to a place of outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth!”

Jesus said that He did ONLY what He saw His Father in heaven do. (No man has seen God at any time, yet Jesus SEES God and copies His behaviors, so Jesus must be something MORE than a mere man, since no MAN has seen God.) He KNEW God. He even said that He came from the very HEART of God, so He could say objectively, "When you've seen ME, you've seen the Father."

Furthermore, Jesus said "I am Truth." Was Jesus telling the truth when He said that? Or was He a liar?

Jesus also said "I am Life", and again, "I am the bread of Life that has come down from My Father in heaven to give Life.", and again, "I am the water of life. Whoever is thirsty, come to me, and out of his inner-most being shall flow rivers of living waters", and finally, "I am the Resurrection and the Life. If any man believes in me, though he may die, yet shall he live again."

He said "There is none good but God", then he told somebody else "I am good (or I am the good shepherd)" thus claiming to be God!

He said, "You already believe in God, now believe also in me."

In his famous book Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis makes this observation, "A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic - on the level with a man who says he is a poached egg - or he would be the devil of hell. You must take your choice. Either this was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us."
2011-01-31 00:37:23 UTC
My identity and self worth is not dependent upon other people, not matter where they live, but on a relationship with the glorious Son of God. As should yours. We, as Christians, don't make up beliefs just because they appeal to us. We believe what the Bible teaches. Now, aside from the fact that many have not studied enough to know truth, the Bible and the Bible alone is our only rule for life and

faith. So, to not ask for Bible quotes is a serious error on your part. It is the bed rock of our belief system. But, as you wish, without quotes. Jesus Christ is the different from anyone else who has ever lived. He is fully God and fully man. He not only lived for me, but he died for me (and all His people) He is the full and final revelation of the Father, the very WORD of God. Without quoting scripture, let me remind you of the transfiguration and what happened when the apostles equated Jesus to Moses. The Father responded immediately to that outrage. Final point. Christianity is the only religion based on faith and not works. You are only showing ignorance by equating these other religions with the true faith. No other religion has Jesus. No other has the God-Man who not only died, but was raised to new life. Consider carefully what you believe and then compare your beliefs to solid biblical teaching. Humble yourself before Him and make all your thoughts captive to Him
Khalil Ullah
2011-01-31 01:10:46 UTC
1) We all want to be respected and yet be told when the bridge is broken even when we plan to cross it for the dream vacation. 2) Have you read the Bible? It is a fact of life that we will all die unless raptured first. Only in Jesus God came in the flesh, died, and rose again. Christianity is unique because Jesus takes away the sins of the world. He already put the ticket to His Home the Heaven in everyone's hand. All it takes to leave Hell behind is to accept Him. Salvation is a gift of God, by Grace, and cannot be earned. 3) Yes, know the real purpose of the Bible and you will find that Jesus is the only salvation now that He has come.

Have you carefully read the Bible, Quran, Analects of Confucius & DaoDeJing, and Vedas/Upanishads? If you do, you will find out that all roads of salvation lead to Jesus. Magi of Eastern religions worshiped Jesus. Jesus Himself proclaims that He has religious followers not of Judaism that He is bringing together (John 10:16). Jesus vision is “On earth peace, goodwill toward men” (Luke 2:14, NKJV).

Confucius worshiped Dao (the Way), also known as ShangDi. The ancient character ShangDi symbolizes God on a tree, as can be seen in the cover pages of “God’s Promise To The Chinese” and “Highway To Your Immortality.” Buddha Gautama worshiped Dhamma (the Truth) as in the scripture Dhamma-pada. "Only those who live under Dhamma will reach the place beyond death" (Dhamma-pada VI:86). While there are many Buddha’s, there is only one Supreme Buddha, Dhamma Himself. Jesus is the only person proclaiming Himself as Dhamma and Dao (John 14:6).

According to Hindu scriptures, “The only way to immortality is to know Purusa. There is no other way to immortality” (Svetasvatara Upanisad 3:8, Yajur Veda 31:18). Purusa means the Person in English. Purusa is the Supreme God Prajapati, who created the universe and yet was sacrificed (Rg Veda 10:90:6, Svetasvatara Upanisad 3:11-12, 15, 4:2, Mundaka Upanisad 1:2). Jesus is God In Person.

The Quran proclaims that salvation is only through the Grace of God (Rahmanullah or Allah Ar-Rahman). “None shall have the power of intercession, but such a one as has received permission (or promise) from Ar-Rahman” (Quran 19:87). See also 17:110 25:59-60, 20:108-109, 19:18-21. The Quran calls out Ar-Rahman most in Quran chapter 19 titled “Mary” the mother of Jesus.

The Bible proclaims that we are saved by Rahman (Grace) through Jesus, not by our own works but as a gift, and transformed by Rahim (Mercy) through the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:4-8 NKJV, Eph 2:7-8). Truth and Rahman came through Jesus (John 1:17). Jesus is Ar-Rahman, and the Holy Spirit is Ar-Rahim. The Quran agrees with the Bible that intercession or salvation comes only through Jesus Ar-Rahman. We pray in the name of one Allah: the Father, the Most Gracious Son Jesus, and the Most Merciful Holy Spirit. Thus, according to the Quran and the Bible, salvation is only through Jesus.

Historically “This formula – Bimillahi rrahmani rraheem – is of Jewish origin. It was in the first instance taught to the Koreish by Omayah of Taief the poet (one of the Hanyfs, Sprenger, i.76) who was a contemporary with, but somewhat older than, Muhammad, and who, during his mercantile journeys into Arabia Petraea and Syria, had made himself acquainted with the sacred books and doctrines of Jews and Christians (Kitab al-Aghani, 16, Delhi). Muhammad adopted and constantly used it, and it is prefixed to each Sura except the ninth” (1876 J.M.Rodwell “The Koran”). Syriac Christians at the time of Muhammad called Jesus as Rahmana (1902 H. Hirschfeld “New Researches into the Composition and Exegesis of the Quran).

Thus, if all these religions really teach the scriptures instead of against the scriptures, followers will come to Jesus. To focus on China, read Ethel Nelson's book. Don Richardson's "Eternity In Their Hearts" shows how native religions of the world point to Jesus. Always verify the verses yourself.

Share the Good News to the world, and save the world, starting with your neighbors.
2011-01-31 00:32:55 UTC
So why be Christian if this is so. And this makes God not constant and that would make all things wrong. You need to seek Jesus and pray for knowledge. So you can see Jesus is the only way to God and heaven.

bless you.

All these religions go against one another, this would make God go against what he says and this can not be so. Ask anyone in these religions this and they will tell you only one can be right.

Seems by luck you found it though.
mark h
2011-01-31 00:34:58 UTC
1) If that is there culture, I cannot help that, for me it is enough to know I am not what they think I am. In addition I would say that it is not the Christian way to think of non-Christians in this manner. Christians guided by the Great Commission are motivated to work for the benefit of those who do not know Christ, not to demean them.

2) One thing has nothing to do with the other. As a Christian motivated by the Great Commission, I and working for the benefit of those who I fear are going to hell. I do not want to be mean to them or separate myself from them, out of love I try to influence them to save them from hell.

3) If there is another way to heaven then Christ died for nothing. The truth is that the same Christ who died to save me and you has commanded us to work to lead as many other people to Christ as we can, for that is the only way to God.

Hope that helps.
robert p
2011-01-31 02:34:03 UTC
John 14:6 (King James Version)

6Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
2011-01-31 00:21:40 UTC
the Bible is the literal truth of our Lord and it says in its words that the only way to Heaven and the Father is through Jesus his only begotten son and no other way
2011-01-31 00:24:36 UTC
When I read between the lines i only see blank paper.
2011-01-31 00:19:44 UTC
You're way outnumbered on that one. Jesus was quoted as saying "They that believe it not shall be damned." In other words, every body else can go to hell.

My own view is that Jesus was perhaps a weenie.

2011-02-02 00:57:53 UTC
China allows you have your religion.

Religions’ history in China

In ancient China, there were not religions, people from different groups worshipped different totems. Human Beings only believed in one God and kings were chosen by God to lead all people.

Taoism had grown to a religion since Late East Han Dynasty. After late East Han Dynasty, Buddhism came to China. Islam came to China since Yuan Dynasty. After Ming Dynasty, some people started to believe in Christian.

Many groups in ancient China chose bird as their totem. Such as: people in Shandong Peninsula before Zhou Dynasty; And Shan Dynasty ("God Orders Xuan Bird to Give Birth to Shang" (Shi Jing))

From bird, ancient China started to worship Chinese phoenix/phoenix, queen/king of all birds, it was a symbol of good luck.

But later Dragon worship had grown to the most important role, and even to a totem of whole China. Emperors of China called themselves: “Son of God, The Real Dragon”. The dragon became a symbol of power, strength, and good luck.

From Bible, we also know that Dragon was Son of God. Satan was an angel in the Heaven; He could roam through the earth and go back and forth in it.” (Job 1-7).

But Satan turned himself to a bad one. (Revelation 12:7 And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. …9 He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.)

The war happened during West Han Dynasty (206BC-9AC), After Satan and his angels were cast down from heaven, God sent Jesus Christ to the earth to fight against Satan and save the humanity. Jesus Christ had seen Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Luke 10:18 Jesus sent out the 72 and told them “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven”..

Satan was a deceiver. For an example, when Liu Bang (First Emperor of Han Dynasty) was born; Satan deceived mankind for pretending to be the God.

God could not let mankind in China always worship dragon as their God. But since last century many countries who believed in Jesus Christ had been attacking China, it was hard to let mankind in China to believe the religion which it’s believers were doing evils. God chose Mao Ze Dong to be leader of Chinese Communist Party to win wars in China and destroy all religions in China. God prepared mankind in China to wait for the right religion.
2011-01-31 00:20:14 UTC
when you read between the lines don't neglect what's in the lines

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.