What's the difference between Mormon beliefs and the beliefs of the average Christian?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What's the difference between Mormon beliefs and the beliefs of the average Christian?
40 answers:
strplng warrior mom
2008-04-29 20:40:22 UTC
Mormons believe God has not sealed the heavens and we still receive revelations.

We believe the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ was lost in apostacy and restored through modern prophets; starting with Joseph Smith who saw God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.

We have prophets & apostles whose priesthood lineage goes directly back to the apostles Peter, James & John.

We believe families can be together forever.

We do not believe in 'original sin' or that all men will be punished for Adam's transgression.

We believe that as the Savior lives, our canon should be open to include new revelation.
Tug Stein™
2008-04-29 20:56:56 UTC
To those who like to mention that Mormons believe that Christ & Satan were brothers...

Mormons believe in a pre-mortal life.. (Which is Biblical..)

They believe that in this pre-mortal life God the Father created spiritual children.. (Christ being the first... But this also included Lucifer/Satan..)

So I guess you could say that they are brothers when you consider that they were both created by the Father.. (In the same sense that people today consider themselves brothers and sisters in Christ..)

Oh well. Maybe I'm not explaining this well but yeah..

It is not as outrageous as it initially sounds.. :p
2008-04-29 20:49:08 UTC
The biggest difference is the concept of continual revelation. Mormons believe that the church of God fell into apostacy shortly after the death of the apostles and the priesthood authority and keys to the church were removed from the earth and then later restored thru Joseph Smith.

besides Catholics, mainstream christianity doesnt really place priesthood authority as a central concept to their church, however, mormons believe it is the authority that makes this the true church on the planet today. It is thru that priesthood authority and continual revelation of apostles and prophets of God on the earth today that the church of God functions, like it did in Biblical times.

We also have another testament of Jesus Christ, the Book of Mormon which is the writings of prophets that lived in the americas during biblical times. It is not a replacement of the Bible, but in addition to the Bible. We believe that God finds many ways to reveal truth to people of all diff societies and cultures which included additional prophets in the world back in biblical times. Another example of this would be Mohammed, which mormons consider perhaps not quite a prophet but a man that was divinely inspired to give some truths to that part of the world at the time, not complete truth, but some truth and inspiration.

I would say the priesthood authority and the concept of continual revelation, which includes the existance of modern day prophets and apostles are the biggest ones. There are other doctrinal issues like mormons believe in eternal marriage, a premortal existance (we lived as spirits before we came to earth), continual progression after this life and we dont really believe in the concept of people burning in eternal fiery hell. Almost everyone will attain some degree of glory. It is how far they will be able to progress and the ability to live in the presence of God that will differ depending on their choices.
ToryL - un canard de Rouen
2008-04-29 20:49:03 UTC
Of all the answers you've received, I don't see anyone from the LDS faith. So how would they really know what we believe? So, I will give you a few basic differences in belief.

One major difference is, Mormons believe that God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are seperate individuals within the God head. None of this, 3 in 1 and 1 in 3 stuff. We don't believe that Jesus was praying to himself or that he cried out to himself on the cross.

The fundamental concepts of Christianity we believe. Eternal life, salavation through faith in Jesus Christ, etc. What we do that is different.....we believe that the Church as established by Christ and the authority on the earth at that time was lost. We believe that that authority was restored through Joesph Smith. We believe in modern day prophets. We believe in eternal families.

The basic concepts of the LDS faith are pretty simple. People have lots of issues but here is my basic point, I am a convert to the LDS Church and I am a better person than who I would have been had I not found the Church. Yes, we follow the "word of wisdom." Active Mormons avoid alcohol, tea, coffee and tobacco. We believe in being faithful to our marriage and in loving and supporting our families. Members of the LDS faith struggle, have shortcomings, and don't always do everything we should or are asked to do. But we try harder. :)

For more detailed information on what we believe please visit the web site.


that's for asking and I hope you find the answers you are looking for. ;)
2008-04-29 20:35:43 UTC
mormons dont drink coffee ...i heard.. they say no to alcohol and cigarettes
Joe O
2008-04-29 21:14:27 UTC
Ok to try and set everything straight-- because all any of you did was pick up the first antimormon book you found and started quoting away--

1) We don't believe in polygamy. Period. You are talking about the FLDS church, and they are a completely different group of people. Not even close.

2) We don't believe God and mary had sex and created Jesus. Mary gave birth to Jesus from immaculate conception. I am sure you all know the story, cause you are all good christians I am sure.

3) Black people aren't cursed. nor were they ever that way. You all claim this as LDS doctrine but a majority of "christian" religions have had an opinion on this one. Ya'll need to remember that just because someone says it, doesn't mean they are right. Usually, especially in this case, far from it.

4) We don't believe we are saved by works. We are saved by the grace of the lord through our faith in him, Faith alone is not enough. The bible says that- james 2:24, kinda funny huh. If you have faith you would show that through works. no one man is saved by faith alone. Having faith insists that you have obedience to what you are faithful too... if you are out drinking every night, or whatever, not very obendient, henceforth faithful, to jesus now are ya.

joseph Smith didnt see God and Jesus in secret. He saw them in the sacred grove. Big difference... and for the record, abraham, moses- these people spoke with god, and it wasn't in front of people... was theirs in secret too? and does that make them false... I think not.

At no time ever has the church said Adam was god. Your source was incorrect. He is the father of mankind-- meaning first man upon the earth-- not god.

We do not believe in more then one god. There is only one God we worship. We do not believe in worshipping many gods. just the one, as he is the only one.

We do believe we can become like God, this is called exaltation. But we do not worship other gods.

This is what we believe:

1) we believe in God, the eternal father, and in his son, Jesus Christ, and in the holy Ghost.

They are three seperate individuals. But are all a part of the God head.

2) we believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam's transgression.

3 We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.

Again, this has to do with faith. Just saying you believe in Jesus doesnt cut it, cause lets face it... we all believe in Jesus

4 We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.

5 We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof.

6 We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth.

7 We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth.

8 We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.

9 We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.

10 We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.

11 We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.

12 We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.

13 We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.

(Pearl of Great Price | Articles of Faith 1:3 - 13)

Look I am more then willing to discuss this topic with any who so wishes to email me... I wont argue with you about it. But if you are looking for a discussion, go ahead and drop me a line.

ah yes, the person who has never read the book of mormon is going to try and use that against us. nowhere in the book of mormon does it say black people were, are ever had been cursed. Laman and Lemual, and the lamanites, were cursed with dark skin, not black skin. the reference is made so it allowed those true to the faith to stay away from those who would bring them down. Within a couple generations everything was so intertwined anyways, that the names just stuck... but no black people curse, or mexican curse, or any curse for that matter. read the scriptures before you misquote...

any again, its a christian thing, cain was cursed- and "christians" say that ot mean black people too. Again, just because one person has said it does not make it true. All that happened was somebody who was racist added that to the beliefs... that doesnt ever make it right.
Katie M
2008-04-29 20:33:20 UTC
Mormons are a lot more fundamental and they take the bible as well as the book of Mormon a lot more serious then most people.
2008-04-29 21:07:37 UTC
That God the Father has a body of flesh and bone.....He is the literal Father of Jesus Christ body and spirit.

We are all spirit children (offspring) of our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.

We all lived with Them before the world was created. We knew mortality was going to be filled with pain and risk.

Gaining a physical body is key in gaining knowledge and the ability to create in our eternities.

Because of Adam and Eve's transgression all men must die but because of Jesus Christ Atonement all men good or bad will resurrect. All things through Christ will be brought back to their original order...or in other words will be redeemed...but because mercy can not rob justice we are only saved from the consequences of sin if we truly repent and do all we can to live as Christ would have us live.

Spiritual death is being cut off from the presence of God

Physical death is our spirit separated from our bodies

All will be redeemed from from physical death this is Christ free gift to mankind.

We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly and we believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. (another testament of Jesus Christ)

There is more....but I will let others put in their two cents.
2008-04-29 20:45:59 UTC
One of the biggest differences is that Mormons believe God and Jesus Christ are two separate beings.

Also, they believe that the prophet receives continual revelation...that he is a prophet as was Moses and other Biblical prophets.

They believe that the church Christ established on earth fell into an Apostacy...they ended up martyring all of his apostles. That's where Joseph Smith comes in. He is the prophet of the Restoration. He was the instrument through which Christ's church was restored again to the earth.

They believe in the Bible, but also have The Book of Mormon, which is a book of scripture containing testimonies of ancient prophets and a history of the people who inhabited the Americas in ancient times.

There are many differences, but also many similarities, too. Hope my information helps a little.

Joseph Smith was asked this same question by journalists in his day. He responded by writing the 13 Aritcles of Faith. Those would be worth reading if you're interested. Don't listen to people who aren't Mormon for your info, they don't know...
Wilma Duckie Deene
2008-04-29 21:14:06 UTC
You asked for fact and kind words . . . hmmm, have you gotten that from the previous responders? Nope, opinions and ignorance/misinformation are abound tonight!

As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons), we believe in God, the Eternal Father, in His son Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. These are three separate beings in the Godhead, which each have an individual role, but they all work for the purpose to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.

Here is in a nushell what we believe, and I am sure that you will find it quite a bit less sensationalistic than others would like you to believe!



History of the Church, Vol. 4, pp. 535—541

1 We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.

2 We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression.

3 We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.

4 We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.

5 We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof.

6 We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth.

7 We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth.

8 We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.

9 We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.

10 We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.

11 We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.

12 We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.

13 We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing egood to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.

Joseph Smith
2016-04-02 03:46:51 UTC
You're funny, but don't quit your day job. The reason why Christians claim that mormons are not Christian is because of the doctrinal differences you said to not mention. Mormons believe that God was once a man. The Bible says otherwise. Mormons believe that men can become gods. The Bible says otherwise. Mormons believe that Jesus was a created being. The Bible says otherwise. Mormons believe that Jesus and satan are brothers, both biological sons of Jehovah when God was in the spirit realm. The Bible says otherwise. How can you ask why a mormon isn't a Christian, when you immediately reject all possible answers? Isn't that just a tad hypocritical? The problem is that the mormon uses the right words, but has a different "dictionary". It's called "VRG" ("Verbal Religious Garbage"). The word "God" to the mormon is NOT the same as the word "God" to the Christian; the word "Jesus" to the mormon is NOT the same as the word "Jesus" to the Christian, etc. Mormons may SOUND right, but when you look at what they MEAN, it becomes a whole different gospel. All the right words, but without the true content of Biblical definitions. Paul warned that "if we, or even an angel from heaven" were to bring a "different gospel", he is cursed! The angel that first met with Joseph Smith was a demon, "For even the devil himself can appear as an angel of light, and his ministers as ministers of the light", but because he preaches a different "Jesus", it is a demon posing as an angel. If Smith had known the Bible, he would have seen right through the disguise for what it was. I realize this isn't what you were asking, but it is, in all honesty, the only answer I can give. The ONLY reason why mormons are not Christians is because they believe in a "different" Jesus. The Bible says that Jesus eternally co-existed WITH God, AS God, and then one day became a man (John 1:1-14) Mormons teach "What man is, God once was; what God is, man can become." The Bible teaches that God has always and eternally been the infinite and eternal God forever. The Bible also teaches that man can NEVER become a god. What more could you want? Either the Bible is true, and mormonism is a lie; or mormonism is true, and the Bible is a lie. BUT In logic as well as in law, "historical precedent" means that the burden of proof rests on those who set forth new theories and not on those whose ideas have already been verified. The old tests the new. The already established authority judges any new claims to authority. Since mormonism came along MANY centuries after Christianity, mormonism has the burden of proof and not Christianity. The Bible tests and judges mormon doctrine, not the other way around. When the Bible and mormonism contradict each other, the Bible must logically be given first place as the older authority. The mormon doctrine is in error until it proves itself. Mormons violate the principle of historical precedent by asserting that mormonism does not have the burden of proof and that the it judges the Bible, claiming that the Bible is in error - but they have no evidence to support that claim. It is the mormon doctrine that is in error when there is a disagreement.
2008-04-29 21:45:32 UTC
Mormons believe that the trinity is three separate gods, whereas Christians believe that the trinity represents a three-in-one God. Mormons believe in "many gods"; Christians just the one. Mormons believe that God was once human as we are but "evolved" into God, Christians believe that God was always God and always will be. Mormons believe that they can become gods after death, Christians believe we can't. Christians believe that the attonement of Christ covers everything, Mormons believe there are some sins He can't take care of so you have to have a "blood attonement" (which is exactly what it sounds like). Christians take the cross to symbolize the price Christ paid to save us, Mormons use the image of an angel. Christians believe God laid down the rules for our lives a long time ago, Mormons believe He continues to change them through "revelations". Christians believe that ministers and priests interpret the word of God but are still human, Mormons believe that their Living Prophets actually speak for God and are infallible.

I can't wait to see how many Mormons take offense to these simple statements, all of which I got from Mormon texts and people on R&S claiming to be Mormons.

I see a lot answers have been hidden; so that's where all the Mormons were! Sorry, I clicked show and read them anyway, so there!

To the one who said Mormons didn't believe that blacks were less equal - all I can say is, you need to reread the Book of Mormon, because I was told that myself by a Mormon from R&S! Child of God, thank you for the Satanic Bible reference, I've always said that if there was really an angel it was a fallen angel.
2008-04-29 21:39:41 UTC
Well lots of people missed the Don't be hurtful and fact only part.

Really if you want to know what Mormons believe visit or

Strippliingwarriormom and runner appear to be the only ones with factual information- the rest are partial truths or blatant lies.

The journalist, did not even bother checking her facts with a reliable source, but that is how journalists operate these days.

I think some of the main differences are that we believe in continuing revelation from God.

We believe in the Godhead rather than the trinity- 3 beings united in one purpose rather than 3 gods one being.

Webelive that families can be united forever.

That is just a few of the things we believe that other Christians don't.


Tory, CaDisney, Tugnston and everyone before me on the last page appear to be LDS as well and their answers are accurate.
2008-04-30 13:52:43 UTC
You're wise to ignore the mormon-haters.

The biggest differences are:

Mormons believe that the Book of Mormon is scripture like the Bible.

Mormons believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet just like the prophets of old, and since his day, there has been a prophet of God on the earth.

The other big one is that they believe that God, Christ, and the holy ghost are one in purpose, but distinct and separate beings. They don't subscribe to the trinity.

Mormons also believe that priesthood authority is necessary to act in God's name and perform ordinances such as baptism.

Lastly, Mormons believe that there is one, and only one true church that is led and directed by Jesus Christ himself. While they respect others and recognize that others may have some truth, they believe that there is only one church that God has ordained.

Of course there are others, but that's the meat and potatoes of it.
2008-04-30 21:23:47 UTC
"The actor who played Napoleon Dynamite, he is Mormon, he had stated all the above"

Haha! I would love to hear him make all of the claims that you just made, Chesticles. I can't say that it's true.

Tell you what... forget everything you thought you knew about Mormons and go to the source. You will see a few true things that these people have said, and you will see a lot of things that aren't there that these people have said (those would be the false things).
2017-01-07 01:32:28 UTC
All the wording and none of you can tell this poor sap that none, I mean zero, of you can actually say your right. So in the end who cares what the difference is? Both sides believe in guessing different answers to a question that can never be answered. Talking religion is a waste of time. All you really need to know you learned in kindergarten.
2008-04-30 07:47:24 UTC
Let me make it basic and simple. Differences are based upon the premise that the Church Jesus established on the earth lost its authority and became mixed with non scriptural philosophy. We believe Priesthood keys were restored to the world through a Prophet. Catholics believe the keys were never lost. Protestants don't think you need the Priesthood.

Which you believe is up to you. It is faith that determines which is true.
2008-04-29 20:34:38 UTC
They believe Native Americans are decendent from a lost tribe of Jews.

They believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and an Angel gave him a new message of Jesus.

They believe a lot of different things
2008-04-29 20:36:46 UTC
Mormons believe that people like Joseph Smith were latter-day prophets of God, and that the Book of mormon is like a "lost text" of things Jesus said and taught. Of course that text is not part of Catholic canon nor accepted by protestants.

They tend to be very right-wing conservative, and a big part of being one is doing missionary work, and spreading "the word". The males are actually pretty easy to spot, they're the ones that go door to door on the weekend mornings, and wear conservative whiteshirt/black tie deal.

Some Christians and Catholics consider the LDS the lunatic fringe, though the FLDS tends to be even more severely fundamentalist and still practice polygamy, and things like that. FLDS recently made the news in Texas when their secret compound was raided and all the children made wards of the state.
2008-04-29 20:41:27 UTC
I'm not religious at all but I had to do an article as i'm a Journalist.

They're many differences between the two religions.

Some are that Mormonism teach that there is more than one god

They believe Jesus was the spirit-brother of lucifer

Mormonism teaches that Jesus Christ was born after sexual intercourse between God and Mary

That god has a body of flesh and bones

For half a century they taught Adam was our Father & God

Believed Jesus was a Polygamist

African Americans were believed to be cursed by god and an inferior race

The actor who played Napoleon Dynamite, he is Mormon, he had stated all the above and also they do not like nudity and do not drink alcohol.

Christians believe..

God created all that is seen and unseen

Jesus is the Son of God and is One with God

Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary

Jesus was crucified, died and burried, and later resurrected.

The repairing of sins are to be forgiven

And soo much more.

Hope I helped
2008-04-29 20:36:02 UTC

The Bible has been corrupted by errors of translation and transmission, as well as by deliberate action. (WMT; CJS; 1 Nephi 13:26-29, BOM) ]


The words of God and Jesus cannot wither, fade, fall or pass away; this Bible, the Word of God, cannot be corrupted. (Isaiah 40:8; Matthew 24:35; Luke 21:33; 1 Peter 1:23-25)]


Jesus Christ and the Heavenly Father appeared in secret to Joseph Smith in the woods. (CJC; FAR; JS 2:17 PGP)]


Since His coming would be obvious to all, Jesus warned us not to believe those who claimed to see Him in secret. (Zechariah 14:4; Matthew 24:23-27; Luke 17:23-24; 21:8; Mark 13:21-22; Rev.1:7) ]


God the Father is an exalted man (a man who has progressed to godhood) with a body of flesh and bones.

Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 1973 ed., p. 346 - "God himself was once as we are now, and is an exalted man...I say, if you were to see him today, you would see him like a man in a form-like yourselves in all the person, image, and very form as a man."

D & C 130:22 "The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man's; the Son also."]


The Bible is most explicit in stating that God is not a man (Numbers 23:19; 1 Samuel 15:29; Hosea 11:9). God the Father, the eternal God is Spirit (Isaiah 55:8-9; 6:1-5; 57:15; Psalms 90:2; 113:5-6; 123:1; John 4:24: 8:23) Jesus said that a spirit does not have flesh and bones (Luke 24:39)]
Terry L
2008-04-29 20:41:02 UTC
Their God was once a man

The Christian God has always been spirit

They believe a Mormon couple can be eternally married and go onto Godhood ruling and reigning over their own world

Christians believe there is no marriage in heaven, and that we all live eternally with the one and only God.

Mormons have 3 eternal kingdoms and believe everybody will go to at least one of these.

Christian believe there is only one eternal kingdom.

Mormons believe salvation comes only through good works, being obedient to Mormon teachings and rules.

Christians believe salvation comes from faith unto good works.

I could go on, but that is enough.
Linda J
2008-04-29 20:37:10 UTC
The Mormons take the teaching of Joseph Smith as seriously as a prophet. He claims that angels showed him where to find additional writings to add to what the average Christian calls the word of God.

For many, (like me,) his teachings did not line up with the word of God as we see it; and the things he led his followers to do many strongly disagreed with.
2008-04-29 20:46:59 UTC
Well, originally mormons believe that Black people are direct descendants of the original sinners on earth and that its because their black skin is meant to be a mark of their unholiness. Mormons also believe that it is OK to have mutiple wives and be a pedophile, Joseph Smith's youngest wife was 8 years old. Mormons also believe that they get to achieve heaven through their works on earth as opposed to their undying faith in Jesus. In the bible, Jesus himself said "No man cometh unto the father but by me." It would seem to me that mormons have no intention of getting to heaven the way the bible says you do. Mormons also take after the blasphemous and vain idea that they too shall be elevated to god hood after they die. Now, it takes no dummy to read the bible and find out that it is that same idea that got gods best angel, Lucifer, to become greedy and defy god by saying that he shall be like the most high, thus being cast from heaven and destined to spend eternity in the lake of fire with all who choose to follow in his footsteps. According to the Bible's description, Mormon beliefs are sacreligeous, arrogant and blasphemous. I think its nothing more than true to say that mormonism is obviously of occultic origins and Satanic influence, for there is no other "Christian" religion that so blatantly and vehemently defies the Bible.
David F
2008-04-29 20:44:13 UTC
The mormons I've spoken with tell me they verify whether something is true or not by their 'feelings'.

The Baptist church I grew up in promoted judging the truth of a prophet not by how the words felt, but by whether the prediction came true or not.

Some Mormons believe humans become gods, inheriting a planet to procreate on.

As a protestant, I believe there is only one God, and humans can't become angels, or gods.

Some Mormons believe in polygamy. I don't.

Some Mormons believe black people are descendants of fallen angels.

Mormons are surprised to hear that I've had prayers answered for many years yet I have no desire to become one of them.

Mormons practise 'baptism' for the dead. If you have a dead ancestor, you can get baptised on their behalf, to improve their afterlife - as such, they have an extensive geneological society / database. Baptists won't baptise infants - only those old enough to personally request their own baptism, and understand what baptism is.

Baptists believe Jesus is part of a tri-une God, and that Satan is a rebellious angel created by God. Mormons hold that Jesus and Satan are brothers.
Wee John
2008-04-29 20:34:48 UTC
The Mormon faith say's that each Mormon had a life in Heaven before birth on earth and that the family they have on earth was the exact same in Heaven.
2008-04-29 20:34:20 UTC
The Book of Mormon.

Basically it says that there were Jews in North America and that Jesus came here to. Go read it if you want more information.

I got quite a few laughs out of it.
2008-04-29 20:34:32 UTC
Define "average Christian". Also, are there any FALSE Christians?
2008-04-29 20:35:49 UTC
Book of Mormon verses the Bible
2008-04-29 20:41:36 UTC
Our WORD IS GODS/The Holy Bible word...Mormons read Smiths Grimms Fairy Tales

Christians...ONE WIFE
2008-04-29 20:36:32 UTC
joe smith said that the angel moroni appeared to him.

now in the satanic bible, they have an angel and hisname is moroni

the bible says that if anyone appears to you andeven if it is an angel to not believe it.

they believe that jesus and satan were brothers.

they believe that when they die, they get thier own planet and plenty of virgin wives and they will have kids,

they believe all the lies told by joe smith, a manwhose own mother said he lied constantly .

they believe in salvation by works, they go out and recuit new people to get a place in heaven.

they have to work two years doing this,

muslims believe thatthey will have 17 virgins that stay virgin.and unlimited wine that runs in rivers

christians like me know that there is no sex in heaven.
2008-04-29 20:41:43 UTC
For starters, Mormonism is a polytheistic religion of human origin, while Christianity is a monotheistic religion of divine origin.
2008-04-29 20:34:05 UTC
The question is why did they let joseph smith pull a quick one on them, and what was his angle?
2008-04-29 20:33:28 UTC
Mormans have no Physical evidence. The maps in their bible are very generic and have yet to be found. The only reason there are believers is because they say "if you pray about Mormanism, you get a burning in your bosom"
The Saint
2008-04-29 20:32:26 UTC
Yes, alot.
2008-04-29 20:32:57 UTC
amormons believe jesus and the devil are bros
2008-04-29 20:37:53 UTC
This will explain it:

2008-04-29 20:34:50 UTC
2008-04-29 20:34:39 UTC
they don't believe that Jesus is God, they believe that God had sex and had Jesus and satan. They don't teach about being born-again, they teach you have to belong to their church to go to the highest heaven, and they teach that you can become a god.
2008-04-29 20:32:57 UTC
... j. smith ...

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