Conservative Christians, how do you feel about gay bashing?
2008-03-21 19:22:06 UTC
I'm not talking about your views on the issue of homosexuality itself, but what do you think of people who purposely beat up and torture people who are gay/lesbian/bisexual or transgendered?

Example; the Matthew Shepard story where two boys pistol whipped and killed him because he was gay in the "name of God". Same with transsexual teen Gwen Araujo, lesbian teen Sakia Gunn, all who were victims of gay bashing (and countless more unnamed victims).

What do you think about people who kill or beat them mercilessly "in the name of God"? Although you oppose their "lifestyle" or "choice", as you put it, do you think its okay to hurt or kill somebody because of it. And even though the murderers/perpetrators done it in the name of God, do you think they'll go to heaven for that?

Just want to get your views.
29 answers:
2008-03-22 05:38:28 UTC
That's a load of crap. (the people beating the people up for being gay). You have extremely good points on all of it. I persoanlly think that they are BLAMING God for killing's like that saying 'my monkey made me do it' only instead of monkey it's God. (i do not hate god so don't even pull that i'm saying i'm against him just comparing) "my God told me to do it because they're going against what he created" It's a load of crap. god doesn't want you to kill people. i personally hope those people that killed or beat up or offended any gays, lesbians, or transexuals all turn into a pillar of salt. that's not what God is about...and last time i checked...Jesus didn't kill anyone...or start throwing punches because someone went against his who betrayed him..i bet Peter STILL went to heaven. CUZ HE FORGAVE HIM!!!! AND EVERYONE ELSE! God will forgive the gays, he forgives everyone else. think about it...

cheers V-V and good question.
2014-01-26 18:10:30 UTC
This subject has been going on for a very long time. A real Christian would not cause harm to someone for being gay or anything like that. I'm Christian and i don't agree with being gay, but that does not mean i hate them or want to beat them. I would treat them just like and average person. Think of it this way. There are many things that people are not going to agree with. That doesn't mean you have to hate them or cause them harm. I can't count how many times i've been called racists or a homophobe for not agreeing with it. So like i said i many not agree with it, but i would not want any harm coming to that person. Not every Christian thinks that you need to be beat in the name of God. Yes murder is a sin. Yes Thou shalt not judge. To me this means that if someone who is gay wants to know about my faith i will explain it to them to the best of my Knowledge. It is up to that person to believe or not. It's called free will. I will not judge them, because in my beliefs God will be the one doing the judging.
2008-03-22 02:32:23 UTC
As Christians we are instructed to love everyone no matter their lifestyle. We are supposed to hate the sin and love the sinner. I believe that homosexuality is a sin, but you know what? I've sinned. Sin is Sin. All humans sin. I am not going to hate someone because of their "lifestyle" choice. Gay bashing is not right, it's a sin, and in no way does God justify it. Jesus ate with the sinners, not the religious men. Just because I don't agree with their choice does not mean the person isn't a nice person or could be a great friend. Those who gay bash etc. in the name of God are doing Him an great injustice. They are using God to justify their own sin and that is not right.
2008-03-22 02:36:47 UTC
Not sure I'm a "conservative" Christian but it's wrong to beat anybody for believing anything.

If we as Christians want to stop the torture and persecution of Christians in non Christian countries we should be as willing if not more to campaign against the persecution of people in our own country for whatever reason.

I may not agree with homosexuality but each individual has the right to chose his or her own lifestyle - within reason, there has to be law and order. I don't agree with a lot of things that other people choose to do but neither did Jesus and that didn't stop him from eating with "sinners" so why should I consider myself more "holy" than him?!

Jesus was a champion of human rights.

I also resent anyone doing anything "in the name of God"

Has no one heard of separation of church and state any more?!
2008-03-22 02:28:07 UTC
I'm a conservative Christian. I think that homosexuality is a sin, but I also think that adultery is a sin, lying, cheating, drunkeness, getting stoned, stealing, etc. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. No sin is greater than any other sin. Sin is sin is sin. Let he who hasn't sinned cast the first stone. That's what I say. On the other hand, I do not want homosexuality in my face or in the faces of my children. I do not want that lifestyle shoved down the throats of my kids. I do believe it is wrong and that is my right to believe that and to teach my kids that it is a sinful lifestyle. Hate the sin, but love the sinner. That's how it should be looked at, IMO.
Kisses & Hugs
2008-03-22 04:39:15 UTC
I think that it is absolutly barbaric what these people think they can put others through because of their lifestyle choices. I'm not quite sure what you mean by conservative Christian but no Christians, or for that fact any human being, should be acting in such a horrible and unacceptable manner. Christians follow Jesus, one of the biggest pacifists in history. How can they possible follow him and yet justify what they do by saying it is "in the name of God". I just do not understand what is going through a persons head when they do something like this because I honestly could not find it in myself to put someone through so much pain.
2008-03-22 02:32:56 UTC
It's wrong for anyone to judge someone for something they consider a sin, let alone killing them. They are also sinning against God by destroying a life that He created. They won't go to heaven because they kill someone in the name of God, besides God never asked them to kill on his behalf. However if they repent of their sins, just like any other sinner, homosexual, liar, fornicator, adulterer, murderer, thief, God will forgive them and they will go to heaven.
2008-03-22 02:27:47 UTC
I would never bash a gay person. I think anyone who would beat or kill anyone is a danger to society. It is never OK to hurt someone because you disagree with their lifestyle. I do not believe they will get to heaven unless they sincerely feel sorry for the horrible thing they did, ask forgiveness and repent.
2008-03-22 02:28:31 UTC
As Christians, we aren't to harm others for their lifestyles or choices. We are to preach from the Bible & sins are detailed in the bible. Homosexuality is (quote) "an abomination". We're not to bash, that wasn't Jesus' way. He was drawn to the sinner & the infirm, etc.

Those who harm another because of that persons' sin is not acting in the name of God. They're acting in the name of themselves. I believe that homosexuality is an abomination (just as every sin is- no sin is worse than the next in God's eyes) but I am to minister to those around me, not murder or harm them.
2008-03-22 02:26:38 UTC
no person has the right to judge but God; God is the only one that knows your daily actions, thoughts, words, deeds and what truly is in your heart. There is no hiding from God. It is God's job to judge , I am too busy trying to worry about my actions, words, thoughts to worry about the life of another ; it is between them and their maker; God didn't give us the job of judging anyone; it is not my job to stick my nose in the business or life choices of others; God gave them free will , a gift, how someone chooses to use it , is their choice.
2008-03-22 02:29:14 UTC
If your doing it in the name of God, yet God loves ALL his children, YET it's a sin to be homosexual??

Hmm, see, this is one of the many reasons I don't understand Christians and Theist "laws".

It just doesn't seem to make sense.

Either way, it's wrong and you don't need to be a certain race of religion to see that. No one shut beat on a person because of their life style choices :(
2008-03-22 03:03:44 UTC
The Lord said, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." We are also told to, "Hate the sin not the sinner". The Bible says, "Judge not lest you be judged." Just because I don't approve of a person or their lifestyle doesn't mean that it gives me the right to abuse that person.
2008-03-22 02:48:53 UTC
Well i'm christian and i think that it is plain mean. Just because they are different doesn't mean you have to beat them. I mean just because a baby was different like it had 3 arms or something doesn't mean you'd have to practicaly beat it to death! Be nice people i bet your different too.
2008-03-22 02:26:14 UTC
When I saw that movie, I cried. (Matthew). I mean, my only thought was to save him. I do not wish for anyone to suffer, no matter what they have done. No one here can cast that first stone, because no one here is perfect. I was shown the ultimate grace, so I plan on showing others grace.

To answer your question, I hated it. I in no way support that or think that it's ok.

God Bless.
2008-03-22 02:24:39 UTC
As with any sin, we are directed to hate the sin, love the sinner. I wish more Christians would get that concept.

katiefish <><
2008-03-22 02:28:47 UTC
I dont care who or what you are you should treat all people equally. And America is a lie. It was first created woth certian rights and beliefs, that all men were created equally. Yet sa you can see gay or lesbian couples font have the right to be married. Seem equal? I dont care if you are gay, bi, or lesbian. As for religious stuff, dont ask me im not religious in any way.

P.S. - Im Bi
look amee imma bumblebee
2008-03-22 02:28:10 UTC
Well first it is their coice to be homosexual so let God deal with it and the way i see it is if them ppl were christians then they wouldnt wna hurt some1 or kill them they would want to sho them how tey bellieve and sho them why they think it is wrong but for those ppl who r homosexual and for the ppl who hurt those ppl God will deal with them......
Jeff M
2008-03-22 02:26:01 UTC
Gay bashing is wrong. I'm a Christian, but to bash someone because of something THEY choose to do is wrong.
2008-03-22 02:25:48 UTC
I am against it.

Did you think I would agree with it because of my religious beliefs?

It sounds like you are doing some stereotyping yourself.
2008-03-22 02:30:44 UTC
In Jesus's own words.....

Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,

for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

Its wrong to be cruel to anyone, hurt anyone in the name of God, when his own son, preached not to.
2008-03-22 02:25:56 UTC
I think its mean and sinful.

Anyone who does this to someone is not a human being - they are a monster.
2008-03-22 02:28:28 UTC
I believe those people are committing a violent crime and should be punished as criminals.

Sorry if I didn't make it clear I am talking about the attackers.
2008-03-22 03:11:32 UTC
It is horrible and I have no doubt it disappoints God.
2008-03-22 02:26:33 UTC
"Let he who is without sin..."

Maybe I'm not "conservative" enough, but I know that God loves us all, and we're all sinners. So, if others enjoy his unconditional love, how can I withhold that?
2008-03-22 02:39:57 UTC
thats not "bashing" thats murder...

if i want to say something about someone i will

its called free speech...

i will never okay the GLBT lifestyle....get over it...

your not here about "violence" you here to promote the idea

that saying anything is "violence"....

try again...
2008-03-22 02:25:45 UTC
It's just wrong.
2008-03-22 02:25:39 UTC
its wrong... it isnt best they should draw attention to themselves wont help..
2008-03-22 02:25:30 UTC
Christians love to bash gays as much as they love god
2008-03-22 02:26:55 UTC
They call themselves Christians, yet they don't have any Christ- like attributes.


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