"Why are you incredulous about the Bible, and the story of a God that loves you unconditionally and sent Jesus to die on the cross for your sin..." Because the Bible contains multiple stories which imply that the God mentioned therein is an immoral monster. If there is a god and that god is in charge of everything, I personally would really hope he, she, it or they are more moral than how Yahweh is described in that book.
"you're readily willing to believe that you, as a human, are pretty much nothing more than an animal with no purpose for being here because that's what science has told you? " Wrong.
1) I have no will over what I believe. Belief isn't a choice. It is a compulsion which comes forth from a variety of different sources. Your characterization that I willingly believe anything is wrong.
2) Humans are a type of animal. This is a fact. The truth doesn't care if you like it or not. The truth is what the truth is. What is wrong with being an animal? There is no "just" to being an animal. Are you not aware how varied animals are? Are you ignorant of how special each species, including humans, are? Your own ignorance is your worst enemy.
3) Nowhere in science does it say that I am a being without purpose. The only person suggesting that we have no purpose is you.
4) I believe because of the evidence. Unlike you, I don't make appeals to authority. I appeal to the physical evidence which I can independently check, collect and verify the validity of.
"don't you know that God loves you?" How can I know that something loves me if I don't even know that the supposed being exists?
"And He's made a way for you to spend eternity with him?" If you are referring to the god of the Bible, which I've already told you is an immoral being, why would I want to spend eternity with such an immoral prick?
"if you die, believing that Jesus and salvation are nothing more than a "fairy tale" and it turns out to be true, what are you going to be thinking then? " That I was wrong. So what? Just because I was wrong does not mean, by default, that you were right. What if we are both wrong and the Muslims are right? What if we are both wrong and the Buddhists are right? Your false dichotomy is exposed and refuted.
"I can't physically prove to you that God, heaven , and hell exist but are you really willing to roll the dice on eternity? " Yes, because your fantasy, until you provide evidence to support it, is no more worth considering than Greek mythology.
Also, don't you think that an all-knowing God would know the difference between someone who honestly believes and someone who is just "going through the motions" in order to avoid hell?
Pascal's Wager is an insult, not only to me, but also to your God's intelligence (if it existed).
"I don't want any of you to experience an eternity of separation from God." Why do you wish for me to experience an eternity in the presence of a being whose actions I find immoral?
"Please know that I pray for you guys" You are free to. Know that I will be thinking for you.
P.S. What did any of this have to do with evolution? At what point did being an "evolutionist" have anything to do with your questions? Do you ignore that the majority of Christians accept evolution and thus would probably be considered "evolutionists" by you?