Why did Covid hit America so hard?
2020-06-22 19:33:45 UTC
Why did Covid hit America so hard?
62 answers:
NPG Starlett
2020-06-24 16:24:21 UTC
Simply because there are over 300 million people there. The more people there are in any given area increases risk of community transmission.
2020-06-23 20:35:29 UTC
Because we have fake news that turns mole hills into mountains if it suits their political agenda.
Den B7
2020-06-23 16:43:07 UTC
The virus didn't "hit" the USA any different than other countries. The difference is that other countries reacted using the best possible medical advice while the USA pretended that it was impervious to the infection and took no action until the virus had spread too far to contain.

Couple that with Americans not taking precautions seriously, and the problem is compounded.

The vice president is correct that we are not seeing a "second wave." What was not said however is that it's not a second wave because it is still the first wave.
2020-06-23 15:42:57 UTC
Many reasons.  One very big one is our president downplayed the severity of the pandemic in an attempt to make himself appear better. At his Tulsa rally Trump openly admitted that he wanted testing reduced so numbers would look better (compounded with the sheer idiocy of holding public indoor events where socal distancing is essentially impossible to brag about something so dumb).  As if not knowing cases exist made them go away.

 There was a long leadup, and the adminstration had cut many safeguards.   The Global Health Security and Biodefense unit — responsible for pandemic preparedness — was established in 2015 by Barack Obama’s National Security Advisor, Susan Rice ( here ). The unit resided under the National Security Council (NSC) — a forum of White House personnel that advises the president on national security and foreign policy matters.

In May 2018, the team was disbanded by the adminstration, and its head Timothy Ziemer, top White House official in the NSC for leading U.S. response against a pandemic, left.

Medical experts warned of dire consequences at the time.  This tweet is from 2018:
2020-06-22 21:20:49 UTC
Have you seriously not seen the idiots running around without masks and failing to practice social distancing?
2020-06-22 20:36:51 UTC
Predicted death: 2.5 million by the end of April

Actual deaths: 120,000

While even 1 death is too many, that does not sound like it hit anywhere near as hard as the experts thought it would.

Most countries were later than they could have been restricting travel to prevent the spread of the virus because the information coming out of China was false.

Once the US did begin restrictions (and right at the same time as most other countries) the American people themselves were too "independant" and too stubborn to take simple steps to help reduce the spread.  They resist wearing mask, etc.

Also there were decisions made at the federal level, the state level and the local level that, in hindsight, where mistakes.  (Hindsight always gives you 20/20 vision.)  Many of them were based on "expert" information that was wrong.  Many of them disregarded the information.

But as serious as the epidemic as been, it has not been as bad as most the experts predicted.  We did better at controlling it then expected.  But we did not get it perfect.  (Do we ever?  No.)
Bobby Jim
2020-06-22 20:23:56 UTC
Because America was targeted in the release of the virus. 
Steel Rain
2020-06-22 19:59:14 UTC
Joe Biden made a deal with the Chinese Communist to steal the election. 
No Chance Without Jesus
2020-06-22 19:40:54 UTC
It really didn't, it is restrictions imposed by liberal governments that hurt
Desolate the Toothsome
2020-06-22 19:37:17 UTC
Covid hit everyone hard.
2020-06-24 12:54:21 UTC
I don't blame Trump.  Trump did take measures with only two deaths in the US.  Trump was misadvised about a lot of things.  For example, the false info that masks don't help (due to the virus being small enough to get through).  Trump's failure is obvious when you analyze the countries that did recover from COVID.  China recovered, but had forced full lockdowns (not self-lock-downs like America, where you see a lot of people mingling and not wearing masks).  China had drones shouting at people to wear masks and go inside and stay there.  The United States is a land of freedom, and there is an argument whether or not the US is capable of preventing free assembly (a right granted by the First Amendment).  I believe that in a time of emergency, the Constitution no longer exists.  It is like the black-outs during WW II when everyone had to turn their lights off.  It is that sense of freedom that hurts America (normally I cherish freedom).  Misguided preachers insisted on holding services, and their parish was wiped out by COVID.  Part of the problem is machismo.  Many proud Hispanics show that they are not afraid of anything, and prove it by getting COVID.  COVID doesn't hurt most people, but it is devastating to those at risk (cancer, old, diabetic).  If young get it, it can spread to the old.  WHY THE US WAS HIT HARD:  Rich neighborhoods were hit first and hit hardest.  Beverly Hills was a red dot on the COVID map, because it had a huge incidence of COVID.  This is because the rich can afford to travel to China, and Chinese industrialists can afford to take trips to the US and mingle with the rich who can buy their products.  Now that the rich were hit, they can stay at home in their mansions (watch first run movies, and stay in contact with loved ones).  But Hispanics (usually much poorer) have to go to work to eat.  They are the ones on the front lines, making sure that we have enough to eat, making sure that our medical needs are covered, etc.  Now the inner cities are being hit hard (Hispanic and Black communities).  The George Floyd riots are hurting the COVID problem, too.  Trump addressed the bad cop issue, and that should have slowed the protesting.  WHAT WE NEED TO DO:  Be dictators and force everyone inside (unless delivering food, and other emergency services).  Though it will be rough on people for a month, it won't continue for years.  No barbers, no beauty parlors.  We also need to talk to China about every year the flu coming from their country.  We need to get China to spend perhaps as much as $5 million to clean up their act.  Eliminate wet markets where people eat disgusting things (necessary in that country that has no class eat same as poor....yeah, right).  China needs to move pig sties from duck ponds.  China needs to kill bats (enviromental disaster, but maybe necessary if we are to survive).  China needs to use antiviral agents on pig sties.  We should be working on fixing next year's problems and not spend all of our time getting necessary supplies for this year (gloves, masks).
Lois & Peter
2020-06-24 02:18:07 UTC
Our president thought it would blow over and it didn't. If he had taken a lesson from Italy and China he would have take emergency efforts earlier and avoided a lot of deaths.

Remember, every disaster movie begins with a politician ignoring scientific advice. 
2020-06-23 20:02:45 UTC
Partly due to a slow response by our government.  Remember Trump saying it was nothing and would be all over in two weeks?  However, lots of governments fumbled the ball on the response and still are (Mexico is a current hot spot as is India and much of South America).


US, 2.3 million cases, about 0.7% of the population

Brazil, 1.1 million cases, about 0.5% of the population

Russia, 0.6 million cases, about 0.4% of the population (I've seen lots of questions on other sites how truthful they are being, not that the Russians have a habit of lying about embarrassing issues).

India, 0.45 million cases, about 0.03% of the population (but they are just getting going)

UK, 0.3 million cases, about 0.45% of the population

Peru, about 0.26 million cases, about 0.8% of the population

Chile, about 0.25 million cases, about 1.3% of the population

Spain, about 0.25 million cases, about 0.5% of the population

Italy, about 0.24 million cases, about 0.4% of the population


Numbers taken from today and of course are always changing.


Of course, they are also many countries with much, much lower % of cases because of the actions they took.
2020-06-23 14:45:26 UTC
Anti-science idiots.  Like trump.  The usa is in it's Dark Ages.
2020-06-23 13:35:33 UTC
The Covid-19 is a pandemic and it has no preference, no bias. And it will continue to spread no matter the state, country, county, or region if the people do not follow the guidelines that prevent it from spreading. 
Space Wasp
2020-06-23 11:25:39 UTC
Pretty much because the country is run by, and inhabited by, mainly dumb, selfish morons.
2020-06-23 10:54:40 UTC
high population
2020-06-23 02:26:27 UTC
Because God is not happy with us.  
jon pike
2020-06-22 22:07:38 UTC
We're not very good at volunteer disease prevention. 
2020-06-22 21:45:52 UTC
Their stupid president Trump, thought it was a hoax
Campbell Hayden
2020-06-22 20:11:56 UTC
It is possible that America 

has not been hit very hard by COVID-19 at all. 

The American people, along with the rest of the civilized world, 

can see how wrong, scornful, and baneful Dr. Fauci and his 

erratic, ever-changing claims have truly become. 

America is being held "in place" by a functioning and deceptive narrative, which inevitably makes any 'thinking' person wonder about what else might possibly be going on. 

To take Fauci's word on a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g at all, or that of America's mainstream media, about the number of persons that have been 'adversely' affected by COVID-19, would be giving them more credit than they deserve. 

COVID-19 could be nothing more than a false flag that has its own purpose, or it could be the product of a virus research lab in China that is so virulent that it will take a generation or two of our human civilization to neutralize it, and destroy it.

Only time, and the Human ability to beat the odds, will tell. 
2020-06-22 20:11:24 UTC
We didn't have the tight lockdowns that Europe did. And we have these really crowded cities. Britain was also hit hard. London being a very crowded city.

Ameeican constantly travel. More cars than in most parts of the world.
2020-06-22 20:06:21 UTC
It didn't.  "Covid-19" doesn't exist at all.  It is a hoax.  Our area never shut down, we never wear masks (most of us anyway), and we don't practice "social distancing".  And nothing happened.   "Coronavirus" is a media hoax.
Simon T
2020-06-22 19:59:18 UTC
Fundamentally because of an uncaring and ignorant administration.

Before it even stated they crippled the team that was set up to respond to these events.

From insisting that his name be on all the subsidy checks, to pushing untested drugs, from idiotic suggestions of shining lights in people and drinking/injecting disinfectants to refusing to lead by wearing a mask that all his scientific advisers say is the best way to stop Coronavirus spread . . . 

. . . the President has consistently shown to be totally inept and incompetent, in charge of a team if inept and incompetent sycophants that he put in place.

I think we will now look on in horror as the disease picks up, spreading out of Tulsa.
🤔 Jay
2020-06-22 19:53:53 UTC
The pandemic was ignored by the Federal Government..

Obama saw this coming years ago and had plans if it hit......That was another of Trump's ways to spite Obama...   
2020-06-22 19:48:33 UTC
Because our government and our president in particular were more worried about the stock market and  getting re elected than they were/are concerned about saving the lives of its citizens. They did nothing correct to prevent it. Trump is trying to push the agenda that covid is done, when we havent hit the peak of the first wave yet. I hope that orange piece of garbage gets covid and dies.
El Nerdo Loco
2020-06-22 19:43:27 UTC
Lots of travel here, late response, under-prepared in terms of equipment and supplies, the fiasco of getting a test kit rolled out in any significant quantities... Everything we did right, we only did right... eventually. And diseases like this have to be stopped as early as possible or else they snowball.
2020-06-22 19:39:04 UTC
Piss-poor leadership.

There is no excuse for those numbers.

And now watch Tulsa.....they're going for broke there.
2020-06-22 19:36:52 UTC
Poor leadership, and perhaps poor followership as well.  Politicians have been mishandling it but so too have certain individuals been loathe to cooperate with the preventative measures that the health experts are advising.
2020-06-22 19:35:05 UTC
Because our "leader" is a "stable genius" who, if I remember correctly, actually said that there would be fewer cases if there was less testing.
2020-06-25 05:30:51 UTC
Did? It's not over yet, nowhere near it. As to why it IS hitting us hard, the short answer is that we have no effective occupant in the Oval Office. All he would have had to do was demand that his cult members wear face masks and the chance of transmission between people wearing them would be cut by 60%. But he wouldn't do that and instead made a political issue out of it, and so it's gone with everything else that reason would dictate doing- it's all been ignored.
2020-06-24 10:25:06 UTC
God wants all saved.

If people do not turn to Him when times are good, God allows things to happen that may turn the people back to Him and desiring His protection.

Read Isaiah chapter 9.  Remember that Tom Daschle and John Edwards fulfilled Isaiah 9:10.

"In all this His anger is not turned away, but His hand is stretched out still."
2020-06-24 02:42:58 UTC
For the same reason it hit all countries the same way.
Sunday Crone
2020-06-23 21:28:50 UTC
Because Trump denied it existed and refused to prepare for the pandemic.
wind rider
2020-06-23 20:18:01 UTC
Why was it said what you sow you reap. Where will you be when it returns home. My hope is in God. Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The two bombings killed between 129,000 and 226,000 people, most of whom were civilians, and remain the only uses of nuclear weapons in armed conflict. A divided house will not stand.
Robin W
2020-06-23 15:52:08 UTC
We have a very stupid President who said it was a hoax, dismantled everything that was put in place to handle a pandemic, failed to invoke the Defense Production act to produce more PPE, sets a bad example by not wearing a mask, STEALS PPE from the states so he can hand it out to states with Republican governors and Senators, and lies...and lies... and lies.  And 42% of the U.S. is stupid enough to support him anyway. 
2020-06-23 11:54:30 UTC
because they did more testing, were more honest about the results, have a media widely covering the virus, our Medical Experts encouraged our Medical Examiners/Coroners to see nearly every death as a Covid death, and we had better ability to treat sick people in medical facilities that report infections. add to that the simple fact that The US is a Rich Country which means people are traveling quickly and easily from every State and Country on a daily basis.
2020-06-23 10:53:24 UTC
If it had hit the USA as hard as the UK, Spain and Italy, you would, by scaling up the population to fit, by now have had 240,000 fatalities. So despite the reluctance of so many to obey the social distancing rules, you have done quite well so far. The arrival of Spring will have also helped.
2020-06-23 05:04:10 UTC
The fault lies with subhumans who’ve got obscene, narcissistic, snobby, sheeple, and hypocritical opinions!
2020-06-23 04:50:01 UTC
The Chinese didn’t let us know anything about it until two weeks after the fact that it is hurting folks not all folks just some of them
2020-06-23 01:52:59 UTC
Because New York's numbers were included in the US total.

If New York's numbers were not included, the rest of the country would have been low when compared to many countries, especially if the numbers were reported in a per-capita basis.

New York by itself would have ranked among the hardest hit nations.

Why was New York so bad?

One reason is because they did stupid things like putting Covid patients in nursing homes!  That spread the virus to some of the most vulnerable people.
2020-06-23 00:06:36 UTC
Lack of action on the part of the Federal and State Governments.

Lack of action of people to follow directions.

Failure to ground all airplanes coming in from overseas.
2020-06-22 22:33:22 UTC
They lied when they said "In God We Trust!"
Weasel McWeasel
2020-06-22 21:11:18 UTC
Because Trump spent months saying it wasn't a problem......while intelligent world leaders took IMMEDIATELY and drastic steps to curb it. 
2020-06-22 21:04:24 UTC
Having an incompetent buffoon as president who thought it was a hoax didn't help.

Literally anybody of either party almost certainly would have done a better job and fewer people would have died.
Hunter. ✞
2020-06-22 19:53:45 UTC
There were countries letting people die because of the lack of medical equipment and facilities.

America is also spiking the numbers up for some strange reason.

Also, America allowed mass protesting and rioting during the pandemic , saying it was more important.
2020-06-22 19:51:02 UTC
Several reasons, the primary one is Trump's mishandling of the pandemic and the nature of Americans to do what they want instead of following medical recommendations.
2020-06-22 19:48:51 UTC
Maybe because we didn't take it seriously at first. Maybe because we wanted to return to normal too fast. 
2020-06-22 19:44:52 UTC
I AM GUESSING THE devil is behind it and in this country we have lots of CHRISTIANS!!
2020-06-22 19:39:44 UTC
Rampant anti intellectualism, a moronic president, and being one of the fattest, unhealthiest nations on Earth is a bad combination when pandemics happen. 

I'm in a red state so maybe it's worse where I live, but I see people at Walmart at the grocery store etc..  people who are clearly high risk, walking around, or zipping around on a scooter, no mask, not social distancing etc...
2020-06-24 05:43:21 UTC
Ignorance, and corruption 
2020-06-23 23:25:57 UTC
Because the NEWS said so.

2020-06-23 15:06:33 UTC
How hard you get hit depends on how you are paying attention.

As for me and my family we are going to try to behave in public.
2020-06-23 15:02:36 UTC
one reason is no one knew until it had already spread here, people were still traveling into the country with the sickness, another is that people handle alot of money and credit cards..............pandemic...
2020-06-23 13:27:48 UTC
Because lots of people in the US blame lots of other people for the bad in their's a contagious disease so you can blame other people when you get sick.
2020-06-23 09:16:07 UTC
2020-06-23 02:56:09 UTC
Still hitting. Hitting right now. It hasn't magically gone away. Oh no, Karen!

Americans are selfishly stupid a lot of the times. Any actual sacrifices strike them as cutting into their 'freedumbs'. There's also, yes, the macho posturing going on-- no disease is gonna make me stay home or wear a mask mind set. You see it all the damn time. tRump personifies this. 

Oh yeah, the pandemic team working with China got fired. So...yeah. That helped this disease a lot. Any and all actual warnings about how serious this all was was ignored for, what, 75 days? tRump said it was a hoax and...then it wasn't but we didn't test large swatches of people cause it would make him look bad and...Oh yeah, I wonder why it's so prevalent. I wonder. MMMMM. Mm? 

There's the rampant raft of conspiracy theories floating on the badly-educated seas as well. It's a hoax set up by the Jews to take down tRump. It was accidentally released from a Chinese lab-- which got a lot of Asian people hurt and beat up for that rumor. It was...yeah, there's a list here that JUST KEEPS GROWING. Ugh. 

There's also the puritanical evangelical fucknuts not helping at all with their Jesus will protect us and they are coming for our gunz battle whimpers. Those who insist on attending church...and spreading COVID-19 like STI's at a Catholic bishop's private orgy. Cheap shot but we're in cheap *** bully or be bullied times, baby. 

Americans reacted to 'wear a mask when you go out in public' the same way they reacted to being told [think of something that triggers Americans into road rage levels]. 

There's also the 'if it's not happening to me, then why the fuuck should I care or do my duty or wash my hands or social distance or do anything but whine about how I miss Taco Tuesdays at Taco Bell' mind set. 

5G, anyone? What are Soros, Killery and Gates up to?? It's not real, but if it is, it's just the flu but it's not real but if it is, it's like the flu which kills a lot of people or something. Did you hear. Did you hear. Did you hear???!!!
2020-06-22 23:25:58 UTC
WHAT'S wrong with the americans... their dimwit minds are miserably poisoned with the "me first"...
2020-06-22 23:08:30 UTC

There's no past tense here. It hasn't finished the first wave yet.

It looks like it's only just getting started in some parts of the US:

America has taken most of the measures used by other nations, but it did them very slowly, it did them with low public compliance, and it let go far too soon. The nation's sheer size is working in its favour to slow the spread of the disease and prevent a total overwhelming as has occurred in smaller, denser countries. Unfortunately that also means the virus will hang around at dangerous levels in the general population for far longer.

Until effective treatments are out there, it's going to be a long haul yet.
2020-06-22 22:54:42 UTC
Ignorance. Stubborn need to 'show the libs'. Stupidness. Easily led. It's the same thing as the anti-vaxxer crap. Also, tRump didn't want to hurt his re-election chances. 

He also fired the team in charge of stopping diseases from turning into pandemics. 

"Trump was not telling a joke when he said he slowed down testing for COVID-19 to conceal its spread. No sensible person can watch the video and think he was joking. The President of the United States killed Americans in an effort to improve his election chances." 

There's also that section of Americans. Who really like conspiracy theories. Seem to think they're real. They parrot. That this is a hoax. Created by globalists, democrats and Soros. Or to shorten that. The Jews. There's also QAnon spouting their garbage. America is fuucked. We're fuucked for several years. Instead of a few months of wearing a mask, keeping at home, hunkering down. We've chosen to prolong this indefinitely to 'own the libs'. 
2020-06-22 19:46:25 UTC
The American president didn't prepare for it, he is incompetent.
2020-06-22 19:40:15 UTC
Because our leaders moved too slowly and too many Americans saw a conflict between personal  freedom and preventing infection.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.