Should I believe the Bible or Science?
2016-08-01 07:56:09 UTC
Come on, you have to admit, the description of the Earth in the Bible is rather strange, so strange that it lead to the belief that the Earth was flat, a belief still held today by the Flat Earth Society, and that the Sun rotated around the Earth and not vice versa, again, a belief still held today by the Galileo Was Wrong movement, and these groups classify themselves as Bible literalists, since the Bible is God's Word, then it must be taken as literal truth.

Now, if the writers of the Bible were indeed inspired by God, then why did they describe the Earth so wrong?

Flat Earth Society describes the Earth as a flat circular disk with sides, corners and ends, firmly established by pillars;
Isaiah 40:22, Job 9:6, 1 Samuel 2:8, Job 28:24, Isaiah 11:12 (

Galileo Was Wrong describes the Earth as unmoving, with the Sun orbiting around our planet;
1 Chronicles 16:30, Psalm 93:1, Psalm 96:10, Psalm 104:5, Ecclesiastes 1:5 (
96 answers:
2016-08-01 09:16:32 UTC
These shoes are killing me

Hit the ground running

Make sure your t's are crossed and you I's dotted

Whats up?!

Just chillin

Shook her to the core

Never here the end of it

Mom has eyes in the back of her head

Don't have a cow

Almost gave them a heart attack

She is my heart

I'm running on empty

Word up.

When you get back to the crib, hit me up.

Shes got a record deal, now she's blowing up.

The last time I seen them was last week, it's been about a minute.

My father said he will have some bread for me next payday, cant believe he still uses that word.

The list goes on and on.

The expressions written above are things we here everyday, and we don't take them literally. Otherwise some of that would really be illogical and confusing.

Similar with the scriptures you sited.

Many of the scriptures you sited were common expressions used at that time. For example the four corners of the earth wasn't a literal 4 corners but if read in text it can be see to mean thoroughly, throughout the earth.

We still use some of the Bibles expressions today like, "by the skin of my teeth." Job 40:22,

"iron sharpens iron" Prov 27:17, Drop in a Bucket Isa 40:1, Go the extra mile Matt 5:41, live by the sword die by the sword Matt 26:52 and so many others.

Furthermore the meaning of words sometime changes. The words Bachelor or Propaganda or Gay 50 years ago means something far different that today.

But as for believe in the Bible or Science, once you realize that some of the Bibles language is metaphoric you realize you can believe in both. the Bible and Science.

"It's the same for you. If you speak to people in words they don't understand, how will they know what you are saying? You might as well be talking into empty space." 1 Cor 14:9
2016-08-02 02:40:17 UTC
2016-08-02 00:07:10 UTC
2016-08-01 20:52:14 UTC
2016-08-02 07:02:33 UTC
Just because a wacco organization makes those claims about the Bible, that does not mean that is what the Bible actually says when studied in a logical, fair, and honest way!

You should believe the things of science that are actually proven to be true. If the Bible and science SEEM TO contradict, then perhaps it is your understanding of one or the other that is flawed.

Actually, no proven, demonstrated, testable, fact of science has ever contradicted the Bible. In fact, many discoveries in various fields of science have shown the Bible to be accurate.
2016-08-01 14:48:14 UTC
Both if you mean science that has been logically proven. Keep in mind that the Bible is not a scientific text. What people take for science is actually just a way of explaining things.

Jesus may have said He was a vine, but, if you want to prove He had the physical appearance of a plant or could produce grapes, you would be unable to do so. He was not speaking literally any more than Moses meant both creation stories to be taken literally- or he would not have written two conflicting ones.
2016-08-04 04:56:29 UTC
Science is okey because a lot of diseases has been cured because of science. But the Bible has priority over science because it is God's manual to living a happy and practical life.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

2 Timothy 3:16, 17

16 All Scripture is inspired of God+ and beneficial for teaching,+ for reproving, for setting things straight,* for disciplining in righteousness,+ 17 so that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.

English Publications (2000-2016) Library Preferences

Copyright © 2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Terms of Use Privacy Policy Desktop JW.ORG
2016-08-02 01:46:50 UTC
Should I believe the Bible or Science?

Science works. Follow the evidence, where ever it leads. Creationism isn't it.

Having read several creationist science papers, they tend to break down into four types.

The first is rare, they are valid science papers with an irrelevant aside referencing creationism in some way. One example was on how an artificial intelligence system designed to do one job is not so good as doing another, with an aside about the beliefs of the author. I believe that was by WLC himself.

The second is also not common, but are valid papers that appear to have been written for the deliberate purpose of being dishonestly used by creationists. For example on the slow production rate of a certain protein that was later used to demonstrate this protein could not develop naturally. There are other, quicker processes that produce the same protein, which the paper never mentioned. This was by Axe.

The third, and most common are just bad science. The one where the probability of several thousand atoms randomly forming a specific molecule by random chance is the classic example, not only is evolution not pure random chance, but the mathematics ignored the science of Chemistry completely.

The fourth are not even science, but are also rare. One I saw was a paper with over 80 references to names such as Einstein and Bohr, all irrelevant to the idea of the multiverse. The actual part of the paper were the science normally goes was devoid of any science, it was just the opinion of the author. But eh, 80 references from the likes of Einstein.

Laughably there is a fifth category that is technically not creationist in origin. These are valid science papers supporting evolution that are put forward as evidence against evolution, but this tends to be done by the dishonest, or the stupid who don't actually read science papers.

If you are science literate it is worth looking at the papers, and even if you are not, it is sometimes worth looking at the conclusions.

For the liars just dismissing this without any evidence. I have looked at both sides of the argument by reading creation papers (something YOU have not even done), so you don't get to dismiss the time I have spent by lies and insults, just because I have demonstrated your beliefs are based on lies.

If you want to prove the above false, you need to take the Plottingeoe test by PEER RREVIEWING FIVE creationist paper, listing which ones they are (with a link so I can verify your conclusions) and then telling me which, if any, of categories they falls in. Failure to do so will mean you have nothing but unfounded opinion, and means you admit to be a liar. Any avoidance of the above means you admit to being a liar.

David, the Plottineoe lunatic is blocked because he refuses to peer review the arguments of his own side, instead relying on lies, assertions, and logical fallacies.
Roberta B
2016-08-01 16:51:38 UTC
The flat earth and the sun revolving around the earth is not what the Bible teaches, but are ideas derived from a bad interpretation of the manuscripts.

Some church leaders used these erroneous ideas in order to authorize the imprisonment and death of some scientists over the years.

But the Bible when clearly interpreted does not teach anti science. It does teach that God created the universe, which is not anti-science, only anti-materialism/darwinism.

Anyone who believes or teaches that the Bible encourages belief in unreasonable doctrines has not done Bible research, or is repeating a strawman fallacy argument.
2016-08-01 14:30:48 UTC
2016-08-02 08:08:06 UTC
I believe in God above all, but science before a literal interpretation of the Bible, because the evidence and facts are simply more important than what a book says. But the Bible is still a good guide overall, just not to be taken 100% verbatim.
2016-08-02 11:53:37 UTC
The Bible is not intended as a science book. It is God's Word and it's purpose is to know God's power, love and guidance. The question about the earth being flat was answered in the Bible long before "science" discovered it is round. Isaiah 40:22 "There is One who dwells above the circle of the earth, And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers. He is stretching out the heavens like a fine gauze, And he spreads them out like a tent to dwell in." “He [God] has described a circle upon the face of the waters.” (Job 26:10) In time science discovered the Bible's truth and is still finding how vast the universe is. If there are groups today disputing what the Bible says and what science has discovered then something is wrong with those groups.

Numbers 23:19) 'God is not a mere man who tells lies, Nor a son of man who changes his mind. When he says something, will he not do it? When he speaks, will he not carry it out?'
2016-08-01 08:11:14 UTC
Hopefully you realize that people believed in a "flat earth" long before the Bible was written. The Old Testament reached the from we know today around 500 BC. The ancient Greeks were writing about a flat earth centuries before that. So the Bible is NOT the source of the idea of a "flat earth".

It is interesting that the Bible makes no specific mention of a flat (or spherical) earth. There is no place were it warns about "sailing off the edge" of the world, or anything like that. You will find that a Greek and Egyptian myths as well as many other cultures.

The Bible does use language similar to what we use today. We talk about "sunrise" and "sunset" even though we know the rotation of the earth is the cause of the "illusion" of a sunrise and set. We talk about the "four corners of earth", referring to the compass directions. Or climb to the top of a mountain and say we can "see the whole world" form there. But none of that is intended to prove that science of a "flat earth." We are using "poetic" language that talks about how things look, not trying to be scientifically correct.

Note that the opening chapter of Genesis, which talks about the creation of the universe, is a poem. Generally speaking you do not write poetry as a way of conveying scientific facts. You write poetry to convey moods, concepts and feelings. The Genesis Creation story does the well, showing the grander and greatness of God.

As the Bible makes no statement anywhere that the earth is "flat", you can believe the current science that says it is "round" without having to reject anything that is in the Bible. (You do, however, have to reject centuries of science being totally wrong on the issue as advocating the idea of a flat, geocentric universe.)
2016-08-02 20:57:03 UTC
I believe in both. Science explains most of the world, but some things are beyond a reasonable explanation. And sometimes you need something stronger to lean on that science, for example if there is a death, science can't help you with your emotional state. God is my psychologist that I talk to, when science and medicine fails to answer me. And believe me I am a very strong believer in science and education and medicine and logic, however some things can't be explained or rationalised.
2016-08-01 21:23:34 UTC
Real Science Proves the Bibles absolute Truth and without that absolute Truth science would have never been

but when you try and follow pseudo science you deny real science and the Bible's Truth at the same time !!
2016-08-02 15:24:30 UTC
When are people going to realise that most scholars believe that the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible, are no more than Hebrew myth? Ezra wanted to make the jews returning from Babylonian exile to worship Jehovah rather than the many gods they worshipped, and he wrote a mix of allegory and metaphysics to do it. A number of inconsistencies show this. First, the disjointed story of Cain, the second Moses' description of what he did to the golden calf, Charron. The story differs between Exodus and Deuteronomy. No physical evidence to support the Pentateuch had ever been found. Archaeological evidence only begins with the book of Joshua.
2016-08-01 08:58:10 UTC
The bible itself was actually written by one of the late roman emperors so technachly you shouldn't take the bible seriously cause it wasn't written by any divine being it was written by an uneducated King

The bible is not science and isn't on the same intelligence level as science. The bible is more of a rule book it gives you quotes you have to follow cause for centuries no one thaught mabey there's more to life than praising a magical sky daddy.
2016-08-02 23:46:34 UTC
Anyone who says "believe in science" has NO clue what science is.

It has nothing to do with belief.

EVERY theory is open to question as is every fact. That's why it's NOT a belief system but some people still treat it that way, being ignorant of what belief systems and science are.

They aren't opposites. You could use both or neither.

Belief is something you do frequently.

Organized belief with many people is religion.
2016-08-02 03:28:58 UTC
2016-08-01 09:26:10 UTC
that description in Genesis is as how they saw the world back then. People weren't living on all continents then. No one knew the world was round like a ball. If you read how other ancient faiths views the world, they all had pretty odd thoughts. Not just Christianity. When you read the OT, you have to put yourself in their shoes and think about the time back then, how they lived, where there were people and not people, type of jobs they had and how they ran cities. It's very different than from today. They had some astronomers and philosophers and then religious leaders. Today we have scientists in dozens of fields, doctors, and much more areas of professionalism.
2016-08-02 15:57:48 UTC
2016-08-01 13:45:48 UTC
You need not believe both. You believe in God. God never bothers who believe Him. It doesn't matter but your proceed with your belief because when you believe a spirit begins to work representing God. God cannot watch each and every human being at the same time. That's why He had created the spirits to watch, guide and determine the destiny of the human beings from their daily activities, talks and thoughts too. Your past determines your present and your present determines your future. God has given freewill to all creatures including human beings. According to this, all human beings have all right to live a life as they wish. But if it happens to be bad and hurts someone, they have to face the consequences. These consequences are created by spirits. It's a natural system. After death no one lives in any form. Heaven and hell are only for spirits. Spirits are separate elements. A human being is not a single spirit. A human being during his/her life time is living with many spirits which have joined one by one since birth. They are knowledge, skills, feelings, emotions, interests and everything. Even thoughts are not your own. When you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another the spirits think and you just listen, choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. A human being is just a robot made of flesh, bones, tissues etc., and a toy of the spirits for their games.
2016-08-01 12:18:49 UTC
The Bible merely reflects the "scientific" views of the day.

Modern science only goes back 500 years, & is limited.

But it has come a long way in dealing with the natural world.

It has yet to tackle the super-natural or paranormal.

The Bible accepted Heaven & Hell, angels & demons, as reality.
2016-08-01 10:07:20 UTC
People call the event of seeing the sun at the horizon in the morning a 'sunrise', even though they know that it's not technically true. They do this because it is, while not technically correct, easier to understand. Why bring inertia, gravity, etc into it? The description is sufficient for the intended meaning.

The people at the time did not know that the earth was a sphere. God doesn't have to reveal everything to them.

He did a good job saying what He wanted to say.
2016-08-01 12:31:07 UTC
You shouldn't believe anything that is written in the Bible because we don't even know if Bible is real or if someone has just made up some stories. And we can prove science and we know that it's real.
2016-08-02 20:20:56 UTC
Most Christians believe in both.

The myth of that Christianity taught that the earth was flat and this hindered Science is totally false.

Enemies of the Church who wish to ridicule her other teachings often quote this myth.

This myth is not even very old. Washington Irving (1783-1859) wrote novels of historical fiction but claimed they were real history. In 1828, Irving wrote a "history" of Christopher Columbus who as a "simple mariner" appeared before a group of Catholic inquisitors and theologians, all of whom believed, according to Irving, that the earth was flat "like a plate." It is true that there was a meeting at Salamanca in 1491, but Irving's version of it was completely fictional.

The truth is that practically no one during the Middle Ages believed the world was flat.

Here are a couple of articles on the subject:

• The Flat Earth Myth: The real myth is the idea that anyone ever believed in a flat earth by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

• The Myth of the Flat Earth: Summary by Jeffrey Burton Russell for the American Scientific Affiliation Conference, August 4, 1997 at Westmont College

• Inventing the Flat Earth, By Jeffrey Russell published in History Today Volume 41 Issue 8 August 1991

And Jeffrey Burton Russell's book: Inventing the Flat Earth: Columbus and Modern Historians

With love in Christ.
Bill Mac
2016-08-01 09:52:35 UTC
Actually, the Bible describes it as being a circle... the Hebrew word for “circle” (חוג—chuwg) can also mean “round” or “sphere.” In the sixth century B.C., Pythagoras suggested a spherical Earth. Eratosthenes of Alexandria (circa 276 to 194 or 192 B.C.) calculated the circumference of the Earth “within 50 miles of the present estimate.” The Greeks also drew meridians and parallels. They identified such areas as the poles, equator, and tropics. However, this spherical Earth concept did not prevail; the Romans drew the Earth as a flat disk with oceans around it. Science, during the dark ages, also agreed at one time with the "flat" earth theory.

The round shape of our planet was a conclusion easily drawn by watching ships disappear over the horizon and also by observing eclipse shadows, and we can assume that such information was well known to New Testament writers. Earth's spherical shape was, of course, also understood by Christopher Columbus and those in his days and times.

Some Bible critics have claimed that Revelation 7:1 assumes a flat Earth since the verse refers to angels standing at the “four corners” of the Earth. Actually, the reference is to the cardinal directions: north, south, east, and west.

The "pillars" are references to the power and providence of God. Figuratively, the pillars of the earth may refer to the princes of the world, the supreme rulers of it, and civil magistrates, who are sometimes called cornerstones, and the shields of the earth (Zech. 10:4, Ps 47:9) They are pillars, because they are the means of cementing, supporting, and protecting the people of the earth, and of preserving their peace and property. Likewise good men may be meant in a figurative sense, who, as they are the salt of the earth, are the pillars of it, for whose sake it was made, and is supported, and continued in being; the church is the pillar and ground of truth; and every good man is a pillar in the house of God, and especially ministers of the Gospel (see Rev. 3:12, 1Tim. 3:15, Gal 2:9, Pr 9:1). It is clear that, in context, the reference is to the noble ones, the princes of the earth, not the physical Earth

The earth itself is suspended; Job 26:7 ‘He suspends the Earth over nothing’. This is in the context of descriptions of the physical creation and it is difficult to see how this statement could have a figurative meaning of any kind.
Billy the Kid
2016-08-02 10:10:37 UTC
Don't believe science. Understand why the facts are true, and why the Bible almost certainly isn't.
2016-08-02 16:07:10 UTC
Science cannot contradict what is real and the Bible is not at odds with what is real, it is only your limited understanding. Science is actually well within the scope of the Bible, if you read Zechariah Sitchin's books.
John Fuentes
2016-08-02 10:37:29 UTC
1. Has there not been over Man a long period of Time, when he was nothing - (not even) mentioned?

2. Verily We created Man from a drop of mingled sperm, in order to try him: So We gave him (the gifts), of Hearing and Sight.

3. We showed him the Way: whether he be grateful or ungrateful (rests on his will).

Surah Insan; Ayah: 1-3.

Check out the Quran.

Look up Nouman Ali Khan on youtube; explains the Quran in a very beautiful way; if you would like to learn more.
2016-08-02 13:49:33 UTC
Yeah, If you really want to be intellectually dishonest and say that you think when the Bible says "God sits above the CIRCLE of the Earth" that you make that out to mean it's saying the Earth is flat....! Really?! Also your going to sit their and pretend like you don't know that when the Bible says "pillars" ,that it's not using that metaphorically. How about the verse that says "He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing."? Are you going to pretend like that's not talking about space...? I'm not sure what Galileo has to do with God's Word.. Psalms is poetry..Be honest with yourself and you'll find that the Word of God is filled with Wisdom!
2016-08-01 08:36:40 UTC
find out what science teaches which is censored and science will be closer to proving there is a God.

find out where the bible has been altered and correct it, I think all bible have altered, it just depends on the agenda and bias and politics.

I think it comes down to whosoever is chosen by God to be The presiding prophet over the church and body of Christ as compared to which world leader pretends to know the will of God. IMO

the bible brought me to faith, scientists LIED to me in school. the public schools are not allowed to teach Christianity and the bible but they allow false doctrine through evolution to proceed. there should be a separation of State and satan worship as well as political agendas in any form of brain washing. and Christians are not commonly known for practicing sorceries but public schools and principles are accountable for hiring teachers of criminal espionage against the truth.
2016-08-01 07:58:25 UTC
It only makes sense to believe science on matters that fall within the scope of science, and to believe God in matters that are of divine origin, and which lie totally outside the purview of science. There is never any conflict between true science and true religion. Truth cannot conflict with truth.

Christian biologist
Doug Freyburger
2016-08-04 11:07:24 UTC
The good thing about science is it works whether you believe it or not.

The good thing about the Bible is it contains errors and changes with every translation whether you believe it or not.
2016-08-01 14:36:10 UTC
There is no "should" about it, you believe what you believe.

Some people don't have a problem believing both.

But I should point out that the Bible is not 100% correct.
2016-08-01 08:10:41 UTC
All your interpretation of the Holy Bible does is validate this Scripture;

1 Corinthians 2:14 King James Version

But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
Mutations Killed Darwin Fish
2016-08-01 08:07:09 UTC
Science is not in any conflict with God's Word.
2016-08-01 08:03:02 UTC
Unless you read the bible as some kind of collection of facts instead of a book of faith, there is no reason why you can not use both your mind and intelligence in the realm of science, and your faith in the realm of religion
the re - chosen one
2016-08-01 08:53:04 UTC
You should believe in the advanced scientific knowledge of our Intelligent Designer that has been hidden in the scripture that makes up the first five Books of The Bible.
2016-08-01 09:11:46 UTC
The Bible and TRUE science do not disagree.
2016-08-01 17:49:50 UTC
Draw Close to God-A Creator Worthy of Our Praise

Revelation 4:11

HAVE you ever wondered, ‘What is the meaning of life?’ Those who believe that life is the result of mindless evolution grope in vain for the answer. Not so those who accept the well-established truth that God is the Source of life. (Psalm 36:9) They know that he had a purpose in creating us.

That purpose is stated at Revelation 4:11. Penned by the apostle John, explain why we are here. John presents a heavenly chorus extolling God: “You are worthy, our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created.” God alone is worthy, or deserving, of such homage. Because he “created all things.”

What, then, should his intelligent creatures be moved to do? God is said to be worthy to “receive” glory, honor, and power. Without question, he is the most glorious, honorable, and powerful Personage in the universe. The majority of humankind, however, do not really recognize his Creatorship. Even so, there are those who clearly see God’s “invisible qualities” through the things he has made. (Romans 1:20) With appreciative hearts, they are moved to give God glory and honor. They proclaim to all who will hear the impressive evidence that God is the one who made all things wonderfully and that he is therefore deserving of our reverential respect.—Psalm 19:1, 2; 139:14.

Of course, no creature can confer power on the almighty Creator. (Isaiah 40:25, 26) Yet, being created in God’s image, we are endowed with a measure of God’s attributes, one of which is power. (Genesis 1:27) If we truly appreciate what our Creator has done for us, we will be moved to use our power and energy to honor and glorify him. Instead of expending our energy solely on advancing our own interests, we feel that God is worthy of receiving all our power as we serve him.—Mark 12:30.

Why, then, are we here? The last part of Revelation 4:11 answers: “Because of your will they [all created things] existed and were created.” We did not will ourselves into existence. We exist because of God’s will. For this reason, life lived solely for self-interest is empty and meaningless. To find inner peace, joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment, we need to learn what God’s will is and then bring our life into harmony with it. Only then will we find the purpose of our creation and existence.—Psalm 40:8.
Evangilizing The Lost
2016-08-01 08:53:12 UTC
Science actually supports Biblical creation except for evolution, which is widely accepted as true when it's false. If it were true, there would be quadrillions upon quadrillions of transitional species fossils but they're aren't. There are only similar species fossils.
paschal d
2016-08-03 07:09:51 UTC
THE bible are the teachings of GOD and science are the teachings of man,there fore the choice is of the believer.
John 3:16
2016-08-01 16:29:30 UTC
If properly understood, the bible doesn't contradict science.
Duke Nukem
2016-08-01 08:06:09 UTC
You should believe whatever is supported by verifiable evidence.

That applies to ANY claim, whether it is proposed by scientists, politicians, religious leaders, or the guy who is selling you a used car.

If a used car salesman told you that the car is in perfect running condition, and insisted you don't need to bother checking it... would you believe him on faith, or get some actual evidence before you give him your money?
2016-08-02 16:22:43 UTC
Believe in Nature, the World and the Flesh, which are reviled by the Bible. Spare the child and spoil the rod, I have not sold my soul to God.
Sandra K
2016-08-01 11:54:40 UTC
Science for suree!
2016-08-01 08:04:28 UTC
There can be no real conflict between enlightened science and real religion. The Bible is, neither.
2016-08-02 05:21:11 UTC
DEFINITELY 1000% BELIEVE SCIENCE! Do NOT believe the bible. In fact, toss it in the trash where it belongs!
2016-08-01 08:04:05 UTC

And if you read fully, then that's much easier to do.

Because from full reading, you start to get the metaphors, much more accurately.

It's like whether you could understand a good poem from an isolated line in the poem, or whether it helps to get the entire poem. Answer: it helps to get the entire poem.
2016-08-02 18:31:29 UTC
Honestly, that's like wondering if you should believe in Santa Clause, or the basic laws of physics, like gravity and momentum. Most Christians use bullshit excuses to try to say their God is real. This is coming from someone originally born and raised Christian, so I feel my opinion should be pretty unbiased.
Rising Dove
2016-08-03 19:38:12 UTC
The Christian bible because it actually proves true to the believer
2016-08-01 08:02:31 UTC
The modern Catholic church accepts and believes evolution and that the sun is the center of the solar Science
2016-08-02 11:52:28 UTC
Science is not really science anymore. Scientific experimentation and observation has been replaced largely by theory and mathematical models.
2016-08-02 22:19:05 UTC
its an individual choice. just remember the bible isnt flawless, its written by MAN. just as science isnt flawless. miracles happen as well as successful science experiments. who is to say we can't believe in both?
2016-08-04 05:13:51 UTC
Why do they have to be mutually exclusive?

The Bible attempts to tell us WHAT God did.

Science attempts to tell us HOW He did it.

Out of curiosity, how would you describe genetics to a tribe of hunter-gatherer nomads?
2016-08-01 08:13:27 UTC
Science does not require belief
2016-08-01 20:27:34 UTC
"He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing."

Job 26:7

God knew the earth was round before science did.
2016-08-01 09:03:56 UTC
Everybody says the sun rises and the sun sets. Nobody say the scientific view the earth rotated into the path of the sun.
great knight
2016-08-02 01:31:00 UTC
Jesus Christ is the truth, the way, and the life! Jesus loves you. Get a king james bible and believe. Read John chapter 1 and 3. Read Romans chapter 5,8,10,12. Read 1 John chapter 4. and so on. Read Genesis. and so on. Believe in Jesus Christ and you shall have everlasting life! Jesus loves you. Read 2 Peter 3.
2016-08-02 14:52:42 UTC
Well, if you want to have some severe Brain Damage, the Bible would be your best choice.
2016-08-01 08:02:32 UTC
Socializing with people who can hold conflicting ideas in mind and still be functional is a plus. Avoid the non-functional.
2016-08-01 10:13:15 UTC
When you are ill do you see a doctor and use science or a priest and use magic?
2016-08-02 09:46:00 UTC
"Verily this Qur'an doth guide to that which is most right (or stable), and giveth the Glad Tidings to the Believers who work deeds of righteousness, that they shall have a magnificent reward" (Koran)
2016-08-01 08:02:07 UTC
Science without religion is lame dear, and religion without science is blind.
2016-08-04 07:12:57 UTC
This is just me, but the stupidest people I know say this. They assume ASSUME you must have only one !! But there is no basis for such a belief except their own dogmatism and it is dogmatism that the idiots think they are attacking.
2016-08-02 08:32:04 UTC
Don't believe everything you hear or read - rely on your own experiences and confirm that what somebody has told you is true.
2016-08-02 17:40:49 UTC
Yes believe in that order.
2016-08-01 13:59:00 UTC
Science! I hope this is a trick question..
2016-08-02 13:51:03 UTC
2017-03-10 23:46:15 UTC
2016-08-02 18:58:49 UTC
Who says you can't believe in both?
2016-08-02 00:41:26 UTC
Honestly i think you should believe in what YOU want to believe in everybody on this website is entitled to their own opinion that is something you may want to decide yourself just saying....:)
2016-08-02 07:23:50 UTC
it sounds like Scientology man. hope this helps,

The Big Bang Theory.
2016-08-02 08:10:44 UTC
2016-08-01 08:00:16 UTC
That's for you to decided.
2016-08-01 08:24:00 UTC
This might answer you partly the mythological concept of Flat Earth. It is like the common usage of flat maps...
2016-08-02 02:52:47 UTC
You can believe in both. There's no reason that you shouldn't believe in both.
2016-08-01 07:57:43 UTC
you should devote your life against the bible like a good atheist and stick with atheist science

In the beginning nothing exploded from no cause

This made meaningless particles,

and the particles accidentally became complex stuff

which then by random chance they became living stuff

The living stuff became aware & conceived there was no God and therefore no meaning to existence.

and that living stuff decided it was important to teach this to the other living stuff
2016-08-02 21:17:36 UTC
It's completely up to you whatever floats your boat
2016-08-02 07:20:28 UTC
There is no 'should' in belief, you either do or you don't or are still trying to figure it out.
2016-08-02 22:17:30 UTC
science has never proved that there is no god.

science is human invention

and human is gods invention.
2016-08-01 07:57:47 UTC
Believe in the true things only.
2016-08-02 09:56:08 UTC
You can do both if you aren't a scriptural literalist.
2016-08-02 11:38:18 UTC
You can believe in both.
2016-08-02 10:44:00 UTC
Believe whatever you want
2016-08-02 14:13:17 UTC
Scientific fact will always outweigh Biblical fact (If there is any). Which you choose is up to you.
2016-08-01 07:57:53 UTC
Pretense or reality is the choice you propose here.

Only fools, and desperate or ignorant people pick pretense.
2016-08-02 14:05:15 UTC
2016-08-01 08:03:48 UTC
Listen to your heart.
2016-08-02 10:19:07 UTC
2016-08-02 09:04:53 UTC
They are by no means incompatible.
2016-08-01 08:11:37 UTC
You should just go bowling.
2016-08-01 11:54:21 UTC
At Galileo´s time, the Catholic Church had its own interpretation of the Bible and so does the Flat Earth Society today.

God knew that more accurate understanding on things would only come with the passage of time. For example, the Bible writers could write nothing on bacteria, virus, etc. which could only be described after the invention of the microscope. However, nothing in the Bible suggests a flat earth. Also the Bible writers described sunset and sunrise from the perspective of a person on our planet´s surface. They were not stating a scientific law. Nonetheless, the prophet David described the microscopic DNA under inspiration at Psalms 139:16:

Your eyes even saw me as an embryo;

All its parts were written in your book (DNA)

Regarding the days when they were formed,

Before any of them existed.

For example, "to Aristotle, the universe was packed full. He saw the earth and its atmosphere as composed of four elements—earth, water, air, and fire. The universe beyond was filled with crystalline spheres, all composed of an eternal substance he called ether. The heavenly bodies were attached to the invisible spheres. Aristotle’s idea long appealed to most men of science, for it seemed to fit a basic assumption: An object must rest on or be attached to something, or else it will fall.

What about the Bible? It contains a record of the words of a faithful man named Job, who said about Jehovah: “He is . . . hanging the earth upon nothing.” (Job 26:7) Such a notion would surely have struck Aristotle as preposterous.

In the 17th century C.E., some 3,000 years after Job’s day, prevailing scientific theory held that the universe was filled, not with crystalline spheres, but with a kind of fluid. Late in that century, though, physicist Sir Isaac Newton proposed a completely different idea. Gravity, he said, caused an attraction between the heavenly bodies. Newton had come one step closer to understanding that the earth and other heavenly bodies did indeed hang in empty space, what would appear to humans as “nothing.”

Newton’s theory about gravity met with a great deal of opposition. It was still hard for many scientifically minded men to envision that stars and other heavenly bodies were not held in place by something substantial. How could our massive earth or the heavenly orbs simply hang there in space? The idea struck some as supernatural. Since Aristotle’s day, most men of science had believed that space must be filled with something.

Of course, Job knew nothing of the invisible means by which the earth is held in a stable orbit around the sun. What, then, led him to say that our planet hangs “upon nothing”?

Further, the notion that nothing holds up the earth raises another question: What keeps it and other heavenly bodies on course? Notice the fascinating words with which God once addressed Job: “Can you tie fast the bonds of the Kimah constellation, or can you loosen the very cords of the Kesil constellation?” (Job 38:31) Night after night of his long life, Job saw those familiar star formations rise and set.* 1 But why did they look the same, year after year, decade after decade? What bonds held those stars, and all other heavenly bodies, in their relative positions? Surely, thinking about that was awe-inspiring to Job.

If the stars were simply affixed to celestial spheres, there would be no need for such bonds. Only thousands of years later did scientists learn more about the invisible “bonds” or “cords” that hold the heavenly bodies together in their long, slow dance through the blackness of space. Isaac Newton and later Albert Einstein became famous for their discoveries in this field. Of course, Job knew nothing of the forces God uses to bind the heavenly bodies together. Yet, the inspired words in the book of Job have withstood the test of time far better than have the notions of the learned Aristotle. Who but the Lawmaker could have such insight?

Eternal or Subject to Decay?

Aristotle believed that there was an enormous distinction between the heavens and the earth. The earth, he said, is subject to change, decay, and deterioration, whereas the ether of which the starry heavens are made is utterly changeless, eternal. Aristotle’s crystalline spheres and the heavenly bodies attached to them could never change, wear out, or die.

Is that what the Bible teaches? Psalm 102:25-27 reads: “Long ago you laid the foundations of the earth itself, and the heavens are the work of your hands. They themselves will perish, but you yourself will keep standing; and just like a garment they will all of them wear out. Just like clothing you will replace them, and they will finish their turn. But you are the same, and your own years will not be completed.”

Note that this psalmist, writing perhaps two centuries before Aristotle’s time, does not contrast the earth with the starry heavens, as if the earth is subject to decay while the stars are eternal. Rather, he sets both heaven and earth in contrast with God, the mighty Spirit who directed their creation.* 2 This psalm suggests that the stars are as subject to decay as anything on the earth. And what has modern science found?

The science of geology supports both the Bible and Aristotle in saying that the earth is subject to decay. In fact, the rocks of our earth are ever wearing down through erosion and being replenished through volcanic and other geologic activity.

What, though, about the stars? Are they naturally subject to decay, as the Bible suggests, or are they inherently eternal, as Aristotle taught? European astronomers began to doubt Aristotle’s notion of eternal stars in the 16th century C.E. when, for the first time, they observed a supernova, the spectacular explosion of a star. Scientists have since observed that stars may die violently in such explosions or burn out slowly or even collapse on themselves. However, astronomers have also observed new stars forming in ‘stellar nurseries,’ clouds of gas enriched by the explosions of old stars. Hence, the Bible writer’s image of clothing wearing out and being replaced is entirely appropriate.* 3 How remarkable that this psalmist of ancient times managed to write words that harmonize so well with modern-day discoveries!

Still, you might wonder: ‘Does the Bible teach that the earth or the starry heavens as a whole will one day come to an end or need replacing?’ No, the Bible promises that they will last forever. (Psalm 104:5; 119:90) But that is not because such creations are eternal in themselves; rather, the God who created them promises to sustain them. (Psalm 148:4-6) He does not say how, but does it not stand to reason that the One who created the universe would have the power to sustain it? In a similar way, a master builder might lovingly maintain a house he built for himself and his family.

* 1 “Kimah constellation” may have referred to the Pleiades star group. “Kesil constellation” was probably a reference to the Orion constellation. It takes tens of thousands of years for such star formations to change significantly.

* 2 Because Jehovah used his only-begotten spirit Son as the “master worker” to bring all things into existence, the words of this passage may also be applied to the Son.—Proverbs 8:30, 31; Colossians 1:15-17; Hebrews 1:10.

* 3 In the 19th century, scientist William Thomson, also known as Lord Kelvin, discovered the second law of thermodynamics, which explains why, over time, natural systems tend to decay and break down. One factor that inspired him to reach this conclusion was a careful study of Psalm 102:25-27."
2016-08-03 10:31:45 UTC
Trust in God and Jesus Christ.
2016-08-01 21:37:47 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.