In a word....No!
Brother Christian women of the time of the Jesus (pbuh) did not worship Jesus (pbuh) but God. It is questionable today with many scholars that idol worshippers are permissible to marry as they are worshipping Jesus (pbuh) not God.
That issue aside, you cannot marry in a church surrounded by crosses and images of Jesus (pbuh) and to say vows to Jesus (pbuh).
I found this while searching for you..
Sheikh Sa`ûd al-Funaysân, former professor at al-Imâm University
''In Islam, going to a church or a mosque is not a condition for a valid marriage. A Muslim must seek blessings directly from God and only from God, and he must never seek blessings from priests, imams, or any other created beings.
I have two pieces of advice to offer on this matter:
The first is for the questioner. I sense from your question that you are intelligent and that you have a love for purity and decency. My sincere advice to you is not to demand to have the marriage performed in a church if that can at all be avoided.
My second piece of advice is addressed to your Muslim fiancé. Though he should do his best to convince you not to go to a church for the marriage if it can be avoided, he must allow you to attend church thereafter according to your wishes. He must teach you about the Islamic faith in a kind and understanding manner. He must show you Islam through his good and morally upright conduct more than through words and books.
I also say to him: If she insists on contracting the marriage in a church and regards the marriage to be invalid otherwise, then there is no problem with you going together to the church for that purpose. However, this is under the strict condition that you as a Muslim believe firmly in your heart that your going there does not bring about the validity of the contract in any way and that this act on your part is solely that of carrying out a civil procedure that for you as a Muslim man has nothing to do with the lawfulness of the contract with God.
And Allah knows best.''
I am not sure if this is correct or not but I have tried to show you many different answers to this question. Ultimately speak to your local Imam, seek knowledge from someone who can give a definite and correct answer. For me personally I do not see how it can be permissible but as you can see its a little hard to pinpoint a definiate answer.