A Christian Opinion Please!?
*~Ariel Brigalow Moondust~*
2007-11-11 17:09:19 UTC
I have another Question regarding the bible.I am a Pagan but mean you no disrespect.
I am simply wanting a Christian view on this.
OK~ Armegeddon.....God will put an end to the existance of anyone who has not accepted him and his supposed word ..the bible...right?
God is in many ways our Parent right?
So I am a parent and i can not ever accept that a perfect parent, such as the creator of this world, would ever get fed up with their child and turn their backs on them.
My children may grow to lead lives that i disaprove of and do things i abhor....but i know that i will never give up on them.
They might reject me and go to live with their bioligical father who is a deadbeat dad in every sense of the word and begin to live their lives according to his standards( which are appalling)~ but still i would never reject them as completely as the bible states God will do.
But in Revelations it states there will come a day when the God from the bible will do just that...
Your thoughts on this?
Nineteen answers:
2007-11-11 17:19:00 UTC
I am a christian and I have had the same thoughts as you. I've asked some of my family and I believe that if a "God" did love us as much as the bible state, what possible reason would he have to "damn" us anywhere? This probably isn't the answer you're looking for but it's the best I have. I haven't quite figured it out. I haven't even figured out if I want to stay christian, I really didn't have a choice and freedom is about choice. So you may, or may not take this as a good answer.
Dennis James
2007-11-11 17:24:46 UTC
God's desire for people to know Him. And to truly know Him is to love Him and our fellow brothers and sisters around us. We are to even love our enemies. God wants nothing more to have people turn to Him and seek the things that are of love and forgiveness. These are the ways of God. The death of Jesus for all man kinds sin is the ultimate sacrifice. Could imagine if your child gave up his life willingly to suffer a horrible death so others may share in a place like heave (something wonderful) and when you saw your child take the beaten and suffering that Jesus took. Only to have people say that is a nice story but no thanks or to mock what your son did. Would you still give them such a wonderful gift as the Lord is freely offering everyone, the ability to receive forgiveness of all their past sins and to live totally free from a spiritual death.

BETTER YET, would you lwant to live forever with great gifts and wealth and know that you were surrounded by love for eternity and never have to face death. you would not grow old and feel the affects of pain again. No one would hurt you and there was no temptation to sin because sin did not exist. Would you want such a gift and would you want to know the truth about how to sign up? It is the gift that God gave us and to say ," All I have to do is accept what Christ did on the cross and be a good person according to the bible and not the ways of the world." I would say I am a good person anyway so where do I sign. It is in your heart and through prayer. SORRY SO LONG
2007-11-11 18:00:39 UTC
God does not want any one to perish- how do I know this? Because He sent His Son, Jesus, into the world to pay the price that we could never pay. God is Holy and we all deserve eternal separation from Him. However because He didn't want to abandon us to the grave- He gave up His son- Jesus hung on the cross and shed His innocent blood so that we can live with Him. If God wanted to reject us , He would have rejected us all. Earthly parents are not holy, even the best of them- and we are not God either- God is almighty, Holy, and loving- if He gave us what we deserve, Jesus would never of died, and we all would be in hell, . The cross is proof of His love for His children. We choose where we go- because of the Cross we do have a choice- what a merciful God we have!
2007-11-11 18:04:30 UTC
Since you kindly and respectfully asked for a "Christian opinion" I will respectfully and as tactfully as possible, share my Christian opinion.

For the most part, I agree with what you say. A parent will tolerate much from the child they love and never turn their back on their child. I too am a parent and have learned to accept the differences I have with my adult children.

Where you and I would disagree is where you seem to want God to be that way. You don't think God of the Bible is like that and therefore God is wrong. (If I understand the thoughts you shared, and I think I do) God is exactly like that with His children! He never turns His back on those who are truly His children. But not every person is His child. You used the Bible to make your case, so I will do the same to show you that to be a child of the God of the Bible, it is conditional.

"Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—"

John 1:12

We must chose to become His child, we are not born that way. Our "Parent" is the mother or father we have on this earth. To be a child of God requires we come to God on His terms.

Those who don't, in the end will have it their way, they will be forever separted from a relationship with God.

That is my Christian opinion, the one you asked for.
2007-11-11 17:19:23 UTC
I cannot accept this either. Just like I can't accept the fact that God would place a tree in the Garden of Eden and tell Adam and Eve thay can eat of anything but this tree, and not only expect them not to get curious (when he has made them himself with this craving), but also not already know that this is what will happen. I realize the fallacy in people's interpretation of God's word, and it being passed down orally for generation before being written. Some Christians feel the Bible contains God's word, but you need to apply what you know about God (in your heart) to what may be parables and misguided interpretation. Some will feel I'm a heretic. I appreciate your consideration of my views, however. I don't believe in hell, I believe in spending eternity in the presence of God, or not.
2007-11-11 23:07:59 UTC
GOD = male , and you know what a male is = BEAST in which is not a man. A beast such as a LION in a documentary , with a bad kind of the sixth-sense , will kills their off-springs in at some of the times. Then , when the expected GOD ( male ) turns again for to be a human , well hah , what will you expected out of HIM.
Fish <><
2007-11-11 17:17:01 UTC
If you had the same holy standards as God, you would not accept any behavior short of holiness. Realizing that man chose sin, God provided a way out through Jesus. If you reject this way, then you reject God. He does love you and will love you all the way to hell. But you have a choice to redeem yourself through Christ.
2007-11-11 17:20:10 UTC
Even a parent who would never turn their back on their own child, cannot stop that child from turning its back on the parent. God will never turn His back on any one. Only you can choose to turn your back on Him. God gives us every opportunity to follow Him and His word, but if some one continually turns their back on Him, that is their doing. Can a human parent stop their child going to jail for things they have done that the parent doesn't approve of. The child made that decision, not the parent. It may break the parents heart, but the child ask for a jail sentence because of disobedience.
2007-11-11 17:56:42 UTC
You have it a little twisted here. It is not God who will give up on anybody, but those people who will give up on God.

If we take your analogy a little further, let's say your children follow after a debased way of life. And their actions eventually lead them to do something that will take their lives. Though you give them lots and lots of warning that they are headed for terrible things, if they do not listen to you, it is not YOU who sends them to their destruction, but themselves.

It is the same with God. He has been warning us of a destructive lifestyle that will take our lives if we do not change. For those who listen to God, change their lifestyle to one of wholesome, healthy, happy and prosperous living, they will be safe from the destruction that is coming. Everyone else will be destroyed with the destruction of the universe.

Ezekiel 33:11 -- Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?
2007-11-11 17:15:40 UTC
The whole thing is that God who is merciful is also just. It is his mercy that holds off his just judgement, but that will not be forever. The other point is that people choose to rebel against God. We all have a free will to live as God designed us (in imitation of his love), or we can say no to that and suffer the consequences. It's our choice.
2007-11-11 17:31:46 UTC
The Bible makes it plain that whereas God created all things, including mankind, He does not reckon all mankind among His children:

Jesus said this to those who opposed Him and His Father's purpose for Him:

"You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." (John 8:44)

That this designation as children of the devil was not unique to those Jesus addressed is clear from Paul, who in writing to believers stated that they, as well as he were also formerly of this class - that is, children of the devil:

"As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature objects of wrath..."

Ephesians 2:1-3

The phrase here "by nature" is from a Greek term that in other places is rendered "by birth".

That is why Jesus Christ said:

"You MUST be born again..."

Ask your self this -

If you were a loving parent, and it was in your power to prevent - would you let your children die?

Yet it is manifest that all men die.

The hope of the Gospel is that there will surely be a resurrection from the dead - both for the good and the evil.
2007-11-11 17:23:20 UTC
Very interesting question. But you see, it's not just rejecting, but total abandonement. And God gives you the choice to accept him or reject him. If you accept him, you will be rewarded, but to deny him, you set your own path.
paula r
2007-11-11 17:18:29 UTC
You have it backward. God never rejects us, we reject him. If your child were disobedient .You would punish them even if they said "Oh, sorry". Right? It's the same w/ God. He never rejects us we walk away from Him.
2007-11-11 17:13:34 UTC
To think that you can reason or to understand God is inappropriate. Your comparison of God as a parent does not fully explain who God is, because clearly he is much more complex than that simple analogy.
Horton Heard You!
2007-11-11 17:16:16 UTC
You fail to grasp the distinction between Creator and creature. That is where your analogy falters.
Lady Morgana
2007-11-11 21:08:31 UTC
you got some interesting responses, sister Witch.


Lady Morgana

ps, is that guy Mooosemose's answer like the longest one on record? wow...
BaC Helen
2007-11-11 17:13:15 UTC
God always keeps His promises. You need to make the decision, very important one.
2007-11-11 17:20:22 UTC
Love the question... will return to see more answers. Very thought-provoking. Thanks.
2007-11-11 17:28:04 UTC
As Ur Q. indicates a different "Frame of Reference" I am enclosing some "Background Data" to help U understand the A.! I know it's long. but U also have some incorrect ideas on the "Final Battle" that is the second Doctrine. Enjoy! John


A. There are three major characteristics of the attributes of God. The

attributes of God are eternal, functional, and directional. We can

illustrate these characteristics of the attributes of God using the

attribute of divine love.

1. The attributes of God are eternal.

a. There never was a time when each member of the Trinity did not

possess all of the divine attributes.

b. Divine love is one of the eternal attributes of God.

(1) Divine love is a part of divine integrity. Divine love

is one of three divine attributes found in the integrity of God.

(2) The love of God therefore must be compatible with the

absolute attributes of divine essence, and it is.

(3) Because God is absolute righteousness (perfect virtue

and integrity), His divine love is totally devoid of any sin, any human

good, altruism, or a source of any human reaction like bitterness, guilt,

fear, or other sins of emotion.

(4) Since God is perfect and eternal love, He does not fall

in love. Nor can God's love be patronized by human works or compromised by

any form of legalism or Christian activism.

(5) God's love cannot be complicated by ignorance or

absurdities, silliness or emotion. The spiritual life is thinking doctrine.

(6) Since divine love is a part of the integrity of God, it

functions in compatibility with divine righteousness and justice. Therefore

God's love is infinitely greater than we can imagine or think, because it is

based on God's righteousness and justice.

(7) No matter what happens to the believer in time from the

function of his self-determination, whether good or bad decisions, there is

no greater security than the personal love of God for each one of us. God's

love did the most for us in salvation. If God's love did the most for us in

salvation, it can now do only more than the most. Therefore, His love keeps

us forever.

2. The attributes of God are functional. The attributes of God

function in action. Function is the action of the divine attributes.

Functional means action or capacity for operation; the kind of action or

activity of the love of God. Capacity and capability of operation of the

love of God is what is meant by functional. The attributes of God are

functional under three subcategories.

a. The function of the love of God is personal toward each member

of the Godhead. The action of divine love functions in personal love toward

the other members of the Trinity. Personal love in God is His attitude

toward perfect righteousness in the other members of the Trinity and toward

every creature having the imputed righteousness of God.

b. The function of the love of God is also impersonal toward all

creatures without perfect righteousness. Jn 3:16, "For God loved the world

so much that He gave His uniquely-born Son, that anyone who believes in Him

shall never perish but have eternal life."

c. The function of the love of God is also personal toward

Himself in divine self-esteem. God loves His own righteousness and always

has. This is the basis for spiritual self-esteem in the unique spiritual

life of the Church Age. Divine self-esteem requires divine love as the

subject and divine righteousness as the object. As you grow in grace you

develop the only self-esteem which counts--the self-esteem based on humility

or spiritual self-esteem.

3. The attributes of God are directional. Direction is the object of

the divine attributes. The attributes of God must have a direction toward

which they function. Anything that functions should have a direction. When

the attributes of God function, they must do so in a direction. Direction

is the result of the function of God's attributes. Direction also has three

subcategories: the point of responsibility, the point of contact, and the

point of reference. The doctrine of divine impersonal love is part of the

functional category of the divine attribute and not part of the directional

category of divine attributes.

a. The point of responsibility in the attributes of God is the

righteousness of God directed toward all sins of the human race.

Responsibility denotes something within one's power to control. The

integrity of God has the eternal capacity expressed in the righteousness of

God in eternity past to know the knowable, including sin, and to program one

PROM chip in the computer of divine decrees with all human sins of both

cognizance and ignorance, along with the act of volition in every case that

produces the sin. God the Father had the responsibility of knowing all sins

of human history and programming them into the divine decrees and then

imputing them to Christ on the Cross. Jesus Christ took the responsibility

to do something about those sins. He made four decisions in eternity past:

unlimited substitutionary atonement (He had to become true humanity),

propitiation, reconciliation, and redemption.

b. The point of contact in the attributes of God is the justice

of God toward the unbeliever in salvation and toward the spiritual believer

in divine blessing and toward the carnal believer in divine discipline.

Contact with the unbeliever is our Lord's substitutionary atonement on the

Cross, by which spiritually dead mankind entered into association with God

through faith alone in Christ alone. The justice of God did something about

judging our sins on the Cross, so that the point of contact for the

unbeliever is faith alone in Christ alone. The filling of the Spirit is the

basic function of the spiritual life which follows salvation. The justice

of God administers to the carnal believer family punishment for grieving and

quenching the Holy Spirit. Heb 12:6, "Whom the Lord loves, He punishes, and

He skins alive with a whip every son whom He receives." Punishment comes

from the justice of God as our point of contact but the love of God is our

point of reference after rebound. You are being loved by God when you are

being punished by God.

c. The point of reference in the attributes of God for the unique

spiritual life of the Church Age is the love of God. Reference means to

direct attention to something important, something of personal interest.

Reference means recourse for the purpose of information. Reference means to

endorse a person or course of action. The point of reference from the love

of God directs attention to something important--the postsalvation spiritual

life of the Church Age believer. The point of reference from the love of

God provides something of personal interest--New Testament Bible doctrine.

Point of reference means recourse or access to the infallible word of God

from accurate Bible teaching for the purpose of information about the unique

spiritual life of the Church Age. The point of reference endorses a course

of action related to virtue-love and metabolization of Bible doctrine. The

point of reference is the love of God, the sponsorer of the greatest life

that ever existed. Since the love of God is the point of reference for the

postsalvation spiritual life, it is imperative that the love of God be

involved in our punishment when we are carnal. Whether we are carnal or

spiritual God's personal love for us does not change.


A. Spirituality: God's Life and Personality.

1. The true theistic concept of the universe is that the universe is

composed of material and immaterial, having its source from God.

2. Matter is material, but God is immaterial, Jn 4:24, in contrast to

all living creatures who are both material and immaterial, 2 Cor 4:7, 16.

3. Spirituality implies life. God is life, Jer 10:10; 1 Thes 1:9.

God does not possess life as we do, but He is life, He lives. All life is

from Him, but not of Him (as pantheism claims). God's life is eternal life,

having no beginning and no end. God is eternal. Technically we have

everlasting life.

4. The eternal life of God is imparted through Jesus Christ to all who

believe in Him (Christ). Jn 3:36, 16, 5:24, 10:10, 14:6, 20:31; 1 Jn


5. God is a person, Ex 3:14. personality connotes both self-

consciousness and self-determination (God has a plan).

6. God recognizes Himself to be a person and as such He always acts

rationally and logically.

7. Animals are conscious but not self-conscious. They have

determination, but not self-determination.

8. Man is a person possessing to a limited degree self-consciousness

and self-determination. But God is infinite personality with infinite

self-consciousness and self-determination.

9. His absolute will and perfection characterize His motivation,

design and execution of all that He does, Eph 1:9, 11.

10. God is to an absolute degree all that constitutes personality. He

is Himself. He knows Himself to be beyond comparison with any other being.

He has perfect, eternal personality.

B. Infinity: Self-existence, Immutability, Unity.

1. God invented space and time and exists outside of these. By

infinity is meant that God is without boundary or limitation. These, united

with His perfection, are part of His character.

2. God can't tempt, be tempted, or sin.

3. God cannot be complicated with ignorance, absurdities or fantasies.

God doesn't care for emotion.

4. Though God may be self-limited as in the case of the incarnate

Christ in the Hypostatic Union under kenosis, His infinity is intensive

rather than extensive. [God's personality is infinite and omnipresent but

not in everything (extensive), as says pantheism].

5. God has infinite energy and power, Ps 8:3.

6. Infinity characterizes all that God does: His integrity, love,


7. The divine motive is for His own pleasure and glory, but not His

own self-praise. God recognizes His glory and claims it in the interest of

absolute truth. Creatures are designed for His glorification. God's glory

is the sum total of His attributes.

8. Because of this fact all things exist Ex 33:18; Ps 19:1; Isa 6:3;

Mt 6:13; Acts 7:2; Rom 1:23, 9:23; Heb 1:3; 1 Pet 4:14. God's glory was

before all creation, Jn 17:5.

9. Infinity involves three characteristics: self-existence,

immutability, and unity or consistency.

a. Self-existence. God exists eternally unsustained by Himself

or by any other source. God can't be better or worse because of His

character. JHWH means "self-existing One." God's existence is unalterable.

God is the cause of all existence outside of Himself but there is no cause

for Himself.

b. Immutability. God is unchanging. He cannot change, cannot be

better or worse than He is. The problem is that anthropomorphic

representations of God in the Bible are misunderstood. They really

represent the perfect attitude of God toward variations in man or history in

human language, so that man can understand God's policy. God doesn't hate,

get angry, change His mind, have hands or eyes. When man changes God seems

to change, but in reality God is remaining consistent with His own essence.

This can be illustrated by a weather vane, which changes direction depending

on the direction of the wind, yet it is still a weather vane. Immutability

is consistent with God's freedom and His ceaseless activity. God is free to

do anything according to His own essence. Therefore, salvation is not God's

second best, but a part of His eternal purpose.

c. Unity. This means that all of the attributes of God are

consistent with each other and there is never a compromise. When God

blesses us His unity is not destroyed. "JHWH our Elohim is one JHWH," Deut

6:4. There is one perfect, infinite absolute Spirit, says Isa 44:6; Jn

5:44, 17:3; 1 Cor 8:4; 1 Tim 1:17. Unity applies only to divine essence,

not to the persons of the Trinity. Your relationship with God is secure

because it is based on God's consistency.

C. Perfection: Truth, Love, Integrity. The intellect, character and

affections of God are perfect. Divine perfection involves His truth, love,

and integrity, which is perfect righteousness and justice.

1. Truth. This is not merely veracity toward other persons, but God

is true to Himself, His own essence, His character. Man says, "I speak the

truth," but God says, "I am the truth," Jn 14:6. God does not hold the

truth as being acquired. He is the truth from eternity past. In God every

truth in every form of knowledge dwells in absoluteness. This accounts for

the dogmatism of the Word of God. This attribute guarantees the genuineness

of divine revelation, Deut 32:4; 1 Jn 5:20; Jn 6:32, 15:1; Heb 8:2. Bible

doctrine, or truth, is the expression of His integrity. God's truth is

directed toward Himself and revealed to us. God is never unfaithful to


2. Love. God is motivated by His love. Love is His problem solving

device. Like all of divine attributes, love belongs to God's being. God is

and always was love regardless of having an object to love. This is perfect

love whether there is an occasion to bestow it or not, 1 Jn 4:8.

Subjectively God loves His own integrity; objectively He loves the other

members of the Trinity. God can only love God or another being with perfect


3. Integrity. God is absolute integrity from all eternity past, Ex

15:11, 19:10-16; Isa 6:3. Man's relationship to God comes on the basis of

His justice. We must adjust to the justice of God. This integrity is

required of men, 2 Cor 7:1; 1 Thes 3:13, 4:7. God's integrity is maintained

by His will. It is part of His unchangeable self. It includes perfect

righteousness and justice, which is His perfection.


A. There are three categories of relative attributes:

1. Those related to time and space - eternity and immensity.

2. Those related to creation - omnipresence, omniscience, and


3. Those related to moral beings - veracity and faithfulness, mercy

and goodness, and righteousness and justice.

B. Relative Attributes Related to Time and Space.

1. Eternity.

a. Eternity applied to God means He has always existed and always

will exist. He has always existed totally apart from time.

b. God is not subject to time, because He is the cause of time,

Deut 32:40; Ps 90:2, 102:27; 1 Cor 2:7; Eph 1:4; 1 Tim 1:17.

c. Both time and space, though without substance, are both

objects of His creation.

d. God is not in time but time is in God; He is the origin of


e. God transcends all creation including time, therefore, has

always existed.

f. God is logical, therefore, He does not need to be

chronological as we do, Rom 4:17.

g. Time, which is finite, has both succession and duration.

h. Eternity, which is infinite, has duration only. Time is a

line of procedure, while eternity is a circle reaching into infinity.

2. Immensity.

a. God is not subject to space. Like time, God created,

invented, and caused space to exist. Rom 8:29.

b. God cannot be more or less than what He is.

c. In relation to space God is both imminent (in space) and

transcendent (outside of space).

d. Omnipresence is the term descriptive of space in relationship

to God. Immensity is the term descriptive of God's relationship to space.

e. Since God is the creator of space, if space were defined in

boundaries, God would exceed those boundaries to infinity.

C. Relative Attributes Related to Creation.

1. Omnipresence.

a. God is personally present everywhere. The whole of God is in

every place.

b. This is not pantheism, since it denies the person of God.

c. God, in the total of His essence, is without diffusion,

expansion, multiplication, or division, and penetrates and fills the

universe, Ps 139:7-8; Jer 23:23-24; Acts 17:27.

d. God is also free to be local, as in the mountain with Moses,

or in the Holy of Holies above the mercy seat. He is free to become flesh

and dwell among us, Jn 1:14.

2. Omniscience.

a. God is all wise. He knows perfectly and eternally all that is

knowable, whether actual or possible. Ps 33:13-15, 139:2, 147:4; Mt 6:8,

10:29-30; Heb 4:3; Acts 15:8; Mal 3:16; Isa 46:9-10, 44:28.

b. There are three factors of divine knowledge:

(1) It is eternal, Acts 15:18.

(2) It is incomprehensible, Rom 11:33.

(3) It is wise, Eph 3:10.

c. Every detail of creation and history is in God's mind at all


d. Therefore the future is as perspicuous to God as the past.

e. God foreknows the future. Since events take place according

to His councils, He foreknows. But God's foreknowledge is not

predetermination! He knows but doesn't interfere with your volition.

f. God foreknows the functions of every free will. He foreknows

what will be the choice of other beings.

g. Likewise He may determine their choice by gracious influence

through Bible doctrine, but He doesn't coerce.

h. God's knowledge is not subject to development, reasoning,

regretting, foreboding, or depression.

3. Omnipotence.

a. God is all powerful, infinitely able to do all things which

are the objects of His power within the range of His holy character or

essence. However, He will not make right wrong, nor will He act foolishly,

Isa 44:24; 2 Cor 4:6; Eph 1:19-21, 3:20; Heb 1:3. He will not abuse His

power and compromise His justice.

b. If God is limited at any time it is because of a

self-limitation consistent with His own essence. God can do all He wills to

do, but He may not will to do all He can.

D. Relative Attributes Related to Moral Beings.

1. Veracity and Faithfulness.

a. God is infinite perfection in truth and faithfulness. God's

truth is expressed to us in Bible doctrine.

b. God honors doctrine in the soul of the believer with spiritual

growth and blessing.

c. God provides divine logistical support to the believer during

his life regardless of how good or bad he is.

2. Mercy and Goodness.

a. Mercy is grace in action. Mercy is infinite love in action

toward the objects of divine affection, the expression of divine personal

love toward the believer.

b. God's judgments are perfect, demanding perfect righteousness.

So God is not only absolute good in contrast to the policy of Satan which is

evil, but He is also justice and righteousness.

3. Justice and Righteousness.

a. This is infinite integrity acting toward others. God's

perfect righteousness is perfect, therefore demands perfect righteousness.

His judgments are perfect, therefore demanding perfection. Perfect

righteousness demands Bible doctrine in the soul to understand His essence.

b. Justice administers the penalty which righteousness demands.

c. In perfect righteousness the divine love for integrity is

revealed. In perfect righteousness divine love exists, but in justice

divine love is expressed.

d. In justice the divine hatred for sin is revealed. Justice

demands justice.

e. In the function of the essence of God divine perfect

righteousness and justice always precede divine love. God cannot love

personally that which is not perfect.

f. God is not arbitrary in any way. Integrity demands integrity.

perfect righteousness demands perfect righteousness. Justice demands

justice. God's nature cannot change, we must change. He must demand

integrity and punish both sin and evil as long as He is what He is.

g. His penalties are not vindictive, but vindicating to His

essence and person. With unchangeable sin and evil there is unchangeable

condemnation and judgment. But in grace God provided through salvation all

that He demands. And through Bible doctrine and the rebound technique, sin

is handled for the believer.

h. In relation to Himself, His personality and spirituality are

supreme. But in relation to man, His integrity is supreme.

E. Other Characteristics of God.

1. The freedom of God. God must be consistent with Himself. He

cannot compromise His essence. The incarnation was the only way the free

will of God could provide salvation for mankind.

2. The affection of God. These are anthropopathisms. God repents,

Gen 6:6; loves and hates, Rom 9:13; gets angry, Rom 1:18; has scorn, Ps 2:4;

has benevolence, Rom 8:32; has compassion, Lam 3:33. God is absolutely happy

in Himself with absolute freedom from fear, anxiety, regret, foreboding, or


3. The authority of God.

a. God's absolute authority is over possible things and actual


b. Over possible things God is sovereign in that He leaves them

as only possible and not actual, or has destined them to be yet future.

c. In this realm He renders no account to others but acts in

conformity with His own perfect character. God isn't responsible to anyone.

d. In relation to existing things God is the final and absolute

authority, Ps 145:14; Mt 20:15; 1 Tim 6:15.

e. The authority of God over creatures rests upon three facts:

(1) Because God is the creator. This authority extends to

every creature and to all things. However, it is restricted by His own

perfection. The right to save or punish belongs to God, but He restricts it

by His own essence. The right to discipline or reward the believer belongs

to God but is restricted by His own essence. God is compelled to discipline

the reversionist under the influence of evil, just as He is compelled to

reward and bless the believer with maximum Bible doctrine in the soul. This

is consistent with His own essence and plan. The creator's absolute and

sovereign ownership of all things is contrasted with secondary rights which

men recognize within the sphere of their own relationship. That is, the

cattle, gold, silver all belong to God, Ps 50:10, even though men recognize

among themselves the private ownership of property. This authority of God

rests on His infinite perfection.

(2) Because of redemption. God has purchased us; we are

bought with a price.

(3) Because of Bible doctrine. The authority of God is

related to the amount of Bible doctrine in your soul. God's authority is

paramount with the mature believer. The more metabolized doctrine you

possess, the more authority God has over you.

F. God's Essence Box.






G. Summary of Divine Justice.

1. God is fair; it is impossible for God to be unfair.

2. Justice administers the penalty which perfect righteousness

demands. Perfect righteousness and justice always go together, Deut 32:4; 2

Chr 19:7; Job 37:23; Ps 19:9, 50:6, 58:11, 89:14; Isa 45:21; Rom 3:26, 12:3;

Heb 10:30-31.

3. Divine justice is portrayed in salvation. And the issue in

salvation is divine justice accepted or rejected.

4. You get divine justice sooner or later. You get it sooner by

believing in Christ. You get it later by the lake of fire.

5. Sin is not the issue in salvation, justice is. Because of

propitiation, God is now free to pardon and justify sinful humanity who

appropriates the saving grace of God by faith in Christ. God is free to

save those who believe because of His justice.

6. The basis for the unbeliever's indictment at the Last Judgment is

evil and human good, not sin, Rev 20:12-15. Evil produces more good than

sin. Evil is Satan's policy. Justice prevailed at the cross and will again

prevail at the Last Judgment.


A. Introduction.

1. The time of the Tribulation. Mt 24:21-22, "For then

there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since

the beginning of the world until now, nor ever shall be. Unless

these days had been cut short, no life would have been delivered;

but for the sake of the elect those days shall be cut short."

There will be no believers on the earth. The Church will have

already received their resurrection bodies. Nothing that happens

in the Church Age can compare to what will happen in the


2. Part of the Abrahamic covenant says that no one who

attacks the Jew will ever get away with it. Anyone who attacks

the Jew will be punished severely.

3. Jesus Christ prophesied concerning the Tribulation in

the Olivet Discourse.

4. The Tribulation is also mentioned by Daniel in a

slightly different form.

5. Jer 30:4-7 speaks of the Tribulation as the time of

Jacob's trouble.

6. Rev 12:1-4 compares the Tribulation to birth pains of

the woman.

7. Ezek 20:34-38 refers to a time when Israel shall pass

under the rod. This will be the greatest misery Israel will ever


8. The Tribulation is also represented as the melting pot,

where Israel will be refined as gold and the impurities of Israel

will be removed, Ezek 22:19-22; Zech 13:9; Mal 3:1-3.

9. The Tribulation is described as 'the indignation,' Isa

10:5, 13:5, 26:20; Dan 8:19.

10. It is called Daniel's seventieth week, Dan 9:20-27.

God told Daniel that the Jews would have seventy more weeks (each

day representing one year). Dan 9:24 says it will be a time for

making atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting

righteousness, and to anoint 'the Most Holy' the presentation of

Jesus Christ as the God of Israel. The seventieth week is the

seven year period of the Tribulation.

a. The total period of time is 490 years (70 weeks of

7 days each).

b. The decree of Artaxerxes (king of Persia) in 445 BC

to the Jews.

c. It was exactly 483 years (or sixty-nine weeks) from

the time that Jesus Christ rode into Jerusalem and was hailed by

some as the promised Son of David, but was ridiculed by others,

which we call Palm Sunday.

d. The crucifixion of Christ was the beginning of the

interruption of the prophecy and left one week or seven years.

e. Therefore, the Church Age is intercalated between

the sixty-ninth and seventieth weeks. During this time Israel is

set aside as a missionary agency.

f. Dan 9:26 demonstrates the silence of the Old

Testament prophets regarding the 'mystery age,' that is, the

Church Age, Eph 3:3. The age of the Church was always by-passed

by the Old Testament prophets. They knew nothing about the

Church Age.

11. The book of Revelation fills in the details of the

Tribulation that were not given to Daniel. Attempts to correlate

biblical passages with contemporary events always lead to

confusion when the dispensational aspect of God's plan is

ignored. The Tribulation cannot occur until the resurrection of

the Church occurs.

12. Armageddon is not just a series of battles or a

campaign, but a world war. A military campaign involves an

invasion into an unfriendly territory in order to locate the

enemy forces to annihilating, subjugating, or enslaving them. A

campaign is composed of a series of battles in a specific

geographical location, fought in chronological succession or

simultaneously. The location of where this battle is fought is

described in:

a. Jerusalem is the first area of this warfare. Zech

12:2-11, "On that day there will be great mourning in Jerusalem,

like the mourning of Hadadrimmon (This refers to the death of

Josiah in a battle with Neco II of Egypt in 609 BC.) on the plain

of Megiddo (another name for Armageddon)." Isa 37:36; 2 Kg

19:35. Zech 14:2-3, "For I will assemble all nations against

Jerusalem for battle, and the city will be captured, the houses

plundered, the women raped, and half of the city will depart into

slavery, but a remnant of the people will not be cut off from the

city. Then the Lord will go forth and fight against those

nations, as when He fights on a day of battle."

(1) Plunder, rape, violence, and enslavement is

the historical pattern for any nation defeated in war, especially

when the conquering nation is an evil nation. This is why the

laws of divine establishment mention the military as the guardian

of human freedom.

(2) Politicians cause wars; soldiers bring peace.

(3) Freedom means the sacredness of life and the

right of self-determination, but crime and slavery destroy that


(4) God uses historical disaster to punish

believers with negative volition, in apostasy, reversionism, and

degeneracy. There is a total loss of freedom in Jerusalem

because of the Jewish unbelievers.

(5) The remnant are Jewish believers, who attain

spiritual maturity.

(6) Believers minus doctrine cannot survive

personal adversity.

(7) Believers minus doctrine cannot survive

historical disaster.

(8) Personal adversity and historical disaster is

used by the supreme court of heaven to discipline and punish

believers who have rejected doctrine.

(9) There is no substitute for metabolized

doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness. No one can

forced to do this; it requires positive volition.

(10) The alternative to perception and

application of doctrine is monstrous, disastrous, and


(11) Woe to the believer who does not make Bible

doctrine number one priority in his life.

(12) God will permit Israel's enemies to gather

against them.

(13) As the armies sweep through Jerusalem, two-thirds of the city's population are going to capitulate, Zech


(14) This group of people (who capitulate) will

be lulled into a false sense of security by treaties, by promises

couched in smooth words and religious phrases.

(15) People who are ignorant of the word of God

are easily led down the primrose path.

(16) Not only will the wealth of the people who

surrender be plundered, but they will become the victims of

violence of every kind: torture, rape, etc.

(17) It is better to die fighting for freedom

than to surrender to those who live by violence (terrorists).

(18) Never buy the concept, "It is better to be

Red than dead."

(19) The better alternative is to stay with

doctrine and God's grace, which delivers the believer who lives

by doctrine.

(20) Violence can only be stopped by greater


(21) It is respect for the laws of divine

establishment which preserves all those who function under them.

(22) The believers of the Tribulation are no

exception. A remnant of positive believers will be delivered

while all this is occurring.

(23) One-third of the believers are still

resisting, Zech 13:9. Why?

(24) After part of the city is raped and

plundered many of the civilian men are motivated to fight back.

They now understand the importance of freedom through military

victory. There are general officers, called ALUPH (which comes

from the word ELEPH, meaning "1000") in Zech 14:2, that begin to

train these men as a counterattack force. What is left of the

regular army will be used to hold back the enemy while these

civilians are trained as a counterattack force.

(a) Because of maximum metabolized doctrine

circulating in their stream of consciousness, these generals did

not surrender even though combat stress had reached a new peak.

(b) The faith-rest drill carries these

generals, who function in leadership under the doctrinal

rationales that they had to use to train a counterattack army in

a hurry. The Lord honored the motivation of these generals and

the men they trained and their use of the faith-rest drill.

(c) These generals will go down in history

as the greatest function of military leadership in warfare.

(25) Zech 12:5, "Then the generals of Judah will

begin to think in their hearts (stream of consciousness), 'My

strength is in the inhabitants of Jerusalem through the Lord of

the Armies, their God.'"

(a) These generals lift up the shield of

faith in time of battlefield stress. The generals began to

recognize that these civilians had come to them for training to

fight against the greatest professional army of the king of the


(b) These generals had spiritual leadership

that overflowed to the troops.

(c) The maximum application of doctrine

resulted in the victory of counterattack warfare, which follows.

(d) These generals function under doctrinal

rationales, which the Lord honors with their success.

(26) The success of these generals is described

prophetically under leadership motivation in Zech 12:6, "In that

day I will make the generals of Judah like a pan of fire among

the sticks (the troops) and like a flaming torch among the

sheaves (the army staff), therefore they will cut to pieces on

the right hand and on the left all the surrounding enemy troops.

Therefore the inhabitants of Jerusalem will again live in their

own homes in Jerusalem."

(a) The leaders were not only believers but

had also become acquainted with the unique spiritual life. Their

motivation was the best. They were motivated to continue the

fight in spite of the political leaders. They never gave up.

(b) Good leadership always motivates troops

and staff. Even one leader under the ministry of God the Holy

Spirit can be used to turn disaster into something of great

blessing, so that the disaster becomes a source of great

blessing. He can serve the Lord with a superabundance of

happiness, Ps 100:2.

(c) There are two analogies in this verse as

to how military leadership motivates and inspires troops and

staff to continue fighting against hopeless situations and

overwhelming odds. The pan of fire is leadership in combat arms.

The flaming torch is leadership of the staff. No leadership can

do without a good staff in a crisis situation. The soldiers

caught fire from the generals and so did the general staff.

(d) The Jewish army deliberately allowed

themselves to be surrounded, so they could more effectively kill

the enemy in all directions. The enemy army would be mostly

slaughtered before they realized what happened to them.

(27) The results of the leadership motivation.

(a) The troops were motivated by the

greatest leadership in all of Jewish history.

(b) Their success is obvious, for motivation

was passed down from the general to the staff to the line troops.

(c) Under the grace of the God and the

courageous stand they made, all the terrible things that

happened, when the enemy army raped and plundered Jerusalem, were

changed into a defeated and destroyed army.

(d) In the millennial Jerusalem those heroes

will be recognized for what they did under the grace of God for

the thousand years of the reign of Christ.

(28) The deliverance of Jerusalem is emphasized

prophetically in Zech 12:7, "The Lord also will deliver the tents

of Judah first, in order that the glory of the house of David and

the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem may not be magnified

above Judah."

(a) There are two categories of believer-heroes in Israel during the Tribulation. The Jews who were saved

in the first half of the Tribulation. The Jews who were saved in

the second half of the Tribulation. Both categories were

delivered because of their great spiritual strength to respond to

the generals who commanded them, and the grace of God recognizing

the response to the mechanics of the faith-rest drill.

(b) They claimed the promises of God through

faith, which stabilized their minds and steadied them in

performing an unusual tactic. They used reverse concentration in

applying doctrinal rationales, such as the essence of God

rationale, the plan of God rationale, the logistical grace

rationale, and the a fortiori rationale.

(c) These great generals do not surrender to

fear, even though caught in a trap and surrounded. You have to

remain calm in a hopeless situation. Leadership does not

surrender to fear, for if it does it will perpetuate that fear

among the troops and lose the battle every time.

(d) Since they do not perpetuate fear, these

generals do not have capacity for fear. Generals do not have

time for fear. They have time only for thinking.

(e) Since the troops do not have capacity

for fear, fear has no power in their lives.

(f) Since fear has no power in the lives of

these troops, the generals do no live by fear.

(g) Since these generals do not live by fear,

they are not intimidated by life, death, or terrorism.

(29) Conclusion.

(a) By the time the war was over and Israel

was fully delivered, the generals, the staff, and the line troops

won many decorations given by God.

(b) They were the first great heroes of the

millennium, highly decorated, and with a great testimony.

(c) This anticipates one of the greatest

functions of leadership in all of human history.

(d) Because this is presented in the word of

God under the doctrine of eschatology, it is obvious that even

before it happens these heroes and what they accomplished in the

siege of Jerusalem is to be used as an encouragement under the

principle that we learn from the past, we learn from the present,

and we learn from the future.

(e) God in His grace provided deliverance of

Jerusalem and Israel, but He also gave every man who participated

in that military a stabilized blessing of the highest form: self-discipline in the soul, freedom from fear, a relaxed mental

attitude under pressure, and control over their sin nature.

(f) It is the leadership in the pulpit

toward believers that makes a difference in a hopeless situation,

so that there will be a dynamic rise in the fundamental doctrine

that we will always have the word of God and the accurate

teaching of that doctrine by those with the spiritual gift.

(g) Leadership is pertinent in three areas:

the husband's leadership over the family, military leadership for

freedom through military victory, and leadership in the

congregation when doctrine is metabolized and applied, so that

the course of metabolization and application of doctrine results

in great blessing to the nation and deliverance in time of


(h) God can bless a nation of believers who

are responding to the teaching of doctrine. This blessing is to

have the necessary impact throughout the world, which provides

the freedom to response to the gospel and to execute His unique


(i) God has provided marvelous things for us

and these things will come to our attention in the accurate

teaching of the word of God.

(j) The battle of advancing to the high

ground of spiritual maturity and glorifying God is the greatest

battle of all. Terrorism will be wiped off the face of the earth

and blessing will come from the grace of God and His magnificent

plan at the second Advent.

(k) No matter how hopeless a situation may

be God always has a solution, but it requires understanding His

word and following the colors to the high ground of spiritual


b. The second location of battle is the valley of

Megiddo or Armageddon, Rev 19:17; Rev 16:16, "And they gathered

them together in the place which in Hebrew is called Armageddon."

Armageddon is a great valley north of Jerusalem. It is twenty-five miles long and fourteen miles wide. Four great armies are

gathered together for battle against Israel: the kings of the

East, the king of the North, the king of the South (the Arabs),

and the king of the West (the Revived Roman Empire). These four

power groups despise Israel and will make every attempt to

destroy Israel. These four powers are jealous of the prosperity

in Israel and clash in their attempt to control the area.

c. The third location of battle is the valley of

Jehoshaphat ("Yahweh judges"), which is east of Jerusalem between

Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives, Ezek 39:11; Joel 3:2, 12.

d. The fourth location of battle is Edom, Isa 34:1-6,


13. Armageddon is not a part of the dispensation of the

Church. The king of the north, the king of the west, the king of

the south, and the kings of the east will all converge upon the

area between Jerusalem and the valley of Megiddo. It appears

that Israel will be wiped out, but Jesus Christ delivers the Jews

with His second Advent. The Jews will not be regathered until

after the second Advent of Christ. Although the Jews today are

conscious of their national home in Israel, they are generally

entering the Land as unbelievers. Therefore, modern Israel does

not constitute the prophesied nation of Israel under God.

14. The Character of the Tribulation.

a. Gen 3:15 not only promises a personal Redeemer, who

would overcome Satan, but also implies a perpetual warfare

between the kingdom of God and kingdom of Satan. Underlying this

conflict is Satan's constant attempt to impugn the character of


b. Since God has given four unconditional covenants to

Israel and guaranteed their fulfillment, Satan has sponsored

antagonism toward the Jew throughout human history. That

antagonism will reach its peak in the Tribulation.

c. The first half of the Tribulation is characterized

by power politics such as has never been seen before on earth and

four spheres of influence, which will struggle for dominance of

the world under the leadership of Satan.

d. Lawlessness and anti-Semitism will dramatically

increase and at the end of the Tribulation will culminate in a

satanic attempt to annihilate all Jews on earth. Satan will

gather the armies of the world for that purpose.

e. So intense is the severity of the second half of

the Tribulation (called the Great Tribulation) that it is a time

of the most horrible things happening on earth.

15. Three important factors to remember:

a. Israel will always exist.

b. Israel has a future.

c. Jesus Christ will always be the God of Israel.

16. During the Tribulation God will unleash upon the world

a series of judgments unequaled in all of human history, Rev 16.

God always knows what He is doing. Church Age believers will not

and cannot be in the Tribulation.

17. As the Tribulation begins a treaty will be made between

two dictators: the dictator of the Revived Roman Empire and the

False Prophet of Israel. Three and one half years later the

Roman dictator will violate this treaty, betray Israel, and turn

against Israel with implacable fury and hatred.

18. The dispensation of the Tribulation will close with a

series of battles called the Armageddon war. God will

demonstrate before angels, demons, and men that the Lord Jesus

Christ can single-handedly overcome the combined forces of

Satan's entire kingdom of darkness and sin. Jesus Christ will

need the help of no man, Isa 63:1-3. His victory over the power

of evil will be unquestionably decisive.

19. The Principle of Grace Before Judgment.

a. Before every divine judgment throughout human

history, God has given to mankind a period of grace in which to

be saved.

b. There never has been a time in history when anyone

could not have the opportunity to believe in Christ. There is no

such thing as a person with the excuse of not hearing the gospel.

They simply did not have positive volition at God consciousness.

c. Prior to the Flood, God granted the human race one

hundred and twenty years warning, Gen 6:3.

d. Throughout the Tribulation the gospel will be

proclaimed as never before in human history as a warning to

things that will come in the last half of the Tribulation, Mt

24:14, "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole

inhabited earth for a witness to all nations, and then the end

will come." Therefore, the unbeliever will be without excuse.

Geographical isolation is no issue. Anyone can become aware of

the existence of God and want to know Him. God is obligated to

provide the gospel to those who want to know Him and always does.

Rom 1:18-20, "For the anger of God is being revealed from heaven

against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress

the truth by means of unrighteousness, because that which is

known about God is revealed to them, because God revealed Himself

to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible

attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been

clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so

that they are without excuse."

e. The world will be evangelized in four ways.

(1) By the 144,000 Jewish evangelists, who are

saved because of the Rapture of the Church. When the

resurrection of the Church occurs, they immediately recognize

what has happened and believe in Christ. They will proclaim the

gospel of Jesus Christ.

(2) The testimony of the Tribulation saints.

There will be tremendous response to the gospel in the

Tribulation because it is the only hope man has. Many will look

to God for help and find it and will believer in Christ. Rev

14:12-13, "Here is the steadfastness of the saints who keep the

commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. And I heard a voice

from heaven, saying, 'Write, "Blessed are the dead who die in the

Lord from now on!"' 'Yes,' says the Spirit, "so that they may

rest from their labors, for their deeds follow with them.'"

(3) The testimony of the two witnesses, Moses and

Elijah. Rev 11:3, "And I will grant authority to my two

witnesses, and they will prophesy for twelve hundred and sixty

days, clothed in sackcloth."

(4) The angelic herald, who proclaims the gospel

at noon each day, Rev 14:6-7, "And I saw another angel flying in

midheaven, having an eternal gospel to preach to those who sit on

the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people;

and he said with a loud voice, 'Fear God, and give Him glory,

because the hour of His judgment has come; worship Him who made

the heavens and the earth and sea and springs of waters.'"

20. The Judgment of the Seven Goblets or Vials, Rev 16.

Each of these cataclysmic pressure is a great evangelistic thrust

before all the terrible things happen on the earth. God freely

offers a grace salvation and never coerces human volition.

a. This chapter demonstrates that those who are

blinded by religion will not change their attitude toward Christ

under the most unusual circumstances in all of human history. So

God gets their attention with seven bowl or vial judgments.

b. The first bowl is the loss of health among

thousands, Rev 16:2.

c. The second bowl and third bowl is the loss of food

and water, Rev 16:3-7.

d. The forth bowl is a terrible heat wave, Rev 16:8-9.

e. The fifth bowl is an epidemic, Rev 16:10-11.

f. The sixth bowl is the greatest military disaster in

all of history with world wide effects the Armageddon war, Rev


g. The seventh bowl is a disaster related to nature

(earthquakes, hail, tidal waves), Rev 16:17-21.

h. All of these disasters are not designed to

annihilate the population, but only to bring people to a saving

knowledge of Jesus Christ prior to the baptism of fire, Mt 3:11.

No matter how dark the situation, Jesus Christ is on His throne

and controls history. The Holy Spirit is there to comfort us and

strengthen us and to direct the affairs of men, working in the

right way to glorify God. All hell cannot remove believers from

the earth as long as Jesus Christ wants them here. God's word

gives strength in the face of hopeless disaster and catastrophe,

and He can deliver a believer through or from any difficult

situation regardless of the dispensation in which that person


21. Principles of Warfare Involved in the Prophecy of


a. Divine integrity always judges violence with


b. You cannot stop crime or warfare by compromise or


c. Therefore, to downsize the army of a client nation

to God simply invites disaster to the client nation.

d. Jesus said there would be hot and cold wars until

He returns, Mt 24:6; Mk 13:7; Lk 21:9. "See to it that you are

not terrified; for those things must take place, but that is not

yet the end."

e. Never get between the Lord and His punishment of a

nation. Never take your own revenge.

(1) Rom 12:19, "Never take your own revenge,

beloved, but give place to the wrath of God; for it is written,

'Punishment is Mine; I will repay,' says the Lord."

(2) Heb 10:30, "For we know Him who said,

'Punishment is Mine, I will repay,' and again, 'The Lord will

judge His people.'"

(3) Isa 63:4, "For the day of punishment was in

My heart (the thinking of God), and My year of redemption (of

Israel) has come." The word "day" is used to describe a plan of


(a) Not only does Jesus Christ control

history, but at the second Advent, the day of operation

footstool, He rectifies the evils and injustices of history

resulting from Satan's rulership of the world since the fall of


(b) One of those injustices is the Arab

antagonism toward Israel, which springs from bitterness and

jealousy of Ishmael the half-brother of Isaac and the bitterness

and hatred of Esau for his twin brother Jacob.

(c) No races are closer in their origin than

the Jew and the Arab, and no races are farther apart in their sin

nature than the bitter antagonism, jealousy, and hatred that have

flared up over the centuries. In spite of their mutual origin,

bitterness and hatred persist to the present with satanic anti-Semitism.

(d) The love of God did not reject the

Arabs; the Arabs rejected the love of God. In their rejection of

the gospel, Arab hatred for the Jew was intensified, which is

expressed in violence.

f. The Armageddon war will be the end of war on earth

for the remainder of human history, Micah 4:3, "And He will judge

between many peoples and render judicial decisions for mighty,

distant nations. Then they will hammer their swords into

plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation will not

lift up sword against nation, and never again will they train for

war." Until then there will always be wars.

22. The resurrection of the Church results in the greatest

positive volition to the gospel in the history of Israel, so that

there is great evangelism by Israel. The nation of Israel will

recover their client nation status to God because of this

positive volition and world-wide evangelization of others.

Israel must recover as a client nation, in order to produce this

evangelism of others. Therefore, anti-Semitism will spread

throughout the earth. The worst situation in history will

produce the greatest evangelization and response to the gospel.

As a client nation Israel will be blessed by God during the first

half of the Tribulation and become very prosperous. The rest of

the world will be very jealous of this prosperity.

23. At the rise of the four great spheres of power there is

no indication that the United States is involved in the

Armageddon war. The United States is not mentioned in prophecy.

It is very possible that the United States is not involved in the

Tribulation because most of the population went up in the

resurrection of the Church.

24. Tribulational believers will be protected until they

are joined with Jesus Christ at His second Advent. It will be

the happiest moment in human history.

a. The grace of God has made every provision for every

category of believer during the greatest world war in human

history. Believers saved before the war starts go up in the

resurrection. Believers saved after the resurrection of the

Church will be protected and dramatically delivered by the second

Advent of Christ.

b. Ps 46:9, "He makes wars to cease to the end of the

earth; He breaks the bow; He cuts the spears in two; He burns the

chariot with fire."

c. Isa 2:4, "He will judge between the nations; He

will rebuke many people; they will hammer their swords into

plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not

lift up sword against nation, and never again will they train for


25. We must have a past, present, and future understanding

of the history of Israel.

a. The unique spiritual life of the Church Age causes

us to learn about the past, present, and future.

b. Understanding the future is more important than

understanding the present or the past. Past and present failure

is not the issue. The issue is the future. We are constantly

distracted by the things of the future and the things of the


c. We have failed to learn from the past and the

present, but we can still learn from the future.

B. The Arab Armageddon.

1. The Arab Armageddon is the attack of the Arabs.

2. The Arabs attack Jerusalem from the south of Jerusalem,

from Edom (south of the Dead Sea).

3. It is described in Isa 63:1-3, "Who is this who comes

from Edom, with garments of glowing colors from Bozrah, this One

who is majestic in His apparel, marching in the greatness of His

strength? 'It is I who speak in righteousness, I am the One

powerful to cause deliverance.' Why is Your clothing red, and

Your royal garments as one who treads in the wine press? 'I have

trodden the wine press alone. Consequently from the peoples (the

royal family of God who returns with Christ at the second Advent)

there is no one (doing the fighting) with Me. I also trod them

in My anger and trampled them in My wrath, so that their

lifeblood has been splashed on My cloths, and I stained all My

royal raiment."

4. Just as Jesus Christ slaughtered 185,000 Assyrian

soldiers in the days of king Hezekiah (Isa 37:36; 2 Kg 19:35-36),

so He will destroy these Arabs.

5. You do not stop war by compromise with evil.

6. Isa 63:4, "For the day of punishment was in My heart (the

thinking of God), and My year of redemption (of Israel) has


a. History must run its course under cosmos diabolicus

while the Church is being formed.

b. Two great nations will be evangelized in the

Tribulation: Israel and the Arabs.

C. The King of the North.

1. Just as in the past, God uses invading armies to punish

disobedience of Israel and other countries in the world. So God

uses the king of the North during the Tribulation to do this to

the unbelieving Jews in Israel. The King of the North is the

power of the area of Russia, which becomes greater than they have

ever been in the past.

2. The King of the North invades by a great navy from the

Black Sea through the Aegean Sea into the Mediterranean Sea and

engage in one of the greatest naval battles in history with the

King of the West, who defeats him. He will also invade overland

through eastern Turkey and Syria.

3. The King of the North gets into a war with the other

three power groups (south, east, and west).

4. The King of the North is used by God to punish the

negative volition in Israel. He will ravage the Land and destroy

the people.

5. Dan 11:40-45.

a. Dan 11:40, "At the time of the end there shall come

the king of the South and he will attack him [the unbeliever

dictator of Israel], and the king of the North will storm against

him [the false prophet/dictator of Israel] with chariots [armored

forces], with horsemen [mechanized forces] and with many ships;

and he [the king of the North] will enter into the countries and

shall overflow them and pass through." The king of the North

does not take time to consolidate his position but moves as fast

as possible like the German Army blitzkrieg of World War II.

They leave behind only security forces to keep open his supply

and communication lines. His objective is the wealth of Africa.

He had the greatest land army in the history of the world.

b. Dan 11:41, "He [the king of the North] will also

invade the Glorious Land [Israel], and the many [Jewish

unbelievers] shall be overthrown; but these [Jewish believers]

will escape out of the hand of the enemy; even Edom and Moab, and

the chief of the children of Ammon." The regenerate Jews hiding

in the mountains of Edom, Moab, and Ammon continue to survive in

their caves will this blitzkrieg warfare goes past them. The

king of the North does not attempt to conquer the land of Israel,

but simply pass through it. In Mt 24:16, the Lord warned the

Jewish believers to flee to the mountains.

c. Dan 11:42, "Then he [the king of the North] will

stretch forth his hand against other countries [North Africa],

and the land of Egypt will not escape." Once he invades Egypt,

he is joined by his navy. He plans to move south toward Ethiopia

and west along the north African coastline.

d. Dan 11:43, "For he will have the power over the

treasures of gold and silver and over all the precious things of

Egypt; and the Libyans and Ethiopians shall be in his steps."

(1) As the king of the North is about to launch

the attack in north Africa his navy is defeated in the

Mediterranean and an event takes place, which is described in Rev

16:12, "The sixth angel poured out his vial on the great river,

the Euphrates; and its water was dried up, so that the way would

be prepared for the kings from the east." This is an invasion of

the kings of the East with the oriental armies.

(2) The kings of the East have excellent

intelligence and understanding what is going on in history.

(3) The kings of the East have not shown any

interest in history since the days of Ghangus Khan.

(4) The king of the North knows that he cannot

succeed against the king of the south until he takes care of the

kings of the East. The kings of the East know they cannot get to

Israel unless he defeats the king of the West.

(5) God counters Satan's move and the situation

intensifies for the Jews. Old enemies meet again.

e. Dan 11:44, "But rumors [intelligence reports] from

the East and from the North will trouble him, and he will go

forth with great fury to destroy and annihilate the many [the


(1) The king of the West had made a deal with

Israel to protect Israel, but now wants all the wealth in Israel.

So he breaks his treaty and attacks Israel, but runs into the

fleet of the king of the North. There is a big battle in the

Mediterranean and the navy of the king of the North is destroyed.

At about the same time the kings of the East cut his supply


(2) So the king of the North turns back from his

invasion of Africa and goes back to Israel to destroy the king of

the West. As a part of this he wants to take revenge against the


f. Dan 11:45, "He will pitch the tents of his royal

pavilion [the headquarters of the king of the North] between the

seas [the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean] and the beautiful Holy

Mountain [the western side of Mt Zion]; yet he will come to his

end, and no one will help him."

6. The attack of the army of the king of the North in

Jerusalem is described in Joel 2:2-9, "A day of darkness and

gloom, a day of clouds and thick darkness. As the morning dawns

and spreads upon the mountains, so there is a great and mighty

people; there has never been anything like it, nor will there be

again after it to the years of many generations." (The morning

sunlight illuminates where all these Jews are hiding.) "A fire

consumes before them and behind them a flame burns (they scorch

the earth as they pass through). The land is like the garden of

Eden before them but a desolate wilderness behind them, and

nothing at all escapes them. Their appearance is like the

appearance of horses; and like war horses, so they run. Like the

noise of chariots on the tops of the mountains shall they leap,

like the noise of the flame of fire that consumes the stubble,

like a mighty people arranged for battle." (They destroy

everything in their path as the king of the North leaves Egypt.)

"Before them the people [unbelievers] are in anguish; all faces

have become flushed. (This is a description of what happens when

the king of the North begins his conquest in the Middle East.

Unbelieving Jews will suffer anguish and fear.) They (the armies

of the king of the North) run like mighty men, they climb the

wall like men of war; and they shall march every one of them in

the ways of battle approach, and they shall break in their ranks.

They do not crowd each other (there is no confusion in the

ranks), they march everyone in his own path; when they burst

through the defenses, they do not break ranks. They shall run to

and fro in the city, they shall run upon the wall; they shall

climb upon the houses, they will enter through the windows like a


D. The Abomination of Desolation.

1. Early in the Tribulation, the dictator and religious

leader of Israel will be a false prophet.

2. He is a Jew, who rules Jews, but does not like Jews. He

cannot defend his little country against these four great powers.

3. In order to survive he makes a deal with the dictator of

the Revived Roman Empire, the King of the West. In return for

protection, the Roman dictator will demand a share of the wealth

of Israel, Dan 11:36ff. This gives Israel a false sense of

security. In the middle of the Tribulation, when the King of the

West has too many problems dealing with the other spheres of

power, he breaks his treaty with the ruler of Israel and

eliminates the Jewish sacrifices in the Temple and demands that

he be worshiped as 'God' instead.

4. At this point a statue of the King of the West, called

the Abomination of Desolation, is set up in the Temple in

Jerusalem. All who fail to worship this statue will be put to

death, Rev 13:13.

5. The establishment of this statue in the Temple is a

signal for all believers to get out of Israel. They will flee to

the mountains in Edom and stay in the caves there, and they will

survive as long as they stay there. Both believers and

unbelievers will flee to the mountains.

6. Mt 24:15-21, "Therefore when you see the abomination of

desolation, which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet,

standing in the holy place (let the reader understand), then

those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains. Whoever is on

the housetop must not go down to get the things out that are in

his house. Whoever is in the field must not turn back to get his

cloak. But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are

nursing babies in those days! But pray that your flight will not

be in the winter, or on a Sabbath. For then there will be a

great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning

of the world until now, nor ever will."

7. 2 Thes 2:3-4, "Let no one in any way deceive you, for it

will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of sin

[the dictator of the Revived Roman Empire] is revealed, the son

of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every

so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in

the temple of God, displaying himself as being God."

8. Rev 12:14, "But the two wings of the great eagle

[angelic protection for these believers] were given to the woman

[Israel], so that she could fly into the wilderness to her place

[the caves of Edom], where she was nourished for a time [one

year] and times [two years] and half a time [half a year], from

the presence of the serpent [Satan's antagonism]."

9. There will be many attempts to lure these Jews from

their mountain hideouts at the end and kill them. False

propaganda will be disseminated to give them the impression that

Christ has already returned, Mt 24:23-26. Those who believe the

word of God survive.

10. When this propaganda fails, Satan will promote signs,

signals, and lying wonders, 2 Thes 2:9. Those who put their

trust in miracles will die. The only issue they face is: will

they believe the word of God or the word of man.

E. The Meaning of Prophecy.

1. Prophecy is a time machine that God has given to us to

take us into the future, so that we might understand and

appreciate how extensive is God's plan for our lives.

2. History is the time machine that takes us into the past.

Whether we go into the past or into the future we know that God

has a plan for our lives, even under great adversity.

3. Whether we go back to the past (the Cross) or forward to

the future (where Jesus Christ controls history and delivers the

Jew in the Tribulation) we see the faithfulness of our Lord Jesus

Christ, the wisdom of God the Father, and the power of God the

Holy Spirit.

4. Only negative volition at God consciousness or gospel

hearing can keep us out of God's plan.

5. As a result of the resurrection of the Church that will

be a great conversion of Jews, who initiate tremendous evangelism

on the earth during the Tribulation.

6. While the Tribulation is a time of great suffering on

the earth, it is also a time of great prosperity, which the kings

of the north, south, west, and east will fight over.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.