Christian answer this? especially catholics?
2009-08-30 10:07:21 UTC
How can jesus be the son of god?
if he is truly the son of god why did he die? for us? why doesnt he have god like features? If it does say in the bible and the TRUE bible doesnt exist then why do u believed changed bibles?

The bible has changed many times. the real version doesnt even exist why bother believing it?

your own cross that u believe in as a symbol a + like shape is not even the real cross its a T like shape so if that is changed what else can be

why do u need a middle man (ie preist) to pray to god? why cant u ask him directly for forgiveness?

some Christians u need to pay for forgiveness? wtf? so what bout the poor? what happened tp equality for all?

Catholics, everybody Nonchristian is going to hell right, what about ppl who never heard about christianity? god is merciful right, so why do they go to hell?

what if u have exactly even good and bad deeds? where do u go?

answer any one of these

im a happy muslim
Twenty answers:
2009-08-30 10:19:52 UTC
I understand your confusion.

Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus is the son of God but not the same as God. They don't believe in the Trinity, in other words. God is the father, and Jesus is the son. No mixing and matching.

The Bible has stood the test of time and it is proven that its original message has stayed in tact.

The only middle man that should intervene between man and God is Jesus, the mediator.

Christians should pray for forgiveness of sins, but it shouldn't be used as a toy. It's not correct to use prayer as a "magic eraser" everytime you sin. If you ask for forgiveness, you need to be truly interested in changing and not committing the same sin. If you just pray for forgiveness as a way to rest your conscience, no forgiveness will be extended.

It is very necessary to pray for those who lack provisions, it's also very important to pray for God's Kingdom to come so that there will be equality for all.

Hellfire is NOT a Biblical teaching. The Bible does speak of Hell, and a lake of fire, but it is NOT what most people think. Hell (Hades in Hebrewo, Sheol in Greek) is the common grave. The Lake of Fire is SYMBOLIC of permanent destruction, but is NOT a literal place where people go and suffer. That is the most ridiculous teaching that Christian religions have ever invented. Shame on them!

THe Bible teaches that those who died (righteous and unrighteous) will be resurrected. At this moment, all who have died have returned to the "dust of the ground", and are in a state of non-existance.

Next time JW's come to your door, please ask them to clarify these matters. Of course, we know that you are a happy muslim and JW's respect everybody's decision to remain in their own religion. But I'm sure you'll enjoy the conversation with them.
2009-08-30 11:02:03 UTC
_According to the scripture, Jesus is the Son of God, He is The


_Feature >> Jesus is God. He has both a Human (100%) and a

Divine (100%) nature.

_ He died so that OUR sins could be forgiven by God, the father.

_ The bible presents the "Words of God". No one can change the

message that is written in the bible. Can someone really change

your opinions?

No matter what people do the bible is still the bible. People, for

some reason, can fool other people all the time but there is

absolutely no way to do the same with God. A well known religion

adepts have translated the bible for their own purposes. May God

forgive them because they have no idea what they are doing.

People may be able to misinterpret the bible by mistake/ for their

own purposes, agenda (conciously)/ re-write the bible/ re-translate

the bible but no one would ever be able to change God"s message.

Real christians stick to Jesus message ( The message he

has given is NOT to be interpretated according to our personal taste).

The Christ says that people who rejects (those who do not believe in ) him will go to hell.

Everyone is a sinner. No one is perfect.

2009-08-30 10:31:34 UTC
"if he is truly the son of god why did he die? for us?"

he died for us, he loved us so much that instead of having us suffer the punishment of sin, he took our place so we could be redeemed.

"why doesn't he have god like features?"

you mean like being sinless, loving, caring, Just, righteous, being able to command nature, etc.? as Jesus had all of those.

"If it does say in the bible and the TRUE bible doesn't exist then why do u believed changed bibles?"

what do you mean by "the TRUE bible doesn't exist"? and there is 0 evidence of it being changed.

"The bible has changed many times. the real version doesn't even exist why bother believing it?"

again, there is 0 evidence of it being changed, in fact we already have nearly all of the NT just by transcripts dating back to within the first century, and our modern versions are 99% accurate to those transcripts (it is impossible to get 100% accurate when translating).

"your own cross that u believe in as a symbol a + like shape is not even the real cross its a T like shape so if that is changed what else can be"

the cross came in multiple shapes, heck.. some crosses were "X" shaped. a cross was called a cross because it had 2 pieces of wood crossing each other.

"why do u need a middle man (ie priest) to pray to god? why cant u ask him directly for forgiveness?"

that is actually contrary to what the Bible says, and started when people of "the church" just wanted political gain, and weren't really trying to follow God's will.

"some Christians u need to pay for forgiveness? wtf? so what bout the poor? what happened tp equality for all?"

same as above... you can never pay enough money for your sins to be forgiven.

"Catholics, everybody Non-christian is going to hell right, what about ppl who never heard about christianity? god is merciful right, so why do they go to hell?"

the Bible says nothing about those who never hear about it, only about those who hear, yet reject it. for those who haven't heard the Gospel, my guess is that they will be judged by what they knew, and what they did with that knowledge.

"what if u have exactly even good and bad deeds? where do u go?"

there is no "great scale" that weighs your good and bad deeds to see if you go into heaven or not. as salvation is "not by works" since no matter how many good deeds you do they still don't cover up the bad. just like if you are an all around "good person" but you murder 1 person... no matter how many good deeds you have done, the judge (if he/she is just) would still give you the punishment the law demands.
2009-08-30 10:31:15 UTC
As a Muslim, you must realize you have been given a distorted view.

Jesus was the Son of God, because he was born of a virgin.

Mary was impregnated by the Holy Spirit as announced by Gabriel.

We are all children of God in one sense, Jesus was begotten.

Jesus died for our sins, he was the only perfect one who could.

I suppose you mean that translations of the Bible have changed.

The Bible consists of many books, copied by hand over time.

Languages evolve with time & from culture to culture.

The cross is a symbol we all understand, shape is unimportant.

We do pray to God directly, the priest acts 'in persona Christi'.

That means he acts in the person of Christ to pronounce forgiveness.

Christians introduced the concept of equality, for men & women.

Jesus said we get into Heaven through him; he shows us the way.

Those who hear about Jesus & reject him, choose another path.

It's not our good deeds which get us there, but faith in Jesus.
2009-08-30 10:46:40 UTC
Jesus is also called "Son of Man"(Matthew 26:64). Jesus is both God and man. Son of God means Jesus has the "DNA" of God. Son of Man means Jesus was fully human. That is what I have heard.Some of us (including Muslims) are reading the Bible and putting meaning into it that is not there in the original language (or is believed by the Church Priest) . God did not give birth to Jesus the Divine(though Jesus did come to earth as a baby and therefore His human part was born).
2009-08-30 10:22:19 UTC
Jesus has to be the Son of God in order for his death for us to make sense.

See, in order to get in to heaven, one has to be perfect. Not a 'good person', but absolutely, 100% perfect. We're not. Since the fall of mankind, all people have sinned and no one can get into heaven. . .

. . . UNLESS, someone who IS 100% perfect takes our punishment and lets us in. That's why Jesus has to be the Son of God- otherwise, He couldn't be perfect and His suffering and death would be inadequate. Now, He gives entrance into heaven to anyone who believes, instead of rejects, the sacrifice that He made. It's not about the number of good and evil deeds, because we all have too many evil deeds to get into heaven.

Actually, the Bible is AMAZINGLY accurate compared to other ancient documents. 99.5% of what we have now is exactly what was in the original documents- see for more details on the reliability of the Bible.

You CAN ask God directly for forgiveness. He gives it for FREE because of what His Son did on our behalf. Although sometimes, in the past, church officials sinned by charging money for indulgences, that's just not the way it works. Sometimes individual teachers or churches do or teach things that are inaccurate or contrary to the Bible, but that doesn't make the Bible or Christianity itself wrong. People still sin and fail after the believe that Jesus died for them- it's just the way the world is.

It honestly doesn't matter what shape the cross was- Romans used many different methods of crucifixtion. The + is just what we use traditionally, but doesn't affect that his sacrifice allows us into heaven. or will have more detailed answers to these questions, and to any others you come up with.

God bless.
2009-08-30 10:53:41 UTC
The Catholic version would be:

Jesus was 100% man and 100% God. How this is possible is a Mystery, and as unknowable as God himself.

He died for us as a sacrifice, mirroring the animal sacrifices offered to God, and Abraham's willingness to sacrifice HIS own son. Just as a spotless lamb might have been offered to ritually purify, so Christ the Spotless Lamb of God was the ultimate sacrifice, purifying us all more than any other sacrifice could so that no more sacrifices would be needed. This sort of thing involves a lot of Capital Letters :)

The 'true' Bible exists in that we call what we have 'The Bible'. How could that not truly be 'The Bible', if 'The Bible' is what we call The Bible? It was agreed on by the Council of Trent in 1546. By studying the textual evidence, and earlier documents, we can understand where passages came from, and their cultural context. That helps us better understand what is meant. It doesn't change The Bible, nor does it stop people believing things that are in the Bible. It just means that people have more context to know how to take things.

Since the contents of The Bible (from a Catholic point of view) were finalised in 1546, in what sense does a real version 'not exist'?

The shape of the cross (whose shape is never drawn in the Bible, but was passed down through other sources including word-of-mouth) is easy, since Jesus was hardly the only person to be crucified. I don't think a Roman cross looks much like T, but then it doesn't look much like + either. Luckily, representations that I have seen which are supposed to be accurate (as opposed to symbolic) look like neither. Instead, they look like crosses for crucifying on.

Catholics do not need a middle man to pray to God. They can ask him directly for forgiveness. The point of the sacrament of reconciliation is that admitting wrongdoing to someone else generally requires more acceptance that you have done wrong than just thinking it to yourself, and the priest can guide you through working out why what you did was wrong (some people list things which were not really their fault, so a priest can really help them here), what you could have done differently or how you could avoid doing this again, and appropriate penance. When you tell the priest, you are really telling God out loud with the priest helping. Many people find the priest very helpful; he can help them examine their conscience if they're finding it difficult and generally guide people in how to seek forgiveness.

Catholics do not need to pay for forgiveness. It is possible that someone repenting for something will give money as part of that, but only if they can afford it. It is certainly not the usual way of doing things.

Catholics do not believe that everybody nonchristian is going to Hell. Catholics say we cannot know whether someone is going to Heaven or Hell, although we can see the things that Jesus said were qualities of people who get into Heaven. Once you accept that some purification of souls is involved for getting into Heaven (Catholics call this Purgatory; some Protestants shriek in horror at the thought of Purgatory, while still believing in the Purification of the Elect) then it is possible that EVERYBODY gets into heaven, after going through enough purification. You can keep your soul as clean as possible to reduce the purification required, but you're never going to be perfect. And it wouldn't be very Christian to judge the purity and righteousness of other people.

It isn't about a balancing act between good and bad deeds; you can't cancel bad deeds out by good. However, if you repent of a bad deed you might try to make it up (on Earth, as part of helping you repent properly) by some specific deed or deeds. That doesn't mean the good deed cancels out the bad, but it might help you repent properly (since you need to be repentant to seek forgiveness), and it might help you become a better person.

By their fruits will you know them, so doing good and not doing bad is a sign of a good soul. Not doing good things, like Jesus said, is a sign of a bad soul. (I am simplifying) It isn't that the good things by themselves accumulate points.

Hope this helps you understand where others are coming from better; after all, I'm sure you'd happily correct anyone who didn't understand something so important in Islam.
2009-08-30 10:22:10 UTC
I was raised roman catholic and believe in god but I don't really practice my religion... at all. Having a priest and such has been around for a long time and many traditional catholics and christians do not like to change the old ways. It doesn't make them wrong or stupid just stuck in there ways and belief systems. Some believe anything not done for god is selfish and is a sin resulting in either seeking forgiveness or risking going to hell when death occurs. I personally don't follow more than half of the things that are supposed to be followed if religious [catholic&christians].

As for why bother believing in it, well many people rely on faith to get them from day to day. there is no harm in believing in something like god and/or jesus there isn't any harm in believing in whatever someone may believe in and/or follow. that is as long as it is done peacefully and not forced upon others.

All religions have there own fall points as in whether to believe them or not, but people still believe and have faith in them.

I hope this somewhat helps!
2009-08-30 10:22:27 UTC
the purpose of jesus was to come down on earth as a regular person... the only difference is that he is extremely gifted and forgiving... havent u heard of the virgin mary?? she got pregnant while she was a virgin so jesus had to be the son of god since there was no other father.. there are so many details and stuff..

we dont pray to the priest to pray to god... we pray to god ourselves.. the reason we go to church is because that is the lords actual home..

god is very forgiving so i think that he would let anybody that deserves to go to heaven at all go

god cant controll the poors actions or anybodys actions.. all he can do is guide

the cross never changed.. that is our symbol because that is the shape of the cross that jesus was killed on

the bible never changed.. it only got revised..
2009-08-30 10:39:16 UTC
Jesus is the Son of God, and He suffered human-death because sin takes sacrifice of our blood to be forgiven. Rather than humans dying forever, God sent His son to die in our place to pay for human sin, and His death pays the price for all sin, and all we must do is acknowledge and accept His death, and ask His forgiveness for our sin. The reward for that is eternal salvation.

Jesus is our "middleman" and we can pray to the Father through Him. He is with God and is our Savior.

The only ones who will go to Hell are those who know about God, and choose not to accept Him, and Jesus' death. God will not allow people who have never had an opportunity to know Him, or who are not capable of it to go to Hell. He is the Father of mercy.

Works do not control your end-destination when you leave earth, just your salvation. For those who know about Jesus, are capable of it, but choose not to accept Him, Hell will be where they end up.

Some "religions" may have a deep, detailed process by which to get saved and go to Heaven, but others do not. In my life, I have learned that salvation and forgiveness is available for the asking. All that is required is accepting Jesus as your savior, and following God. I am in the Church of God, and have been all my life.
2009-08-30 10:23:46 UTC
Catholic think that God is three in One:



Holy Spirit...

it's a Dogma... from the greek word dogma which means something (an Ideal) that is undemonstrable and you can accept it and trust it only on virtue of the Faith...

even if he was God's Son that is God Himself, Christ had a Human Nature... He felt Pain and suffered as we all do (that's another Dogma)... on the Cross He asks God "Father, why did you abandone me?" because He probably feels frustration about human being... but he doesn't surrender... He dies on the Cross 4 us... it's the Sweetest Sacrifice (another Dogma)

the figure of the Pope (intermediary) is inspired to the Gospel: Christ invest Peter with a special mission... He says "On this Rock I'll built my Church" in the Gospel... the latin translation of Rock is Petra... and Petrus is Peter latin's name...
2016-10-07 03:44:40 UTC
somewhat being here has revealed my many very own flaws. i attempt to be further and extra humble and affected person. I somewhat have a temper and am impatient with others who do no longer see the certainty yet will attempt to no longer rigidity it upon them inspite of the undeniable fact that I do fail in this section. i attempt to be grateful too because of the fact God has given me the present of religion that i did no longer deserve, exceptionally the way I somewhat have been living some years in the past. purely because of the fact i do no longer consider all and sundry does no longer mean i do no longer appreciate human beings as people who're enjoyed via God. there is this way of element as purpose fact, a meaning to existence, and a clever thank you to understand a splash on the subject of the age long questions of evil and the secret of human suffering. besides, definite I somewhat have lots to enhance for myself. I somewhat have tried to do it many distinctive approaches yet there's no way around it,I in easy terms make progression by using prayer (ordinarily)
2009-08-30 10:20:53 UTC
Matthew 3:17 And a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased."

the Bible's meaning hasn't changed, it has been translated to different languages so everyone can understand God's word.

we know what our own cross looks like, thanks.

my Christian school, we've given to the poor tons. we raised over 90,000 dollars to build a school for them, buy them new clothes, food, and backpacks. we've also taught them about God. if thats not giving, i dont know what is.
2009-08-30 10:19:41 UTC
In Koran it is written " There is no one who can change the word of God". I am intentionally not giving you the reference, just go to your pirated book and find it yourself.

Jesus Christ Himself is God.

God is creator (Isa 40:28)

Jesus is creator (John 1:3)

God is Savior (Isa 45:22)

Jesus is Savior (John 4:42)

God raises dead (1Sam 2:6)

Jesus raises dead (John 5:21)

God is Judge (Joel 3:12)

Jesus is Judge (John 5:27, Matt 25:31)

God is Light (Isa 60:19)

Jesus is Light (John 8:12)

God is "I Am" (Exodus 3:14)

Jesus is "I Am" (John 8:58, 18:5-6)

God is Shepherd (Ps. 23:10

Jesus is Shepherd (John 10:11)

Glory of God (Isa 42:8, 48:11)

Glory of Jesus (John 17:1, 5)

God is First and Last (Isa 41:4, 44:6)

Jesus is First and Last (Rev 1:17, 2:8)

God is Redeemer (Hosea 13:14)

Jesus is Redeemer (Rev 5:9)

God is Bridegroom (Isa 62:5) (Hosea 2:16)

Jesus is Bridegroom (Rev 21:2, Matt 25:1)

God is Rock (Ps. 18:2)

Jesus is Rock (1Cor 10:4)

God is Forgiver of Sins (Jer. 31:34)

Jesus is Forgiver of Sins (Mark 2:7,10)

God is Worshiped by Angels (Ps. 148:2)

Jesus is Worshiped by Angels (Heb 1:6)

God is Addressed by Prayer (Throughout Old Testament)

Jesus is Addressed by Prayer (Acts 7:59)

God is Creator of Angels (Ps. 148:5)

Jesus is Creator of Angels (Col 1:16)

God is confessed as Lord (Isa 45:23)

Jesus is Confessed as Lord (Phil 2:10)
2009-08-30 10:12:01 UTC
Jesus IS God!! (His Plan was even before The Foundations of the earth!!) His "Identity" is One Holy Compound Unit! He IS "Circle of Intimacy and Expression"!! <')))><
2009-08-30 10:11:47 UTC
With all due respect, I would appreciate a link or a source that definitively points out the changes in the bible.

The Watchtower Society is anti-Christian.
2009-08-30 10:10:14 UTC
Because Christians are always right.
2009-08-30 10:12:25 UTC
good luck getting any sane answers
2009-08-30 10:12:37 UTC
Christians: TEMPORARILY OUT OF DISORDER. They will answer when they get back from church.
2009-08-30 10:12:05 UTC
please help, life or death decision here!! please!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.