Jesus is not real.
Note all the similarities and parallels between Jesus and many popular Greek myths.
It's common for Greek mythological figures to have a divine father and a mortal mother (much like how Jesus was supposedly the son of God and a mortal woman who was allegedly a young virgin). For instance, Hercules' father was Zeus, the god of sky and thunder, and his mother was Alcmene, a mortal.
There are also many parallels between Jesus and the cult of Dionysus. Wine plays a very symbolic role in both. Both represent the dying-god mythological archetype. Both have a ritual involving bread and wine.
Basically, Christianity is nothing more than a Judaized version of Greek paganism.
Now there are two possibilities:
1. Jesus was never really born. The Greek writers of the four Gospels merely invented a Jewish character and used sources from their native religions to tell his narrative.
2. Jesus did exist, but his narrative was nothing like in the Gospels. Paul, unable to convince the Jews that Jesus was the messiah, decided to preach Jesus' teachings to the Greek gentiles. Jesus' narrative wasn't written down until later, so it got distorted over time, much like the children's game telephone, and when it was finally written down it was very unlike the original narrative.
I'm not sure if I should believe the first or second possibility, but if I had to chose I would go with number one.