Here are the questions no atheists can answer?
2013-11-23 17:10:17 UTC
Hello everyone, I have gathered a whole lot of information that proves God exists. Do any of you atheist have any good answers for this?

Can you explain how;

1. Time, space, and matter came into existence by themselves.
2. Planets and stars formed from space dust.
3. Matter created life by itself.
4. Early life-forms learned to reproduce themselves.
5. Major changes occurred between these diverse life forms (i.e., fish changed to amphibians, amphibians changed to reptiles, and reptiles changed to birds or mammals).

Can any of you also explain why there are 7,000 Languages?

If, as evolutionists claim, all of mankind evolved from the SAME primitive life-source, then how did we end up with 7,000 different languages? The Bible teaches that God created all the different languages at Babel... "Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech ... Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth" (Genesis 11:7,9). It is far more reasonable to accept the Biblical claim that God created all of mankind's different languages; than it is to believe that some space-dust from a massive chaotic explosion somehow became life, and then took on intelligence, and then from the same evolutionary process ended up with 7,000 different languages. That makes no sense at all.

None of you seem to understand that God is on a whole different level then us. Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it's wrong. Also, there are far more believers then atheists, if God wasn't real then everyone would be an atheist, however most everyone else can see the proof through the earth and also through faith.
However I realize that denying God relieves you of living righteous lives. You have no rules to follow, no guilt, and no reservations when it comes to committing a sin. What empty lives you must have, all I hear from most of you is hate, and unhappiness, as well as a strong desire to justify yourselves. You have no reason to be here at all, so the question is, why are you?

Anyone, anyone? I can't wait to hear your replies. Most creative/ interesting/ thought provoking will get 10 points. Thank you.
51 answers:
2013-11-23 17:24:45 UTC
It's ok not to know.
2014-07-09 23:32:07 UTC
Honestly I don't know the first 5 - I wasn't there when the earth was created. I have no idea - but just because I don't know I'm not just gonna say some god did it

As for the language thing - humans beings everywhere needed a way to communicate they weren't all in the same place - so they wouldn't have thought of the same language of means of communication

And basically all you are doing is taking stuff out of a book and saying that whatever that book is saying is real - how do you know it's real

Back long ago no one really had any clue of how anything was made - anyone could've made a book - u needa prove what you are saying - not just by saying "well the bible says it and we can't question the bible"

I'm an athiest and I think iv been having a better life - I don't needa pray or go to a holy place and sit there and listen to something I don't even get - and instead of praying and leaving everything to god I actually get up and do something that'll fix the problem.
2014-04-30 08:19:23 UTC
I don't know. I am fairly confident that you don't know. I am also fairly confident that whoever wrote your preferred version of "the" bible (of which there are approximately 100 different _english_ translations, many of which are mutually exclusive) didn't know either.

Come back to the table when you have something other than "You don't know everything, therefore gawd!"
2013-12-31 17:18:33 UTC
Just because we don't know everything, that doesn't necessarily mean that God exists. You can believe in a god or gods, but you can't convince anyone that you're right with that argument. The scientists admit that they do not know how everything came to be, but that's the beauty of science. We admit our lack of knowledge so that we can keep looking for the truth. Just because we do not understand something, it doesn't mean we can say "god" or "supernatural" as an explanation. That is lazy.

You said that there are far more theists than atheists. This doesn't mean anything. If Christianity was right, then billions would go to hell. If Islam was right, then billions would go to hell. If Judaism was right, then billions would go to hell. Even if there was a god, fiction prevails. Why is that? Why does God let so many people to be deceived? No matter which religion is right, if any, a lot of people are wrong.

Lastly, In your additional details, you argued the fine tuning thing. The earth is in the Goldilocks zone. Guess what? The earth isn't only planet that is in the Goldilocks zone of its star. When the Kepler took a picture of a small portion of the sky, there were many planets in the Goldilocks zone, and about five of them were earth sized. That was a very small portion of the Milky Galaxy. There are billions and billions and billions of galaxies. Do you still think this was made all just for you?
David B
2013-11-23 17:45:03 UTC
1. Time, space, and matter have always existed and always will. There was no creation. The Big Bang was not the beginning. The Big Bang was just a rearrangement of that which already existed.

2. Gravity.

3. Abiogenesis.

4. Evolution.

5. Evolution. When you have many millions of years and hundreds of thousands of generations, evolution can do amazing things. Scientists have been able to witness evolution in short-lived bacteria and insects within their own lifetimes. Farmers and pet-lovers have done amazing things with selective breeding. Look at how many kinds of dogs there are for instance. So many sizes and shapes, yet they all came from a single animal that was sort of like a wolf.

7000 languages. People talk a lot. They love new words. Look at the Internet and at text messages on cell phones. This Internet slang is a new language that did not exist when I was born. Languages develop unbelievably quick. Existing languages also evolve. Try reading Shakespeare or the King James Bible and you will see what I mean. It is not like the English of today, and can be hard to comprehend. If some little island in the Pacific had people, but almost no contact with other islands, within three generations it could have a whole new language.

Atheism/Agnosticism/None-churchgoing is the fastest growing belief system on earth. Religions come and go. There was a time when there were no Christians. It could happen again someday. Almost everyone around the Mediterranean used to worship the Greco-Roman gods. Now nobody does.

Why would Christianity be true when things like Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism are not true? Billions of people do not believe like you do and say that their religions are true and yours is false. Why should we listen to you instead of them?

Religion and morality are separate things. Atheists have moral codes just as Christians do. Most atheists believe in the laws of the land. People should not steal, kill, rape, lie, cheat, and do other bad things. If you look closely, I think that you will see that the morals of atheists are very much like those of Christians. But atheists believe in morality for its own sake. Goodness is its own reward, and leads to an orderly society. Where many Christians only seem to act morally because they are afraid of divine punishment.

Why do atheists preach? Why do Christians preach? The answer is the same. Both sets of people believe that they have found the truth. This perceived truth makes them happy. And so Christians go out and preach the gospel, and atheists go out and preach atheism. Both groups of people feel that what they have is so special and makes them so happy that they want to share it with others.
2013-11-24 11:04:55 UTC
The mystery's of faith an GOD are beyond human comprehension.

Faith concerns questions which cannot be settled by evidence.

How can the universe create itself out of nothingness? Given the fact that the universe began to exist, it must have had a “cause” that originated it.Doesn't it make more sense to assume the existence of a Creation.

The question is tricky because it sneaks in the false assumption that GOD came from somewhere and then asks where that might be. The answer is that the question does not even make sense. It is like asking, “What does blue smell like?” Blue is not in the category of things that have a smell, so the question itself is flawed. In the same way, GOD is not in the category of things that are created or caused. GOD is uncaused and uncreated—He simply exists.

We know that from nothing, nothing comes. So, if there were ever a time when there was absolutely nothing in existence, then nothing would have ever come into existence. But things do exist. Therefore, since there could never have been absolutely nothing, something had to have always been in existence. That ever-existing being is what we call GOD ,GOD is the un-caused Being that caused everything else to come into existence. God is the uncreated Creator who created the universe and everything in it.

Life without GOD is like an un- sharpened pencil it has no point..

You can't see the wind, but you know it is there because you can see what the wind is doing. You can know that the wind is there because you can feel it.GOD is like the wind, you can't see him.

Red Dragon
2013-11-23 17:37:23 UTC
1. Time, space, and matter came into existence by themselves.

Natural phenomenon. There is no point answering this with scientific hypothesis isn't there?

2. Planets and stars formed from space dust.

Formations of solar systems, stars and planets is very well known process. In short, gravity. You can look here how our solar system formed:

(based on observations of other such systems forming "right now")

3. Matter created life by itself?

You don't think that rock created life, do you? Conditions on earth provided fertile soil (sort to say) for life to emerge.

4. Early life-forms learned to reproduce themselves.

I don't know anything about chemistry. They say it is possible and I have no reason not to believe them

5. Major changes occurred between these diverse life forms (i.e., fish changed to amphibians, amphibians changed to reptiles, and reptiles changed to birds or mammals).

Evolution theory.

And now the languages wouldn't we have only 1 language if we came from 1 divine source like God? Why not?

Now insert that as an answer here.

"lol just what I thought, not one good argument. Oh and the universe just happened to create earth and place the sun the precise distance away so our planet could be habitable? The odds of that are nil, if we were but a few hundred or thousand miles closer or farther from the sun we would freeze or burn to death. What is your explanation for that one?"

Really? Enjoy your ignorance (not an insult but a fact)
2013-11-23 17:34:10 UTC
The Big Bang explains questions one to four because it hypothesises either one or two amounts (depending on what you were taught) of large energy masses exploding and producing matter (which stars still do when they go through life cycles and create solar system of their own) therefore creating life as well as the elements found in the periodic table.

If you've read upon evolution then you will know that it takes millions and millions of years for creatures to evolve. And they usually evolve to adapt to their surroundings, and quality and quantity of supplies, hence the diverse amount of creatures. This is also backed up by DNA and fossil evidence.

Think about why emus and ostriches are alike yet different and living at opposite ends of the world (giving evidence that creatures can evolve from a single organism and adapt to survive by taking on different features, eg, intelligence which differentiates humans from gorillas)

As for the languages, they all werent invented at one time. They were all borrowed from one another and made different with region and dialect, which is why most european languages derive from latin.

Also, I dont believe religion and science are there to contradict each other.

Lets use the big bang theory as one. Religious people say God created the universe while 'atheists' say a massive upsurger of energy possibly from a star at the end of its life cycle, however they both point to the fact that a powerful amount of energy was needed to create the universe

Think about this also. Religions are diverse as well. Some people have one god, some have many. Yet they all preach the same message that something powerful created the universe, the same thing science has said, the only difference being that atheists are more inclined to science because it tells them how in detail that life was created and gives a logical reason as to why, while religion simply accepts that a divine being simply conjured the world. Atheists may be considered more curious to the universe's workings

Both science and religion are imperfect and like living beings, are evolving over time.
2013-11-23 17:47:03 UTC
You say you have gathered a whole lot of information that proves God exists. So where is it?

I can answer some of your 5 questions, some I have to say "nobody knows yet". Who was it who said "Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it's wrong"? Oh yes, it was you.

"Can any of you also explain why there are 7,000 Languages?"

Yes, cultural isolation. New languages have evolved in historical times. Can you explain why God, the creator of the entire universe, felt threatened by some people building a mud-brick tower?

Don't you dare tell me I have no rules, no guilt and no reservations, you self-righteous, arrogant woman. You don't know me. You must continue with that delusion because you can't admit that belief in your personal deity is not necessary in order to be a happy, contributing, moral member of society.


A few hundred or thousand miles? You don't seem to know that the distance from the Earth to the Sun varies by more than 3 million miles during the course of a year, or that the Earth itself is 8,000 miles across. Perhaps you think it's flat, it wouldn't surprise me at all.
2016-12-12 18:51:28 UTC
Answers For Atheists
2013-11-23 17:30:40 UTC
"Can you explain how;

1. Time, space, and matter came into existence by themselves."

We can't. Similarly, a few hundred years ago nobody on Earth knew where lightning came from. Now we do. And God isnt part of the answer. So, give it a couple more decades and you will get your answer. Science is always advancing and giving answers to questions that previous were answered with: "God did it"

"2. Planets and stars formed from space dust."

Its called Gravity and takes several hundred million years to accomplish. There are even mathematical models showing you exactly how it happens. No God here, nope.

"3. Matter created life by itself."

Abiogenesis. Go read it up. We can be broken down to individual chemical compounds which themselves consist of atoms. But I think this stuff is too high for you anyway. "God did it " once again proves to be a simple answer lol.

"4. Early life-forms learned to reproduce themselves."

If they hadn't, we wouldnt be here talking about it now, would we? It's like throwing a dice for the first time and it landing on a 6 and then we exclaim "OMG!!!! It landed on a 6!! The first throw!! How is that possible?" yeah we wouldnt be having this conversation if it hadnt been a 6, right?

"5. Major changes occurred between these diverse life forms (i.e., fish changed to amphibians, amphibians changed to reptiles, and reptiles changed to birds or mammals)."

It's called adapting to the enviroment.

"Can any of you also explain why there are 7,000 Languages?"

Seven thousand? Lol who told you that? I think there are far more. And why? Well, because people need a form of communication. And if they initially develop as tribal societies cut off from each other, their languages wont be similar. It would have been far more a miracle if everyone spoke English despite not having had contact with other groups before.

"If, as evolutionists claim, all of mankind evolved from the SAME primitive life-source, then how did we end up with 7,000 different languages?"

So by your logic if I give a class of 30 children a blank sheet of paper and some colours, and they end up NOT drawing the same picture, it is a miracle????

"It is far more reasonable to accept the Biblical claim that God created all of mankind's different languages; than it is to believe that some space-dust from a massive chaotic explosion somehow became life, and then took on intelligence, and then from the same evolutionary process ended up with 7,000 different languages. That makes no sense at all."

Sense? You want to talk about sense? The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh, drink his blood and telepathically tell him you accept him as your savior, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree makes more sense than finding evidence of evolution and publishing it in research papers?

"None of you seem to understand that God is on a whole different level then us. Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it's wrong."

What YOU don't seem to understand is that quantum physicists are on a whole different level than you. Just because you don't understand evolution, abiogenesis and the life cycle of a star doesn't mean it's wrong.

"Also, there are far more believers then atheists, if God wasn't real then everyone would be an atheist, however most everyone else can see the proof through the earth and also through faith."

There are also a lot more people who believe one shouldnt pay taxes than those who see how paying taxes is actually a good thing. Your logic isnt sound. The belief of God arose from a time when no such thing as science existed, when man was too primitive to build complex apparatuses to examine things around him, and instead simply said there is a super powerful man in the sky who poofed everything into existence in 6 days.

"However I realize that denying God relieves you of living righteous lives. You have no rules to follow, no guilt, and no reservations when it comes to committing a sin. What empty lives you must have, all I hear from most of you is hate, and unhappiness, as well as a strong desire to justify yourselves. You have no reason to be here at all, so the question is, why are you?"

The only hate I see is the one that Christians harbor toward all non-Christians, calling them evil, lost, pawns of Satan, and telling them they will suffer an eternity in hell. Keep your sick fantasies to yourself, please.

"Anyone, anyone? I can't wait to hear your replies. Most creative/ interesting/ thought provoking will get 10 points. Thank you."

Youre welcome.
2013-11-23 17:31:36 UTC
1. Big Bang Theory. Research it.

2. The cosmology of star and planet formation is well-explained. Wikipedia has a decent basic article.

3. Admittedly, abiogenesis is the youngest of the disciplines, going back to the Miller-Urey experiments of the 1950s. Ask again in 50 years.

4. The basic timeline is that single-celled organisms reproduced by budding. Early multicells did too. At some point, organisms developed hermophroditic sexual reproduction. This allowed faster mixing and passing of favorable mutations, speeding up the rate at which those species could adapt to their environments. From hermaproditism, sexual specification evolved.

5. Too long to go into here, but any good biology textbook will help you.

7,000 languages ... what does this have to do with evolution?

Then there's a section of your overly long screed that is a classic example of the argument from ignorance fallacy. You state quite clearly that you are unable to understand how these processes occur. Because they make no sense to _you_, you arrogantly assume that they make no sense to anybody. Therefore ... God!

You toss out another common fallacy - argument from popularity. So what if there are more theists than atheists? In 1900, everyone knew man would never fly.

Then you go for the insults, including that classic one that atheists have no morals because they don't have god. I'm not surprised by this; it's another classic fallacy.

So your overall score: Fallacy upon fallacy piled on bad reasoning, ignorance, arrogance and insults.

2013-11-23 17:31:45 UTC
1. Time, space, and matter came into existence by themselves.

Answer, the big bang. after all if all requires a "creator" what created your god? Answer: mankind.

2. Planets and stars formed from space dust.

Answer; The creation of matter from energy initiates the natural laws which governed the response of mass attraction to mass hence the diversity and kayos of the cosmos which demonstrates a lack of intelligence in it's design.

3. Matter created life by itself.

Answer; Life as we once thought of it has found not to be the "only" forms of life even on this planet. Where we once believed life could not exist, the depths of the ocean and hell of deserts has proven that life itself has manifested based in it's environment not through some intelligent intervention. The evolution, (mutation), survival of the fittest and adaptation of the species assists life in adapting to new niches created by our ever changing planet and environment.

4. Early life-forms learned to reproduce themselves.

Answer: "learn" is the wrong term for life could not exist if it could not replicate. That is an inherent necessity to survival of any species no matter how primitive.

5. Major changes occurred between these diverse life forms (i.e., fish changed to amphibians, amphibians changed to reptiles, and reptiles changed to birds or mammals).

Answer; To dismiss that which is been validated in fossils, scientific research and logic makes it easy for one to "believe" in creation. This however proves nothing accepting the unwillingness of some to open their eyes.

Can any of you also explain why there are 7,000 Languages?

Answer; It has been proven that a language creates a dialect and a dialect can transform into another language. I have been in countries where people are born, live and die in the same town and words, expressions, and even concepts are specific to that town. Again to ignore that which has bee proven in favor of a belief? I would bet you actually believe in the tower of bable when science and artifacts have established that men have spoken different languages long before the story was to have taken place.

You are apparently unaware that the book you refer to did not even exist until Constantine an a few church clerics got together in an attempt to solidify the still fractionated Christian faith to select, edit and then publish to the masses that which they labeled the word of god. This is your proof?

As I stated before, only "want to be" Theists, Agnostics an fools attempt to prove or provide proof of a faith or a belief for it not only demonstrates that they do not understand the concept of but possess neither.

The saddest part is that an Atheist has to explain to you what a "faith/belief" actually is.

Think about it!!
2013-11-23 17:18:34 UTC
1. Time, space, and matter came into existence by themselves.

We have no freaking idea how time and space came to be, but we choose to research, work hard and find out, not just say "Goddidit" and leave it at that.

2. Planets and stars formed from space dust.

Big Bang Theory states this. The high-energy mass the exploded rapidly and began expanding. As it exapnded, the molecules accumulated and formed larger masses.

3. Matter created life by itself.

Same as for answer 1. We want to find out too, not just say some mythical being no one has ever seen or heard is the reason.

4. Early life-forms learned to reproduce themselves.

I take it you cut your biology classes? This one isn't EVEN A BELIEF! Go take a cell and put it under a microscope and watch what happens. When a single-celled organism grows too large, it divides.

5. Major changes occurred between these diverse life forms (i.e., fish changed to amphibians, amphibians changed to reptiles, and reptiles changed to birds or mammals).

Evolution. Once again, this one is not even a theory. Go look at bacteria and antibiotics under a microscope for about 20 minutes. The bacteria will EVOLVE IN FRONT OF YOUR STUPID EYES.
2016-09-30 20:47:01 UTC
I was going to answer your questions but people answered them far more logically than "Some magical man (who is actually 3 men) created all of it." And I like how you updated this question with "exactly, not one good answer..." when there were plenty of stellar answers that are based in this thing called science. You see, what that means is that there are logical projections that include natural laws and mathematics to help get answers for the questions above. People who don't agree with you because they believe in the leading scientific theories have some evidence that is significantly more supported by fact then some book of propaganda that has been passed down for millennia likely changing its contents to the point that there are countless editions all based on the time they were written and what the majority wanted. So no, you have absolutely no proof, but at least we have traces of proof for our theories.
green meklar
2013-11-25 21:32:31 UTC
1. They didn't, necessarily. But even if they did, what makes you think that is any less probable (or anything but astronomically MORE probable) than God coming into existence by himself? The problem is that God is far harder to explain than all the things he is supposed to explain.

2. Quantum perturbations, gravity, electromagnetism, chaos theory. This is actually understood fairly well by now in the astrophysics community, and we can see places in the sky where it is happening even now. There are still details to iron out, but there's no colossal mystery here.

3. It turns out that the logic of how matter interacts with other matter is powerful enough to describe lifelike systems. One of the ways it can do so is through chemistry, i.e. the interactions between atoms in accordance with the quantum states of their electrons. Some chemical reactions that were able to take place in the environment of the early Earth turned out to be self-reinforcing, and over millions of years these grew increasingly complex, organized and efficient, eventually becoming alive.

4. It's not a matter of 'learning', since microorganisms have no minds or knowledge, at best they respond by reflex. In any case, reproduction was probably inherent in the primordial chemistry by the time it had advanced far enough to be called 'life'. Fire, for instance, reproduces itself onto nearby matter, and so do crystal structures in minerals and ices, yet they are not alive. That sort of simple reproduction was probably what sustained the chemical reactions on the early Earth as they gradually increased in complexity.

5. Different groups of life forms are often forced apart by geographical accidents (the shifting of continents, volcanic activity, rivers, etc). Once they are separate, there is nothing forcing their mutations to occur in the same way. Moreover, the different environments placed different selection pressures on the organisms, favoring different mutations. Over time, the different changes build up until the various groups become very distinct from each other, each group having adapted to its own environment.

>If, as evolutionists claim, all of mankind evolved from the SAME primitive life-source, then how did we end up with 7,000 different languages?

The same way life forms ended up in millions of different species. That is to say, geographical isolation combined with distinct selection pressures and random cultural events.

>None of you seem to understand that God is on a whole different level then us.

How is that relevant?

>Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it's wrong.

That's right. But it also doesn't mean we can't gather evidence for and against it. And the evidence is heavily against the existence of deities.

>if God wasn't real then everyone would be an atheist


>however most everyone else can see the proof through the earth and also through faith.

Then why do they keep disagreeing about who God is and what he wants? No one religion holds a majority of the Earth's religious population as followers, and the largest ones are split into a number of sects that further disagree on details.

>You have no reason to be here at all

I have lots of reasons to be here.

Furthermore, I would ask: What does it say about YOU if you need deities to be real in order to have meaning in your life?

>Oh and the universe just happened to create earth and place the sun the precise distance away so our planet could be habitable?

There are billions of planets. Most of them aren't at the right distance. A few of them are, even just by random chance. But we MUST find ourselves living on one of the ones that are. Where else could we possibly find ourselves living? It is not a coincidence that the only known inhabited planet is also a habitable one. This (in its general form) is known as the Anthropic Principle:

In my experience, many theistic arguments stem from misunderstanding (or simply ignoring) the Anthropic Principle. If you want your arguments to sound convincing, then do not make that mistake.

>if we were but a few hundred or thousand miles closer or farther from the sun we would freeze or burn to death.

Actually, the Earth's distance from the Sun varies by a few million kilometers over the course of each year, without causing us much harm.
2015-03-01 12:44:01 UTC
You clearly have no college education.

You can't even answer your questions, all you have is faith nothing else.

And because I have a Doctorate in Biology, and extensive study in physics, I can tell you that if you asked any scientist that is credible then you would understand that there are multiple theories for every single question you asked. Even though some of them you would know the answer to if you had been in any school.
2015-08-04 01:23:42 UTC
Most of the pastors/teachers/ you see on TV or at church are false. I'm not saying all are false, but most are. I study with Pastor Arnold Murray. Atheists go to hell by what God says. I really hope Atheists use their head one day, and study the bible and ask god to open you eyes for you. Knowing the bible changes hearts. Satan loves atheists because he has them. He knows they are naive and unlearned, which he honestly doesn't give a **** about. As long as they are on his side. Satan knows the scripture better than anyone else on earth, because he's supernatural. We will know the truth when we die. Satan has deceived most all of God's children, sad, but true, God even stated it in the book. When people think of Hell and Satan, they think of a red animal with horns, tail, etc. No, that is not true. Satan is a beautiful angel. And hell means to not exist. Can you even imagine not existing?

I am just telling you the truth, it's your choice to decide to believe it or not. God gave all of his children free will. He's a great father.
2013-11-23 17:29:16 UTC
You have just listed about half of the cliches that atheists hear constantly. It's almost insulting that you think atheists haven't thought about these things before.

1. Correct, according to quantum physics in which particles pop into and out of existence all of the time

2. Correct

3. Life formed when molecules organized (by their shape, not through intention) into self-replicating early prototypes of RNA and DNA. As they became more highly organized through natural selection, life started.

4. No learning involved. Go read about how RNA and DNA replicate. This is not a conscious process and does not require thought. It's driven by the shapes of the atoms and molecules themselves.

5. Yes- gradually over millions of years.

6. It is quite simple to see how languages relate- French, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese are all Latin-based languages. English is a combination of Latin and Germanic languages. Many Asian languages are very similar to each other. The evolution of languages is actually a great analogy for biological evolution.

7. Argument from ignorance

8. There are far more believers than atheists? Are you seriously trying to use this argument? So when everyone in the world believed the earth was flat, that made it true?

9. I probably live a more "righteous" life than you.

10. I live a full and happy life free of the guilt, mental torment, doublethink, and fear of religion. I *do* have reason to be here. My reasons include my love for my husband and family, my desire to learn about and experience the world, and my desire to have a fulfilling career. You are a very cynical person. I spend two full years doing full-time volunteer work in inner-city Philadelphia. Your assumptions about atheists are outrageous and condescending.

EDIT: Another faulty argument I hear ad naseum. We evolved to survive on *this* planet that happens to be a particular distance from the sun with particular characteristics. We evolved to fit the planet, not the other way around. It's quite possible for different life forms, even life forms that are unrecognizable to us, to evolve to fit different conditions elsewhere in the universe. You have a very arrogant anthropocentric view of the universe.

It's obvious you have absolutely no interest in even considering the answers that have been presented to you or attempting to understand the other side of the argument.
2015-04-01 16:20:39 UTC
All I have to do is ask 1 question and that invalidates every question: Who created God? Is it more likely an explosion happened, or a man made himself? I'm not atheist. But i think every view is wrong. Is it possible we are looking at creation in the wrong direction? Yes. For all we know.. The universe could have made us to make it. But you have no right to question people. You are no smarter than anyone.
2013-11-23 17:14:33 UTC
The thing is that many atheists are well educated in the theology and doctrine of religions. It isn't that atheists don't understand religion and therefore assume it is false, it is that there is no information or knowledge in all of human knowledge that proves/provides evidence for God.

Also, the same argument can be said of theists who claim to know precisely the truth about something that nobody knows. The difference is that the atheist does not claim to know, but the theist claims goddidit.
2013-11-23 18:41:48 UTC
So out of the trillions of pieces of dirt (ie planets, stars etc. We are just a speck in the galaxy!) in all the universe, us humans, are the only ones who worship and praise anything such as a god, and think there is a heaven and a hell to go to when we die, and the only ones 'god' expects any praise and respect from??

Yeah right, everything god created in all the galaxies and the entire universe, was for us humans and revolves around our faith in him! Are you serious?? lol

Why don't elephants, tigers, fish, dogs, cats, frogs, mosquitos worship and praise a god then?

Why? Because they don't have the capacity to believe in, or have the vivid imagination to invent, all that crap, and therefore may actually be the sane, realistic and intelligent ones on the planet. Making the humans who do believe, in fact, the dumb ones! :p

So when we die, are all our favourite pets going to be there too, or are they in there own version of heaven and hell? ie, One for Dogs, one for cats, one for snakes, one for canaries, one for horses etc etc etc?

How ridiculous!!!

And how ridiculous it is, that in this day and age, the 21st century, people are still gullible enough to believe that we should be praising, worshipping and kissing the toes of some creator of our existence.

IF, hypothetically, there is found to be a creator or god of us all, ok that's fine i will cross that bridge when if and when i come to it, but i still don't understand why people have to be so religious and righteous about it all and worship and glorify him/she/it, like he/she/it is, well, like a god!?? 'Oh thankyou god, Oh god bless you, Oh it's a miracle from god" etc etc :p

If he/she/it demands such attention, i don't know if i do ever WANT to meet my maker?

He/she/it seems like a selfish, egotistical A.whole!!!

As for how we got here and how all the animals and plants and ourselves exist on the planet, i totally agree with all the above answers who have received 'thumbs up' next to there names, and the Big Bang and scientific evolution theories.
2014-04-03 20:34:15 UTC
Only 7,000 languages? Heck in my country, we have almost a thousand dialects. So how many countries are there and how many dialects that they have?

Anyway, some Malaysian and Indonesian words have some uncanny resemblance to mine. I do believe that it will take me a couple of months to learn them. And I do believe that the Tower of Babel has nothing to do with these similarities or that God has something to do with it.

Anyway, research on Zoroastrianism and how it influenced Judaism, Christianity and Islam. In fact the Jewish and Christian bible plagiarized Zoroastrianism. Even Jesus was a Jewish copy of Zoroaster.
2013-11-23 17:13:25 UTC
Your argument appears to be "I don't know how natural processes work, therefore God".

Please explain why you think that you not knowing stuff is a valid argument for the existence of your deity. Seriously, I would love to understand how you get your head around that one.

BTW, if those are the "statements that prove God exists" that you mentioned in your last question, I don't think "proves" means what you think it means.

Anyway, to your questions:

1. No I can't answer that, other than by referring you to the Big Bang. This doesn't mean I have to default to a supernatural "explanation", however. It simply means I'm not a quantum physicist.

2. Astronomers are observing planet building in the accretion rings of collapsed nebulae. The science behind planet building is well understood.

3. Life is nothing more than a chemical reaction. Given the right conditions, there is no good reason why complex macromolecules could not give rise to life.

4. Replication is a chemical reaction.

5. Accumulative minor change over time leads to larger changes. The Theory of Evolution clearly explains how higher taxa diverged. The fossil record and genetics support each other in plotting the evolution of these groups.

As for language, we know that isolated populations within a country develop dialects. Continue that isolation over time and these diverging dialects will become different languages.

No deity necessary for any of that.

And I'm not going to justify your paragraph of rant with a response.

EDIT: "The odds of that are nil"...?

20% of the planets discovered by the Keppler space observatory are in the Goldilocks Zone of their respective stars. Earth isn't that special.
2014-10-12 00:58:04 UTC
That is not proof to god. That is just you saying that life is "to complex" to have been just created by coinsidence. Just deal with it:nobody will ever know for sure that god exists or doesn't. But I choose to belive he is not. Because that makes more sense to me.
2015-03-23 14:49:47 UTC
I don't have to know how it all began or how it will all end. I believe in life before death.

I have problems with a god who commands no murder and then ask Abraham to kill his son.

Where did Cain's wife and the people of Nod come from?

Why do different races have physical differences?

Why would I want to spend eternity singing and praising god, when that is what you do in church?
Lou G
2013-11-23 18:24:05 UTC
At the beginning was the word.

A word can only be spoken by the resonance of your vocal cords. Thus, the beginning was resonance.

Resonance forms light, forms gravity, thus creates energy. Now, what makes particles swing? producing energy, probably energy itself. So, what was first inside Nothingness, energy, resonance, the egg or the chicken?

So many question we will never find any answer for. we live in a holographic computer simulation, and we are part of IT. Now start by finding out what it is, it is a challenge we will never really fulfill, finding out who wrote the program and who double-clicked "universe.exe", is another challenge. Try to find out, and then, you will have no time left to spread the GOD idiot stories here. GOD IS energy, and energy creates all and destroys all, it is GOD and the Devil in one word, Nothingness, Resonance, Gravity, the holy trinity of existence of NRG, Energy.
2014-03-22 04:43:33 UTC
On numbers 1 to 5, we can humbly say that we still don't know. But we are going to find out. There are men and women who are working hard to find out.

What you are doing is called "Argument through Ignorance Fallacy". So just because we don't know something, it will make your point valid. Let me give you an analogy. Do you know Schrodinger's cat?

Let say my point is that I don't know if the cat is alive or not, if you will not let me use equipment like a sonogram. Then you will say, "Aha! You don't know! Then I am right when I say that the cat is alive".

On the language, do you know that Spanish, French and Italian have a lot of similarities? Why? Because they evolved from Latin.

Languages is connected to geographical location and immigration of people.

So just because we don't know everything it doesn't mean that you have the right to make up stories that are based on fantasies.
2013-11-27 01:35:24 UTC
Just because we cant figure out the answers to some questions, doesn't mean you blame it on God. Ancient civilisation worshipped nature. Later man understood and learnt to explain nature and natural events and thus demystified nature. As we keep discovering answers, we will also need to attribute less and less to God
Tall Willow
2013-11-23 17:21:29 UTC
Your lack of understanding of science is proof of nothing. Thinking that the Bible must be literally true shows a very limited understanding of God, too, IMHO.

Just one example that shows ignorance of 6th grade science: you ask what made the planets coalesce. Ever hear of gravity?
2013-11-23 17:15:53 UTC
You see, cupcake, the problem with this line of argument is, so what if atheists cannot answer these questions? Does it make your belief in a deity without evidence and a man-made holy book valid? No, cupcake, it doesn't.
2015-10-29 19:43:49 UTC
Answer this question for me. How did god get here?
2014-11-14 19:32:30 UTC
easily if you believe in god's ******* intelligent design, than why make us able to die at all. Why lets us get disease? How come i can drown and not survive in space? WHY DOES MY ******* FOOD GO DOWN THE SAME PIPE AS MY AIR DOES? If anything why need air if i was intelligently designed? Clearly it was human ingenuity that created 7000 languages and major changes occurred to maintain homeostasis. Thats 10th grade bio. They took time to evolve like over thousands of years. They need to adapt to their environment. And cells ******* create more cells through cell diversion or REPRODUCTION
2014-07-25 19:43:57 UTC
Have you ever heard of Google? You can answer most of these questions with a simple Google search.
2013-11-23 17:13:22 UTC
What you don't seem to understand is how easy it is to explain something with made-up fairy tales vs. having to actually research, study and find the answers through the scientific method. What I don't understand is why you would rather be placated with fiction than to admit you don't know.
2013-11-23 17:20:44 UTC
1. How do you know they weren't always here?

2. Accretion. Google it.

3. Abiogenesis. Google it.

4. Didn't have to "learn" it. RNA does it naturally.

5. Evolution. Google it.

Bonus question: Languages developed independently in numerous places.

You're welcome. Take your ten points and cram them up your butt.
2013-11-23 17:12:46 UTC
There is an all-powerful invisible pink unicorn named Alluh-ab-Joshochollini who is responsible for all of that stuff. Joshochollini created time, space, and matter, all of the stars, every life form, and every language. We know this because I wrote it somewhere. I plan to make a book out of it.
2014-02-01 11:48:34 UTC
In the old days when language first came about. I think you'll find out that people stayed in very small groups ( family, friends ect)

So that would explain why there's so many languages.

Plus many language today are similar to one another .

Just because scienticts can't explain everything now, doesn't mean they won't be able to one day.

Just like it has been proven that women came before men, where's your fake bible says different.

The bible also says women have one more rib than men... which is false we all have the same.

More that has been proven.

There's no such thing as talking snakes,

You can't get every single species of animal on one boat,

It's impossible to have only two animals of every species to repopulate the entire world,

Humans have never lived to be hundreds of years old,

It's not possible for two humans to repopulate the entire world

A virgin can't give birth...

And many many more.

Btw we don't need any so called god to tell us what is right or wrong.

We know how to think for ourselves, and know what's right and wrong!!

Unlike any of you, who not only need telling what is right and wrong, but who does wrong then prays for forgiveness and moves on.

How does it go? If you're sorry and pray to be forgiven, you will be allowed into heaven, even if you're a murderer or rapist.

Just proves what type of people you are.

Answer this.

If your god is real, then why hasn't he came down and sent us to hell??

So many of you people have tried to predict his return over and over again, but he never has, has he??

Wonder why.

Maybe because he doesn't exist!

But you will keep on wishing and praying and nothing will happen.

We have no reason to be here?


And what is your reason?

To start war and wreck the world?

Also answer me this.

If you really believe in heaven, that it is ment to be a better place, then why do you cry when a loved one dies???

Wouldn't you be happy that their in a better place, with god, and don't need to suffer anymore??

Surely you would be dancing and laughing and telling people that he/she is with god and how proud you are that he/she was chosen!
2016-09-18 01:43:47 UTC
Valuable answers, just what I was looking for.
2013-11-23 22:41:30 UTC
2016-03-11 11:44:38 UTC
pff it's retarded to believe in religions it's bullshit like someone says he believes in alllah , someone says he believes in Jesus WELL I BELIEVE IN SANTA CLAUS xDDDD
2013-11-23 17:30:16 UTC
No, it proves that Osiris exists.
2013-11-23 17:15:54 UTC
you got me on #1, but that's about it
2013-11-23 17:16:40 UTC
you didn't google Argument from Ignorance and Argument from Incredulity, did you? DO IT NOW!
2013-11-23 17:13:05 UTC
So god beamed down 7,000 languages? Why are they so similar?
2013-11-23 17:31:14 UTC
*throws a couple of textbooks at u*
2016-07-19 03:07:05 UTC
God is language
2013-11-23 17:12:20 UTC
you can scream about it until you're blue in the face, nothing you say will convince me that 'god' is real.
2013-11-23 17:24:37 UTC
damn, can't delete on mobile.
2013-11-23 17:11:13 UTC
the fvck did i just tell you about being concise?
2013-11-23 17:12:06 UTC
They will only mock and revile you.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.