Christians, are you contradicting yourselves?
2007-08-10 23:58:46 UTC
I earlier asked a question concerning man's capabilty of still commiting sin in heaven because they still would have the freedom of choice. You Christians say that man will receive a new, glorified and sinless body...That doesn't justify anything. Despite your new body, you will still have the freedom of choice. Thus, you are still capable of sinning. Lucifer and the fallen angels; Adam himself who were all exposed to God in a much closer level even decided to sin, so let alone normal men who have only heard of God. If a glorified body would cease us from commiting sin, why would God not give that body to man to start with? If heaven will be without temptation once we get there, why didn't He make it that way to start with? Once you have the freedom of choice, you are always vulnerable to sin. You Christians say yourselves that God did not intend for man to sin but man out of freedom of choice decided to sin. How would it be any different in heaven?
26 answers:
pestie58 the spider hunter
2007-08-11 00:25:30 UTC
I find this question hard to answer in regards to what your asking as I do not believe men are going to heaven but instead to be Resurrected on earth.

Men will be returned to perfection .

Satan will be bound for 1000 years the let loose for a while.

Satan is the cause of many sins but not all ., sometimes we sin and it is our own hearts that deceive us.
2007-08-11 01:39:59 UTC
Your question comes from many Christians wanting to believe only part of the scriptures but not ALL of the scriptures. Not everyone is going to Heaven... that is the calling of a select few 144,000 (12,000 from each of the 12 Tribes of Israel)... But just today there are more than that number of Christians worldwide.

But it is written that the Earth was made to be inhabited. It was also written the meek shall inherit the Earth. The word meek originally meant teachable.

After Armageddon and the Judgement passed upon Satan, and his unrighteousness, and his System of Things, Sin will not be inherent to men any longer, but then it will come down to a decision are people willing to serve God as "He" spells it out, or "do their own thing." Those that serve willingly will prosper, and live, those who choose their "own path" will be looking to disconnect from God, and in essence disconnect themselves from the source of life... So they are choosing to die. Eventually at least. Freedom of Choice will always allow a man to choose to walk way from the living God,but that in no means requires that God "reward his unfaithfulness." But since there is no Hell the only thing that will occur to them is they will die, and be conscious of nothing.

The Righteous, and the Unrighteous are garunteed the same thing an eternity without pain and suffering, the faithful (righteous) have only one added benefit... Life.

The Sin Adam committed was based in the fact that he did not correct Eve. Eve was decieved by an Angel who later was known by the title Satan the Devil. We were not designed to resist Angels, since when everything went according to plan Angels were messengers of God.

The difference from this world where Sin is born in every man. In Paradise each man's sin will be their own, not an entire race doomed to a particular fate (ie:death), but each will be responsible for their OWN choices.

If you really want to know what the Bible Really Teaches, go to and ask for the free book "What Does the Bible Really Teach?"
2007-08-11 00:15:16 UTC
That's because many Christians today are confused by bad bible translations and contradicting preachers. Many of them mean well, they just don't get the message of God and Jesus right and take things way too far. The point of Christianity is to behave Christ-like (not to to be confused with changing who you are, which many people do not understand) and do God's work. Many of them think that killing homosexuals or atheists is doing God's work, while in fact they are doing Satan's work. Also, many of them push away things they don't understand and give people bad impressions. Thus, we get atheists (like some of the above posters).

As to your questions, God created evil as He did all of the heavens and earth. On this earth, we are meant to be tempted and tested as Jesus was with Satan. In heaven, however, we aren't meant any longer to be tested as we were on earth. People often confuse this and give a misleading impression. There are several websites that give the real truth of heaven and hell that I will give you in the source.

I'm glad you question what is going on with Christians and I hope your search is successful, and you don't stray away from God.
2007-08-11 00:08:18 UTC
Thats a lot of questions! But some good ones! God wants ONLY those that want HIM, Ok? So He decided to give us each a CHOICE. What is your choice???? The people that will be in heaven heard God's call and CHOSE to serve Him rather than self or Satan. OK? Glorified bodies are not like our natural bodies. They are NOT flesh and blood. So there will be NO lust, no need for money as God fulfills all our needs there. THE BOTTOM LINE MAN IS THAT PEOPLE WILL NOT SIN THERE BECAUSE THEY LOVE GOD MORE THAN SELF! THEY WILL BE THERE BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BE THERE!

2007-08-11 00:31:25 UTC
When Adam sinned the sin nature became part of him and infected his body. This sin nature in the body is referred in the Bible as the flesh. When a Christian sleeps his spirit leaves his body ie his flesh and goes to heaven. Without his flesh man's propensity to sin is absent and therefore man cannot sin in heaven. When Adam was created he was perfect and sinless until he ate of the forbidden fruit. When you have a will with no desire and compulsion to sin you will not sin. Babies who are unable to make choice to believe in Jesus Christ will all go to heaven when they pass away.
2007-08-11 00:12:01 UTC
I'm a christian and i've never thought about recieving a sinnless body and I don't believe i've ever read that in the bible. but i may be wrong.

As far as heaven is concerned I'm pretty sure nobody out there has all the details and nobody really know exactly what it is going to be like. We only have our imaginings and a few clues in the scripture. And most everyone is going to imagine it differently.

For me I have no clue. Jesus said "I go to prepare a place for you" and i'm confident that he knows my needs better than me. So i'll just leave it up to him and concern myself with the work I need to do.
2007-08-11 00:07:42 UTC

Christianity is not about sinning and not sinning.

It is about living how God said we should- being nice to everyone and looking after those who need our help.

It's so easy to pick holes in things, but it's a waste of time.

Why don't you spend the time on helping people and doing more worthwhile things like learning or laughing or just pottering about the house.

You are not going to be able to find a loophole in Christianity after 2000 years.

You will not have some "miraclous unique" idea.

Focus on your own faith, or lack of, and leave others alone.
2007-08-11 00:10:01 UTC
I think basicly Heaven is a temptation free zone. So idealy if we make it into Heaven then there will be no need to sin. But there still is free will. At the end of Revelations after all the tribulations and whatnot are over there supposedly will be a rebellion of some sort that gets wiped out real quick. So if you believe in the book of Revelation there will still be sin.
2007-08-11 00:20:01 UTC
You know what it all boils down too? People are just AFRAID of dieing.

Its that simple.

God as I believe in him, is for the NOW not the LATER.

People have been worshiping some kind of God since we have been around, right now there are over five thousand religions.

In my opinion this is a mute question but interesting none the less. When you die you die and your dead your dead, and then you never know now do you?
2007-08-11 00:05:59 UTC
Hm. I am not sure that I can explain this properly. You may have to read "Embraced by the Light" to get a better feel for it. When you have that feeling in you that there is something terribly wrong in the world, but you stuff it down deep inside of you. When you have this emptiness inside of you that cannot be filled by anything or anyone, and you choke down your feelings and tell yourself that this is normal and everyone feels that way....well, those feelings are TRUE.

And when you "get to heaven" and meet God, you will have complete understanding of everything, and remember perfectly all the things that brought you to that point. The deep yearning inside of you will be completely satisfied.

That is all I know. (Gleaning from near-death experiences)
2007-08-11 00:10:12 UTC
where does sin come from? satan will not be around to influence man.....i said influence not force. we can shun him as best we can. we are still accountable.

and when you direct a question to christians. why do you infer they will be going to heaven? that is not a biblcal teaching. the bible clearly states that the meek shall inherit the earth.

when you accuse christendom (babylon the great) of their false teachings, you actually glorify god..........great job. but it also kinda shows that you don't really know what you're talking about. people may give you more credence if you were informed. i wonder if you think the trinity is a christian teaching as well?
2007-08-11 00:24:06 UTC
Only God is good. If only God is good, then what does that make everyone else?

The purpose of why the earth, people, etc evolve the way they do is so that they all may learn not to blaspheme.

Apparently, people failed to realize that they have yet to learn not to blaspheme.
2007-08-11 00:11:51 UTC
Get the peanut butter out of your ears. You were given various opinions on your question. If you are looking for the truth, listen and consider. Otherwise you are just trying to preach your beliefs to those who DID NOT ask for your opinion. Remember, you asked what WE thought. WE realize YOU don't really want to know, but WE have a duty to answer as truthfully as possible. YOU can take that or leave it. Those are YOUR ONLY options.

Either ask or answer. Do not be argumentative.
2007-08-11 02:36:55 UTC
When Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit their eyes were opened and God said "Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil." Gensis 3:22. So both man and God know the difference between good and evil, but what does God do that man doesn't? God chooses good always. Just because he chooses good always doesn't mean that he doesn't know evil or that he is a slave to only good choices, but He chooses good.

Freedom of choice is an eternal principle that will continue for eternity and Jesus's sacrifice that saves us from sin, poor choices, also has eternal reaching. Both extend beyond the grave and into the next life.

John 17:3 states that "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent."

John 17:21-23 "That they (us) all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us...the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one; I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one..."

God wants us to made perfect, complete, he has provided a way, but we must choose. We currently make poor choices and we will probably continue to make poor choices after this life, but one day hopefully we'll become like them knowing good from evil and only choosing good. Concept of eternal progression to obtain eternal life.

The afterlife will continue to bring the opportunity to choose and sin will stop only when we arrive at the oneness state spoken in Christ intercession prayer, in other words when we choose good only and not evil.
2007-08-11 00:26:30 UTC

you said a lot, but i think the Question was...

"Christians, are you contradicting yourselves? "

I think the answer depends on your point of view. If you not a Christian then I'm not sure that you can fully understand their beliefs. So are Christians contradicting themselves? First of all Christians, are just people not prefect. and don' t most people find that at some point in life that they been contradicting themselves? so what is your point? just to rag on somebody that doesn't believe like you do?

Oh to answer the question.......sure what ever
2007-08-11 00:06:57 UTC
You do error, in not understanding that it is satan that tempts us to do evil, where there is no satan, there is no temptation. If then i am in Heaven, how can i be tempted to do evil, when evil is not present? You do error not understanding that it is satan and his demons that tempts us to do that which is evil. In Heaven ( not before, but after the Rapture ) Only those who desire to do only good, will be brought to Heaven, those who are chosen to go to Heaven do not choose to do that which is evil, In Heaven there is no tempter, to even tempt us to do evil. Know you not that in Heaven, there is no such thing as " NO " but in Heaven Everything is " YES " How then can you do something wrong, if there is nothing wrong to do. For in Heaven no matter what you do, or what choice you make, it is the right choice and is not sinful. You do error not understanding what it is like in Heaven.

In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ

2016-10-02 06:24:42 UTC
Jesus is termed the Son of God via Christians yet all of us understand He became actual God himself who made Himself into flesh. Jesus in God incarnate. As for why He died, nicely we believe that each and each guy and lady is born into sin. and because all of us have sin there could nicely be no reconciliation with God who's sinless. whilst God grew to become human in the kind of Jesus He led a sinless lifestyles. yet on the pass he took the sins of all humanity upon himself and conquered them. through fact of this He can forgive them. through fact of this He grew to become the applicable sacrifice, the Lamb. And He rose from the lifeless to coach that He became what He mentioned He became, the "Son of God".
Scott M
2007-08-11 00:12:27 UTC
Lots and lots of nonsense answers.

Simply put: We sin through frewill. In heaven it is not possible to sin. Therefore in heaven there is no free will.

Welcome to the Borg Collective...
2007-08-11 00:10:05 UTC
I do not think I can fully explain but heaven will be in God's presance he will be the light there and we will all be with him all the time. I do not think there would be any opertunity to sin we will not have bodys like we do on earth. it will all be love and praising to God that may not appeal to you but it does to me. that is why I am a christian I love God and Jesus and to praise and thank them.
2007-08-14 10:20:11 UTC
You didn't like the answers when you asked this question before?

Keep asking the same questions. Convince yourself you're right, and the rest of us are wrong.

Eventually you and your closed mind will get bored with always being "right" and you'll leave.

And through it all, you are loved.

2007-08-11 00:03:43 UTC
No. Our new body would be of heaven not of earth. We wouldn't have the same urge to sin. If we were the type of people who sin without an urge from our body than we wouldn't be in heaven to start with. that explain it for you?

-happy to help.
2007-08-11 00:23:06 UTC
once again...

flap,flap,flappin in the wind.

yet your lips say nothing.

+2 thank yooou
2007-08-11 00:07:46 UTC
i would say if there was a god in heaven you would know he is real and wouldn't do it cause you now know the truth
2007-08-11 00:04:56 UTC
because Satan was present in the Garden of Eden and heaven, BUT he is going to be destroyed in the lake of fire thus sin temptation is ***poof***
2007-08-11 00:10:08 UTC
I think the whole reason that would give people free will is that hes harvesting something, anger, hatred, discontent maybe, who knows, either way, its all rubbish and retarded.
Satan's Own™
2007-08-11 00:06:10 UTC
Yet another hole in the Xians "divine truth". A certain few contradict themselves daily (okay, more than a few).

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.