Atheism is just a nice clean word to hide behind their hate for God.?
2008-01-02 21:22:48 UTC
Atheist are really anti-theists they hate God and hate the fact they are accountable to God because they love their evil deeds.
An atheists is one who believes that there is no deity.
I believe there are "NO" elf's, leprechauns, unicorns and UFOs but you don't see me hostile to people who believe in those things. I don't go to websites, chat rooms, blogs, or message boards denouncing elf's or unicorns because I know they don't exists.
So why do Atheist care if I believe in something that they say doesn't exist?
49 answers:
2008-01-02 22:58:33 UTC
Atheists don't believe in God, so how can they hate him?

Atheists care because they are interested in why billions of people can blindly, without any proof whatsoever, believe in the existence of a supreme being. This world would be very much worse off if no-one questioned anything but just accepeted things because they were told it was so.
Recreant- father of fairies
2008-01-03 05:20:16 UTC
I see. You, in your infinite(simal) wisdom, know that a specific god exists and, despite the utter lack of concrete evidence, think that this should be appallingly evident (notice how that word sounds so much like evidence) to everyone. Therefore, anyone who does not believe this is simply denying the obvious for some more sinister reason.

Let's just put some things up front here. Generally, I don't believe in god(s). I will, however, allow for a suspension of disbelief if it makes for a good story, but I cannot, in good conscience, extent that suspension beyond the confines of fiction. Were I somehow to acquire a belief in a god and more specifically the one I will assume you imply, then I think it is safe to say that I would stand opposed to him. As a decent, loving person genuinely interested in the well being of others, I could not face myself if I did otherwise.

On to your non-point about your disbelief in other creatures, I must, with some regret (because it should be glaringly obvious), point out that the Elfists, Unicornians, et al, are not actively involved in attempts to impose legislation based on their beliefs and/or using them to justify their own bigotry and violence. If you wonderful religious nuts would kindly stop trying to force everyone to abide by your twisted rules, I would be glad to stop championing logic and reason in the face of your misgivings.
2008-01-03 04:20:45 UTC
Of-course Atheists are full of hatred against religions, but especially the one which has so much proof that God exists that makes them the most angry.

But what I like about atheists is that they have forced me away from gullibility and to be more rational. What I don't like is many of them are narrow-minded and full of self-righteousness.

But whenever atheists say religions causes wars, was 9/11 a religious attack? Or was it just a murderous act, surely the reaction of NATO was not a religious one, but one based on secular belief that revenge is something which has to be done by people in authority. Yet see how many innocents have died?

Was World War One a religious war? World War 2? Was the Falklands a religious war? Invasion of Grenada? what about the persecution by the atheists Stalin and Mao on Christian and Buddhist groups? There's many many more examples to make the world shudder at atheism. even their favourite attack on Christians to rant on about the crusades (as if they cared) was more political than religious. But what of it?

Many people are superstitious and for many atheists it's the wish that there is no god.
B Wood
2008-01-07 10:26:46 UTC
Atheism is just a nice clean word to hide behind their hate for God.?

Atheism is just a nice clean word to hide behind their hate for God.? Being Atheist I do not have a hate for God. First because in order for me to hate God, I would have to believe he/she is real. Atheist

Atheist are really anti-theists they hate God and hate the fact they are accountable to God because they love their evil deeds.

Atheist are technically anti-theists because Theist believe in the existence of a god(s) and Atheist disbelieves or denies the existence of a god(s). Although you are wrong that Atheist hate the fact they are accountable to God because they love their evil deeds. Again they do not believe in your God. Atheist are accountable for their actions, to themselves.

So why do Atheist care if I believe in something that they say doesn't exist?

We don’t care if you believe in your imaginary god. More power to you. If that’s what make you feel good about yourself then that’s great you found something.

You may not be hostile to people who believe in elves, leprechauns, unicorns, and UFOs. But, it look like you are hostile to Atheist in particular.

What are atheists doing in a Religion and Spirituality section of Yahoo! answers?

The replies solidify my thesis

What are you doing asking questions and talking about Atheist in a Religion and Spirituality sections of Yahoo! Answers. I became an Atheist by asking questions and wanting to gain knowledge. My beliefs are not set in stone, because I do not know everything. I am always trying to learn more, from all points of view, in hopes of gaining a better understanding for myself. There are many good questions raised and many good answers. So, I don’t see why my being Atheist should prevent me from going to the Religion and Spirituality section of Yahoo! Answers.

Who defines what is Evil and Good. Not atheist

I believe in good and bad. I have a conscious. I have morals. To answer your question society defines what is considered evil and good.
2008-01-03 05:23:30 UTC
What do you mean you don't believe in leprechauns? You have never seen a god yet you believe, why then do you not believe in leprechauns?

The point is, people who like elves and unicorns are not using their beliefs to influence nations and disregard the beliefs of others.

They do not use weapons of mass destruction to smite the infidels, they do not censor peoples views or repress free will.

They are some of the reasons why atheists pay attention to this subject.
2008-01-03 02:41:24 UTC
I'm willing to bet that you'd have issues if people attempted to make laws based on their belief in elfs, leprechauns, unicorns and UFOs, as well as trying to push the insertion of said things into, say, school history books or science textbooks. How about if everyday your kids were gathered together to talk about the great unicorn and his creation of the cosmos?

Seriously, you make it sound like atheists are making a big deal out of nothing. That's somewhat akin to me removing parts of your body and telling you that you're just making a fuss over nothing when you complain.
2008-01-03 02:39:13 UTC
Well, let's take a broader view here - most atheists don't care enough to hate any god (and let's not forget this is nothing personal to one particular god or faith - we don't believe in ANY gods). We don't believe they exist - as you correctly say, much in the same way that you don't believe in leprechauns and unicorns. So it's not that we hate "God" or gods.

SOME atheists, it's true, DO resent the conviction of theists when that conviction is applied in a blanket way to them - eg the insistence that even though we don't believe in a god, that god still exists and is going to roast us for eternity for not believing in them. I'm not pointing fingers, but the idea that we hate god because we hate the fact we're accountable to him is a case of what I mean, really. If you're right and God exists, then he can either pardon me or condemn me but I'll never grant him the right to hold me accountable for my actions. Sorry and all.

Anyhow - that resentment of which I spoke is not really directed at the deity-forms of any religion, more at the proseltyzing zealots who apply the standards of their faith to people who do not share that faith.

As for why we're here in a Religion and Spirituality section - to be absolutely honest, we're the control experiment. Besides, there are plenty of spiritual atheists that don't believe in deity-forms. Personally, I like to think of us as being like Switzerland - we're a neutral territory you can all get annoyed at, and we can take it because to us, it really doesn't matter. The alternative - leaving groups of committed theists from different faiths alone in a room together - doesn't seem like a healthy option, cos usually, when committed but opposing theists get together to swap ideas, people have a tendency to start dying. So come on and kick us - we're here to save you from yourselves ;o)
Martin G
2008-01-02 21:45:11 UTC
I'm an atheist and like the above have said it's a lack of belief in God. You can't hate something that doesn't exist. I'm sure you don't hate Unicorns either.

When I come knocking on your door to ask you if you have renounced God and all he stands for just like the people who bother me to ask if I have found God and why I may not have done then you can have a go at me for it.

There's little smug satisfaction in being an atheist. Certainly not as much as you and others show as believers.

If an atheist is correct in the fact there is no God then when they die they won't get to gloat about it because they'll be dead.

If an athiest is wrong about the fact there is no God then they better get some bandages for their behinds when them red hot pokers are shoved up there in hell.

Enjoy having your faith and what strength it brings you. Don't preach to others about it and if you don't like people disagreeing with you or attacking your beliefs I suggest you look at just how hypocritical your question is. Then ask yourself why religion tends to put peoples backs up.

When/If you find the answer to those questions we can all welcome you into the clear thinking world of the atheist.
always right
2008-01-03 06:06:05 UTC
A few points.

1) An atheist does not hate God. They don't think he exists.

2) Atheist come on to R&S because they find it interesting. I am an atheist and find the views of religious groups interesting and thats why I'm here.

People dont have to be a peado to find articles about them in papers interesting. the same with murderers and most crime thats reported in the media, I assume you are not a criminal but read about these things because they are interesting.

Open your mind and you will learn.
2008-01-02 21:37:53 UTC
I am a christian, and I think that if atheists want to speak their mind, the have every right to that we do, America is a free country, and this is a part of this website espically designed for different religions, I can say that there is a God, which I believe and know there is, does that mean I should be ragged on for that? Just because they don't believe the same that I do, doesn't mean that they are not human and don't have the freedom of speech, they can say what they want, that is why God gave us free will, this is not only a site for Christians, its a site for Buddhists and Hindus and Jews and Atheists, and we need to accept that they are here, and we need to accept the as human beings and children of God just the way they are.
2008-01-03 02:41:57 UTC
In the same way "Christian" is a nice clean word to hide behind the hatred of Aphrodite.

Saving dozens of lives is clearly evil.


Because no one who believes in those things tries to control the lives of others with laws that would appease the elves, leprechauns, unicorns, and aliens.

See above.

[additional details] [canned answer] Just because we don't believe in what religions have to offer doesn't mean we don't find them interesting. Take me, for example. I want to be a professor of religions.
Mimkat hate the new Yahoo Answers so has retired.
2008-01-02 21:42:20 UTC
I don't hate "God" because I don't believe in "God".

And I'm not hostile towards people who do believe. I've never been to a website, chat room, blog or message board in order to denounce "God".

I don't care what you believe in as long as you respect my right not to believe. People could live quite happily if we all respected each others beliefs.

I have not been hostile to you but your post was hostile to me as an Atheist. You made a generalisation that is not true. Your narrow minded & attitude & insults are exactly the kind of Christian behaviour that gets Atheists worked up. I thought Christians were supposed to be non-judgemental, tolerant & kind. Well you certainly aren't. I know plenty that are so perhaps you need to re-think your attitude.
2008-01-03 06:34:55 UTC
I am not an atheist. I am an agnostic and don't belief that it is hatred of a God. My son is an atheist and is one of the nicest, kindest men you will ever meet. I think the reason that atheists on this site react the way they do, is because you provoke them with your certainty. Some of the religious people on this site can be very annoying and smug.
2008-01-03 02:23:50 UTC
I an glad to be an Atheists than a God believer because they

are all brain washed either by their parents or religious groups.

I am taking from my own experience.Atheists believe in fact

and logic but they do not believe in non sense of fairy tales.

All Atheists speak one language there is no God But Religious

groups speak different language your God my God like

Allah,Christ,Hare Ramam,Hare krishna and fight for their religion and God.Because they believe in blind faith and follow their leaders and do not use their own brains.
2008-01-03 02:59:06 UTC
In the year 29, Jesus was the first baptised Christian. He had the task of converting the whole world to Christianity yet never once did he confront the task with anger or hostility.

When Jesus asked Peter three times to feed his flock, he was talking about the unbelievers of Christianity, yet his insistence was with love and kindness.

Did not Jesus state that it is the sick who need a physician?

The only time Jesus showed any adverse emotion was inside the temple, he threw out all of the ones using it for personal gain.

Yahoo Answers is not God's temple and you should be more loving towards Jesus' potential sheep.
2008-01-02 21:59:57 UTC
Bad attitude mate. Not all Christians are angels, and not all Atheists are evil. As a Christian you need to read a few more lines in the Bible, and open your eyes to the message in there.

Christians are trying to convince them there is a God. They are trying to convince the Christians there isn't. No match fixing involved in this one.

Leave them be my friend, IT IS NOT YOUR PLACE TO JUDGE. You may be intelligent, but this question made you really look like a fool.
2008-01-03 06:24:25 UTC
How old are you? 12 !I can't hate a fantasy,I just find myself unable to fathom out how some people can be suckered in to believing pure lies and fantasy....also you say why are we on here,when you talk about a lie,we will always counter with the truth,otherwise freedom of thought will vanish and theist rubbish will be forced onto those people who can think for god,no heaven,no hell
2008-01-04 15:43:05 UTC
atheist is a philosophy just like a hedonist. its an idea, or belief. usually subject for debates. their main argument is the idea that without scientific evidence it is hard to prove&believe that a thing&being exists. the main weakness of this argument is the limitation of scientific knowledge. example the human consciousness, science is inadequate as to where and how we think.. that some associate our consciousness with the soul..
Freethinking Liberal
2008-01-03 03:03:29 UTC
How can one hate what does not exist? The only reason I refer to myself as an atheist is because people keep demanding to know what religion I am.

I do not actually care what you believe as long as you leave me alone
2008-01-02 21:34:48 UTC
As many Atheists as there are, who berate and harass theists, there are just as many theists who berate and harass atheists. Sir, all you are doing is adding to the problem. The problem isn't that someone has different beliefs, the problem is that people belittle and hate those that do. You, stating that atheists "hate the fact that they are accountable to god, because they love their evil deeds," are just continuing that message of hate, and adding fuel to the fire. You generalize, belittle, and hate, just like your supposed atheists. I hate you. Not because you believe in god, not because you disagree with me, but because you are the example of the darkest part of humanity, the deep, dark, evil side, that leads to things like the crusades, the holocaust, and the KKK. Thats why I care, because people like you, who hate, without foundation, and without reason, other than disagreement, can tear this world apart, faster than anything else. Congratulations, you son of a *****.
2008-01-03 02:57:53 UTC
I don't agree with the evil bit but I believe they deny God because of an agenda.If they were doubtful of God's existence I would respect that but to categorically deny God is I think wilful.They cannot deny God no more than I can prove His existence.
2008-01-02 21:37:11 UTC
Listen , i do not believe in any fairytales and if this includes your god then so be it.

Religion means nothing to me , in fact the world would probably be a better place without it. I really do not care what christians , muslims etc , believe that is their choice , but don't you ever say or suggest there is something wrong with being an athiest.
2008-01-02 23:52:56 UTC
It Is imposable to hate some thing that Is not real and does not exist.

It Is not our fault If you can not see the the truth that religion Is nothing but lies, Your sort must very insecure If you need to believe In a 'GOD' to get you through death, face It there Is no god there Is no heaven and there is no hell.

Face the facts LITTLE BOY when you die you die there is nothing to go to, your DEAD it's GAME OVER for ever....
2008-01-02 21:31:24 UTC
I don't hate what isn't there.

I am not accountable to what doesn't exist.

I could hardly be called evil.

Very few people insist that there belief in unicorns or UFOs should be taught in public schools or use such beliefs as a moral code to condemn people they dislike.

I care because Christians have become a very vocal political force in the United States. When you keep your religion to yourself, I won't care what you do any more.
2008-01-04 10:11:25 UTC
I hate your god about as much as I hate the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus. Get a grip on yourself, just because someone doesn't believe in your deity doesn't mean they hate him and in fact its impossible, you can't hate something you don't believe exists in the first place!
2008-01-02 21:27:05 UTC
Why do I care? For a better planet for my future children.

And sadly enough, you probably won't have a clue what I mean by that.

I was born and raised as an atheist, in a fairly atheistic country. I moved to the USA this year, and have seen how scary it is, when a society is drenched in a bucket filled with one particular god. I'm not mad at your particular version of a god, I don't hate your particular version of a god, I simply don't believe in any of those gods.

It's just scary that one of those gods managed to squeeze its butt all over laws that affect my life. And the life of my future children.
2008-01-02 21:33:34 UTC
Before hating god one must believe in god.

Definitionaly, one who hates God can not be Atheist.

The reason Atheists agitate for their point of view is the same that Christians and Moslems agitate for their beliefs - the belief about the essence of the nature of the universe can be of fundamental importance to many human beings - it is part of what makes us human.

Fundamentalist Atheists, like fundamentalist Christians and Moslems, believe that they have the truth and they want to share it with the rest of us and are shocked by the failure of the rest of us to grasp that fundamental truth.
VAndors Excelsior™ (Jeeti Johal Bhuller)™
2008-01-02 23:26:39 UTC
Atheism is based upon a denial of God. Some hate, others are on a journey and looking for evidence, but they atheists are termed as those against God.

If God were to descend into this hellish world, which I seriously doubt, he would be destroyed from the outset. {See Above} As With all the messiahs and prophets, those who in actuality hate him, are always the very same as the ones who surround him, the loudest and the most spiteful. His tormentors.

Time and time again his messengers of peace are destroyed by the very ones who demand attention and gain the same by proximity to him.

The use of him name to give validity and credibilty to those who feel smug in thei rability to not only deny, but openly vilify, and an age whereby blasphemy is legal, but libel against and any individual is harshly punishable.

This is why the world is in hell. And why it will remain so.

See Above....

Be Loved...
2008-01-02 21:31:47 UTC
No ..... Atheism is a a word to tell you we do not believe in the existence of a creature such as god, not to mention hate an imaginary creature.

Your view is as good as saying theism is a word to tell you other then imaginary creature, you hate everything else.

Basically, I don't care what you believe, but I do care what your kind of people is trying to push down my throat. So, do yourself a favour, ask your kind of people to stay out of politic and stop trying to push down your beliefs onto other people.
2008-01-03 07:38:46 UTC
thats a very ignorant answer...athiests simply don't believe in god. If you seriously believe a person has no reason to be good other than god i don't think s/he'd be too pleased with you.
2008-01-03 01:43:39 UTC
Expositions on atheism and evolution do seem to contain a lot of anti-God sentiment, even when it is not contextually necessary.
2008-01-04 14:33:08 UTC
Wow! Please don’t lump atheists in with Anti-theist.

Being an Anti-theist I don’t want to be associated with the average, "I don’t believe in god and just want to live my life, leave me alone!" atheists. They are weak in their convictions, or to be more realistic, they just don’t have any convictions... I DO!

I wouldn’t call them evil either. Most "atheists" just don’t believe in god. They don’t care that you do and most of them have a moral compass on par with or even far surpassing that of your average theist. After all, a theist can say sorry to god and ask for forgiveness and get some personal elation from the admission. A non-theist (atheist or anti-theist) does not have that luxury. You see, we believe we are accountable to ourselves...(WOW! What a novel concept, self-accountability)

On the other hand, an anti-theist believes that theism is foolish and detrimental to human development. You know, like permitting a child to believe that there is fat man driving a sleigh through the air bringing presents to good boys a girls (Santa Claus) beyond a certain age. Oh sure, up until thy are six or eight it's just fun and games. But what if a parent deliberately tried to keep their child believing in Santa until they were 12? Or maybe 16? Wouldn't that be irresponsible of the parent. (and really stupid of the kid!) After all, if you keep someone believing that men can fly using reindeer and use magic and employ elves, who knows what other silly and fanciful things they will believe in next. Who knows, they may even start to believe that people can walk on water, come back to life from the grave, or magically turn water into wine. LMAO! Please! It's time humanity gave up their security blanket and started to understand the REAL world. We care if you believe in something that doesn’t exist because we have to put up with your incessant crying about how non-Christians are ruing everything. We are sick of hearing how schools should teach something that is entirely implausible (creationism) over truth. (evolution) We are sick of people starting wars and persecuting people because of religious beliefs that are all based on nonsense and lies. Hell, we may as well start a war between those that prefer Tolkien over C. S. Lewis.

Now, to address you comment about being "in a Religion and Spirituality section..." Some of us use Yahoo! Answers to spread the truth, just as there are millions of theists (Christians) posting all over the internet in designated atheist, anti-theist and other non-Christian message boards. Not only that, but I picked up a book on non- Christian beliefs and in it was a tract describing how all non-Christian beliefs lead to hell. You know, in the state I was in at the time, that was actually illegal since the book was in a public library. But you Christian don’t let little things like the law or separation of Church and state get in your way, do you?

You see here on Yahoo, some of us, like me just now, did a search for questions with the word "atheism" in them. Yours was one of the ones to show up. As a result, here is my response. If you don't want me to response, then you have to hide your questions better. After all, this IS a 'PUBLIC' forum now isn’t it. I can guarantee you if I post a questions specifically to and about atheists and even request that ONLY atheists reply, I'm going to get several "GOD" responses. Even when I use to use the specific Atheist Yahoo message boards to have discussions we would get Christians preaching and 'evangelizing' to me. So deal with it.

You asked, "Who defines what is Evil and Good?"

The most basic, and ultimately incorrect, answer would be society.

The truth is each and every individual defined it for themselves. To one extent or another anyway. You see, most theists usually base right and wrong, good and evil, right and wrong on a preexisting set of rules or guidelines. People raised in Christian homes tend to accept Christian doctrine and moral views. The same is true of Hindus, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, etc. While atheists tend to adopt their views of write and wrong from cultural sources, such as the law, or from parents, peers and mentors.

Now, some of us actually take an active interest in studying morality and take an active interest in what is good and evil. As a result we ask the oh so un-Christian of words, "Why?" Why is this thing good or evil? As a result we actual create (or discover) our own morality based on reality, truth and logic as opposed to fiction, lies and dogma.

So to your point, generally speaking, Christians do not define good and evil, they blindly accept the lies they have been fed. Atheists on the other hand absolutely define what as good and evil.

2008-01-03 00:42:59 UTC
Um.... No it isn't a word to hide behind my hate for God. I mean... how can i hate somethign that isn't real?

Who decides what's good or evil? You do, it's your own perception based on your own moral compass.
Emma S
2008-01-02 22:06:56 UTC
I'm a Christian, so I'm not answering this question as such, I was just interested to read what everyone else had wrote. But I think you completely proved what you had to say. Most of the answers to this question are ridiculously, unnecessarily hostile and rude and insulting. Your question wasn't.

I wish I knew the answer. I don't force my religion in peoples faces; I would really love it if Atheists didn't call me stupid or ignorant for believing in God.

You summed it up perfectly with your question "So why do Atheist care if I believe in something that they say doesn't exist?"
2008-01-02 21:28:04 UTC
Ya would be a lot more interesting if you'd dance around like a little fairy while spouting off about stuff you really have no way of knowing is true or not, since you aren't in our shoes or even had the sense to ask us.

You sound like the hostile one to me.
2008-01-03 10:27:13 UTC
I am hostile to dart players

some one threw a dart and it stuck in my head.

it was an atheist'
2008-01-02 21:30:20 UTC
Evil deeds? Atheists make up nearly none of the prison system.

Try backing your statements up with evidence. Or rather, reality
2008-01-02 21:29:26 UTC
Christianity is just a nice clean word for their hate of evolution.
2008-01-03 02:01:41 UTC
Yet more proof of how stupid religion can make you.
2008-01-03 00:00:35 UTC
What a load of old tosh!.
Petrushka's Ghost
2008-01-02 21:35:08 UTC
Personally, I couldn't care less what you believe in.
2008-01-02 21:27:52 UTC
Do you hate invisible monkeys?
2008-01-02 21:30:41 UTC
i dont try to be hostile

i have the right to voice my opinions
2008-01-03 01:21:32 UTC
because you shove it down our throats.
El Diablo King Of Kings
2008-01-03 01:44:36 UTC
" Probably , i am so glad that i am not an Atheist "
2008-01-03 04:16:39 UTC
how can you hate somthing that is not real
2008-01-02 21:38:25 UTC
just can't stop preaching eh?
2008-01-02 21:27:58 UTC
Hate god ??? What god where ????? show me ---------------------------- does`nt exist

Nothing to hate
2008-01-02 21:26:57 UTC
no, we dont BELIEVE there is a god. u cant hate something u dont believe is real. dumbass.... and nobody cares if wut u believe. just sum ppl try 2 push wut they believ on othr ppl. religious ppl do the same thing

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.