Atheists & evolutionists, I have serious question....please read and answer?
2012-06-14 14:30:28 UTC
Why are you incredulous about the Bible, and the story of a God that loves you unconditionally and sent Jesus to die on the cross for your sin...

Yet, you're readily willing to believe that you, as a human, are pretty much nothing more than an animal with no purpose for being here because that's what science has told you?

I mean, don't you know that God loves you? And He's made a way for you to spend eternity with him?

Put aside all your preconceived biases for a moment and really think about it....if you die, believing that Jesus and salvation are nothing more than a "fairy tale" and it turns out to be true, what are you going to be thinking then?

I mean, I can't physically prove to you that God, heaven , and hell exist but are you really willing to roll the dice on eternity?

I know a lot of Christians come across as hateful and argumentative, and anything BUT what a Christian should be; I'd like to apologize to you, on behalf of all Christians, for that behavior.

I want you to know that God's not mad at you, He loves you, He created you. Sin and death separate us from God, but Jesus has made a way to the Father through His finished work on the cross.

Please know that I pray for you guys, and that I don't want any of you to experience an eternity of separation from God.
53 answers:
Siver ChaCha
2012-06-14 14:35:05 UTC
your kind of condescending BS is insulting

and your non question violates the guidelines grow up Santa Claus is DEAD
2012-06-14 14:48:57 UTC
"Why are you incredulous about the Bible, and the story of a God that loves you unconditionally and sent Jesus to die on the cross for your sin... "

Because it is extremely far-fetched, has no evidence whatsoever to back it up, and sounds like something people would have made up about 4000 years ago.

"Yet, you're readily willing to believe that you, as a human, are pretty much nothing more than an animal with no purpose for being here because that's what science has told you?"

Science does not tell us that we have no purpose for being here. It does tell us we are animals, because that is what the evidence shows. It is pretty clear anyway. The difference between a chimp (which is obviously an animal) and a human is completely insignificant compared with that between a chimp and, say, a seahorse (which is also obviously an animal), so why would we not be animals?

"I mean, don't you know that God loves you? And He's made a way for you to spend eternity with him?"

No. How would I know that unless somebody gives me some way of knowing it, rather than just an old book which asserts it?

"Put aside all your preconceived biases for a moment and really think about it....if you die, believing that Jesus and salvation are nothing more than a "fairy tale" and it turns out to be true, what are you going to be thinking then?

I mean, I can't physically prove to you that God, heaven , and hell exist but are you really willing to roll the dice on eternity?"

If a there is a god with even the minutest sense of justice it is not going to punish people for not believing in it without a shred of evidence.

"I know a lot of Christians come across as hateful and argumentative, and anything BUT what a Christian should be; I'd like to apologize to you, on behalf of all Christians, for that behavior."

I appreciate the sentiment, but it is not really up to you to apologize on behalf of other people who show no sign of regretting what they say.

"I want you to know that God's not mad at you, He loves you, He created you. Sin and death separate us from God, but Jesus has made a way to the Father through His finished work on the cross."

Well, I am not going to know that until you provide some means of demonstrating it, or even that he actually exists.
2012-06-14 17:36:51 UTC
Why are you incredulous about the Bible, and the story of a God that loves you unconditionally and sent Jesus to die on the cross for your sin...

Because the OT is plagiarized from the Sumerian tablets and the NT is all made up.

Yet, you're readily willing to believe that you, as a human, are pretty much nothing more than an animal with no purpose for being here because that's what science has told you?

What I "believe" is immaterial. Facts exist.

I mean, don't you know that God loves you? And He's made a way for you to spend eternity with him?

There are no words to explain how monumentally boring that would be.

believing that Jesus and salvation are nothing more than a "fairy tale" and it turns out to be true, what are you going to be thinking then?

If it is the psychotic of the bible then we are all scr*wed.

I mean, I can't physically prove to you that God, heaven , and hell exist but are you really willing to roll the dice on eternity?

If it means dealing with that psychotic of the bible then yes, I am willing.

I want you to know that God's not mad at you,

And when did you begin sitting at his right hand.

He loves you, He created you

And there you are sitting at the right hand of the throne again.
2012-06-14 14:46:12 UTC
"Why are you incredulous about the Bible, and the story of a God that loves you unconditionally and sent Jesus to die on the cross for your sin..." Because the Bible contains multiple stories which imply that the God mentioned therein is an immoral monster. If there is a god and that god is in charge of everything, I personally would really hope he, she, it or they are more moral than how Yahweh is described in that book.

"you're readily willing to believe that you, as a human, are pretty much nothing more than an animal with no purpose for being here because that's what science has told you? " Wrong.

1) I have no will over what I believe. Belief isn't a choice. It is a compulsion which comes forth from a variety of different sources. Your characterization that I willingly believe anything is wrong.

2) Humans are a type of animal. This is a fact. The truth doesn't care if you like it or not. The truth is what the truth is. What is wrong with being an animal? There is no "just" to being an animal. Are you not aware how varied animals are? Are you ignorant of how special each species, including humans, are? Your own ignorance is your worst enemy.

3) Nowhere in science does it say that I am a being without purpose. The only person suggesting that we have no purpose is you.

4) I believe because of the evidence. Unlike you, I don't make appeals to authority. I appeal to the physical evidence which I can independently check, collect and verify the validity of.

"don't you know that God loves you?" How can I know that something loves me if I don't even know that the supposed being exists?

"And He's made a way for you to spend eternity with him?" If you are referring to the god of the Bible, which I've already told you is an immoral being, why would I want to spend eternity with such an immoral prick?

"if you die, believing that Jesus and salvation are nothing more than a "fairy tale" and it turns out to be true, what are you going to be thinking then? " That I was wrong. So what? Just because I was wrong does not mean, by default, that you were right. What if we are both wrong and the Muslims are right? What if we are both wrong and the Buddhists are right? Your false dichotomy is exposed and refuted.

"I can't physically prove to you that God, heaven , and hell exist but are you really willing to roll the dice on eternity? " Yes, because your fantasy, until you provide evidence to support it, is no more worth considering than Greek mythology.

Also, don't you think that an all-knowing God would know the difference between someone who honestly believes and someone who is just "going through the motions" in order to avoid hell?

Pascal's Wager is an insult, not only to me, but also to your God's intelligence (if it existed).

"I don't want any of you to experience an eternity of separation from God." Why do you wish for me to experience an eternity in the presence of a being whose actions I find immoral?

"Please know that I pray for you guys" You are free to. Know that I will be thinking for you.

P.S. What did any of this have to do with evolution? At what point did being an "evolutionist" have anything to do with your questions? Do you ignore that the majority of Christians accept evolution and thus would probably be considered "evolutionists" by you?
2012-06-14 14:38:54 UTC
"I mean, I can't physically prove to you that God, heaven , and hell exist but are you really willing to roll the dice on eternity? "

>I'm not "rolling the dice" on anything, I'm just being honest. I truly, in my heart of hearts, do not believe in a god. I can't change that internally. I can't just wake up one morning and decide "oh, I think I'll believe in god today." I can't be swayed by anything less than physical evidence.

Evidence for us being animals, however - is too hard to ignore. If you were truly genuine about seeking out what is true or false about the universe, you would have no problem finding plenty of supporting evidence for abiogenesis and evolution.

If an omniscient god existed, he would know the difference between somebody truly believing and somebody "not rolling the dice" as you put it. So the ball is in your court. Can you provide reasonable evidence to sway us? If not, we're done here. No amount of emotional appeal you try will work.

I'd like to further add that any REASONABLE omniscient being would favor an honest atheist over a dishonest Christian any day. Revelation 3:16 "So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth."
2012-06-14 14:57:10 UTC
Santa Claus is a nice character , too. Is that sufficient reason to believe?

No, and I never found sufficient reason to believe in that God over others. I thought it made more sense that there would be a group of deities...seeing as how everyone has different talents and there are different needs in this world. But then I realized there was no proof for ANY god/dess. (That's the bare bones of my story)

In various classes I learned about the evolution's really just an observation of the things found...why fossils are in a certain order (using many different dating methods, not just carbon-14) and why fossils look a certain way.

IE: It's as if someone gives you a puzzle and says there are supposed to 450 pieces, a few are missing but it's supposed to be a fuzzy white kitten.

Despite that, you're able to put most of it together and it's clearly a black pony in a paddock.

That's what the Creation STORY is like compared to evolution. The Theory of Evolution was the RESULT of what is found. Not something someone made up out of nowhere or misinformation from others.

FYI, micro-evolution is recreated in medical labs all the time
2012-06-14 14:52:06 UTC
1) I don't believe in the Jesus part; he may have existed but he is irrelevant to me because I'm Jewish.

2) I certainly do not think I'm pretty much nothing more than an animal with no purpose - I have a shitload of purpose that comes from my own experiences - no God needed.

3)No, I don't know that - what makes that almost impossible to believe is the concept of hell. I don't care what anyone says - the concept of a God who "loves" us but if we screw up in any way, we get punished with torture for all eternity. Nope! Not for me...

4)When I die, I won't be thinking anymore. Do you think that I have never heard what you are saying before? I don't accept it and I don't believe it.

5)Yes, I am very willing to roll the dice on eternity, because I have a system like in Las Vegas.

6) Don't apologize for other people - that's not kosher

7) How can I make this any clearer? I do not believe in God so none of that makes any sense to me.

8) Please do not pray for me. I don't like strangers saying things like that to me because I do not believe in God. How many ways can I say that?

Oh, and I'm psychic and I know that if you give a best answer to anyone, it would most likely be one of the three or four people who agree with you. So what's the point of all this?
2016-10-03 06:18:22 UTC
You responded your very own question "some thing can't come from no longer something." So if each and every thing advance into made by employing God out of God, which may well be the only logical clarification with the exception of the huge bang, then I ask you what's God produced from? The hopes and fears of all mankind? count and capability are interchangeable at a definite ingredient. Is God interchangeable with rock and lightning? those are intense questions which will no longer be able to be responded. What solves the huge bang problem is infinity. The isn't any beginning or end, count and capability come mutually and then flow aside consistently, invariably. the ingredient scientists would desire to ignore approximately to determine all of it out is "time." you may no longer look at issues that have continuously been and continuously would be and placed a schedule on it. you have your faith and others do no longer consider what you have self assurance. once you're a real believer you apart from mght comprehend that it is not your place to choose.
2012-06-14 14:49:46 UTC
A. Its a story, nothing more.

B. I don't need the warm fuzzy feeling of thinking that my soul is saved, or that life goes on after this. I am perfectly content knowing I will live 50-100 years and after that, there is nothing.

C. If someone told you that some guy in Antarctica loved you, would it change how you feel about the rest of life or change how you live? Same here when you tell me God loves me.

D. If it turns out Jesus is real, I'll explain to him that him and his dad royally screwed up by putting the wackos they did in charge of the church and if they truly didn't want us to have free will, they shouldn't have given it to us.

E. Yes. Willing to roll the dice since when you run the numbers, Christians are in a minority, so if any god were to be real, it would certainly not be the Christian one.

F. Apology not accepted. Your faith clouds your reason and morality and permits you to do evil in the name of your god and until you police your own, you're part of the problem.

G. If there is a god, you belittle it by superimposing human emotions. Emotions are from chemicals in our brains, they have no place outside of the world of flesh. If there is such a being, it does not feel. It simply is.

H. Don't waste your prayer. If your bible is any indication of your god, I want nothing to do with it. He is evil, vindictive, abusive, childish, selfish, and jealous and anyone who reads the bible without the faith blinder glasses can see this. Its like an abusive parent that dotes and loves on you then beat the crap out of you. You can have that all you want.
2012-06-14 15:49:46 UTC
Which god, cupcake?

I want us to commit to worshiping a god so that our eternal souls won't be endangered, but you make the assumption that only your god is real. You have just as much of a chance of being wrong as we have, and yet you're not advocating worshiping Allah or Krishna or Amaterasu or Quetzalcoatl on the off chance that it turns out that THEY'RE actually real.

In fact, you have an even greater chance of being wrong by putting all your eggs in one basket, so to speak - if it turns out that you picked the wrong god, and it's a jealous one like, say, Allah, for whom worshiping the wrong god is the unforgivable sin, you could be in worse trouble than I would be for just not having been convinced by ANY god.

You also seem to make the assumption that belief is a choice, or that we'll be able to fool your god into thinking we're sincere if we worship him out of the pure self-interest that seems to form the basis of your sales pitch.

In addition, you make the assumption that there is an afterlife, that it will include some kind judgment, and that of all the possible virtues, any god that might actually exist will value blind "faith" over all others - over, for example, curiosity or intellectual honesty.

You ask us to put aside all our "preconceived biases for a moment and really think about it," but it appears that you haven't done so yourself. Your "question" is rife with preconceived bias.

You also seem to claim that you bring us messages from your god - things like he loves us or he's not mad at us...but if your god loves us so much, why doesn't he just tell us himself? Where's the evidence that you speak for any god, much less the one you think is real?

Your condescending and sanctimonious non-question is nothing more than a restatement of Pascal's Wager, which is hideously easy to refute in multiple ways, and which we've seen so often that it has become a *drink* question.

So *drink*

@christopher - this wasn't a "genuine question" at all, sugarpop, and the intent of this whole proselytizing rant was offensive and insulting, so please do stow your outrage at our responses. I don't know where you folks get the idea that we're required to be endlessly patient with you guys as you tell us that we're horrible, stupid people who think wrong.

@Frizby, cupcake, how about YOU start listening to us for once in YOUR stubborn lives? We answer and answer and answer this garbage over and over again and yet you folks keep pushing your religion into our faces and demanding that we comply with your beliefs and promoting falsehoods about us.

We've listened. You should try it.
2012-06-14 14:59:14 UTC
I understand that you really want what is best for everyone, but don't use Pascal's Wager (if you are unsure what that is just google it). The problem with that is the fact that there are and have been hundreds if not thousands of religions. We can't possibly believe in all of them. I know that you feel yours is right, but if we don't feel that way, why do you feel it is your place to push us? It is one thing if you want to introduce your religion to those who have not experienced it, but I have, as well as all of the atheists I know. We have read the bible (mine is on my bookshelf to this day). We can only believe what we believe. I am not incredulous about the bible, I just feel like it is similar to many other books on my shelf. A collection of stories (some of which may be true) that were intended to instill a set of morals in the people of the time. If you feel like it is more than that, that's fine, but I don't. If I told you that you were going to hell because of your beliefs, would you be able to just change them?
No Chance Without Kitty
2012-06-14 14:38:59 UTC
As an ex-christian who has read the bible I can answer your question properly with a series of questions. Were you there when the bible was written?

If the bible is a sacred text, why is it so manipulated and changed?

Is having blind faith in a bible written and changed by man godly?

If the bible is timelined to have started the world 6000 years ago, why is bones from humans being carbon dated over 13000 years ago?

Where the hell was dinosaurs mentioned in the bible?

Have you read the bible for your self and not just taken interpritations from your preist/pastor?

Answer these questions first...
2012-06-14 14:46:03 UTC
Do you believe in enormous invisible pink leprechauns? No? Why not? What if I told you that they love you? Would THAT make you believe? What if I told you that if you don't believe in them, you'll live an eternity in agony? Would THAT make you believe? No? Why not?

Think about it. If you die and THEN find out that enormous invisible pink leprechauns are real, what will you think then? NOW will you believe? No? Why not?

Because, unthinking friend, you DON'T BELIEVE in them. It's not that you decided not to believe, you simply don't. No one decides their belief system, silly, they just realize what they believe and what they don't. If you can pick and choose your beliefs based on some hypothetical outcome, that doesn't actually qualify as a belief at all. Instead, that's called "pretending".

We don't have preconceived biases, dude. YOU do. We assume nothing, YOU do. We judge things based on what we see, hear, and learn. YOU judge things based on what you've been told and what you think must be the truth. Notice the difference?
2012-06-14 14:43:06 UTC
Well, there is the matter of all that evidence that we are primates evolved from other primates. I gather that you are very sincere and convinced of your god and it is hard for you to understand others don't see things that way but if you had been born in another place or another time, you would be just as sure of a god you do not currently believe in. You believe you have the key to salvation in your god and care enough to want to share it. Thank you but I think you are mistaken.
Dreamstuff Entity
2012-06-14 14:32:24 UTC
>are you really willing to roll the dice on eternity?

What if the god that really exists sends all good people to heaven and all bad people to hell except people who pretended to know for a fact another god existed? then all good atheists are going to heaven but YOU ARE GOING STRAIGHT TO HELL. Why not repent when you still have time? Why risk eternity in hell?

What if god loves music and sends all musicians to heaven, but all other people to hell? How can you risk eternal torture by not playing at least four hours a day?

And how can you worship a sadistic god that tortures good people - most of the people who ever lived - for all eternity?

Pascal's wager:

"If god exists, it's infinitely better to believe, since you get heaven instead of hell for eternity. If he doesn't, it doesn't matter since you're dead anyway. So overall it's better to believe"

This is, of course, false.

Some of the problems with the argument:

* The assumption that if a god really exists, he or she set up an afterlife with a heaven and hell

* The assumption that if a god really exists, he or she cares about belief in him/her above all else

* The assumption that if you believe in a god, it will definitely be the same god that actually exists.

* The assumption that you lose nothing if it's false. Religious belief costs people plenty - money donated to churches, time spent praying, marriages ending because of religious differences, lives lost because of relying on prayers or refused medical care, wars... need I go on?

* The assumption that people can believe in something simply because it benefits them. Would you believe goblins exist for twenty bucks? Why not?

* The assumption that any god won't see through the "believing just to get into heaven" ploy.
2012-06-14 14:40:36 UTC
Blah, blah, blah, blah!

You really need to stop telling other people what they believe in! You haven't a clue!

I believe that I have a god needed

A fictional being cannot love me

Faking a belief doesn't make it so

We aren't playing dice

You are coming across as a condescending, rude ignorant being and I don't need or want your apologies

Once again a fictional being can't be mad at me so no I don't think that

Save your breath I don't want your prayers

What you want or don't want doesn't concern me
2012-06-14 14:57:54 UTC
You think you are the first one to tell me this? You think I am going to up-end my whole view of life because of what MAY be waiting for me after death?

You don't know. I don't know. You can't give me any proof, but you want me to buy it anyway? Don't you use your head to buy a car or sack of sugar? What does it smell like, look like what does it FEEL like? Why can't I use the same power to decide my own opinions about gods and their myths?

I am willing to risk that my "I don't know" is just as good as YOURS.

I have read the Bible and lots of other religious texts. Have you? Do you see any relationships? I do!

I do not BELEIVE any of them.

I do respect that you are kind and well-meaning. I also want you to know that I am often kind and well-meaning. I would love for you to know that it is ok not to know answers to unanswerable quesitons and you can be kind and good without buying a rotten bag of sugar.

I think YOU are wasting brain cells on a delusion, but as long as you don't make laws against me, it is fine.

I do not pray for you, but I do vote believers OUT! It is for the good of my country and future generations that I want to keep this a free (ish) country, not a theocracy.

I think it is the height of arrogance and meddling to knock on people's doors and try to change their minds and hearts about a very personal and PRIVATE decision that adults make long before they get the knock. I would never do that, but when JWs, etc, come to my house, they get an earful!.
Doctor Pepper
2012-06-14 14:41:15 UTC
Why are you

---no reason to believe it. And most of it's supporters insist that it leads to the conclusion that an 'omnipotent entity loves us'. Deal breaker right there. Simply illogical.

and the story of a God that loves you unconditionally

---yup, there you go. Doin' it yourself. Ever watch the nightly news? Where was God's "love"?

and sent Jesus to die on the cross for your sin...

---sorry, isn't God 'omnipotent'? Can't he just forgive us? Hell, I can forgive people without killing one of my own kids first. Not that hard.

I'm skipping the rest. You're off to a real bad start.
2012-06-14 14:39:30 UTC
Preconceived bias? I used to be a Christian and I had no bias against believing but it just fell apart logic and evidence wise when I started thinking about it and analyzing the claims. Plenty of Christians and theists also except evolution theory based on the mountains of evidence.
2012-06-14 14:34:53 UTC
God and science can co-exist. Its called deism. I believe in god, just not your vengeful and jealous god. Not to mention my beliefs have nothing to do with how Christians act, it has to do with how ludicrous the holy bible is.

I can accept evolution, but also have my own person beliefs that it was the plan of a divine creator. God created science, so if any of your beliefs go against science you should probably re-evaluate your beliefs because they go against gods own creation.
2012-06-15 17:30:10 UTC
Atheist oh atheists..(even that name makes my skin crawl)

You are taking a ...HUUUGE GAMBLE!

Would you bid on a horse that if you win you win BIG BIG TIME and if you loose you loose nothing.

Would you bid on a horse that if you win you win nothing, and if you loose you LOOSE EVERYTHING.

Learnt that in Philosophy always better off believing :-) Not worth the risk.

Oh and you don't have to attach youself to a religion people, but inner faith is good thing. Read a little more about Jesus Christ, who knows could pay off just a little ;-)

Yes the world is full of failings and things we will never understand, but it is like expecting an ANT to understand what we are all about...

Come on think a little bigger people, life is a mystery, won't understand it all until we die, so don't bother trying.

Don't get caught up in the little things in the bible, and peoples behaviours we are human beings we fail....

But for goodness sake don't forget the main message...Jesus lives, whether you like it or not, love you all xxxx
2012-06-14 14:39:02 UTC
Egypt's first born. Amalikites. Flood. She bears sent to murder 42 children.

Your baby killing book god murders what it creates, murders babies and children for sport or for it's own selfish needs.

Yeah christians come across hateful because their book god comes across as hateful.

Worship a baby killer your gonna act like a baby killer, maybe you won't kill babies but you will act like an intolerant hate filled will act like a christian.

If there is some kind of supreme being out there it sure the hell is not a baby killer...

You can take the lie of love from a baby killer and shove it...and stay away from my children with your worship a baby killer idiot ideas.
2012-06-15 05:28:19 UTC
Oh my, you pray for all of us? That must be a right business, considering how many atheists there are in the world... "okay, so, Jane Whitlett, check... now three Hail Mary's for George Dirkson... then I'm going to bed."

Btw, "atheists and evolutionists" aren't the same thing. There are plenty of religious people who are evolutionists, because it's a logical theory supported by factual evidence, and sane people like that kind of stuff.
2012-06-16 20:54:29 UTC
I used to be a loving Christian. I prayed and worshipped and went to church everyday I could. I even read the Bible 4 times. Then, when I was abandoned emotionally and mentally when I needed him the most. He would never answer to me. I prayed harder and worshipped harder. He still didn't answer. Why though? Because he doesn't exist. If you want help me, please?
Color Del Sol
2012-06-14 14:34:02 UTC
The Bible is filled with inconsistencies that go against modern, proven science, therefore proving that it is not the work of an all-knowing deity, but that of primitive men. Refusing the accept that the ideas in the Bible are extremely outdated and obviously false causes immense setbacks towards humanity's intellectual growth. It is destructive and manipulative and should not affect our scientific community. Unfortunately, it constantly tries to.
2012-06-14 14:35:59 UTC
I don't just BELIEVE in science; I have DONE experiments myself, so I KNOW those work. I have WATCHED scientists CREATE water from gasses in the lab. Their other experiments, like the creation of life, and the creation of matter from nothing, I have only read about, but not in a tabloid, so I trust my sources.
2012-06-14 14:50:30 UTC
If God finds it necessary to ether kill or torture for eternity most all the people he created then he is a complete failure and if anyone wants to be like him they should think twice about what they are wanting to become.
2012-06-14 14:34:48 UTC
You have obviously not read any of the Old Testament or you wouldn't be calling this God loving or unconditional.

You believe because you are scared not to. You are scared of going to "hell".

If God created us, then why is it wrong to be homosexual? Why would he create humans only to teach intolerance of those he created? Especially when they are supposed to be in his image? And if he loves everyone?
Katie Bellâ„¢
2012-06-14 14:37:12 UTC
I'm fairly positive that my parents created me. Jus' sayin'.

But, no one can live a 'sinless life'. And I much rather live a life doing what I want instead of following a rule book. If we had to follow a rule book for life we would have been born with one. Literally.

2012-06-14 14:35:34 UTC
Two reasons.

1. The overwhelming amount of testable, verifiable evidence for the things I accept, such as us being animals.

2. The overwhelming LACK of the same kind of testable, verifiable evidence for any(not just yours but ANY) form of deity or supreme being.

Your patronizing tone is resented as well. You have to learn to accept the fact that some of us are fine without "gods". I won't try and stop you from believing as you choose as long as you don't try to force me to believe as you do. Deal with it.
Andrew H
2012-06-14 14:33:16 UTC
If Jesus died for my sins then why do Christians say I am still sinful?

If god loves me unconditionally then why is he gong to torture me for all eternity unless I submit to him?

Do you actually understand what the word "unconditional" means?
Dr. Facepalm
2012-06-14 14:36:44 UTC
Oh look, Pascal's wager and more after-death threats. Why am I not surprised?
2012-06-14 14:34:36 UTC
I at least give you credit for understanding there are non-Atheists that accept evolution.

Now if only you could refer to us as Christians that accept evolution over the demeaning term Evolutionist we'd be all set.
Lady Morgana
2012-06-14 14:41:16 UTC
Your argument proves nothing, makes no sense, and does nothing to convince anyone of your position.

Quit trying to convert us, we already know the truth. The REAL truth, not your preposterous version.
David W
2012-06-14 14:34:24 UTC
Because the Bible doesn't offer proof or show its working. No. No. "Oops". Yes. Thanks but it's unnecessary, I don't judge whole groups on the actions of individuals and I certainly don't hold you accountable for them. I don't believe you. Thanks for your concern, I think you're worrying about nothing though.
2012-06-15 01:04:46 UTC
Because the bible has no evidence to back up it's claims
2012-06-14 14:48:07 UTC

i've seen the light

your words have swayed me

from now on I dedicate myself to trying to make people believe what I believe

no matter how silly

because you prayed for me and nobody has ever done that for me in an Internet forum before


i am saved

i am a believer

now will you go away please
2012-06-14 14:36:40 UTC
If your god is so loving and all powerful etc. etc. then WHY DID HE CREATE MOSQUITOS AND THE DISEASES THEY CARRY??

In my opinion that was not an act of love!!
2012-06-14 14:44:57 UTC
nice one, now you see what kind of people atheists are?

that's like saying "hey amoeba, i'm sorry for what other people have done to you, i really love you, and i will help you" the amoeba is not going to understand what you are talking about, it does not understand anything, because it has no brain!!
Michael K
2012-06-14 14:33:33 UTC
This is Y! Answers, not Y! Proselytize. Move along.
Acid Zebra
2012-06-14 14:32:09 UTC
Hello Pascal's idiot wager, long time no see. Must be at least, oh, three hours since the last cretin came up with it.
2012-06-14 14:32:02 UTC
Reality isn't what I want it to be. Reality is.

I would rather believe Natalie Portman was my wife and I was rich and heaven was real. But that isn't the truth. What I want to be the truth does not influence the truth.
2012-06-14 14:35:18 UTC
i can't see him, so i dont believe it, plus, why is there so many religions, if his is the only real one

that dosent make sense to me
darwinsfriend3 AM
2012-06-14 14:32:07 UTC
Because the bible has no evidence to back up it's claims
2012-06-14 14:32:47 UTC
There is a talking snake right at the beginning. How much of a dumbass do you think I am?
2012-06-14 14:35:37 UTC
You need to be less nice and more skeptical.
2012-06-14 14:41:36 UTC
Quite clearly Poe... ;)

*tips hat*

2012-06-14 14:32:07 UTC
Thank you for your pompous and self-serving post. But I have my own beliefs.
2012-06-14 14:39:36 UTC
Even though you asked a genuine question, with no insults whatsoever in your details you recieve these responses:

"Nice sentiment. Now stop proselytizing. This is why we don't like you."

"Hello Pascal's idiot wager"

And some atheist wonder why Christians generally don't like them? I wonder why.
2012-06-14 14:40:52 UTC
your a crazy delusional person.
2012-06-14 14:32:08 UTC
Why don't you do any of that for Shiva, or Allah, or Maitreya?
2012-06-14 14:37:58 UTC
Atheist get rid of that stubborn behaviour and listen for once in your lives..
Ermahgerd Ferncer Ferst
2012-06-14 14:31:49 UTC
Nice sentiment. Now stop proselytizing. This is why we don't like you.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.