2009-08-30 10:07:21 UTC
if he is truly the son of god why did he die? for us? why doesnt he have god like features? If it does say in the bible and the TRUE bible doesnt exist then why do u believed changed bibles?
The bible has changed many times. the real version doesnt even exist why bother believing it?
your own cross that u believe in as a symbol a + like shape is not even the real cross its a T like shape so if that is changed what else can be
why do u need a middle man (ie preist) to pray to god? why cant u ask him directly for forgiveness?
some Christians u need to pay for forgiveness? wtf? so what bout the poor? what happened tp equality for all?
Catholics, everybody Nonchristian is going to hell right, what about ppl who never heard about christianity? god is merciful right, so why do they go to hell?
what if u have exactly even good and bad deeds? where do u go?
answer any one of these
im a happy muslim